Sports Luxe - Creative Research

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:: creative research

SPORTS LUXE FASHION TRIBE janalou cruz, nadia macharia & jessica stein

I N T R O concept and aims


Before can select one tribe, we want to do as much research as possible into all different types of tribes. By completing our research and creative methods, we hope to have discovered an insight into a particular tribe. We would like to find key themes that tie people in a tribe together.

:: secondary research & categorisation •

We found that fashion tribes are not necessarily as clear cut as they used to be; Punk, goth, hippie etc. There is now a difference between fashion tribes and style tribes. Fashion tribes are now more about social status and what one does within the fashion industry, whereas style tribes are more about how one chooses to dress themselves. Style tribes are not as clear cut and are a lot more fluid and inclusive than they used to be; grunge can be mixed with a high street millennial look.

e u q i n u t s o m e h t n e v d ..e n e t s u g n o m a s e k a l snowf ent r e f f i d o t to fall in . . s e u q i l c fashion

– Jake Woolf, Style Writer, GQ

sports luxe :: We wanted to work on something current and easy to work on within our time constraints. We thought we would get a good sample size since the tribe is based on making comfortable clothes fashionable, which we thought would be relevant to our potential sample. We thought it would be interesting to see if the people in this style tribe were actually gym goers or faux athleisure wearers who just liked the look.

:: primary research We decided to do an interactive sign up sheet because we wanted to think of an innovative way to gain research We had a huge piece of paper in the middle of the street saying “Do you wear Sports gear for fashion? If so… sign below!”

People came up and signed the sheet if they do wear sports gear as fashion The method made it so the people used the system 1 brain function - The paper automatically drew peoples attention and therefore were more inclined to read the question and take part. Also, the question is very simple so they would give a natural response.

:: primary research •

We got the people who signed the paper to fill out a questionnaire with a few simple questions

These included: Name, age, gender, course, sports brands they wear and short description of their daily routine.

The questionnaire gave a deeper insight into their lives and their personality.

The questionnaire gave us qualititative results, whereas the signed paper gave us quantitative results.

Furthermore, the questionnare uses system 2, as more thought has gone into answering the questions Refer to appendix

:: our results

•  •  •  •

17 people wear sportswear for fashion 11 out of 17 go the gym 6 out of 17 don’t go to the gym 6 out of 11 (who go the gym) do art/design at university.

17 people in sports luxe tribe

Gym goers 65%


Art Student 30%

Wears Nike and Adidas

:: data visualisation 75%




•  From our findings, the majority of people in the sports luxe tribe are gym goers and art/design students. The members are fashion conscious and creatives therefore sports brands can use this information to find new ways to communicate to their consumers. •  Nike and Adidas were the most popular brands - there is a gap in the market for brands to create new collections that are for fashion, not necessarily marketed for sports.

FURTHER INSIGHTS •  Going forward, the brands can market their sportswear collections in a different way •  They can collaborate with artists to design new lines •  Art gallery pop up shops •  New route to consumer

methodology table METHOD Sign-up sheet


To see how many people consider themselv es part of the Sports Luxe style tribe. To gain a sample for our question naire



There was no specific sample as we did not recruit people.

Out of the people who saw the poster, 17 individuals consider themselve s part of the Sports Luxe style tribe.


The method was able to generate data based on people using the system 1 brain function, which means we got authentic data, without the risk of demand characteristics. It is unusual and interactive, which meant it brought the sample to us.


Due to the weather we had to hold the poster down, which means people were not able to properly see the question.

Us not being there would have gotten us a larger sample size, as people passing may have felt a little nervous to come up.

On its own, this method doesn’t actually give any insight in to the lives of the people in the style tribe as it is purely quantitative.

The question may have been misinterpreted which could skew the sample size; there could be an air of bias

FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS If we were to get another chance to conduct this research again, would have the poster hung up in a more crowded area so that we could get a larger sample size. We would also stand at a bit of a distance so people who were interested could just come up and answer the question without feeling awkward, or intimidated by us being there.

methodology table METHOD





To gain insight in to the life of a person in the Sports Luxe style tribe.

17 parJcipants 4 Male 13 Female All aged between 18 and 25 years.

65% are gym goers. 35% are Art students. 5% are both Art students and gym goers. All wear the same two brands, Nike and Adidas


Its easy to conduct and pracJcal as the results are easily quanJfied and analysed, and can be done so by any one of the researchers. The results are quanJtaJve meaning drawing out themes and conclusions is simpler than having to transcribe and go through qualitaJve data.



•  There’s not way to tell how truthful the parJcipant is being; demand characterisJcs. •  Could be biased; the quesJons could ensure the outcome needed by the researcher.

If we had more Jme to conduct the research, we would have asked the parJcipants to keep a journal detailing their daily rouJne for a week. This would give us more insight in to their lives. AlternaJvely, we would conduct some ethnographic research, also giving us more in-depth insight in to the lives of the parJcipants. Would also look in to doing an online anonymous survey. This would give a larger sample size and limit discomfort felt due to physical interacJon.

conclusion In conclusion, we have discovered an insight into the sports luxe fashion tribe.



:: bibliography

:: appendix CONSENT FORMS

Rutherford. C, (2015), 11 Fashion Tribes You Should Know, Woolf. J, (2016), The 5 Style Tribes you need to know this Fall, Diamond. A, Instagram Style Tribes: Post-90’s Minimalism or Post-Childhood Feminism, (2016),

From Hippies to Hip-Hop Heads: 50 Years of Style Tribes – in pictures, (2015), Flaccavento. A, (2015), When in Paris, choose your Tribe, Varga. C, (2016), Athleisure Style Tribes, DeLeon. J, (2016), Modern Men’s Style Tribes, Style Tribes: The Fashion of Subcultures, Young, C. (n.d.). Style tribes, 2016


:: creative research

SPORTS LUXE FASHION TRIBE janalou cruz, nadia macharia & jessica stein

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