Café Life_105_August21

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CAFÉ life

Tasting the lifestyle of the café sector

No.105 I August 2021









Finest Belgian 811 Chocolate (54.5% Min. cocoa) 1x2.5kg

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Callebaut Chocolate

03/08/2021 10:05


Chickpea Blondie recipe









Finest Belgian 811 Chocolate (54.5% Min. cocoa) 1x2.5kg

for more easy menu ideas to make you A great margin visit


9035_2021_3 - Callebaut - Cafe Life IFC.indd 1


Callebaut Chocolate

04/08/2021 09:30



38 The London Coffee


This issue looks ahead to three much-awaited events taking place next month – Caffè Culture, the lunch! show (co-located with Casual Dining and Commercial Kitchen) and the London Coffee Festival. Our features consider autumn eating, the drive to be more aware of the packaging food and beverage operators use and its recyclability, and biscuits. Opinions are shared on coffee supply and roasting, as well as the increasing appeal of outdoor seating.

Clare Benfield - Editor

4 Glebe Farm wins court case against Oatly in infringement claims. 5 Latest GDP figures shows importance of hospitality sector in driving economic recovery. 6 200 Degrees Coffee Roasters opens new coffee shop in York. 8 The Roastery become an exclusively certified organic supplier. CAFÉ LIFE ASSOCIATION 16 Breakfast sandwiches to be promoted. PREVIEWS

Festival. FEATURES 18 Reduce, re-use, recycle packaging and waste. 24 Autumn eating – new menu ideas. 30 Something ‘treatier’ – biscuits bite back. ARTICLES 28 Quality, branding and experience – Masteroast poised to celebrate 40 years. 40 Carefully curated spaces – outdoor furniture advice.

14 lunch!


34 Caffè Culture.

37 New products.

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Glebe Farm wins court case against Oatly in infringement claims The 5 August 2021 saw British oat milk producer, Glebe Farm ( - a business established in oat milling and cereal production for over 30 years and makers of oat milk for nearly three years – win the legal case brought against it by oat drink giant Oatly for trademark infringement and passing off following Glebe’s use of the brand PureOaty on their gluten-free oat milk. In what the company describe as a “complete victory”, in the judgement the judge dismissed all Oatly’s claims of trademark infringement and passing off. Phillip Rayner, owner and managing director of Glebe Farm commented: “We have had the threat of this court case - which has pitched our challenger brand against Oatly’s multinational business - looming over us for more than a year. We have always felt certain that we have done nothing wrong, and we were determined to fight Oatly’s claims that our brands were similar something that is now proven to be wrong. “You only need to look at the two products and packaging side by side to appreciate how different these brands are, and how unnecessary this legal action was. We greatly appreciate the huge support that PureOaty and Glebe Farm have received from around the world including 130,000 signatures on a petition; and many comments online have described this as a true David and Goliath battle. “Oatly has claimed that this legal action is just standard business practice. However, it was very clear to us that this was not the case. We decided it was time to stand up to this behaviour, and that in our view ‘corporate might does not make right’. “In response to public and industry criticism, Oatly has claimed that it first tried to engage Glebe Farm in ‘constructive conversation’ but in our view a threat of legal action never felt ‘constructive’ and we felt there was no compromise or dialogue offered. It is enormously gratifying that the judge 4 CAFÉ LIFE | AUGUST 2021

has ruled in our favour, and to see that smaller independent companies can fight back and win. “The facts are that we have never wanted to be an Oatly clone. Pride in our own product aside, as British farmers we do not agree with any brand that comes across as anti-farming in its approach. “Our brand name is PureOaty because our oat milk is made from pure gluten-free oats and just three other ingredients. The claimant has tried to cast our name incorrectly as “Oaty” as an attempt to include that common word in their brand portfolio. However, even if it were Oaty, would you expect everyone to be prevented from using the word ‘milky’ if a large multinational had trademarked ‘Milk-ly’? We are pleased to have our trademark position vindicated by the judge.” The court hearing occurred on 9 and 10 June 2021 and examined wide ranging aspects of alleged relevant intellectual property including choice of language and typefaces, the use of the colour blue and the detail of a coffee cup appearing on the PureOaty pack. Glebe Farm’s counsel took time to question the originality of Oatly’s ‘wackaging’ and expressed surprise at the paucity of evidence Oatly brought of any consumer confusion between the brands before heading to court.

Ultimately, however, the judge found that there is no likelihood of confusion between the Pureoaty name and look of the carton, and any of the Oatly trademarks. Further, the judge ruled against Oatly’s allegation that Glebe Farm intended to gain some unfair advantage, and having reviewed all the evidence and contemporaneous documents he was fully satisfied that there was no intention as attributed by Oatly. Philip Rayner added: “There is room in a growing category for alternatives. We’d like to think growth opportunities come from positivity in broadening sector choice, rather than from trying to shut things down and limiting consumer options. “All of us at Glebe Farm are excited to put this matter behind us now so we can focus our time on serving our loyal customers and the British public with pure, sustainable oats and oat milk without corporate lawsuits distracting from our day-to-day priorities.”

COMMENT FROM OATLY “For all of you who have been following our case with Glebe Farm, well the verdict is in, and we lost. And while to some, this might be seen as vindication for small oat drink companies over big oat drink companies, we actually never saw it that way,” Erica Wigge, Oatly PR manager EMEA, told Café Life. “For us, this case has always been about protecting our trademark and how the single letter Y creates too much of a similarity between OATY and OATLY. If we were to let one company pass because they, like Glebe Farm, seem to be one of the good guys, that might leave the door open for the bad ones. Truth is, we love all oat drink companies and never brought this case to damage Glebe Farm. In fact, we want them to thrive and help bring products into the world that are good for the planet. We just think they should do so in their own unique voice, just like we do. “And while we would have preferred a different result, we fully accept the court’s decision and will not make an appeal. We wish Glebe Farm total success in their plant-based journey moving forward.”


Latest GDP figures shows importance of hospitality sector in driving economic recovery Data published by the ONS (12 August 2021) has revealed the UK economy grew by 4.8% in Q2 2021 as coronavirus restrictions were lifted. Further analysis as part of the UKHospitality Quarterly Tracker, produced by CGA, shows the significant contribution made by the sector; responsible for 40% of the UK’s total economic growth from Q1 to Q2 2021, they observe. Commenting on the latest figures, UKHospitality chief executive Kate Nicholls said: “These figures not only show the importance of the hospitality sector to the UK economy, even in the severely restricted and beleaguered state it was in during the second quarter of this year, but also demonstrate its real potential to power a wider economic recovery now trading restrictions have finally been eased after almost 18 months. “However, this was not a period characterised by booming sales and plain sailing for the sector, but many weeks where businesses were still operating under strict restrictions and experienced a multitude of challenges brought about by the pandemic. What should be remembered is that the sector collectively lost over £100bn in sales across the course of the pandemic – a truly staggering figure.

“To help safeguard the future of the sector and its recovery, we urge the government to continue to work closely with businesses to help them navigate the challenges that we will undoubtedly face in the months ahead and to create a business landscape that will help return businesses to profitability as quickly as possible. Measures we are calling for include the urgently needed reform of business rates and a permanently lowered rate of VAT.”

Lichfield’s Damn Fine café wins a Gaggia La Precisa! The Damn Fine Café in Lichfield now boasts an impressive new Gaggia La Precisa coffee machine, after winning the recent competition promoted by Café Life magazine. “I decided to enter purely on the basis that I had nothing to lose,” said winner Sophia Charalambous, owner of the Damn Fine Café. “To say I was stunned when I got the call from Evoca is an understatement!” The timing of Sophia’s good fortune couldn’t have been better. “I inherited my espresso machine when I bought the café just over three years ago,” she explained. “It had been showing signs of its age for a while, so I knew I was going to have to invest sooner rather than later. When were closed due to lockdown, I had a chance to refresh the café’s branding and the décor, and to think about what I wanted from my next

espresso machine.” The Café Life magazine prize was originally intended to be one of Gaggia’s La Decisa machines, but as it turned out, it was La Precisa that ticked all of the Damn Fine Café’s boxes. “It was very kind of the Gaggia team at Evoca to offer us an upgrade from La Decisa to La Precisa,” added Sophia Charalambous. “We all agreed that the red machine would make a bold impact

and stand out on our counter – and we weren’t wrong! Our regular customers have commented on how fantastic it looks. What’s more, the staff love the new machine, too. It’s given my team a renewed sense of pride in their work, and they’re loving using it.” “We were very clear that our aim for this competition was to support a hospitality venue at the precise moment it was allowed to re-open,” said Evoca sales director, Craig Jukes. “We’re delighted we’ve been able to provide such tangible support to an independent business at this crucial time. The Damn Fine Café’s ethos mirrors what Gaggia has always stood for - style, dedication and hard work. We hope that La Precisa will be a fantastic addition to the offer and that it will help Sophia and her team to maintain their enviable ranking as one of Lichfield’s top cafés.”



200 Degrees Coffee Roasters open new coffee shop in York Nottingham-based 200 Degrees Coffee have opened their new coffee shop in the historic city of York. The 82-seat shop has created 15 new full-time and part-time jobs in the heritage retail setting of 68 Low Petergate, just a short walk from many major tourist attractions including York Minster and The Shambles. 200 Degrees Director, Tom Vincent said: “This shop should have been open last April but we’re finally here and we hope our independent attitude and relaxed way of doing things will add to this fantastic area. “We’re keen to join the local business community in York and support the thriving visitor economy in any way we can, possibly by treating some people to a coffee and one of our delicious vegan brownies. I’m also hoping to use my new joke about the shop being close to a shambles as many times as possible.

“There’s lots to like including our hand roasted coffee and food that’s freshly made in our kitchen every day. We’ll be open early for our usual range of breakfasts and concentrating extra hard on maintaining the high quality of our takeaway service.” 200 Degrees was set up by Tom Vincent and his business partner, Rob Darby, in 2012 and now has 14 ‘distinctively independent’ coffee shops as well as its Roast House near Trent Bridge in Nottingham. The York coffee shop follows the opening of 200 Degrees Manchester and Cannock, which opened in May and June respectively.

Twinings launch new foodservice exclusive range Black tea may still be the nation’s favourite, but tea expert Twinings says that it is shaking up the market with the launch of a new ‘foodservice exclusive’ large leaf pyramid range. With 11 tea blends, in biodegradable pyramids, this new collection will satisfy 97% of consumer needs and 100% of foodservice operator’s requirements. Aidan Ledger, head of new business OOH at Twinings Foodservice commented: “For over 300 years Twinings has blended the finest teas. We are master blenders, experts in botanicals and the No.1 tea brand in out of home and retail (Allegra Tea Out of Home Report 2019). “This year, we launch the ultimate tea range, a collection of 11 blends that our research tells us will satisfy 97% of consumer needs. We’ve also listened to our customers and the foodservice industry as a whole who have told us they want tea to be more versatile and more than just water, a bag and milk in a cup. They want tea that is on trend, can be dressed up, works with alternative milks, blends with ice, can be offered across day parts, served as a non-alcoholic drink with meals, and essentially can give them added value and a reason to charge more. And that is exactly what we have just launched. “This range is also exclusive to foodservice, you won’t find these blends anywhere else, and we’ve created six

brand new flavours that our consumer research tells us are going to be incredibly popular. “We know that consumers are looking for new experiences, they want guilt free indulgence as they focus on their health and wellbeing. Experiences are important and they want a drink that they just can’t replicate at home, something really unique, and that is what we are offering. We have a new and fantastic range of promotional merchandise, including a full complement of digital assets to help operators to create their online menus and apps.” As well as the favoured Full English, All Day Decaf, The Earl, Thoroughly Minted and Simply Sencha, the six new flavours are Strawberry Green Tea, Revive Raspberry & Vitamin C (contains 75% of daily vitamin C requirements which helps contribute to normal energy-yielding metabolism), Honey & Rooibos, Mango & Pineapple, Unwind Spiced Apple & Camomile and Dark Caramel. The ‘foodservice exclusive’ collection has been designed to be versatile and enables operators to give an enhanced serve experience, hot or cold, say Twinings, whether it’s iced Honey & Rooibos with frothed oat milk, chilled Strawberry Green with elderflower presse or a warming Unwind (spiced apple & camomile) almond milk latte, suggest the company.



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13/08/2021 15:20


The Roastery become an exclusively certified organic coffee supplier The Roastery, an award-winning small batch coffee roaster based in Wellingborough Northamptonshire, has announced it has become an exclusively organic coffee roastery, buying their coffee direct from a biodynamic, organic estate in Camocim in Brazil to ensure they have not come into contact with any synthetic pesticides, fungicides and herbicides. Coffee is the third-most sprayed agricultural crop, behind cotton and tobacco, they point out. The Pesticide Action Network UK reports that acute exposure to pesticides can be toxic to humans, so not only does the environment suffer, so do the farmers who are exposed to a high level of chemicals while spraying the crops. The surrounding communities are also impacted through chemical residues in the air and water. Starting the organic journey back in 2019, the Roastery’s managing director, Marcel Binley, travelled to Camocim in Brazil to visit organic coffee farms. It took 12 months of site visits and surveys for the Roastery to become organic certified. Deciding to make the move to only selling organic coffee was a pivotal move for the small coffee business as it means a significant increase in price of the crops and a dramatic decrease in the coffee they can purchase, they report. Since becoming fully organic, the Roastery has also moved to a completely sustainable coffee packaging, along with becoming members of 1% for the planet.

Commenting on the announcement, Marcel Binley said: “Making the move to selling solely organic evidences our drive and ambition to become one of the major operators within the UK coffee industry. It is an incredible achievement and shows the hard work and dedication that has gone into the production of our award-winning coffee.” The Roastery says that it also aims to continually strive to become as sustainable as possible as it continues to grow.

Van Houten launches ruby chocolate drink powder Van Houten, the cocoa pioneer brand of Barry Callebaut, is launching a brand-new powdered chocolate drink made from ruby chocolate and will be available to the UK hospitality sector. While cafés, bars and restaurants are slowly re-opening around the UK, Van Houten says that it aims to innovate and support the sector in its recovery by launching a brand new powdered chocolate drink made from ruby chocolate. The brand, founded by the Dutch Van Houten family more than 200 years ago and owned by the Barry Callebaut Group since 1998, claims to be the first to introduce ruby chocolate in a powdered form. This innovative new product will initially be offered to the hospitality sector, specifically to baristas and coffee bars enabling them to be more creative than ever before and offer guests a brand-new chocolate drinking experience. 8 CAFÉ LIFE | AUGUST 2021

“The new Van Houten ruby chocolate drink confirms the brand’s status as a cocoa pioneer,” said Freek van der Knaap, vice-president vending & beverages EMEA. “This chocolate drink has all the flavour and colour of ruby chocolate and the powder dissolves very easily in any type of milk, or hot and cold applications. It’s the perfect option for when speed and preparation is important. This is a real innovation for the beverages industry, and we are proud to be the first company to offer this brand new product. Studies have shown that ruby chocolate, with its characteristic colour and aromas, responds to a consumer need that is not met by dark, milk or white chocolate.” In 2017, Barry Callebaut, a manufacturer of high quality chocolate and cocoa products, revealed ruby, the

fourth type of chocolate, and which they describe as an intense sensorial delight. The unique processing of the product unlocks its naturally present flavour and colour tone from the ruby cocoa bean, and no berries, berry flavour or colour have been added to this product, they point out (ruby chocolate is considered as one of the greatest breakthroughs in the chocolate industry in decades and is now available across the world).


Black Insomnia launch Cold Brew The Black Insomnia Coffee Company have launched Cold Brew, an allnatural, additive-free cold brewed coffee to expand their existing range of ‘4 x stronger than average’ coffees, say the company. This coffee can be served either cold or ambient, and as Black Insomnia explain, the name is not derived from the drinking temperature, but from the brewing temperature.

“Cold brewed coffee is huge in the US, and the UK is rapidly following. It’s the trend of the moment in the coffee market! Also, cold brewed coffee is that much smoother because of the absence of a high temperature during the brewing process, which means the coffee has little to no bitterness, and is gentler on the stomach too,” said CEO, Jim Walker. Black Insomnia Cold Brew is based on 90g of coffee per litre, extracted in

cold spring water over 14 hours, resulting in a very smooth yet super intense taste and a very high caffeine level. It comes in two versions - the sugar-free Pure, and the sweetened version, with 3g of sugar per 100mls. It is also made from the same allnatural Black Insomnia Dark Roast coffee which uses a traditional Italian brewing method dating back to 1932, add the firm.

Sales soar despite hospitality closures Pâtisserie experts, Brioche Pasquier, report that they have seen sales of their French macarons dramatically increase over the last year, despite the hospitality closures forced by Covid. The company’s most recent sales figures reveal substantial growth for their light and airy macarons with a year-on-year increase of 49.7% since May 2020, they have announced, the growth coming in quick service which accounted for 51% of their macarons sales last year. “We believe that this is down to people choosing smaller, lighter cakes and treats for health reasons,” said Matthew Grenter, foodservice sales manager. “The café trade was able to continue trading with a takeaway offering through most of the pandemic, and it is clear from our figures that people wanted to treat themselves, but were choosing a lighter style of sweet treat. “Our pretty macarons come in in six fruit varieties and offer little clouds of flavour which are perfect to serve as a Café Gourmande at the end of a meal. This practice of a trio of bite-sized sweet treats instead of a plate of rich pudding is we believe likely to be the go-to on trend dessert of the coming year.” However, it is not just small bites that are doing well. The company’s individual tartelettes have also shown 2.36% growth over this difficult year with 24% being sold in hotels and 12% in pubs and restaurants, they note, with pâtisserie options like these looking elegant and refined due to their precise presentation. Made by skilled pâtissiers from fresh and wholesome ingredients, the range is beautiful to look at and requires no kitchen skill to make or serve, point out the company, giving operators a wide range of options and meaning that any member of the kitchen team can assemble and present them with a simple sprinkle of icing sugar and a summer berry or two. THECAFELIFE.CO.UK | AUGUST 2021 | CAFÉ LIFE 9


Chocolate as nature intended First announced in September 2019, it took Cacao Barry’s expert teams almost two years to bring their concept to fruition, pursuing the goal to answer chefs’ high expectations of wholesome indulgence with no compromise on exceptional taste with the launch of Wholefruit chocolate and its first zesty and fruity expression, Evocao, designed by and for chef artisans, say the company. This new type of chocolate is the very first Cacao Barry couverture chocolate made from 100% pure cacaofruit, claim the company. It’s sustainably sourced and carries a short, clean label - no refined sugars, no lecithin, no vanilla. This unique identity gives it an unparalleled aromatic profile that unlocks many new flavour possibilities to explore, add Cacao Barry, Evocao being the first signature expression of its Wholefruit range with others set to follow as of 2022.

Chef Ramon Morató, creative director of Cacao Barry sees Wholefruit chocolate as more than just a chocolate, but a movement. “The values associated with this chocolate are a way of understanding life through sustainability, waste reduction, upcycling and a healthier diet to have better care for our planet,” he commented. “During the process of creating different recipes, we integrated these values that were somewhat already part of our way of seeing the profession, but that we wanted to make much more visible now to highlight even more our commitment to what we think is the future... This is just the beginning.” Wholefruit Evocao’s natural acidity and fruity notes, reminiscent of exotic fruits, make it a powerful chocolate without comparison with what is available on the market today, propose the company, and for the first time a chocolate reveals in depth all the flavours and natural freshness of the cacaofruit, they claim.

For centuries the cacao fruit, one of the most grown fruit in the world, was harvested mainly for its beans to craft chocolate, leaving 70% of the rest of the fruit discarded as waste, they point out. Today, however, Cacao Barry is partnering with Cabosse Naturals who upcycles the delicious pulp and peel into a range of 100% pure cacao fruit ingredients.

Carpigiani UK announce launch of Synthesis 2 Carpigiani UK have announced the launch of the Synthesis 2 - an innovative modular system to produce and display gelato in one. Simply pour the mix into one of the cylinders and it is transformed into delicious gelato, stored at the optimal temperature and ready to serve to customers, claim the company. Each cylinder can pasteurise and batch freeze, no need to extract and blast freeze, no thermal shock, just delicious gelato ready to serve in a modern, stylish modular unit. Paul Ingram, managing director at Carpigiani UK commented: “This is one impressive piece of equipment. A stylish and innovative system designed with modern operators in mind. We know the space constraints that exist within busy kitchens and shops and the Synthesis 2 has this amazing ability 10 CAFÉ LIFE | AUGUST 2021

to create delicious gelato, freeze it and keep it at the perfect temperature, ready to serve to customers. “It uses Carpigiani’s Hard-O-Tronic® and Teorema systems and each individual cylinder has its own LCD to show the selected program, targeted, current and final consistency as well as a modifiable storage temperature, and even the speed of the agitator can be adjusted, delivering a perfect batch of gelato. When ready, the gelato is maintained at the selected temperature, ready to be served and the transparent cylinder lids ensure that customers can see the product and choose their favourite. It really is a great system for a gelato shop and the modular units each feature two cylinders that can be built up to whatever number is required for the outlet.

“It’s really great for a range of businesses. Smaller operators can squeeze in one unit with the two cylinders and larger outlets can assemble the system in multiples of two which really increases flexibility. It’s also great for a restaurant or café that might be considering adding takeaway gelato to their menu.”


Taylor UK supplying La Cimbali’s latest Taylor UK has announced that it is now supplying La Cimbali’s latest powerful automatic bean to cup coffee machine, the S15 The S15 combines La Cimbali’s knowledge of coffee machines, gained since it was founded in 1912, with the latest technology to create a powerful and flexible automatic coffee maker that can produce up to 96 different high quality drinks automatically, making it easy to tailor make a perfect coffee menu, say the company. With a maximum output of 150 cups a day, the S15 is ideal for smaller locations that want to provide high quality coffee without a larger, more technical espresso machine, Taylor UK advise. The S15 is available in fully or semiautomatic versions. The fully automatic version is ideal for self-service applications, while the semi-automatic has a milk wand that allows operators

to create different drinks simply. Both versions include a dual hopper system that provides an ample supply of coffee beans, with an optional hopper that can hold chocolate powder, further increasing the unit’s versatility. Both models also feature an innovative automatic washing system that provides a thorough clean to guarantee hygienic and efficient operation. Controlled via a simple yet powerful touchscreen interface, the S15s can also be fully customised according to requirements (video clips, screensavers and animations can all be added to help it fit with a location’s branding, as well as providing simple instructions for customers for selfservice operations). “La Cimbali have been at the forefront of the development of coffee machines for over a century,” said David Rees, marketing manager of

Taylor UK. “The S15 reflects that depth of expertise, making it simple for operators to provide customers with a high quality coffee menu at the touch of a button.” List prices for the S15 start at £10,300+VAT.

New flavours for Radnor’s Infusions brand Infusions, the new flavoured Welsh sparkling spring water brand from Radnor, has launched two new flavours for retailers. Blackberry & Pomegranate and Mango & Pineapple have been added to the range. Infusions, crafted in the ancient county of Radnorshire, is made using spring water with a gentle sparkle and delicately infused with flavours and extracts, and has been designed as a soft drink which also makes a refreshing mixer for gin and vodka, the company sugget. Canned at source in mid Wales, Infusions comes in two other flavours – Lemon & Mint and Raspberry & Black Cherry. The drinks are sugar, sweetener, calorie and preservative free and come in an infinitely recyclable can. All are packed on Radnor’s zero to landfill site in Wales. Both Lemon & Mint and Raspberry & Black Cherry flavours were shortlisted in the Health & Wellbeing Awards 2021 and Lemon & 12 CAFÉ LIFE | AUGUST 2021

Mint Infusions won a Highly Commended in the Grocer New Product Awards. Infusions launched with its first two flavours in June in Sainsbury’s and is also available from Ocado as well as a number of leading wholesalers and contract catering suppliers.

William Watkins, managing director of Radnor, said: “We crafted Infusions to target a consumer looking to drink something other than plain water but who didn’t want the additives and calories that come with many sparkling drinks.”

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lunch! draws record number of new exhibitors for comeback ‘supershow’ As the café, coffee shop and food to go sector looks forward to the return of lunch!, on 23 and 24 September 2021, the show’s organisers have revealed a preview of the brands set to be exhibiting there. lunch! 2021 will be showcasing more new and emerging brands than ever before, with first-time exhibitors making up an impressive 30% of the list. Among them are Luxuryshakes Ltd, OmniPork, Unrooted Drinks, Driver’s Pickles, HiP, Mindful Snacker, The Vurger Co and Peter’s Yard. The show has also announced the return of many big-name brands including Hippeas, UCC Coffee UK Ltd, Rombouts Coffee, Soho Sandwich Company Limited, Chapter Coffee, Cawston Press, Around Noon, NOBL Thirst Ltd, Delice de France, Proper, Tony’s Chocolonely, Innocent and Magrini (who will again be sponsoring the VIP lounge). Speaking of the last lunch! show, Magrini’s Amanda Grove said: “The quality of visitors was exceptional… It was our best show to date with so much genuine interest from the food to go sector.” The year’s show will also boast a huge range of exclusive product launches and its biggest ever Start Up Zone. Now in its fourteenth year, lunch! continues to exceed expectations among industry leaders. itsu and Pret a Manger founder, Julian Metcalfe, said: “lunch! gets better every year, it’s the best show around and puts innovation right at the heart of our sector.” Group event director, Chris Brazier, added: “We love the fact that companies recognise lunch! as the perfect place to showcase their most exciting new products. This year is no exception and quality buyers are going to see a huge number of exclusive product launches. We’re delighted to be back and to be connecting to suppliers and operators when they need it most. A huge thank you to all our supporters.” Among the many brands exclusively launching products at lunch! will be Delice de France, Driver’s Pickles, Luker Chocolate, Ruby’s Food Products, Sigma Alimentos Europe, Waterbomb Ltd and Zess. In addition, hundreds of brands are bringing new products to the show, including Barebells, Boka Food, Flower and White, Food Connections Ltd, GATO, GFT Retail UK, Glebe Farm Foods,

lunch! 2021 takes place on 23-24 September at ExCeL London; registration is free and strictly for members of the trade only. For more information and to register for your free trade pass, visit and use priority code VLU1 (alternately, use direct link: FoodPortfolioShows2021.aspx?TrackingCode=VLU1).

The Good Till Co Ltd, NOCCO, ONOFF My Thai Taste, Plamil Foods, Rombouts Coffee, Soreen, Source of the Earth, Veg of Lund and Zumex. Alongside the 300 exhibiting brands, visitors will be able to discover and vote for their favourite new food to go products in the Innovation Challenge Gallery. This prestigious competition showcases products launched within the last 12 months, with finalists taking part in lively on-stage pitches to a judging panel of industry buyers. The response to the Innovation Challenge, which has already received a remarkable number of entries, reflects just how vibrant this industry is. This year’s nominations so far come from Brite Drinks, Cano Drinks Ltd, Cocabana, GATO & Co, Itsu grocery ltd, Luker Chocolate, Simply Lunch, St Michel Biscuits, Upbeat Drinks, Quick Crepes, Nourish.growcookenjoy Ltd, Gimber, The Gut Stuff, Ballymaloe, FUL Foods BV, Waterbomb, LunchMate, The Good Till Co., Re:Nourish, The Collective, Celebration Packaging, Organix, Nuttalls, Dairy Concepts and Brezelbackerei Ditsch. The full, ever-expanding exhibitor list can be viewed online at the show’s web site (, and promises to include the latest innovations in food, drink, packaging and equipment products. In addition, this year’s lunch! is co-located with sister shows Casual Dining and Commercial Kitchen, making it an unmissable two days for retail, foodservice and hospitality buyers. “I’m really excited to be attending lunch! and to have the industry come back together, which is critical as we collectively focus on safely emerging stronger from this pandemic,” said Neil Lake, managing director of Costa and a lunch! 2021 keynote speaker.



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Association update




Breakfast sandwich promotion A campaign to promote breakfast sandwich sales this autumn is being planned to launch in September as people are expected to return to their offices. The Your Breakfast is Waiting campaign is designed to encourage consumers to think about the breakfast sandwiches they have been missing – and it’s entirely free for retailers and foodservice operators to take part. Over the course of a week –


from 22 September 2021 – the Association will be running an intensive campaign to promote breakfast sandwiches, using TV, radio, print and online media. While the campaign will talk about all the benefits of having a good sandwich breakfast to start the day, it will not focus on any specific products, giving retailers and caterers the flexibility to promote whatever breakfast products they want. Full details can be found on

the Association website (www., including artwork for the campaign logo that can be used by operators to link their own promotions to the campaign. “After the difficulties our industry has faced over the last 18 months, we hope this campaign will help to encourage consumers back by reminding them of the breakfasts they used to enjoy on their way to work,” said the Association’s director, Jim Winship.

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WASTE MANAGEMENT as does the amount of packaging that can be recycled. The coffee sector is putting pressure on manufacturers to move to recyclable and compostable plastics, the British Coffee Association (BCA) having published a goal to push the industry to achieve zero-waste packaging by 2025.



RECYCLE New recycling schemes, materials and collection processes are helping the sector to make better use of its waste products. PLASTIC WASTE REDUCTION For some years now, there has been a steady drive for us all to consume less plastic. According to the British Coffee Association, the UK government estimates that the UK uses five million tonnes of plastic each year, nearly half of which is packaging. Although household waste recycling rates have risen in the UK from around 11% in 2000/2001 to about 45% in 2018, there is a long way to go. 18 CAFÉ LIFE | AUGUST 2021

Businesses that signed up to the UK Plastics Pact, led by the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) in conjunction with the government and various NGOs, have committed to eliminate “problematic” or singleuse plastics altogether. Progress is being made. In the year 2018/2019, Pact members reduced the number of items classed as problematic by 40%. The amount of recycled plastic used to create packaging continues to increase,

INTRODUCING COMPOSTABLE Recyclable plastic is one route for coffee brands to go down, though recycling takes significant resources to follow through. Another is compostable plastic. This is by nature “the cleanest type of packaging available”, says Simon Roberts, commercial director of Roberts Mart, a familyowned manufacturer of compostable packaging based in Leeds that has grown to a turnover of £40 million. “It’s from nature to nature, effectively,” says Simon Roberts. “As it is primarily derived from plant-based materials, through composting it can return to the earth in a closed-loop system.” Currently, compostable packaging accounts for only 0.5% of consumer plastic packaging in the UK, according to WRAP. The market is growing, Simon Roberts reports, Roberts Mart having achieved four major European compostable packaging launches, one of which is with Cafés Novell. However, producing the packaging required to ensure coffee has a long enough shelflife has taken much finessing, say the company. Victoria Garside, operations manager of Cafés Novell UK adds: “Our ‘No Waste’ range of compostable products, which includes both packets and capsules, offers a real alternative to the waste currently generated by aluminium coffee capsules and plastic barrier coffee packs. Cafés Novell has been pioneering the use of this packaging across Europe for some time and are now delivering it across the UK from our base in Yorkshire.” COMPOSTABLE CHALLENGES In general, the adoption of compostable plastics is being held back in the UK for two reasons, it is


THE CUP FUND The Cup Fund is funding and supporting 12 projects to introduce coffee cup recycling facilities in high footfall areas across the UK, funded by the Starbucks 5p charge on singleuse cups. It came from the understanding that there is now more than enough capacity in the UK to recycle all of the coffee cups we get through each year, but there are a lack of publicfacing recycling bins that make it is easy for the public to do the right thing. From Cumbria to Bristol, cup recycling bins have been established on high streets, in offices, shopping centres, retail parks, train stations, service stations and universities. It includes iconic locations such as London’s South Bank, Oxford, York and Bristol. In the Loop Hubbub has been running In the Loop to trial new ways to improve ‘on the go’ recycling of plastic bottles, cans and cups. Less than half of local authorities offer recycling bins on the high street and even when they do the material is often of insufficient quality to be recycled. That’s why in 2018 they teamed up with Leeds City Council and other local partners to run Leeds By Example, a twelve month recycling on the go trial which almost tripled the number of people recycling in Leeds city centre. Since then, In the Loop has successfully been rolled out to Swansea, Edinburgh, Dublin and London Borough of Merton, with more to come in 2021.


felt - a lack of consumer awareness about what to do with compostable packaging, and a lack of infrastructure across the UK for handling such packaging. Helping consumers to know what to do with compostable packaging boils down to getting the labelling right. To be classed as compostable, the packaging must be certified by TUV Austria with the OK compost label, designated to be compostable at home or industrially. This badge must be displayed clearly on all labelling. “If a consumer doesn’t understand where a pack will compost, they will put it in landfill or recycling. It will either contaminate the recycling system or go into landfill, where it will biodegrade eventually but will release methane,” says Simon Roberts. The second, major challenge is infrastructure. WRAP reports that 160 councils across the UK covering 11.7 million households currently do not provide food waste collections, for instance. In 2020, the government committed to rolling out food waste collection across the country by 2023 as part of its Environmental Bill, but many local authorities have said that this will create significant infrastructure challenges. Until facilities are improved for composting, however, compostable packaging will not reach its potential.

Countries across Europe are much further ahead in handling both recyclable and compostable plastics. Victoria Garside points out how Cafés Novell’s Spanish parent company has rolled out widescale facilities across the country for industrial packaging, while Italy’s trade association for compostable packaging Assobioplastiche is making real headway too. PRESSURE IS GROWING Happily, the pressure on all elements of supply chains to reduce single-use plastics is only going to increase. In summer 2021, the plastic tax came into force in the UK - a new tax that applies to packaging that does not contain at least 30% recycled plastic. Supermarkets and manufacturers will face increased pressure to find alternatives that fall into four categories - reusable, recyclable, biodegradable or compostable. The BCA is also calling for more pressure to be put on local authorities to increase the UK’s infrastructure to handle compostable plastics. Its report Bean to Bean and Beyond states: “As new packaging innovations and compostable solutions become more readily available, it is important to keep in touch with and drive innovation in other related industries such as the




WASTE MANAGEMENT waste collection and recycling sector. Waste and collection services in the UK now face an innovation challenge in being able to cope with the increasing volume and different types of compostable waste at scale.” Consumers repeatedly demonstrate a willingness to support recyclable or compostable packaging and many make brand choices based on sustainability. The pressure is now on the UK’s local authorities to find a way to handle this waste, as there will be no turning back, it is felt. COVERING NEW GROUND Coffee recycling company, bio-bean Limited (, has recently launched Inficaf - upcycled spent coffee grounds for subsequent use in sustainable product innovations. The company can claim to be the world’s largest recycler of coffee grounds. Based in Cambridgeshire, they take spent coffee grounds from businesses large and small across the UK, such as Hot Numbers in Cambridgeshire and the national chain, Costa Coffee, upcycling them into bio-based products and giving new life to a material previously considered waste. In turn, bio-bean’s coffee recycling model and upcycled products reduce waste, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and contribute to the circular economy, and the company has also recently been recognised as a Best For The Environment B Corp for 2021. Importantly, say the company, when coffee grounds are discarded to landfill they emit methane, a greenhouse gas 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide, whereas recycling grounds through them generates 80% less emissions (70% compared to AD). Collections-wise, coffee grounds headed for bio-bean are collected by waste management companies as part of day-to-day waste collections, with pricing dependant on a range of factors, including service provider and location. Typically, there is a saving to be made against the grounds going through other disposal routes, 22 CAFÉ LIFE | AUGUST 2021

however, and they don’t charge a gate fee at their recycling site, so removing the heavy, wet coffee grounds from the waste stream can generate savings for a business. bio-bean’s latest Inficaf (https:// inficaf/) is a new, sustainable raw material made from upcycled spent coffee grounds. From bioplastics to automotive friction, and from cosmetics to textiles and more, it offers versatility across a wide variety of industries to displace virgin or synthetic materials whilst also reducing waste, claim the company.

It is created from spent coffee grounds collected from UK businesses at every scale, including coffee shops, office blocks, airports and instant coffee manufacturers. Using the existing logistics infrastructure to reduce road miles, the company takes in the grounds at its recycling facility where it processes over 7,000 tonnes of spent grounds every year. When the grounds arrive, biobean processes and dries them to its requirements before sieving and packing them up for innovative, new commercial and industrial applications. Inficaf is consistent in particle size, moisture content and bulk density, point out bio-bean, its characteristics making it adaptable for businesses seeking to create transformative change. For example, Inficaf can be a valuable, sustainable filler for plantbased polymers, replacing traditional mineral fillers. It can also be used

as a filler for traditional plastics and composites, displacing the use of virgin petrochemicals. Alternatively, from an exfoliant in cosmetics and skincare products to bio-based printing inks or fibres in textiles, Inficaf offers further possibilities for sustainable product innovations. Indeed, its versatility enables product developers, designers, and manufacturers around the world to lead in their category by incorporating a truly sustainable raw material which helps to reduce waste and greenhouse gas emissions. They have a few customers for this new product already, including a global masterbatch manufacturer and supplier called Colloids. They have partnered with them to create a sustainable and renewable coffee bio-compound for use as a composite for a variety of bio-polymers. They also have an existing customer in automotive friction. In addition, they are collaborating with a few large-scale coffee shop and fast food chains on incorporating Inficaf into their own in-restaurant products and infrastructure. It is calculated that the world currently drinks approximately 2.5 billion cups of coffee every day, report the company, creating an estimated 18 million tonnes of spent coffee grounds every year. Typically, those spent coffee grounds are sent to landfill or anaerobic digestion, neither of which make use of the residual value within this resource. However, by diverting spent coffee grounds from landfill and instead upcycling them for reuse in a circular economy, bio-bean’s Inficaf is helping to reduce waste and subsequent greenhouse gas emissions, not to mention driving behaviour change and helping the world to rethink ‘waste’. Inficaf is bio-bean’s latest innovation, the coffee recycling company having now been maximising the value of spent grounds since 2013 and with other coffee-based sustainable bio-products on the market, including a natural coffee extract for food and beverage manufacturing.

Packaging recycling and food waste DOING THE RIGHT THING Operators want to ‘do the right thing’ and their customers are eager to know if they also ‘do the right thing’ when they dispose of the packaging their actions will result in a positive outcome, i.e. the material will actually be recycled. Packaging legislation over the next three to four years will see a packaging plastics tax to encourage greater recycled content, packaging recycling consistency legislation mandating all English local authorities to collect named packaging materials and food waste and a deposit return scheme for drinks containers and extended producer responsibility (EPR) meaning businesses placing more than 10 tonnes of packaging on the market will be paying for the net cost of the waste management of packaging. This all adds up to an estimated minimum cost of £5 billion per annum to be funded by business. Although your business may use less than 10 tonnes of packaging annually, your supplier will have to pay and will have no option other than to pass the costs on to you. Not to do so will simply put them out of business. EPR is very likely to bring mandatory takeback of paper cups by all retailers irrespective of size and where purchased, and a very exciting development based on a current scheme. Cups are a valuable source of fibres in the recycling system and mandatory retail takeback means more will be collected, litter will be reduced and those buying from the high street chains will be coming through your doors. PACKAGING OPTIONS It’s really tempting for coffee shop operators and take-away services to opt for packaging that meets the customer’s desire for a better environment. Some packaging is claiming to be plastic free or biodegradable, while compostables are increasingly used by independent operators. But the caterer must consider the reality of end-of-life options for these products before making an informed choice. Compostables are excellent if you can collect and capture the used packaging and ensure that it goes to commercial composting facilities. Closed-loop environments where packaging isn’t taken out of the premises or estate works particularly well for compostables. However, if your customers are walking out of the premises and simply putting the item in the bin or the recycling bin, or worse still littering them, then composting will not happen. Composting only happens in industrial composting facilities. If compostables are put in the recycling bin they can cause contamination of the waste stream.

No packaging should be described as biodegradable as, unlike for compostables, there is no certification to prove biodegradability takes place in a required timescale and the conditions for it to do so. The name implies the items can be discarded and, because they will breakdown in the environment, can encourage litter so the term biodegradable is disliked by litter charities. There are even some promoting so called biodegradables because they claim they are better in litter. This is completely irresponsible and a piece of packaging that breaks down into smaller pieces makes it easier for animal life to consume. The FPA calls for the word biodegradable to be banned from use on packaging and we urge operators not to be tempted by the word biodegradable – in our opinion, it simply doesn’t exist and sales people pushing biodegrability over composting neglect to tell you biodegration takes place as part of the composting process. Some packaging is described as ‘plastic free’ and again we’d advise caution as very frequently the claim is made for the materials rather than the finished packaging which has undergone further processing. Many so-called water-based coatings, for example, still use plastic such as acrylic as without it the coating would fail to adhere. ‘Some plastic’ does not mean ‘no plastic’, and promoting it in this way is exploiting your desire to do the right thing. We’d advise managers of premises where packaging is removed from the premises to choose packaging for food to go and takeaway items that in all cases can be widely recycled. Much plastic is widely recycled and almost universally collected including PET and HDPE which are recycled many times and making sure these items are collected and not sent to landfill is critical to creating a circular economy. The recycling waste management consistency regulations will reduce the confusion amongst the public about what can and can’t be recycled nationally. Operators will therefore know what is recycled and plan accordingly. NEW GREENWASH GUIDELINES When looking at options, make sure you ask questions of your supplier to ensure the claims they are making are verifiable and not simply greenwash. Buying from an FPA member, for instance, assures you that they abide by the Code of Practice and all claims are substantiated (the Competitions and Markets Authority – CMA -is introducing new guidelines covering all environmental claims including packaging). The CMA’s investigation revealed 40% of green claims could be misleading, especially as many products making environmental claims sell at a premium. The CMA will have

There has been much debate about food packaging, especially that used for food to go and driven by lockdown and home delivery, reports Martin Kersh (pictured below), executive director of the Foodservice Packaging Association. powers to name and shame and take court action to compel changes in communication and enforce fines totalling 10% of offenders global turnover. This means any attempt to use greenwashing to promote goods could come at a high price. Businesses should be alert to the risks and the increased scrutiny such practices are likely to receive from regulators and consumers. The FPA believes that those who exploit their customers’ desire to be seen to be doing the right thing with packaging, which in all reality will make no difference, should be held to account. PACKAGING AND FOOD WASTE CONTAMINATION Even if you get the packaging right, there is then the matter of food waste and recycling – to what extent can packaging that is covered in food residue be recycled? The answer is that it makes recycling difficult if the packaging carries food waste, but certainly not impossible. Householders are not all scrupulous about removing food from the packaging they place in their kerbside waste bins, but food waste collections should result in cleaner packaging. Manufacturers are making progress in this area, developing coatings to line the inner faces of the card, such as detachable film in sandwich wedges. These innovations need also to combine the requirement to be readily recyclable so the coating must not prevent this process or make it more difficult. IN SUMMARY FOR OPERATORS For operators to ensure that the maximum amount of food packaging they generate is recycled, they need to • Ensure the packaging is widely recycled. • Ensure compostables are used in closed environments and are sent to industrial composting facilities. • Not fall for ‘greenwash’ from suppliers including so called biodegrable packaging and always ask for third party evidence to prove all environmental claims are genuine. • In advance of new legislation understand what is and what is not recycled in your local area. • Play your part in in reducing food waste – the WRAP website is an excellent source of information. • Encourage your customers not to litter.




EATING With the trend for healthier eating gathering pace, and the desire for indulgence and a treat when in the out of home setting persisting, cafés and coffee shops now have a great opportunity to revamp their menus as their customers reestablish their routines. HEALTHY AND COLOURFUL “When the days turn chillier, it’s the ideal opportunity for café operators to look at what new products are available to enhance their menu,” says Gordon Lauder, MD of frozen food distributor Central Foods (www.centralfoods. “The obvious choices are warm, comforting options. But think about colour too. Beetroot is a beautiful, rich ingredient that is sure to hot up any autumn menu. The Menuserve beetroot and thyme tarte tatin, for example featuring sticky, caramelised balsamic roasted beetroot wedges delicately flavoured with thyme on a crisp puff pastry base - is a visually striking main

course dish which can be served with roasted vegetables or accompanied by a simple salad for a light lunch. It’s vegan and vegetarian-friendly too - making it ideal to cater for the growing demand for plant-based menu options. Beetroot is a vegetable that’s currently bang on trend. It’s healthy, tasty and provides a gorgeous rich colour that’s sure to brighten up any café menu this autumn. “Or how about the Menuserve brie and red onion tart, which is suitable for gluten-free and vegetarian diners? Available in individual portions, the tarts make it really easy for cafés to satisfy demand for delicious gluten-free menu items. The tart has a flavoursome preprepared crisp, gluten-free cheddar and

chive pastry case filled with a meltingly creamy brie and cheddar sauce topped with a tangy red onion compôte. Again, it’s visually very appealing. “What can be more comforting on an autumn breakfast menu than crumpets? These versatile British favourites can be brought bang up to date and given a modern twist by offering a selection of different toppings – both sweet and savoury. They can also be served throughout the day. Try banana, blueberries and syrup, smashed avocado sprinkled with chilli flakes, or the traditional breakfast favourite of bacon and egg to offer crumpets with a difference. The only limit is your imagination! “Crumpets make a great alternative to bread muffins and are sure to go down well with all customers. Peculiarly British and appealing to a sense of nostalgia, they are likely to be especially popular with older café visitors who’ll no doubt remember eating crumpets as youngsters. Their versatility means they can also be served for brunch, lunch and snack menus, too - more than earning their keep in your kitchen! “The KaterBake luxury crumpets supplied by Central Foods are made with a sourdough recipe and are veganfriendly too – meaning that they are suitable for customers looking for plant-




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Seeking inspiration? Helping to mark a welcome return to food and hospitality industry events, and offering a source of inspiration, one of the country’s largest and most popular food festivals - the Newmarket Food and Drink Festival - is set for its return next month, and it looks like it’s going to be a veritable heaven for foodies with over 50 regional producers showcasing the best they have to offer alongside a who’s who of celebrity chefs. The hugely popular free festival, which celebrates the finest food and drink from across East Anglia, attracted over 15,000 visitors in 2019. This year, it is due to take place during the weekend of 11-12 September at a brand-new location, the grounds of the Jockey Club Rooms in the centre of Newmarket. The new location will create more space and organisers hope it will also open the festival to a larger and more diverse audience by also offering the chance to view inside one of the world’s most unique sporting venues (limited spaces offered by prior appointment). The celebrity chef line-up appearing on the cooking stage this year will include chef and TV presenter, Rosemary Shrager, Tristan Welch (a regular on BBC 1’s Saturday Kitchen and chef director at Parker’s Tavern in Cambridge), acclaimed master chef Hans Schweitzer, who has cooked for the Queen, presidents, dignitaries and celebrities across the globe, and Mark Abbott (head chef of the 2 Michelin Star restaurant Midsummer House in Cambridge), one of only 11 restaurants in the UK and Ireland to hold two stars and the only one in the region. Each chef will demo a range of dishes to teach audiences new skills and offer inspiration in the kitchen. Visitors will also be able to sample and buy from over 60 food and drink stalls from across East Anglia, offering an array of locally grown produce, wines, spirits and beers, street food from around the world, vegan foods, and artisan grocery products. A small selection of this year’s stalls includes Gentleman Jim’s mobile bar, the award-winning Hadley’s Ice Cream. East Coast Chilli company, the Old Felixstowe Brewing Company, Hudson’s Chocolate, Harrison Chocolatiers, the Candy Stop, Powters sausages and Three Counties Field Kitchen based options. The plant-based trend is very much here to stay, accelerated by an increasing interest in health and well-being which has been encouraged by the pandemic. “Tasty sausage rolls are a traditional favourite on autumn menus, but to ensure your vegan and vegetarian customers don’t miss out, add a plantbased sausage roll to your offering. The KaterVeg! vegan-friendly unbaked sixinch sausage roll is perfect for food-togo or sit-down menus. A ready-glazed unbaked sausage roll, it has a generous and delicious, herby, textured pea protein filling wrapped in light, flaky puff pastry.” 26 CAFÉ LIFE | AUGUST 2021

SEASONAL “When thinking about hot foods for autumn, choosing recipes that incorporate seasonal ingredients will ensure an interesting and revolving menu as well as minimising costs. Increasingly consumers are looking for dishes made with seasonal produce, particularly that which is sourced locally,” advises James Golding, chef ambassador for Maple from Canada ( “The arrival of autumn brings with it some exciting new seasonal ingredients, such as pumpkin, fig, carrot, chestnut and beetroot. From creating soups from scratch through to

homemade cakes, naturally sweetened with carrot or beetroot or maple syrup, as well as plums, pears and apples for desserts, there is so much that can be created to reflect what is in season. Seasonal claims add value to your menu too and can help lift the price point of as consumers are prepared to pay more for dishes with a seasonal backstory. “Eating seasonally is one of the most delicious ways to live more sustainably and the UK is home to the very best fresh produce, from herbs and spices to fruit and vegetables. However, keeping up with what is in season monthly and learning how to make the most of produce when it’s at its best can be tricky. Your delivered wholesaler can talk to you about promotions and availability of seasonal produce for the Autumn to help with planning. Maple from Canada is also offering some great resources for caterers to make the most of seasonal products from guidance to recipes.”

Maple from Canada has created a seasonal food wheel - an easy guide which allows caterers to quickly see what produce is in season and provides inspirational recipes using pure Canadian maple syrup to help transform fresh fruit and veg into sustainable and delicious dishes. James Golding also hosts the Maple in Season podcast, talking about the importance of creating seasonal recipes (Always in Season – the podcast – Maple from Canada).


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Quality, branding and experience With Masteroast set to celebrate 40 years in business this October, the company’s commercial director, Matthew Mills (main picture), acknowledges the sector’s achievements and likely future challenges.

INCREASING IMPORTANCE Over the last decade, the palates of coffee drinkers have become ever more sophisticated, leading to a marked growth in the quality and variety of coffee brands and available formats, blends, brewing methods, equipment, and accessories. As it becomes a more fashionable product, coffee-loving Brits are even willing to stake their reputation on their coffee choices. The importance of product quality was once largely confined to the high street, but with increasingly discerning coffee connoisseurs taking a ritualistic approach to coffee prep at home, it is now also essential within the domestic sphere. This heightened coffee appreciation doesn’t stop in the home or on the high street; coffee is now often deemed a business status symbol too. Corporate coffee communities and employees are demanding better quality and variety from employers. Unsurprising, considering that better quality coffee has been proven to positively impact staff happiness and productivity. Whilst great quality product is always vital, the story behind the brand and the ability to emotionally connect with that story is increasingly driving consumers today. Sustainability practices, ethics, the traceability of the product, and manufacturer accountability are key consumer considerations, and with the robustness of a company’s CSR policies and practices inspiring confidence in a supply chain, the industry benchmark 28 CAFÉ LIFE | AUGUST 2021

with regards to sustainable practice is continuously rising as coffee brands are stepping up to meet demand. FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS Branding Product quality and accountability will continue to evolve and improve in the coffee industry. However, the definition of coffee brands is what will be the key to success. Whether through retail, foodservice or coffee shops, branding is critical to customer uptake, with the effective use of design and packaging and delivery of key messages ensuring buy-in and inspiring confidence. It is essential that coffee products meet the necessary criteria of a competitive price point, superior quality, reliability, consistency of service and robust CSR policies, but branding must be spot on for brands to triumph. Brands that are doing well and will continue to do so are those that get the proposition right; those that are achieving a good balance between correct messaging, a great quality product, and having the service level to back it up. The strongest players are price competitive. However, if a coffee company can follow this up with a good looking and good tasting product, and is successfully driving the emotional connection to both product and brand by way of doing right by the planet and its people, they’ll be meeting all the necessary criteria for the customer and ensuring continued loyalty and success.

Sustainability From investors and stakeholders to employees and customers, a company’s environmental stance is on everyone’s agenda, so as tech and infrastructure continue to develop, so will the way in which coffee brands meet environmental expectations. As pioneers for responsible practice, Masteroast supports all customers in making the necessary moves to deploy fully recyclable packaging - in some cases even subsidising packaging options on behalf of customers. With regards to compostable packaging, while this is an ideal goal, there is still a long way to go for it to become a reality due to complicated processes and the vast amounts of R&D required. The ever-growing interest in environmental impact extends also to production and manufacturing processes, significantly driving accountability among roasteries. Ahead of the curve, Masteroast has invested significantly in some of the most energy efficient roasting technology on the market, boasting catalytic converters to manage carbon emissions and on-site nitrogen generation, for example. All of this is possible thanks to our flexible economy of scale structure.

OPINION Single serve Single serve options - capsules or coffee bags - continue to prove popular in the domestic market. The two different formats meet differing consumer needs; the capsule provides a great domestic execution of an espresso and is more brand driven, whilst the filter coffee bag caters well to convenience seekers. Providing a hygienic and convenient coffee preparation option, demand for single serve shows no signs of abating.

Purchasing shifts A major coffee purchasing trend we are seeing here at Masteroast is smaller, more regular orders from customers looking to better manage freshness and quality, and to also help cashflow. This shift in purchasing has enabled companies to remain lean and tight during challenging times. We’re in a unique position at Masteroast in that we can tailor our response to customers to support these necessary shifts with a fast turnaround, which means they in turn can improve quality and service for their customers. Another purchasing shift we are encountering is the need for customers to cover a whole range of formats in their orders. Just like consumers, businesses are developing more sophistication in their choices, going above and beyond to deliver different coffee options for the varying needs of their own staff, clients or customers. Whether that means orders of bulk brew and bean to cup, filter coffee options plus capsules, coffee bags and grounds, or a combination of all of these, corporations - and especially the larger ones - are increasingly diversifying their ordering patterns.

MANAGING RISK AND VOLATILE MARKETS The last week of July saw the first major frost to hit Brazil in 27 years, posing a huge threat to the world’s largest producer of coffee crops. Having shot to the top of the news agenda, it is anticipated that the damage could reduce the potential of production for 2022-2023 by around five million bags. Whilst the industry has of course acted accordingly, the impact on prices, which are set to soar as product availability shrinks, is inevitable. The strength and stability of supply chains is going to be paramount to the survival of many within the coffee industry over the next 18 months. All forms of the supply chain this past couple of years have been subject to huge stresses due to the double whammy of Brexit and Covid, and now, this latest crisis in Brazil. The global economy has squeezed supply chains to breaking point over the past decade, so, already in a super-tight position, the fallout from recent events on supply chains has been enormous. Investment in people, relationships and stock is critical to managing this fallout. At Masteroast, we have taken a cautious approach in terms of taking on additional buffer stock and worked closely with customers to plan strategically and manage projections for the best possible outcomes. As such, we have so far managed to weather the storm. Increasing lead times for packaging has been a major issue; rising three

to five times over the last two years. To counter this, we have worked with suppliers - committing to raw materials rather than finished product - to give them the opportunity to mitigate their risk. This has allowed them to transfer less risk up the chain and provide a better service to Masteroast, which has meant that we can then pass on the right stock to customers at the right price. Sourcing over 200 types of green coffee and producing over 2,000 blends, we feel that we are in an enviable position at Masteroast everything we produce is entirely bespoke for our customers. Managing such a vast range is no easy feat, but 40 years of experience, the knowledge and skillset of our staff, and long-term direct trade relationships have afforded flexibility and consistency in order to successfully manage challenges and facilitate incredibly effective execution throughout the sourcing and manufacturing process despite volatility in markets, challenges with freights, or extended periods of supply chain difficulties.


The need for portable and tempting ‘pick me up’ treats in recent times has created fresh and innovative interest in the biscuit category – the place to find individuallywrapped, tasty, sweet as well as savoury, snacks for when you’re ‘sitting in’ or on the move.



OUT OF HOME TREAT Bronte, a Burton’s Biscuits Foodservice brand, says that it is driving sales of hot beverage accompaniments with its individually wrapped and ‘oh-sodunk able’ biscuits range, following the launch of its contemporary new look. Available at various wholesalers, the rebrand of Bronte further builds on the success of the long-established brand. The new look logo, packaging and flavours are the result of extensive research and now boast a premium look, designed to reposition Bronte as a contemporary brand that hospitality outlets would be proud to serve to their guests. “The rebranding of Bronte forms part of Burton’s wider strategy for the channel, with new and exciting branded propositions in the pipeline to enhance the Burton’s Foodservice


offering across all foodservice channels,” says Nykki Bezer, director of foodservice product & marketing at Burton’s Biscuit Company (www. “The new-look Bronte range offers products to suit every guest, from luxury biscuits to every day treats and savoury snacks. With a core range at accessible price points, complemented by a premium offering for something a little more special, Bronte enables customers to select products according to budget and guest needs while ensuring outstanding quality at fantastic price points.” Burton’s say that their aim was to create a range of high quality snacks that further enriched the customer’s experience when treating themselves out of home. Thus, their range delivers the known Bronte premium quality, but with a modern twist, including some new crafted biscuit flavours such as cappuccino shortbread, raspberry, white choc & coconut, salted caramel chocolate chip and what Nykki Bezer describes as “an ultimate melt in the mouth buttery shortbread.”

“Our research shows a growth in demand for healthy products, but also highlights that even the most avid healthy eater still wants to indulge themselves with their hot beverage accompaniment,” Nykki Bezer continues. “In a world of healthy eating messages and campaigns, consumers are still not willing to sacrifice all of life’s simple pleasures, with many seeking a more balanced approach when it comes to food and drink. This has led to increased demand for ‘treatier’ biscuits. “The continued rise of coffee on the move also presents a key opportunity to implement a link purchase of a coffee with a sweet treat, enabling consumers to reward themselves, and we feel that our latest range of individually wrapped portion packed Bronte biscuits and snacks are perfect for customers looking for a permissible ‘treat me’ snack.” Continuing with this trend is the launch of a new brand of chocolatecovered crunchy carrot biscuits has been launched to satisfy demand for indulgent guilt-free treats.

“Elevate your guest experience” with Brontë

Made with EU and non-EU Wheat flour and Chocolate chips





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Made with EU and non-EU Wheat Flour


Made with EU and non-EU wheat flour and currants


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Made with EU and non-EU Wheat Flour and Choc Chips


Made with EU and non-EU Wheat Flour and Choc Chips

New look, New products… the same outstanding Brontë quality and value you can trust.

Calcium Phosphates), Salt, Flavourings, Skimmed MILK Powder, Colours (Annatto Bixin, Curcumin). For allergens, including cereals containing gluten, see ingredients in CAPITALS. May also contain NUTS. Suitable for vegetarians. Free from pork fats and alcohol.


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Made with EU and non-EU Wheat flour and Cheese powder

15g Made with EU and non-EU Wheat Flour and Oats

22.9g 9.1g 65.4g 33.6g 4.8g 0.85g



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Deliciously indulgent biscuits

We’d love to hear what you think of our biscuits. Contact us at: Consumer Services, UK: Burton's Biscuit Co., PO Box 145, Birmingham, B24 8WR +44 (0)151 676 2352 EU: Burton’s Biscuit Co., Unit 105, 3 Lombard St East, Dublin 2, ROI Email: Baked at the Royal Burgh Bakery, EH54 5DN, Scotland.


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Cappuccino Shortbread

Store in a cool, dry place.

Deliciously indulgent biscuits


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Stem Ginger & Dark Chocolate

BISCUITS MARKET RESEARCH Rootles is a new concept in the snack bar sector and is believed to be the first, and only, indulgent treat that is vegetable based to hit the impulse snacking category, and developed as a result of a university’s market research project.

Currently available in two flavours - dark chocolate and milk chocolate - each pack of Rootles contains three crunchy carrot biscuit fingers smothered in delicious chocolate. And at 120 calories per pack, they have fewer calories than many other snack bars because the biscuits are naturally sweetened with nutritious root veggies, claim their creators. Baked with over 35% root veg and featuring carrot, along with a dash of sweet potato, Rootles are high in fibre too, and contain less sugar and fat than many chocolate snacks, the company point out, and making them suitable for food-to-go, speciality food stores, coffee shops, convenience stores and other food service and retail outlets, as well as feel-good snacking. The Rootles brand has been developed by Helen Yates, who co-runs Luke Evans Bakery in Derbyshire with her husband, David (Luke Evans Bakery is one of the oldest family-run bakeries in the country, with a history stretching back to 1804). Rootles are currently made in North Macedonia

to a recipe that has been perfected over many months and have a shelf life of at least seven months delivered. Helen Yates says that she was inspired to develop the product through her work mentoring and supporting international business students at the University of Nottingham. The concept of using veg in biscuits was developed as a market research project, which in turn sparked her interest in the idea. Later, she received funded support from Mission Ventures and the Good Food Fund, which identified Rootles as being a winning healthy snack to help fight obesity. “The Covid pandemic has led to a greater focus on health and Rootles are the perfect product for guilt-free snacking, as they are high fibre and contain just 120 calories per pack – fewer than many other snack bars,” says Helen Yates. “Consumers are looking for healthier snacks, particularly in the impulse snacking sector, but they don’t expect to compromise on taste or texture and still want to treat themselves. Veg has been added to cakes for a long time but we’ve taken the concept a stage further and developed biscuit bars using root vegetables. “Rootles taste like a traditional chocolate biscuit but are naturally sweetened with carrot and sweet potato. They are deliciously unconventional and really have to be tasted to be believed!” The recommended retail selling price of Rootles ( is £1.00-1.20 per 27g pack.


BRITISH BAKED BISCOTTI Like so many food categories before them, upmarket biscuits have been yet another deserving beneficiary of lockdown catch-up, with many stuck-at-home commuters looking for small ways to make their coffee breaks, brunches and light lunches a little more intriguing.

There was once a time when biscotti, for example, was little more than timeless knapsack fodder for invading Roman legionnaires - a rugged briquette of a biscuit that could only be associated with words like ‘rock hard’, ‘almondy’, ‘an acquired taste’ or ‘trusted coffee dunker’. Fortunately, a small, specialist bakery – the Great British Biscotti Company (www.greatbritishbiscotti. - in Dorset decided that Italian biscotti had set the taste expectation bar far too low and that Britain’s love of a crunchy, flavourful biscotti could best be ignited with a light bite treat that fought on both sides of the flavour divide (sweet and savoury) whilst playing to its permissible treat, ‘slow food’ and alluring world cuisine strengths. As a result, Great British Biscotti Company’s love of intriguing flavour marriages has given rise to Choc Orange, White Chocolate, Pistachio and Cranberries and Sour Cherry Double Choc, all of which have the potential to pair well with any daytime coffee or tea you might care to imagine, claim the firm

(who also claim that here is a biscuit that won’t crumple or dissolve within three seconds of being dunked in your favourite cuppa). That said, however, their ever-expanding spread of savoury flavours (including Jalapeno & Cheddar, Sundried Tomato & Olives, Cheddar & Fennel, Red Onion Marmalade & Walnut) also means that today’s more versatile biscotti is just as at home crumbled over a salad or soup or eaten in splendid isolation, they propose (the Great British Biscotti Co also has a range for vegans and coeliacs who don’t want to miss out). LESS SUGAR “We are launching a new wafer range from a company called Lago in Italy, and as far as we know this range is not readily available on the UK market apart from in a small way,” says Shane Barry, sales and marketing executive at Nutshell Portions (www., a dedicated single portion printing and packing facility. “The target market for these is coffee shops and cafés. However, we primarily work with coffee companies and food wholesalers for distribution not directly with individual coffee shops. We also feel that a stand-out feature of this range are the sugar free varieties which are available.” Lago brings customers the taste of Italy with crispy wafers and soft cream that make the perfect snack with a hot drink, feel Nutshell Portions, representing a potentially high margin, any season, impulse purchase line for vending, snack counters and coffee shop till points, they suggest. The range includes classic

wafers in five different flavours, mini wafers and chocolate coated wafers all in convenient individually wrapped portions (there are also some award winning sugar free varieties). “Biscuits and snacks are irresistible and will always be a ‘must have’ treat with your coffee, especially out and about at cafés and coffee shops,” adds Shane Barry. “However, most biscuit and snack varieties contain

a lot of sugar and with the increase in consumers making health-conscious decisions more are avoiding high sugar content snacks. “Lago Wafers Sugar Free range contain maltitol sweetener instead of the regular sugar that wafers, biscuits and snacks usually contain. The malitol sweetener doesn’t give the sugar rush that conventional sugar does making it much more manageable for diabetics. Using malitol sweetener instead of sugar also means it’s less likely to contribute to tooth decay and is a healthier option for all consumers.” The range includes 45g packs of wafers for those who wish to share or savour them throughout the day, or individual 15g packs for a quick snack.

The only VEGETABLE based biscuit on the market Only 120 calories per serving High Fibre Contains over 35% root vegetable



Reconnect at this year’s

Caffè Culture show The eagerly anticipated Caffè Culture (Business Design Centre, London, 2-3 September 2021) will be throwing open its doors to welcome back 1,000’s of industry professionals to celebrate the first speciality coffee event of the year since the lockdown began. VITAL RESOURCE The show, which will host over 100 innovative brands, will provide an extensive and compelling programme packed with new feature content and sponsors. After a crippling 14 months, the hospitality sector is finally re-opening with a renewed sense of optimism and relief due to the strongest growth forecast in 70 years. The sector has been given an essential shot in the 34 CAFÉ LIFE | AUGUST 2021

arm as consumers flock back to their favourite coffee shops to reacquaint themselves with old friends and family. As an integral part of the recovery, Caffè Culture will be providing a vital resource for coffee shop owners and operators who are looking at ways to stimulate their businesses. With its most wide-ranging programme to date, visitors will be given the opportunity to immerse themselves in a series of live demonstrations and debates, barista

PREVIEW competitions, workshops, speciality tea and coffee tastings, plus other sensory delights. An over-arching theme of the show this year is about bringing the industry back together, so to celebrate that Victoria Arduino will be inviting visitors to come and share a coffee with some of the UK’s finest roasters in their aptly named Roasters Village ‘Re:connect’. TALKS PROGRAMME Continuing that theme, the curated Talks Programme will provide a full 360 of the speciality coffee industry with over 70 expert panellists and speakers set to offer insight and debate on a host of critical issues within four distinct streams. New for 2021, People & Culture has been launched in partnership with the Kore Directive and will highlight a number of crucial conversations around equality and inclusivity to promote a better future for the coffee industry. Launched online during the lockdown, CaffeInsights is being sponsored by The Good Till Company and will continue to provide practical advice from a wide range of operators. These owners managed to adapt and thrive during the worst economic crisis of modern times - despite several being in extremely challenging locations.

Host, John Richardson, of the Café Experts will be welcoming back previous CaffèInsight contributors to hear how they were able to innovate, pivot and ultimately accelerate their recovery, and, in all cases, create a more resilient and valuable businesses for the future. John RIchardson will also be hosting a half-day workshop on How to produce a profit producing system – without you having to be there. COFFEE STUDIES AND ROASTERS FORUM For true speciality aficionados, Coffee Studies and the Roasters Forum will be back. Nick Mabey of Assembly has curated a series of TED style talks and panel discussions to debate the issues surrounding the Standardisation of Coffee, and how the last 18 months of lockdown impacted the global supply chain and sustainability. New Roasters Forum sponsor,

DRWakefield, will be using the forum as a platform for reconnection, exploring how past, present, and future trends, ideas, collaborations and innovation can stimulate better coffee production, sourcing and roasting. With a host of expert voices from within the supply chain, ranging from producers at origin to roasters and leading thinkers working alongside coffee, the forum will be a series of engaging talks aimed at bringing the industry together through knowledge sharing and interaction. For those looking for a more in-depth sensory experience, two Brew Bars have been launched at the show to give visitors the perfect opportunity to test their palates. Swedish brewer manufacturer 3Temp will be working alongside some of the industry’s most talented coffee roasters to explore the frontiers of brewing using their Hipster profile brewers, allowing users to unlock an unprecedented depth of flavours in each coffee.


PREVIEW Another new feature for the show is the Speciality Tea Hub which has been launched in partnership with the European Speciality Tea Association (ESTA). A tea brew bar will give visitors the opportunity to sample six categories of tea and experience the delights of matcha whisking, a range of delightful tea cocktails, whilst learning how to pair food, sample cold brew and nitro tea.

Event director, Elliot Gard, commented: “After the devastating impact of the last 15 months, I’m delighted we can now get on with our lives and get back to business. We will be doing our upmost to deliver on our aim of reconnecting the industry, to stimulate growth and ultimately bring old friends and

LATTE ART Bringing some necessary excitement and competition to the show, the SCA will be hosting their first championships in over 18 months. 20 competitors will battle it out by showcasing their complex and visually appealing designs to be crowned the SCA UK Latte Art Champion 2020 with the winner going on to represent the UK at the prestigious World Latte Art Championship in Taipei, later this year.


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colleagues back together at what will be a fantastic celebration of the industry we have all missed and love.”

NEW PRODUCTS Senzani introduces 0MNIA, the first customisable cartoning machine for all possible capsules formats and for all carton types To support packers and coffee-roasters, Senzani Brevetti, an Italian company on the market for over 65 years, has created 0MNIA, a revolutionary “all-in-one” cartoner that starts a new generation of automatic coffee capsules packaging machines. 0MNIA is a form-and-fill cartoning machine from flat blank to pack capsules in all possible nested configurations and into all types of cartons - single or multilayer, with or without honeycomb sheet, with or without interlayer pad, in 2x2 configuration, in flip-top closure carton, with “standing” capsules, alternated or nested, in tube/stick, in 3x3 or 4x4 box. An extremely flexible solution, Senzani designers can custommake to suit the most complex requests and configurations in terms of pack, performance and dimensions, but also according to capsule formats (from Nespresso to Caffitaly, from K-cup to Lavazza blu, from A Modo Mio up to the new Vertuo). 0MNIA is able to pack up to 80 cartons per minute, with an infeed speed up to 800 ppm and can also count on an extremely compact footprint (from 2 x 3.9m) which makes it the perfect solution in production plants with limited space available. The carton format change is extremely quick and intuitive for the operator, thanks to colour codes (visit

Herald introduces compostable aqueous cups

Maximum performance, minimum footprint – plug in and go The new Giorik Movair countertop combi oven, brought to the UK market by Euro Catering, combines innovative performance, automatic wash system, easy to use controls and a compact size for small kitchen spaces. Ideal for convenience stores and other retail catering environments, this 5 x 2/3 GN offers a three-speed automatic reversing fan, 7” programmable touchscreen controls and up to 200 pre-set and customisable recipes with, nine phases of cooking in each recipe. Giorik’s OneTouch technology provides easy access to a ‘favourites’ folder, with capacity for nine core recipes. At less than 700mm3, it provides a solution to the increasing challenge of space constraints without compromising on performance. Chefs benefit from delta T cooking with an optional core probe, multi-level timed cooking, as well as a choice of left-hand or righthand hinges for complete kitchen flexibility. The oven also comes with an inbuilt automatic liquid wash system, including a choice of three wash cycles. A 13Amp, 2.7kW electric model, the Movair 5 x 2/3 GN countertop combi oven (MTW523WR/EU) also comes with a three-year main control board warranty. Other features include 5 x 2/3 GN at 75mm centres, supplied either L/H or R/H hinged, easy to use 7” programmable touchscreen controls and the ability to store up to 200 recipes with nine phases of cooking in each (visit

Quality disposables manufacturer and supplier, Herald, has launched a selection of 100% compostable, aqueous hot cups as part of its environmentally-friendly range – with both double and ripple wall options. Supplying to meet the increased demand from the catering and food to go sectors, for fully sustainable and greener products, Herald has prioritised providing an additional ripple wall option, not commonly offered in a completely compostable form, along with a selection of sizes. These sizes – 8oz, 12oz and 16oz – complement the lids Herald currently has available, allowing existing customers to make the switch to the 100 per cent compostable, aqueous product without having to invest in new lids. Managing director of Herald, Yogesh Patel, said: “The increase in takeaway options for cafés, restaurants and pubs means that the market has expanded for disposable cups and many of these new customers are conscious of their own customers’ environmental considerations. “The environment was an increasingly sensitive issue pre-Covid and making eco-friendly choices is one thing that people feel they can still take control of during the pandemic. For us, at Herald, our task is to respond to the market, while providing as much choice as possible and maintaining the competitive pricing structure that we’re known for.” Visit or call 0208 507 7900 to order a copy of the new catalogue.


SESSION INFORMATION INDUSTRY DAYS There will be two industry days held Thursday and Friday 23 - 24 September 2021. The event will then launch to the public from Friday with the first session running from 4pm-8pm. PUBLIC SESSIONS Saturday and Sunday, 25-26 September 2021. Three sessions will be held per day over the weekend. Saturday Brunch session - 10:00am-1:00pm Lunch session - 1:00pm-4:00pm Teatime session - 4:00pm-7:00pm Sunday Brunch session -10:00am-1:00pm Lunch session - 12:00pm-3:00pm Teatime session - 2:00pm-5:00pm

London Coffee Festival turns ten! The London Coffee Festival ( which celebrates London’s bustling and vibrant coffee scene will be taking place at the Truman Brewery, Brick Lane, London from 23-26 September 2021, and will also be marking its tenth anniversary. FAMILIAR FAVOURITES RETURN Featuring over 250 artisan coffee and gourmet food stalls, tastings and demonstrations from world-class baristas, interactive workshops, street food, coffee-based cocktails, live music, DJs, art exhibitions and so much more, it promises to be an unmissable event for discerning coffee lovers and those working in the coffee scene. This year, for visitors’ safety, capacity is being reduced for maximum enjoyment, report the event’s organisers, who will also be giving attendees the chance to sample the finest sustainable coffee from around the world by way of celebrating the tenth anniversary. The Coffee Masters 2021 – which sees baristas showing off their coffee making skills for a cash prize and the prestigious Coffee Masters title - returns. Each of the competition’s contestants will be showcasing their expertise using the FAEMA E71E, with grinder machine company, Compak, who have been creating coffee grinders for 35 years, helping competitors to improve their consistency and accuracy. All sorts and 38 CAFÉ LIFE | AUGUST 2021

styles of latte art are sure to be created in the Latte Art Live competition. The Roasters Village will be poised to feature some of the best roasters from around the world, giving visitors the opportunity to discover new blends. Further informative demonstrations and tastings will be taking place in the Lab, and the Tasting Room will be dedicated to a programme of tasting workshops. As ever, there will also be plenty of live music to enjoy throughout the three-day celebration. IN ATTENDANCE Companies expected to be in attendance will include Ubermilk, 19 Crimes, 3Temp, 9Barista, Abel&Cole, Absolut, Allan Reeder, Allpress Espresso, Alpro, Amala Chai, Andronicas, Aroma Express, Black Sense, Blak Nektar, Almon Breeze, Boca, Bonsoy, Boundless Activated Nuts & Seeds, Brew Tea Co, Brewed by Hand, Segrafredo Zanetti, Bunn, Burningtree Rooibos Latter, BWT, Café de El Salvador, Start a Coffee Shop, Cakesmiths, Califa Farms Calm, Dabish Bakery, Dualit, FAEMA, Fiorenzato,

Fentimans, Gaggia Milano, Happy Happy Soy Boy, Hasbean, Cimbali, Glebe Farm, Hello Fresh, Kimbo, IBC, Jura, Lavazza, Lincoln & York, Lotus, Matthew Algie, Monin, Mulmar, Rancilio, San Remo Coffee Machines, Taylors of Harrogate, and teapigs. NEW LAUNCH Operators visiting the show will be the first in the UK to sample an exclusive range of CBD products that can be used to transform any standard beverage, including coffee, tea, smoothies or cocktails, into CBD focused drinks. Launched by CBD One (Stand M16, - a UK based wellness company that is dedicated to the supply of high quality, 100% legal CBD products - the range has been developed specifically for coffee shops, bars, bakeries, and the hospitality industry, to take advantage of the growing consumer interest in CBD led food and beverages, say the company.


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Carefully curated

ROAD TO RECOVERY The last 15 months have been a challenging time for many industries and the impact on the hospitality industry has been particularly devastating. At the beginning of this year, there were reports that multiple extended nationwide lockdowns had forced over 800 cafés, bars and restaurants to close for good. Now we are hopefully back on the road to recovery. Restrictions have eased and some form of normality has resumed. People really are desperate to escape the same four walls after so many months in confinement. The nation’s eagerness to get out and about and start spending again is encouraging for business owners and it has provided the café industry with a golden opportunity to claw back some of their lost earnings from last year.

THE GREAT OUTDOORS Industry estimates suggest café, bar and restaurant owners can enjoy a 30% sales boost if they introduce an attractive outdoor space. We work with several independent coffee shops across the UK, who are lucky enough to be able to offer both indoor and outdoor seating for their guests. We have heard first-hand just how beneficial they have found being able to offer external space at a time like this is. Not only does it help increase their capacity and therefore covers, it also provides an option for customers that remain cautious, or simply want to kill two birds with one stone and soak up the intermittent heatwave rays, while enjoying a beautiful barista coffee. One client, Gordon Wilson, is owner of The Café at Montalto at the five star Montalto Estate, Northern


Peter Tyrie, MD of outdoor furniture company, Barlow Tyrie, considers the importance of outdoor space as the café sector starts to recover.

Ireland. This stylish eatery specialises in locally inspired dishes, using produce from its 400 acres of surrounding grounds. When commenting on the business benefits of their outdoor space, particularly in the aftermath of the pandemic, Gordon Wilson’s view was that it has helped “to significantly increase the numbers of customers in the café, as people are wanting to spend less time indoors post-Covid.” Of course, this is weather-dependent but Gordon Wilson has observed that despite the café offering an extensive inside space, many are still choosing to take a seat outside, particularly those who have been shielding. MUCH MORE Cafés provide so much more than a venue to grab a quick coffee or bite to eat. They are relaxed social spaces and provide a strong sense

of escapism for many. From students looking to escape a small flat to work on their laptops to the elderly who are seeking human interaction, these laid-back venues have a lot to offer, and it is essential that they are aesthetic, both inside and out, mirroring both community-focused and welcoming values. The Café at Montalto, invested in several rustic teak tables and chairs with powder coated black aluminium accents to complement their beautifully landscaped outdoor dining area and surrounding grounds. The space nestles adjacent to perfectly manicured lawns, partly framed by pretty, wooden rose-covered pergolas, adorned with festoon lighting to create a cosy ambience long after sunset. “Montalto Estate offers beautiful walks and trails for visitors to enjoy. We

OPINION felt it would have been a missed opportunity for us to not create a similar level of beauty for café visitors to enjoy. This area is a landscaped garden offering a water feature, fruit trees and a display of antique farm equipment,” says Gordon Wilson. Like many café owners looking to invest in outdoor furniture to make the most of their outdoor space, Gordon Wilson and his team required robust and durable pieces that matched their overarching premium brand aesthetic. Furniture that evidenced impeccable quality, strong sustainable green credentials, ease of maintenance and guaranteed longevity, were all essential factors.

teak to muster because the silver patina is only on the surface. Strong chemicals will damage the finish of the wood, impacting on its visual appeal, so it is best to steer clear of these. Power washing is very tempting to achieve quick results. However, aggressive use could destroy the cellulose fibres and structure of the wood, which could irretrievably damage your furniture. Should you choose to use a power washer, turn the power down and do not direct the jet into the joints. Teak will withstand the harshest elements, therefore covers are not necessary. Pure grade A teak can stay outside, uncovered, providing it is in an airy, exposed location.

MAINTAINING TEAK Once you have your outside space looking fabulous, don’t make the mistake of letting it become weathered and shabby-looking over time. The good news about teak furniture is that it can always look smart. When approaching the maintenance of teak, resist the temptation to overthink things. Due to its naturally high oil content, it resists rotting and warping, even when exposed to climatic extremes - which is why it is ideal for boat decking, construction and outdoor furniture. Caring for the material is refreshingly simple, yet also highly specific. The best way to remove dirt, moss and lichen is to use mild soapy water and plenty of elbow grease. Alternatively, a gentle sanding starting with an 80 then going down to a 120 grade is another method. You can even return old

CAFÉ CULTURE IS BACK There is no doubting that it is an exciting time for cafés. For establishments lucky enough to have an outdoor space to exploit, now is the time to invest a little time and money to make it customer friendly. Trust us, it will help create a real draw for visitors, even as we move into the cooler seasons. For cafés with an existing outdoor space that is all kitted out, why not consider a refresh? This will make it new and exciting for both new and existing customers. As autumn approaches, we are seeing a huge resurgence in chic accessories including cantilevered parasols, screens and movable partitions, heaters, blankets and upholstered outdoor furniture, all of which will add that important extra comfort. Create a space where customers sink into a chair to enjoy their experience, and find it impossible to leave.

CoffeeSafe Visit

and find an approved CoffeeSafe service provider to help with your coffee machine compliance 01274 999720


Café Product Index ADVISORY, BUSINESS & CONSULTANCY SERVICES Bespoke Software Mezze Platopus Systems Ltd. Business Systems Mezze Nutritics Platopus Systems Ltd. Consultants The Wordbox E Commerce Platopus Systems Ltd. Factory Grote Company FSC Millitec Food Systems Ltd. Zafron Foods Ltd. Food Safety ALS Food & Pharmaceutical British Lion Eggs Nutritics Retail FSC BAKERY PRODUCTS Doughnuts Moy Park Ltd. Morning Goods New York Bakery Co. Tortilla & Wraps Freshfayre Mission Foods BREAD & ROLLS Fresh Jacksons Bakery Speciality Jacksons Bakery Mission Foods New York Bakery Co. Bread Making Ingredients Harvey & Brockless BUTTER & SPREADS Butter Freshfayre Spreads Freshfayre Spreads (olive) Freshfayre Leathams CHEESE & DAIRY PRODUCTS Cheese Freshfayre Futura Foods UK Ltd. Harvey & Brockless Leathams Norseland Ltd. Yoghurt Freshfayre Futura Foods UK Ltd


Cold Drinks & Mixers



Italian Beverage Company


2 Sisters Food Group




Cargrill Protein Europe


Royal Greenland Ltd.

CP Foods UK Ltd.

Italian Beverage Company


Dawn Farms UK

Leathams Mizkan Euro Ltd. The Ingredients Factory Zafron Foods Ltd.





Italian Beverage Company

Freshfayre Harvey & Brockless Leathams


CP Foods UK Ltd. H Smith Food Group PLC Royal Greenland Ltd. Freshfayre Zafron Foods Ltd. Salmon


Freshfayre H Smith Food Group plc Leathams Moy Park Ltd. Seara Meats BV Smithfield Foods Ltd. Continental

British Lion Eggs


Eggs (hard boiled)





Zafron Foods Ltd.

The Fintastic Fish Co.



Fresh-Pak Chilled Foods


2 Sisters Food Group



H Smith Food Group PLC

CP Foods UK Ltd.

Geeta’s Foods Ltd.

Egg Products

Royal Greenland Ltd.



British Lion Eggs


H Smith Food Group PLC




Fresh-Pak Chilled Foods

H Smith Food Group plc


Mizkan Euro Ltd. The Ingredients Factory

The Ingredients Factory Salsa Blenders Freshfayre


Zafron Foods Ltd.

Futura Foods UK Ltd. Leathams


Zafron Foods Ltd.


Moy Park Ltd. The Fintastic Fish Co. Zafron Foods Ltd FOOD WHOLESALERS Country Choice Foods

Gierlinger Holding GmbH Leathams Smithfield Foods Ltd. Lamb Freshfayre H Smith Foodgroup PLC Meatballs



Baking Pans

Snowbird foods


American Pan UK


Fresh-Pak Chilled Foods

The Ingredients Factory

Dawn Farms UK

Pauwels UK

Buttering Machinery



The Ingredients Factory

Deighton Manufacturing


Gierlinger Holding GmbH

Zafron Foods Ltd.

Grote Company


Millitec Food Systems Ltd.



Coffee Machinery

Insurance Protector Group

Moy Park Ltd.

Blenders Freshfayre

Blenders Pauwels UK Mayonnaise

La Cimbali UK


Pumphreys Coffee

Fresh-Pak Chilled Foods


Harvey & Brockless

Deighton Manufacturing

Pauwels UK

Grote Company

Zafron Foods Ltd.

Smithfield Foods Ltd.

Coffee Safe



H Smith Food Group plc

LABELS Bunzl Catering Supplies Nutritics Planglow Ltd. Reflex Labels Tri-Star Packaging Supplies Ltd.

Millitec Food Systems Ltd.

Sausages Freshfayre Gierlinger Holding GmbH Leathams Moy Park Ltd. Smithfield Foods Ltd. Snowbird foods Turkey

Cutting & Slicing Equipment


Grote Company

2 Sisters Food Group




Pauwels UK

Millitec Food Systems Ltd.

Dawn Farms UK

H Smith Food Group plc

Zafron Foods Ltd.

Depositing Machinery



Sauces & Ketchups

Grote Company

H Smith Food Group plc

Moy Park Ltd.


Millitec Food Systems Ltd.

Gierlinger Holding GmbH

Smithfield Foods Ltd.

Kitchen Equipment


Water and Filtration

Moy Park Ltd.


Freshfayre Pauwels UK Piquant The Ingredients Factory

Labelling Systems & Barcoding

Zafron Foods Ltd.



Planglow Ltd.


Reflex Labels

Pauwels UK

Mobile Catering Vehicles

DRINKS Chocolate

Smithfield Foods Ltd. Beef Freshfayre Leathams Moy Park Ltd. Newsholme Food Group

OILS Freshfayre ORGANIC PRODUCTS Fridays Leathams Pauwels UK

Jiffy Trucks Ltd.

Canned Meat

Sandwich Making Machinery




Sour Cream

Italian Beverage Company


Marimba World Chocolate

Deighton Manufacturing

Moy Park Ltd.

Colpac Ltd.



Grote Company

Princes Foods Ltd.

Coveris Flexibles UK Ltd. (St Neots)

Bunzl Catering Supplies

Rombouts Coffee GB Ltd.

Millitec Food Systems Ltd.

Smithfield Foods Ltd.

Pro-Ampac RAP


Café Manufacturers & Distributors Disposable


Bunzl Catering Supplies


Colpac Ltd.


Coveris Flexibles UK Ltd. (St Neots)

Manton Wood, Enterprise

Nutritcs Pro-Ampac RAP Reflex Labels Tri-Star Packaging Supplies Ltd. Food wraps Pro-Ampac RAP Tri-Star Packaging Supplies Ltd. Plastic Tri-Star Packaging Supplies Ltd.

AROUND NOON LTD. Unit 24A Rampart Road, Greenbank Industrial Estate, Newry, County Down, BT34 2QU Tel: 0283 0262333 E-mail BRC Rating – AA

Sandwich Packs

Zone, Retford Road, Manton, Worksop, Notts

S80 2RS Contact: Andrew Wilcox-Jones Tel: 01909 512600 Fax: 01909 512708

Colpac Ltd.

BRC Rating – AA

Coveris Flexibles UK Ltd. (St Neots) Pro-Ampac RAP Tri-Star Packaging Supplies Ltd. PASTA Freshfayre Leathams Pasta Foods SANDWICH FILLINGS (READY PREPARED) Fresh Fillings 2 Sisters Food Group

AROUND NOON (LONDON) LTD. 762A/763A Henley Road, Slough SL1 4JW Tel: 01753 523636 BRC Rating – AA

Fresh-Pak Chilled Foods Harvey & Brockless Zafron Foods Ltd. Frozen Fillings 2 Sisters Food Group

GREENCORE FOOD TO GO LTD – BROMLEY BY BOW Prologis Park, Twelvetrees Crescent, London E3 3JG Tel: 0207 536 8000

BRADGATE BAKERY Beaumont Leys, Leicester, LE4 1WX Contact: Clare Keers Tel: 0116 2361100 Fax: 0116 2361101 BRC RATING – AA




Unit 7,


Carlyon Road


Industrial Estate,



Marimba World Chocolate

Agrial Fresh Produce Ltd. Freshfayre Salad (prepared) Agrial Fresh Produce Ltd. Sundried Tomatoes Freshfayre Leathams Plc Sweetcorn Freshfayre Tomatoes Freshfayre VEGETABLES & HERBS Canned Vegetables Freshfayre Chargrilled Vegetables Leathams Moy Park Ltd. Jalapenos Freshfayre

STREET EATS FOOD LTD. Prince William Avenue, Sandycroft, Deeside, CH5 2QZ Tel: 01244 533888 Option 1 BRC Rating – AA


ON A ROLL SANDWICH COMPANY The Pantry, Barton Road, Riverside Park Industrial Estate, Middlesbrough TS2 1RY Contact: James Stoddart Tel: 01642 707090 Fax: 01642 243858 BRC Rating – AA

Fax: 0207 536 0790




SIMPLY LUNCH LTD. Unit 2, ZK Park, 23 Commerce Way Croydon CR0 4ZS Contact Sales Tel: 0345 2007631 BRC Rating – AA

Contact: Sales

Freshfayre Fridays

MELTON FOODS 3 Samworth Way, Leicester Road, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire LE13 1GA Tel: 01664 484400 Fax: 01664 484401

Warwickshire DELI-LITES IRELAND LTD. Unit 1 Milltown Industrial Estate, Warrenpoint, County Down BT34 3FN Contact: Ronan Gourley Tel: 028 417 54807 BRC RATING – AA

CV9 1LQ Contact: Alex McLaren Tel: 01827 719 100 Fax: 01827 719 101 BRC Rating – AA+

GREENCORE FOOD TO GREENCORE FOOD TO GO LTD PARK ROYAL Willen Field Road, Park Royal, London NW10 7AQ Contact: Clare Rees Tel: 0208 956 6000 Fax: 0208 956 6060 BRC Rating – AA

RAYNOR FOODS Farrow Road, Widford Industrial Estate, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 3TH Contact: Heather Raynor Tel: 01245 353249 Fax: 01245 347889 STS Audited REAL WRAP COMPANY LTD. Unit 2 Haslemere Industrial Estate, Avonmouth, Bristol BS11 9TP Contact: Emma Caddy Tel: 0117 3295020 STS Audited

GO LTD. – HEATHROW Unit 366 Stockley Close,

SAMWORTH BROTHERS MANTON WOOD Manton Wood Enterprise Park, Worksop, Nottinghamshire S80 2RS Tel: 01909 511800 Fax: 01536 409 050

West Drayton, London UB7 9BL Contact: Alex McLaren Tel: 0208 629 8600

BRC Rating – AA

BRC Rating – AA+

THE SOHO SANDWICH COMPANY Unit 7 Advent Business Park, Advent Way, London N18 3AL Contact: Daniel Silverston Tel: 0203 058 1245 Fax: 0207 739 1166 STS Audited

TIFFIN SANDWICHES LTD. Tiffin House, 20 Commondale Way, Euroway Trading Estate, Bradford, Yorkshire BD4 6SF Contact: Paul Thornton Tel: 01274 494939 paul.thornton@ BRC Rating – A


Café Suppliers Index 2 SISTERS FOOD GROUP B2B Leechmere Industrial Estate, Toll Bar Road, Sunderland, Tyne & Wear SR2 9TE Contact: Marie Marandola Tel: 07873 301954

AGRIAL FRESH PRODUCE LTD. Unit 5 Walthew House Lane, Martland Park Industrial Estate, Wigan WN5 0LB Contact: Emma Hesketh Tel: 01942 219942

ALS LABORATORIES (UK) LTD Sands Mill, Huddersfield Road Mirfield, West Yorkshire WF14 9DQ Contact: Nigel Richards Tel: 01354 697028 Fax: 01924 499731 AMERICAN PAN UK 6 - 8 Seddon Place, Stanley Industrial Estate, Skelmersdale, Lancashire WN8 8EB Contact: Mark Picconi Tel: 0161 504 1176

ARISTO FOODS Unit 12 South Cambridge Business Park, Babraham Road, Sawston, Cambridge CB22 3JH Contact: Jason Baldwin Mobile: 0772 007 8193 BAWNBUA FOODS NI 67 Crowhill Road, Bleary County Armagh BT66 7AT Contact: Joanne Grant Tel: 028 38 344244 BLENDERS Whitestown Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24 DV24 VY75, Ireland Contact: Barnaby Barber Phone: 00 353 14536960/ 07741 639006

BOOKER WHOLESALE Equity House, Irthlingborough Road, Wellingborough, NN8 1LT Contact: Andy Milne 07587 886315 BRITISH EGG INFORMATION SERVICE British Lion Eggs 95 Cromwell Road, London SW7 4DL Contact: Paul Slaney Tel: 0207 052 8899

CARGILL PROTEIN EUROPE Clerkenleap Barn, Bath Road, Broomhall, Worcester WR5 3HR Contact: Claire Thomas Tel: 0121 725 3476

COFFEE SAFE The Chapel, 288 Halifax Road, Liversedge WF15 6NP Tel: 01274 979920

COLPAC LTD Enterprise Way, Maulden Road, Flitwick, Bedfordshire MK45 5BW Contact: Sales Department Tel: +44 (0) 1525 712261 Fax: +44 (0) 1525 718205

COUNTRY CHOICE FOODS Swan House, New Mill Road, St Paul’s Cray, Orpington, Kent BR5 3QD Contact: Neil Lindsell Tel: 01689 301203 PANTONE 1585 U


C 0% M 60% Y 65% K 0% WEB #FF854F

C 0% M 0% Y 0% K 85% WEB #4B4846


COVERIS FLEXIBLES UK LTD. 7 Howard Road, Eaton Socon, St Neots, Cambridgeshire PE19 8ET Contact: Sales Department Tel: 01480 476161 Fax: 01480 471989

DAWN FARMS UK Lodge Way, Lodge Farm Ind. Est, Northampton NN5 7US Contact: Hannah Foster Tel: 01604 583421 Fax: 01604 587392 Accreditation body: BSA DEIGHTON MANUFACTURING (UK) LTD Gibson Street, Leeds Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD3 9TR Contact: Andy Hamilton Tel: 01274 668771 Fax: 01274 665214

DEW VALLEY FOODS Holycross Road, Thurles, County Tipperary, Ireland Contact: Christina Murphy Tel: 00353 504 46110 Fax: 00353 504 23405

FLEXESERVE The Alan Nuttall Partnership Ltd Orchard House, Dodwells Road Hinckley, Leicestershire LE10 3BZ Warwick Wakefield 01455 638300 FOOD ATTRACTION LTD. Langham Court, 21 Langham Road, Leicester LE4 9WF Contact: Jake Karia Tel: 0116 2744066

FRESHFAYRE A trading division of Fresh Direct Unit 10, Severn Way, Hunslet Industrial Estate, Hunslet, Leeds LS10 1BY Contact: Caroline Bartrop Tel: 0113 277 3001

FRESH-PAK CHILLED FOODS 1 Waterside Park, Valley Way, Wombwell, Barnsley S73 0BB Contact: Mike Roberts Tel: 01226 344850 Fax: 01226 344880

FRIDAYS Chequer Tree Farm, Benenden Rd, Cranbrook, Kent TN17 3PN Contact: Bridget Friday Tel: 01580 710250 Fax: 01580 713512 Accreditation body: BSA

FSC Cheddar Business Park, Wedmore Road, Cheddar, Somerset BS27 3EB Contact: James Simpson Tel: 01934 745600 Fax: 01934 745631

FUTURA FOODS UK LTD. The Priory, Long Street, Dursley, Gloucestershire GL11 4HR Contact: Jo Carter Tel: 01666 890500 Fax: 01666 890522 GIERLINGER HOLDING GMBH Weingartenstraße 14, A-4100, Ottensheim, Austria Contact: Harry Prutton Tel: 07747 621586

GROTE COMPANY Wrexham Technology Park, Wrexham LL13 7YP Contact: Paul Jones Tel: 01978 362243 Fax: 01978 362255 HARVEY & BROCKLESS 44-54 Stewarts Road London SW8 4DF Contact: Tina Alemao Tel: 0207 8196045 Fax: 0207 8196027 Accreditation body: BSA

H SMITH FOOD GROUP PLC 24 Easter Industrial Park, Ferry Lane South, Rainham, Essex RM13 9BP Contact: Chris Smith Tel: 01708 878888 INSURANCE PROTECTOR GROUP B1 Custom House, The Waterfront, Level Street, Brierley Hill DY5 1XH Tel: 0800 488 0013

ITALIAN BEVERAGE COMPANY Brent House, Travellers Lane Welham Green, Hertfordshire AL9 7HF

JACKSONS 40 Derringham Street, Hull HU3 1EW Contact: Commercial Team Phone: 01482 301146/ 07747 612527 JIFFY TRUCKS LTD 26 Jubilee Way, Shipley West Yorkshire BD18 1QG Tel: 01274 596000 Contact: John Briggs

Café Suppliers Index JURA PRODUCTS LTD. Vivary Mill, Vivary Way, Colne, Lancashire BB8 9NW Tel: 01282 868266 Fax: 01282 863411 Contact: Roger Heap

LA CIMBALI UK LTD Centennial Park, 280 Centennial Avenue, Elstree, Borehamwood WD6 3ST Contact: Tel: 07967 183494 Tel: 020 8238 7100

LEATHAMS LTD 227-255 Ilderton Road, London SE15 1NS Contact: Des Hillier Tel: 0207 635 4000 Fax: 0207 635 4017

MARIMBA WORLD CHOCOLATE 6 Borehamgate, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 2EG Contact: Brad Wright Tel: 01279 714527 default.html MEZZE 12 Colston Yard, Bristol BS1 5BD Contact: Hugo Walker Tel: 0117 379 0309 MILLITEC FOOD SYSTEMS LTD. 20 Victoria Road, Draycott, Derbyshire DE72 3PS Contact: Richard Ledger Tel: 01332 320400 Contact: Richard Ledger Tel: 01664 820032

MISSION FOODS EUROPE LTD Renown Avenue, Coventry Business Park, Coventry CV5 6UJ Contact: James Brown Tel: 07725 496799

MIZKAN EURO LTD. 2nd Floor Building 10, Chiswick Park, 566 Chiswick High Road, London W4 5XS Contact: Craig Dillon Tel: 0203 6752220

MOY PARK LTD. 39 Seagoe Industrial Estate, Craigavon, County Armagh BT63 5QE Contact: Mark Ainsbury Tel: +44 (0) 28 3835 2233

NEW YORK BAKERY CO. 6-9 The Square, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, UB11 1FW Contact: Angela Young Tel: 0208 283 0500 NORSELAND LTD. Somerton Road, Ilchester, Somerset BA22 8JL Contact: Luke Barfoot Tel: 07807 236 473

NSF FOODS LTD. Sutton Farm, Claverley, Shropshire WV5 7DD Contact: Steve Money Tel: 01902 925330 NUTRITICS 22c Town Centre Mall Main Street, Swords, Co Dublin Ireland Tel: 020 3769 5265 Email:

PAPAYA Crown Lane, Tinwell, Stamford, Lincolnshire PE9 3UF Tel: 01780 758560

PASTA FOODS Forest Way,Norwich NR5 0JH Contact: Stuart Mills Tel: 01493 416200

PAUWELS UK 1st Floor, Axiom House, High Street,Feltham, Middlesex TW13 4AU Contact: Mark Cardon Tel: 0208 818 7617 Fax: 0203 187 0071 PIQUANT LTD Willenhall Lane, Bloxwich, Walsall, W.Midlands WS3 2XN Contact: Julie Smith Tel: 01922 711116 Fax: 01922 473240 Accreditation body: BSA

PLANGLOW LTD The Quorum, Bond Street, Bristol BS1 3AE Contact: Rachael Sawtell Tel: 0117 317 8600 Fax: 0117 317 8639 PLATOPUS SYSTEMS LTD. One Pancras Square, London N1C 4AG Contact: Yousaf Shah Tel: 0207 7000044

RAP LTD. Mansel Court, 2A Mansel Road, Wimbledon, London SW19 4AA Contact: Martin Beaver Tel: 0208 069 0700

REFLEX PACK PLUS Moat Way, Barwell Leicestershire LE9 8EY Contact: Melissa Aplin Tel: 01455 852400 ROMBOUTS COFFEE GB LTD 954 Yeovil Road, Slough Trading Estate, Slough SL1 4NH Contact: Jonathan Wadham Tel: 0845 604 0188

ROYAL GREENLAND LTD Gateway House, Styal Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester M22 5WY Contact: Solenne Labarere Tel: 0161 4904246

SCOTSMAN ICE SYSTEMS (HUBBARD SYSTEMS) 106 Claydon Business Park, Gt. Blakenham, Ipswich, Suffolk IP6 0NL Contact: Sales Tel: 01473 350045

SEARA MEATS BV 2nd Floor, Building 1, Imperial Place, Maxwell Road, Borehamwood WD6 1JN Contact: Valeri Zhekov Tel: 0044 2035358857

SMITHFIELD FOODS LTD. Norfolk Tower, 48-52 Surrey Street, Norwich, Norfolk NR1 3PA Tel: 01603 252454 SNOWBIRD FOODS Wharf Road, Ponders End, Enfield, Middlesex EN3 4TD Contact: Helen Swan Tel: 0208 805 9222 Fax: 0208 804 9303 helen.swan@

THE FINTASTIC FISH CO. (Part of Sea Value Europe BV) Melkrijder 16 (1st Floor), 3861 SG, Nijkerk, The Netherlands Contact: Gary Davies (UK) Neila Thaalbi-Azzabi (Netherlands) Tel: +31 (0)33 253 32 06 (Netherlands) 07536 173808 (UK) THE INGREDIENTS FACTORY Unit 2-3, Hamilton Road Ind Estate, 160 Hamilton Road, London SE27 9SF Tel: 0208 670 6701 Fax: 0208 670 9676 Contact: Tim Marcuson

THE WORDBOX PR and Marketing for Food, Drink and Hospitality PM House, Riverway Industrial Estate, Guildford GU3 1LZ Contact: Jane Newick Tel. 0330 043 1951 / 07907 566773

TRI-STAR PACKAGING SUPPLIES LTD Tri-Star House, Unit 4, The Arena, Mollison Avenue, Enfield, Middlesex EN3 7NL Contact: Alex Noake Tel: 0208 4439100 Fax: 0208 4439101 ZAFRON FOODS LTD. Unit B-G Eagle Trading Estate, Willow Lane, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 4UY Contact: Jack Kenny Tel: 0844 847 5116 Fax: 0844 847 5117

LINKED ASSOCIATION LOCAL AUTHORITY CATERING ASSOCIATIONS LACA Administration, Bourne House, Horsell Park,Woking, Surrey GU21 4LY Tel: 01483766777 Fax: 01483751991


International Product Listing

Sandwich Manufacturers

BAKERY INSERTS Sigma Bakeries Ltd

SIGMA BAKERIES PO Box 56567 3308 Limassol, Cyprus Contact: Georgios Georgiou Tel: +357 25 878678 Fax: +357 25 346131

TAMARIND FOODS SPRL Brixtonlaan 2c, 1930 Zaventem, Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32 2 731 69 77 Fax: +32 2 731 69 78 Contact: Frederic Teichmann

SUBWAY Chaston House, Mill Court, Hinton Way, Great Shelford, Cambridgeshire CB22 5LD Contact: Frederick De Luca Tel: 01223 550820


CONTACT SAM MINTON .uk 01291 636333 |


BREAD Sigma Bakeries Ltd ORGANIC PRODUCTS Sigma Bakeries Ltd SANDWICHES Subway Tamarind Foods SANDWICH FILLINGS (prepared) Sigma Bakeries Ltd SPECIALITY BREADS Sigma Bakeries Ltd

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