1 minute read
Hello… there is much to devour this issue, including previews of Casual Dining and The Italian Show. Another great opportunity is PAPA Pizza Week. And while it’s not until 19-26 November, now is the time to think about getting involved.
Tomatoes have been doing it tough lately, but we speak to suppliers and retailers seeing encouraging signs. We also run the rule over pizza schools and in-house customer training.
There’s a welcome return to our pro le feature, with a smart London venue under the microscope, while the evolution and future prospects of pizza delivery provide fascinating content.
I hope you enjoy. Cheers!

Editor Alex Bell telephone 01291 636349 e-mail alex@jandmgroup.co.uk
Advertising Andrew Emery telephone 01291 636334 e-mail andrew@jandmgroup.co.uk
Production Gareth Symonds telephone 01291 636339 e-mail gareth@jandmgroup.co.uk
Subscriptions telephone 01291 636338 e-mail subscriptions@papa.org.uk
J & M Group Engine Rooms, Station Road, Chepstow NP16 5PB
Opinions expressed in Pizza, Pasta & Italian Food Magazine are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of J&M Group, Pizza, Pasta & Italian Food Magazine or The Pizza & Pasta Association. No responsibility is accepted for the opinions of contributors. Pizza, Pasta & Italian Food is published by J&M Group Ltd. and supports The Pizza, Pasta & Italian Food Association. It is circulated to managers, executives, buyers, retailers and traders in the pizza and pasta business.
© J&M Group Ltd. 2023
NEWS 4-12
14 PAPA Awards 2023.
24 Pizza Week.
26 Ciao Londra! – The Italian Show is back, with a focus on educating, tasting and promoting.
34 Keeping it Casual – Co-located with Commercial Kitchen and lunch!, Casual Dining is an essential two days for anyone in the café sector.
28 Touch of class – Learning from the best.
36 Feeling the squeeze – There is great pressure on tomato supply, but demand remains strong.
42 Secrets of success – Peter Backman looks at the past and future of pizza delivery.
45 Here to stay – Aggregators.
46 Capital taste of the Med – Vittorio Meli of Zoom East Kitchen & Bar.
48 Index of suppliers.
50 Classi eds.