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Community & Social Responsibility Award
In 2020, PAPA introduced a Community Award, looking to shine a spotlight on those companies giving something back. In the heart of a pandemic, it was a hugely challenging time – and we wanted to recognise businesses going the extra mile to help others. From local efforts to national schemes, there have been many inspirational submissions over the years. And we’re seeking more for 2023…
Now called the Community & Social Responsibility Award, it rewards those putting social responsibility at the heart of their operations or improving the environment around them.

The driving force is its sponsor, specialist meat products and toppings supplier, Qualitops. They’ve been behind the award from the beginning – and it’s a particular passion project for managing director, Claus Nielsen.

“We started sponsoring when Covid-19 started,” said Nielsen. “Obviously, everyone had to help each other and nobody knew what was around the corner. But we saw incredible creativity in how people went about their business – helping in the community. And while we’ve transitioned into some sort of normality again, it’s still more important than ever. Everybody is being squeezed in terms of costs, especially the smaller independents. So, we have to keep looking at how we can help each other. We have many smaller customers and have built these up over two decades of business.”
Three years ago, PAPA received entries from businesses sending thousands of pizzas to NHS hospitals and care agencies, while offering them staff discounts, alongside food hubs being created for front-line workers. In 2021, we heard from pizzerias sponsoring youth sports teams, with pizza and pasta donated to various food banks and charities. From support for Air Ambulance services to local theatre initiatives, the impact of the pizza and pasta industry on local communities is astounding. The stories have been truly wonderful.
“There are still hangovers from the pandemic – and people out there that need our help,” continued Nielsen. “With the cost of living crisis and such pressure on the hospitality sector, these problems always hit the poorest parts of the country. We have to do all we can to take care of people in society. Our sponsorship of other events [community music festivals, local sportspeople] shows our direction –and why we think this award is so important.”
And that’s where you come in. Whether big or small, local or national, we want to hear from businesses doing great things in the community – or for their staff. Perhaps management is brilliant at sponsoring charity work, fun runs or cycle rides; or there is exceptional support around mental health. Whatever the initiative or ambitions, we want you to get in touch and tell us all about it.

At the end of it all, there’s the glitter and glamour of the PAPA Awards ceremony in London on 9 November.

“The dinner itself is a great social event,” said Nielsen. “We bring our customers along, but also catch up with our competitors, who we know very well. It’s an excellent opportunity to network and engage with those you haven’t seen for a little while.”

So, what are you waiting for?

Come and be a part of it.
It is important for us as a brand to realise that everything we do starts at a local level with those that we can see around us. It is by building the links with those on the front line in all activities that we are able to continue and build upon what we have achieved.
This was a very welcome surprise. We work hard with our local rural communities and this award means such a lot to us.
Business & Product Innovation Award

A key contributor to success in business is the ability to bring something innovative and exciting to the market. Whether it’s an entirely brand-new concept or a major redevelopment of an existing product, fresh ideas attract attention.

At last year’s PAPAs, the winner in this category took the “fresh” idea to new levels. Pizza Rebellion sought out a way to serve fresh-cooked take-away pizza in places where you wouldn’t normally expect. The result was their robot controlled pizza vending machines.
Now serving in eight locations along the south coast, the pizza robots take the vending concept to an
Awards Focus
extraordinary new level. Customers can select from a range of pizzas, expertly prepared by chefs and the pizza robot will cook and serve their order in 4 minutes, completely hands-free.
This year, the award is again seeking entries from a broad field. You may have taken huge strides with technical or environmental schemes. It could be that your marketing team has come up with a fantastic new campaign. Perhaps there’s a new (non-food) product, packaging range or equipment line which is a game-changer.

As Pizza Rebellion proved, you don’t have to be a big name to win, but you do have to enter.

2022 Business Innovation Award, William Jack, founder, Pizza Rebellion
We’ve worked so hard to get to this stage and it means so much to receive this recognition. It really gives us all such a boost.

Major Chain Pizza Delivery Award
All of the major high-street names in the pizza delivery sector are potential winners in this category.
Italian Restaurant Award
There’s something about Italian food which makes it so perfect for communal eating – and this award is presented to those Italian restaurants bringing food, families and friends together across the nation.
Manufactured Pizza Award
With this award there’s something for everyone. The judges will consider both everyday and premium entries, presenting the award to the best new manufactured pizza.
Chilled Pizza Multiple Retailer Award
Presented to the multiple retailer whose performance has driven sales in the chilled pizza sector.
Independent Pizza Restaurant Award
The pizza restaurant is a firm favourite with the British public when it comes to dining out. Wth many superb independents to choose from, this award recognises the best of them.
Italian Style Ready-Made Main Meal Award
An award for new, ready-made Italian style main meal dishes.
Pizza Restaurant Chain Award
The pizza restaurant is a firm favourite with the British public when it comes to dining out, and this award looks at the ever-popular chains to recognise the best on the high street.
Italian Style Food Award
An award for food products or ingredients bringing something new and inspiring for chefs to use when creating their menu.
Business & Product Innovation Award
A broad category focusing on innovation. This could take the form of technical or marketing initiatives; software, apps and ordering systems; packaging, equipment or other non-food products.

Convenience Store Pizza Award
Presented to the convenience retailer whose performance has driven sales in the pizza sector.
Frozen Pizza Multiple Retailer Award
Presented to the multiple retailer whose performance has driven sales in the frozen pizza sector.
Pasta Retailer Award
Presented to the multiple retailer whose performance has driven sales in the pasta sector.
Community & Social Responsibility Award
This award shines the spotlight on those businesses which have made a significant effort to improve the world around them.


Pizza Delivery Award
A huge contributor to our industry, independent pizza delivery outlets - those with fewer than five stores - are considered for this award.
Small Chain Pizza Delivery
Retail chains with up to 100 delivery outlets nationwide are eligible for this award.

2023 pizza, pasta & italianfood assoc i a t i o n
Entries and nominations are invited for each category. Full details of the entry requirements for each are available at www.papaindustryawards.co.uk

The award qualifying period is 1 September 2022 to 31 August 2023. Closing date for entries is 9 August 2023.