Nelson Boren c ow b oy s i n c o l o r
artist focus
32'' x 51'' Watercolor
Cover: Cooling Off 31'' x 73'' Watercolor [2]
Nelson Boren c ow b oy s i n c o l o r p
Artist Focus featuring 10 new works J une 27 th - J uly 7 th , 2019 J ackson H ole , W yoming
This sale is conducted on a first come first serve basis. For more information on additional works, please call 307-733-2353 or view the entire show online at
Slotted “H” Brand
26'' x 50'' Watercolor
Nelson Boren’s art can best be described in these words, “We can practically hear the creaking leather and smell the musty, oily aroma of gloves and gear as the callused hide goes soft in the hands of this industrious cowboy. That Boren manages to imply a story with his faceless cowpuncher is merely a bonus.” (U.S. Art magazine, Feb/March 2001) Nelson uses the German word “gestalt”, meaning, “undefined whole”, to describe his ability to “kick start” a story, only to be completed by the viewer. “I am fascinated with trying to capture the close up texture, depth, richness, and detail of the iconic American Cowboy. If old leather chaps, worn out dusty boots, or trail worn circa 1900 silver spurs could talk, think of the stories they could tell.” For more than thirty years now, Nelson’s paintings are featured in museums, private and corporate collections nationally and internationally. Nancy Ellis of Southwest Art magazine says of Nelson’s work, “The medium here is handled so deftly, the illusion of texture and the third dimension so complete, that I’m amazed. Standing back from the painting, I can’t help but smile.”
Leather Staps
27'' x 38'' Watercolor
Deep Thinker
34'' x 44'' Watercolor
16'' x 12'' Watercolor
Ride’m Cowboy
43'' x 52'' Watercolor
Evening Siesta
14'' x 33½'' Watercolor
[ 10 ]
Life Is Good
24'' x 42'' Watercolor
[ 11 ]
Tucker’d Out
26'' x 50'' Watercolor
4977 • 75 north cache • jackson, wy 83001 • 307-733-2353 7178 main street • scottsdale, az 85251 w w w . l e g ac yg a l l e ry . c o m