Imaginative Realms

My work involves a combination of my ongoing interest in the American Regionalist and Modernist Art Movements from the 1930’s and 40’s and my desire to find new and different ways in which to depict the rhythms of life and the natural flow of motion found in nature. As a native of Colorado, I feel my work is all about the brilliant color, dramatic forms and shapes, and the intense lights and darks of the American Southwest.
- Sushe Felix2

3 Opening: 5 - 7 pm Friday, October 7th Duration: October 7th - October 28th 2022 Sushe Felix Imaginative Realms 123 Palace Avenue • Santa Fe NM, 87501 • 505.986.0440 •

4 Humming Along 12" x 12" Acrylic Wise one 12" x 12" Acrylic JAunty JAy 16" x 12" Acrylic

5 BeAr Hugs 36" x 36" Acrylic

6 WAiting out tHe storm 24" x 24" Acrylic

7 rolling over & under 24" x 30" Acrylic

8 miscHief mAkers 12" x 16" Acrylic gold rusH 11" x 14" Acrylic

9 running free 24" x 36" Acrylic

10 Blessed rAin 24" x 36" Acrylic

11 clAmoring cHoir 30" x 24" Acrylic

12 foxy fAmily 16" x 20" Acrylic

13 cleAr skies & crystAl WAters 24" x 30" Acrylic

14 HeAven on eArtH 36" x 48" Acrylic

15 tAking turns 12" x 12" Acrylic HigH mountAin sHoWers 12" x 18" Acrylic

16 tHe roAd Home 18" x 24" Acrylic

17 midnigHt serenAde 48" x 36" Acrylic

18 mAgicAl moonBeAm fAlls 30" x 24" Acrylic

19 keep Hope Alive! 48" x 60" Acrylic

20 123 Palace Avenue • Santa Fe NM, 87501 • 505.986.0440 •