Good Jobs for the Skagit Valley
Sara Young
Executive Director, Port of Skagit
here’s one thing that becomes evident very quickly when learning about the Port of Skagit. It is their recognition that their reason for being is to benefit the community — so much so that it is front and center on their website, their mission statement, their vision and their “Port’s Promise”. And “Good Jobs for the Skagit Valley” is more than just a catchphrase for the Port. In our interview with Sara Young, Executive Director at the Port, and in review of current activities and future plans, it’s plain to see that the “Promise” truly reflects the commitment from staff and Commissioners to better the lives of those living in the Skagit Valley. PP: Let’s start by looking at the transition between yourself and your predecessor, Patsy Martin, as well as the strengths you bring to the role of Executive Director. SY: Patsy had advised the Commission of her plans for retirement a few years prior to actually setting a date, so discussions about succession had started very early. The Commission 12 — PACIFIC PORTS — May 2022
...it’s plain to see that the “Promise” truly reflects the commitment from staff and Commissioners to better the lives of those living in the Skagit Valley. had wanted an internal candidate and a seamless transition, so about a year prior to Patsy’s departure, we started operating differently to prepare for it. I started taking on more engagement with the Commissioners, our strategic planning process, as well as staff development. Patsy focused on finishing up projects and wrapping up pieces of external relationships that she had been managing. By the time she walked out the door, we had transitioned all of that and were ready to go. That was at the beginning of September 2021. I’ve been with the Port for 15 years, so I’ve had the benefit of not only contributing to the mission, but helping to develop the workplan to fulfill teh Commission’s vision. I have worked with the staff and the Commission for
many years, and we have a really talented team. We’ve worked very hard to develop a positive work experience for our staff and, as a result, they understand the need to grow together and be productive. I started my career as a consultant in the area of natural resource sciences and that involved a lot of land use permitting and project management. My experience in those areas has been invaluable and it has taught me how to be resourceful in terms of developing transferable skills as well as critical thinking. PP: Could you provide some background on the Commission? SY: We have a really strong Commission. All three Commissioners have deep ties to the community and have been excellent stewards of the Port. Their skills and backgrounds