The Passion Vine December 2014

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The Passion Vine

The Passion Vine – December 2014

Post Office Box 321 Pomona QLD 4568

Executive Report By Jann Bonsall The final quarter of 2014 is coming to a close but I hear there isn’t going to be much of a break for passionfruit growers! There hadn’t been much fruit on the market up until the beginning of December but it’s on now and looks like continuing until well into January. Passionfruit has had some excellent grand appearances on the covers of Gourmet Traveller and Feast (SBS) in December and the ABC are promoting passionfruit in the January/February edition of Organic Gardener… and this is all unprompted! The full outline of the industry’s summer program provided by Elisa King from HIA Ltd (formerly HAL) is on pages 10 and 11.

You should have noticed that Passion Vine is wearing a new badge signifying the new horticulture industry services body, Horticulture Innovation Limited. The new HIA Ltd was announced by the Minister for Agriculture, Barnaby Joyce on October 6th but the Statutory Funding Agreement for 20142018 was not finalised until late on November 24th. There is a copy of the media release by HIA Ltd on 25th November on page 6 Information regarding eligibility and how to become a member of HIA Ltd is outlined in their Constitution on the HIA Ltd web site. On page 13 of the Constitution there is reference to application for membership being supplied in a certain form and containing information prescribed by the Company. The final Register is not expected to be finalised until the second half of 2015 so PAI will provide you with the relevant information as soon as it is made available. I can supply you with those details if you can’t access the web site, so just give me a call. PAI’s President Ian Constable and I are attending the final HAL AGM on November 18th. There will be a report on all the

Newsletter of Passionfruit Australia Incorporated

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December 2014 outcomes sent via email in the following week as unfortunately Passion Vine will be at the printers making sure it is in your mailbox prior to Christmas. The new PAI Executive has elected a new Breeding Sub Committee (BSC) with all regions represented and is chaired by Tim Johnson. The BSC and the Executive met with Professor Graham King from Southern Cross University on the 22nd October at which the Professor outlined a program to provide the passionfruit industry with a DNA fingerprint toolkit. The outline of that project is on page 8. This edition of Passion Vine sees the final chapter of R&D Projects history up to November 2012 from page 12. This history is a “living” document so there will be more information added to the file annually. Cherie Gambley and her project team have provided us with the latest milestone report for the Overcoming viruses project (pages 7 and 8). Cherie’s team will lodge their final report for this project at the end of February 2015. It was agreed at the last Passionfruit IAC meeting in August that there would be a roundtable workshop conducted at Eco Science Precinct in Brisbane on February 3 rd 2015 to discuss the direction of the breeding and virus program for the passionfruit industry in coming (Continued on page 4)

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