The Passion Vine
The Passion Vine – March 2013
Post Office Box 321 Pomona QLD 4568
Executive Report
Having done the call around to growers in the various areas, the worst hit have been Bundaberg and Northern NSW with posts snapped putting vines on the ground and fruit and flowers stripped from vines that have stayed upright. Far North Queensland reported business as usual as the rain was no different to their usual weather pattern. Even though it is still early in the year, the PAI Executive and the IAC have met and had very constructive sessions to ensure that the industry has a very proactive marketing campaign for the next 12 months, aligning the research projects to industry objectives and initiating a few new projects to help growers protect their vines and increase their production values.
March 2013 Newsletter of Passionfruit Australia Incorporated
By Jann Bonsall The festive season has been celebrated, Australia Day havoc has been wreaked along the Queensland coast and parts of the inland, NSW has been slammed twice in a few weeks, the Sunshine Coast has had another drenching and as I write Bundaberg is facing another deluge. And what did I say in December…? I never thought I’d hear people praying for rain. Well, all the prayers have been answered … maybe too many!
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There was an email sent out at the end of February for growers who are affected by mites to send in some samples so they can be clearly identified and the most effective pest control measures be drawn up. If you have a problem with mites, collect a sample of affected leaves, wrap in a slightly damp paper towel and place it in a clip lock bag, seal it and then place it inside another clip lock bag to ensure containment. To avoid crushing in the post, pack in a small box and address the sample to Cherie Gambley and Andrew Manners at Horticulture Pathology, DAFFQ, Ecosciences Precinct, GPO Box 267, Brisbane QLD 4001. If anyone has any questions you’re welcome to give me a call. The Executive also took part in a Crisis Management Workshop conducted by Richard Bennett from Horticulture Australia and as an outcome of that workshop, work is currently being undertaken to make sure ALL members of Passionfruit Australia are aware of how to respond should a crisis affect the passionfruit industry in any adverse way. That information will be made available to growers within the next few months.
I’m in the process of organising a Directors’ training workshop which ensures that the Executive are all aware of their responsibilities upholding the governance of Passionfruit Australia Inc. This type of training has become increasingly important due to the escalation of compliance from DAFF through Horticulture Australia. The Annual General Meeting, Annual Levy Payers’ Meeting and Field Day will be held in Cairns (and environs), Friday 23rd and Saturday 24th August 2013. More information will be available once venues and Field Day activities are finalised. And after long and protracted discussions with DAFF Q (previously DEEDI/DPI QLD), PAI now have copies of the second edition of The passionfruit growing guide available and the Problem Solver Field Guide WILL be printed in the next month and be available through PAI. More information later in the newsletter.
Hoping that all the growers and our supply chain partners have a chance to enjoy Easter with their family and friends, and as a result of all the rain, we have production of quality passionfruit rewarding all the hard work and frustration in between.