The Passion Vine March 2014

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The Passion Vine

The Passion Vine – March 2014

Post Office Box 321 Pomona QLD 4568

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March 2014

Executive Report By Jann Bonsall A belated happy new year to all with the rider that I’m sure a lot of you are not having a particularly happy one! It’s been so dry and although there has been some light rain over the last week or so in the southern regions (SEQ and NNSW) it’s not enough to keep the growers happy! Stories abound about how tough this dry is for everyone. Peanut farmers in Kingaroy are struggling to produce ANY peanuts this year and have cancelled the Peanut Festival in August already. If you consider that peanuts are a dry-resistant commodity, it must mean things ARE tough out there at Kenilworth. And then if you go further west it is dire! It has been a very busy first quarter for 2014 with the Executive meeting at the offices of ABGC on 14th January prior to an IAC meeting at the EcoScience Precinct at Dutton Park on the 15th. The issue of mites affecting growers across all regions was discussed and HAL has lodged applications with APVMA for 2 new permits and a renewal for another. Information about those applications is on pages 12 and 13. During the period from December through to mid-January Scott

Williams, who had been contracted by HAL on behalf of PAI, conducted a review of the PAI Strategic Investment Plan. The aim was to gain growers’ insights and views regarding levy expenditure and its direction in line with the SIP. Scott’s final report has been delivered to HAL and the summary appears later in the Passion Vine on page 8. PAI agreed to hold a General Meeting in Murwillumbah which has been confirmed for Friday 28th March. The full invitation appears on page 9 of the Passion Vine. Most growers and supply chain partners should have already received an invitation both by email and snail mail, so please ensure you RSVP. Prior to the IAC meeting at EcoScience, four Executives and I walked through the Brisbane Markets to look at the presentation and condition of passionfruit on the market. The good fruit was excellent and literally walking out the door, but there were some gobsmackingly appalling fruit that should never have made it into a box let alone to the market. I was in Sydney at the end of January and went to the Sydney markets to see the

quality presented down there. It wasn’t much better although I was fortunate enough not to see ones quite as awful as those in Brisbane. More later on page 14 PAI have also been working in collaboration with the other HAL members to present two submissions as a collective and independently. The first submission was in response to a discussion paper regarding cost recovery for APVMA. There were some serious issues that needed to be addressed particularly for small industries, and with assistance from HAL, PAI were cosignatories to the “whole of industry” submission and made one specifically on behalf of the passionfruit industry. In line with HAL’s role as a Research and Development Corporation for the horticultural industry, an independent review is being undertaken to determine HAL’s performance under the Deed of Agreement between HAL

Continued on page 6 Newsletter of Passionfruit Australia Incorporated

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Association Address PO Box 321 Pomona QLD 4568. Mobile 0418 883 753 Email

Executive Committee President Keith Paxton 38 Atkinsons Road, Woombye, QLD 4559 Phone (07) 5445 9387 Fax (07) 5445 9323 Email

Executive Officer (Secretary/Treasurer) Jann Bonsall PO Box 321 Pomona QLD 4568 Phone 07 5485 4402 Email

Vice President Ian Constable “Nunderry” 260 Boyds Lane Dulguigan via Murwillumbah NSW 2484 Phone / Fax (02) 6672 6826 Mobile 0428 181 246 Email

PAI FEES New Grower or Processor Membership fee : $187 incl GST, joining fee and lobby fees Grower or Processor Membership renewal : $143 incl GST and lobby fees. Other classes (Nurseryman, seller, agent or associate) : $187 incl GST and lobby fees. Memberships run with the Fiscal year from July 1st to June 30th each year irrespective of date joined. Membership lapses if not renewed within three months of end of the fiscal year. Plant Royalties are due on propagation or purchase of all PAI varieties - Fees are payable to PAI executive officer : $0.35 per plant for PAI members, otherwise $0.70 for all non-members.

Committee Members President Vine Committee Steve Gray Vixies Road, Wonga Beach, QLD 4873 Phone / Fax (07) 4098 7202 Email

Member Peter Griffiths 408 Dahl’s Road, Calavos, QLD 4670 Phone/Fax (07) 4159 7394 Mobile 0429 656 922 Email Member Sean Russell (JE Tippers) PO Box 27, Brisbane Markets, QLD 4006 Phone (07) 3379 1041 Fax (07) 3379 4817 Mobile 0418 158 331 Email Member William Wise 131 Cranneys Road, North Tumbulgum, NSW 2490 Phone (02) 6676 6099 Email Member Tina McPherson 15 Zinks Road, Bundaberg, QLD 4670 Phone (07) 4159 3001 Fax (07) 4155 6744 Mobile 0428 415 930 Email

Member Jim Gordon PO Box 119, Yandina, QLD 4561 Phone (07) 5446 7536 Fax (07) 5446 7524 Mobile 0403 185 961 Email

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Passionfruit Australia Incorporated Industry Advisory Committee PH: 07 3374 0453 Mob: 0413 101 646 Email:

Dianne Fullelove

Chairperson PO Box 913, Kenmore, QLD 4069

Jane Wightman

HAL Suite 2, Level 5, 87 Wickham Terrace Spring Hill, QLD 4000

Peter Rigden

QLD Government DAFF, Maroochy Research Station, PO Box 5083, SCMC, QLD 4560

Cherie Gambley

QLD Government DAFF, Eco Science Precinct 2C West, GPO Box 267, Brisbane, QLD 4001

Ian Constable

PAI Executive “Nunderry” 260 Boyds Lane, Dulguigan via Murwillumbah, NSW 2484

PH/FAX: (02) 6672 6826 MOBILE: 0428 181 246 Email:

Steve Gray

PAI Executive Vixies Road, Wonga Beach, QLD 4873

PH: (07) 4098 7202 Fax: (07) 4098 7202 Email:

Keith Paxton

PAI Executive 38 Atkinsons Road, Woombye, QLD 4559

PH: (07) 5445 9387 FAX: (07) 5445 9323 MOB: 0427 625 946 Email:

Tina McPherson

PAI Executive 15 Zinks Road, Bundaberg, QLD 4670

PH: (07) 4159 3001 FAX: (07) 4155 6744 MOBILE : 0428 415 930 Email:

Sean Russell

Marketing PO Box 27, Brisbane Markets, QLD 4106

This newsletter has been jointly funded by PAI and HAL using the passionfruit levy and matched funds from the Australian Government.

Mob: 0404 309 877 Email: PH: 07 5453 5927 FAX: 07 5493 5901 Email: PH: 07 3255 4340 Mob: 0423 200 211 Email:

PH: (07) 3379 1041 FAX: (07) 3379 4817 Mob : 0418 158 331 Email:

Bank account details Passionfruit Australia Incorporated BSB: 124-101 Acc No.: 21655088 If direct debiting please ensure to quote your name or membership number

The Passion Vine – March 2014

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Regional Roundup From the growers...

Bundaberg Area By Peter Griffiths

apparent reason. Fusarium we think but it normally happens after rain.

Hello everyone. In the Bundaberg region, in stark contrast to this period last year, we have only received approximately 120mm of rain for January and February combined. We experienced a moderate summer crop and it was good to see the price stay reasonable and not plummet like it does some Januarys. Due to the dry conditions there is minimal disease pressure and the vines are flowering in large numbers. Hopefully the bird life will leave enough behind to experience a good winter crop.

This will be our first year ever with only 1 variety. We are all sweethearts now. After seeing Steve and Trish’s Mistys at the AGM we had some doubts but the sweethearts do well here and we are happy with the quality of the fruit. All our vines are flowering well but not setting too much fruit yet. Some rain would be like a tonic not just for the vines. Our cows are low on grass coming into winter and stock water is very low.

That’s all until next time. Thanks.

The Sunshine Coast

NNSW Area By Ian Constable Hello everyone, February is normally one of our wettest months but this year it is very dry. We are fortunate to have a good dam for irrigating most of our vines. Some are not irrigated and we are amazed at how well they are looking, but they are well behind the watered ones. The dry hot weather is ideal for passion mite and we have not escaped these destructive little pains. We have been able to keep them under control till now with Bio Pest but they are spreading out and after last season we are worried of a repeat. Our young vines have grown well, but we lost a few that wilted and died for no

Dare I say it! We need a flood! Bye for now, Ian

By Keith and Judy Paxton Now our lychee season is over we are catching up with the pruning and taping of our young vines. It is always a struggle trying to keep the passionfruit on track during lychee picking. Usually we are not picking up when we are doing lychees but this year we were swamped with passionfruit at the same time. The weather is still a trial for everyone in this area. We have had no substantial rain for around 5 months and we are constantly irrigating but nothing is better than rain. We have had a few showers overnight recently 13 mm last night, but more is needed. Good news for Harry and Robyn

that they have sold their farm, but they will be sorely missed by the Association. Harry and Robyn were always good value at the annual meetings, good hosts at field days and always helpful with advice for new growers. We wish them all the best for their new life after passionfruit. Cheers, Keith and Judy.

Diary Note Friday 29th August Dinner Saturday 30th August AGM & Annual Levy Payers’ Meeting followed by lunch and Field Walk Locations to be confirmed on the Sunshine Coast

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Don’t forget * PASSIONFRUIT GROWERS AND SUPPLIERS OF * GRAFTED PASSIONFRUIT Misty Gems DPI - Approved rootstocks * SEEDLINGS Pandora Red Panama

Hand pollinated Pandora rootstock available.

FOR ORDERS / ENQUIRIES Please ph/fax 07 4159 7394 Peter Griffiths 0429 656 922 Sally Griffiths 0401 656 922

408 Dahls Rd, Calavos, Bundaberg Q 4670 Email –

membership and plant orders are due

The Passion Vine – March 2014 (Continued from page 1)

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For information regarding administration issues for Passionfruit Australia Incorporated please contact:

and government. The review is also looking at the service delivery and efficiency of levy arrangements. HAL Members have made a joint submission and PAI have also made a submission on behalf of the passionfruit industry. The outcomes of the review will be discussed at the HAL Forum in May.

Jann Bonsall PO Box 321 Pomona QLD 4568 Ph: 07 5485 4402 Email: admin@ For variety and plantings issues please contact your local Executive Member as listed on page 2. Other enquiries can be made through Queensland DPIF on their call centre number 132523

And finally, the date for the Annual General meeting and the Annual Levy Payers’ Meeting has been set for Saturday 30th August 2014 to be held on the Sunshine Coast. The venue will be confirmed in the June Passion Vine along with all the other details.

All contributions concerning the industry are most welcome.

The Passion Vine is edited by Jann Bonsall and Jenny Drew The advice and opinions in the articles published in The Passion Vine are essentially those of contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Passionfruit Australia Incorporated or the Editor. The advice given is at the readers own risk, and no responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of the material presented. Inclusion of an advertisement in this publication does not necessarily imply endorsement of the product, company or service by Passionfruit Australia Incorporated or the Editor.

Hoping the rain falls where it needs to in the near future and that smiles return to those dials!


Grow Help Australia Diagnostic Services By By Peter Rigden (Extension Officer) and Dr. Cherie Gambley (Senior Plant Pathologist), Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry Queensland. The Plant Pest Diagnostic Service (PPDS) provided by the Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry Queensland (DAFFQ) has been established to centralise all plant diagnostics provided by the department and Grow Help Australia is now part of the PPDS. This article outlines and explains how passionfruit

growers are currently able to access this diagnostic service. Grow Help Australia provides the horticulture industry with a comprehensive diagnostic service for the identification of pests and disease organisms in plants, seeds, potting mix, soil and water. Most insects are

visible to the naked eye and are therefore readily identifiable in the field with the assistance of the Passionfruit Problem Solver Field Guide (PPSFG), so in practice this service is most likely to be used by passionfruit growers to identify disease problems. When they produce distinctive symptoms on leaves and fruit some diseases of

The Passion Vine – March 2014 passionfruit such as anthracnose, septoria and brown spot can also often be identified by the grower using the PPSFG. However, sometimes the visual symptoms of a disease are not obvious or can be confused with those of another disease and it may be necessary to isolate and culture samples and then examine the cultures under a microscope to identify the disease. Grow Help Australia has the specialist pathologists and facilities to carry out this work. Grow Help Australia is provided on a fee for service basis and DAFFQ’s website at -pests-diseases/grow-help provides:  details of likely costs,  instructions on how to collect, prepare and package samples for analysis,  an online submission form which needs to be submitted prior to sending in the sample. The good news for passionfruit growers is that currently this service can be accessed through an industry funded project ‘PF11004: Overcoming passionfruit viruses’ which is led by Dr Cherie Gambley. One of the aims of this project is to develop an improved understanding of disease incidence in the Australian passionfruit industry and because of this the service fee can be covered by the project’s budget. Obviously, project funds are limited and this service can only be provided if the budget has not been exhausted and when other ways of identifying a problem are not likely to be effective. This arrangement will continue until the project is completed in December 2014 and after this date the Grow Help Australia fee will need to be paid

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by the grower who is submitting the sample, though it may be possible to incorporate a similar arrangement into another industry funded disease management project in future. If you need to identify a pest or disease problem in your passionfruit plantation we suggest progressively working through the following steps:  Closely observe the symptoms and compare them to the pictures and information in the Passionfruit Problem Solver Field Guide which is available from Passionfruit Australia Incorporated’s website. This may well be all that is required to identify the problem.  If available in your area, seek advice from a consultant or pest scout who may be able to visit your farm to examine the problem.  Contact Peter Rigden (phone 07 5453 5927), sometimes an over the phone discussion can help clarify things.  After discussion with Dr Cherie Gambley (mobile 0423 200 211) or a Grow

Help Australia diagnostician (07 3255 4365), submit samples to Grow Help Australia. You will need to visit the DAFF Q website’s Grow Help Australia pages at plants/health-pests-diseases/ grow-help and complete the sample submission form. It is important to supply as much information on this form as possible to assist staff in processing the sample. If sending root samples separate them into a different bag to that of stems and foliage samples as soil contamination of stem and foliage samples will complicate diagnoses of those samples. There are many factors that can affect the length of time needed to gain an accurate diagnosis and some samples may only take a few days to be completed, others require 3 to 4 weeks to isolate and identify the pathogen. On average two weeks is required. Remember this is not a telephone advisory service and staff will not be able to provide accurate diagnostic advice over the phone without a sample.

PAI Licensed Nurseries Birdwood Nursery

71 Blackall Range Road Nambour QLD 4560

07 5442 1611

J & V McLeod

Campbell’s Road Dungay NSW 2484

02 6672 3503

Widebay 408 Dahls Road Calavos Passionvine Nursery via Bundaberg QLD 4670

07 4159 7394

The Passion Vine – March 2014

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Evaluation of Industry Strategic Investment Plan An online survey of passionfruit growers and a series of telephone interviews were conducted to gauge growers’ attitudes and practices in relation to aspects of the industry’s five year Strategic Investment Plan (SIP). Consultation such as this is important to help HAL, and the PAI IAC understand which grower levies and matching Government funding should be invested to provide the best return for industry. The project showed:  Growers are supportive of the Growing Guide, Field Guide and the fruit quality wall chart, even though many refer to them only occasionally.  There is strong support for ongoing chemical registration work. In particular, growers noted the need for a miticide

since the recent withdrawal of the most effective product available.  Disease diagnostic services provided by the Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry in Queensland (QDAFF) are seen as valuable and should be continued (although they may need greater promotion, as not everyone is aware of them).  New rootstock and variety development is considered vital and is regarded as the main weakness of industry R&D. Growers generally believe that current rootstocks are adequate, but the continual development of new varieties is important.  Formal business risk management systems are not well taken up except where they are covered under the industry QA system

‘Freshcare’. Freshcare does not include systems for OHS or environmental management.  Industry provision of market data such as wholesale prices does not appear to be a high priority for most growers.  The growers who participated in the project held a reasonably high opinion of the quality of levy investment and industry communications. The Passion Vine is very extensively read. It is difficult to see ways to improve communications with growers, although running more local events might be considered. The findings will be considered by HAL and PAI IAC as they determine how to manage the current portfolio of projects, as well as identifying which projects to commission in the future.

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Progress with the Mite Problem In response to issues bought to the PAI Executive and then forwarded to the IAC, regarding the problem mites are causing across all growing regions in varying degrees, PAI in conjunction with

Jodie Pedrana at HAL, have submitted the following applications for two new permits and renewal of one. The timeframe for approval of the applications is dependent on

APVMA considerations but all things going well, approval should be through by next summer season.

Permit applications with APVMA for assessment Target

Active ingredient


APVMA Submission no: date






Petroleum Oil



Fenbutatin oxide


Petroleum oil – Maximum of 6 applications per season with a minimum interval of 14 days between applications, Apply at a rate of 500 mL to 1 L product per 100 L Passionvine mite (Brevipalpus phoenicis) and Two-spotted mite (Tetranychus urticae) infestations of Passionfruit (Passiflora edulis) are most damaging during summer and autumn during warm dry weather. Large numbers congregate in leaf axils, in the terminal shoots and leaf stalks and along the main veins of leaves. The mites can cause scarring and discolouration of maturing fruits, which become unmarketable. Heavy infestations can result in defoliation.





Cat 20 (renewal of PER10959)Permit application prepared by AKC and submitted by HAL




New - Permit application prepared by AKC and submitted by HAL




New - Permit application prepared by AKC and submitted by HAL

During the current season Passionvine mite infestations have been extremely damaging due to the particularly dry weather experienced. Achieving control of the mites has been difficult as there is currently only propargite approved for the control of Passionvine mites in passion fruit. Due to concerns over phytotoxicity and its limit of only two applications per crop its use is problematic. Given crop losses the industry needs to gain approval for alternative miticides to broaden the number of control options available. Based on results from efficacy trials the industry wishes to gain access to petroleum based spray oils. In the trial, in which various miticides were evaluated,

petroleum oil showed good efficacy against a high population of Passionvine mites, see Table 1 on page 13. The industry has also indicated that the use of petroleum oils under PER13641 had not resulted in adverse crop affects. As a result gaining access to petroleum oil for Passionvine mite control would be of benefit to passionfruit growers and aid in maintaining the longterm sustainability of the industry. Abamectin - Previously issued permit number: PER10959 (expired 30 Sep 2009) The industry has also indicated that abamectin had previously provided effective mite control with no adverse experiences, in terms of crop

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Moraitis Group Pty Ltd

safety, reported during the life of the previous permits. As a result regaining access to abamectin would be of benefit to passionfruit growers and aid in maintaining the long-term sustainability of the industry. Table 1 : Pre– and post-treatment mite populations on 10 x 10 cm canes per plot Treatment

Pre-treat means 4-day post-treat means

Bifenazate (Acramite)

1470 ab

14 a

Dicofol (Kelthane)

2249 ab

49 a

Fenbutatin-oxide 2244 ab (Torque)

13 a

Spirodiclofen (Envidor)

2116 ab

13 a

Vertimec (Avermectin)

2469 b

19 a

Paraffinic oil (Biopest)

1062 a

26 a


1874 ab

1155 b




Fenbutatin oxide (Torque Miticide) Fenbutatin oxide is currently approved in Australia for the control of various mite species, including Tetranychid species in a number of crops. As the proposed use regime is consistent with existing Australian use patterns against Two-spotted mites the industry believes activity against mite species in passionfruit would be comparable. Therefore, gaining access to fenbutatin oxide for mite control in passionfruit would be of benefit to passionfruit growers and aid in maintaining the long-term sustainability of the industry. Apply at the first sign of mite activity and repeat as infestations indicate. Two applications a fortnight apart is normally adequate to control the pest. 4 applications per season and a minimum of 14 days between applications (40 mL/100L, Water rate 1000L/Ha)

Leaders in fresh produce Moraitis core products include : * Passionfruit * Melons * Pumpkin * Cherries * Onions * Strawberries

* Potatoes *Tomatoes * Bananas * Citrus * Garlic * Avocadoes

Moraitis is a national company in the leading position as a fully integrated supplier of fresh fruits and vegetables in Australia. Moraitis have a dedicated team focused on satisfying Grower and Customer needs, who are devoted to providing flawless 24/7 supply and service solutions,to the retail supermarket chains and independent fruit markets all around Australia. The Moraitis base is unique because of the wide range of customers’ serviced, and our ability to supply consistent quality and service 12 months of the year. Australia’s leaders in the fresh produce industry – Moraitis has National distribution capabilities and is located Australia wide.

For passionfruit enquiries please contact Debra Scarfe : Exotic Fruit Category Mobile: 0416088615 Email: Peter Kallinis : Category Manager Mobile: 0412 141 536 Email: Matthew McInerney: National Sales Manager Mobile: 0417 468 828 Email: Moraitis Wholesale NSW Stand 52, A Shed Sydney Markets NSW 2129 P.O. Box 75 Sydney Markets NSW 2129 T: +61 2 9764 2370 F: +61 2 9764 2218

Contact Moraitis for more information on our website For general enquiries regarding our business or products please send an email to or call our customer service number 1 800 657 010

The Passion Vine – March 2014

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The Passion Vine – March 2014

Passion Vine Cook Book

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