The Passion Vine
The Passion Vine – September 2014
Post Office Box 321 Pomona QLD 4568
Executive Report By Jann Bonsall Last time I wrote that 3 months had flown by and nothing has changed! It seems that it was only last week I was writing this column encouraging you all to renew memberships and nominate for the PAI Executive. Surprisingly it appears that it must have been a great rally call because we ended up holding the first ever election for the Executive with 10 nominations for nine seats, and we have 71 paid members to date this year which is 15 more than the entire year last year! It is great to have such enthusiasm in the industry. Most importantly I must farewell Keith Paxton and of course, his lovely wife Judy. Keith has retired from the Executive and the IAC to concentrate on their farm and their ever growing family. Many kind words were delivered to thank Keith for his extraordinary contribution to the industry. Keith’s final President’s report is on page 4
Jill did a fantastic job of providing an excellent spread of yummies. Many thanks to the Gordons for being such gracious hosts. Information presented at the AGM and pictures of the field walk are on page 10 So we have a new Executive and warmly welcome Tim Johnson, Nick Hornery and Tom Carey who all hail from NSW. PAI’s new President is Ian Constable who requires very little introduction considering he was awarded a Life Membership at the last AGM! The new Executive contact details are on the next page. The IAC contact list looks a bit empty but will be rectified as soon as possible. The IAC met on the Friday prior to the AGM and ALPM and due to the resignation of Keith and Steve there will be two new Executives recommended to the HAL Board. Once those approvals have been made, you will be advised.
Steve Gray has also “retired” from the Executive and IAC and will be sorely missed for his ability to say it as it is in his irrepressible FNQ way!
Horticulture Australia has announced a new Marketing Manager for passionfruit, Elisa King. Elisa has been working on the winter campaign and came up to Caloundra to report to the IAC and the Annual Levy Payers’
The AGM and ALPM meetings went well and the Field Walk at the Gordon’s was very well attended. Jim did a great job of explaining how things worked at his place and
Newsletter of Passionfruit Australia Incorporated
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September 2014 Meeting. A report on the Marketing for the past twelve months is on page 8 The second instalment of the R&D historical reports starts on page 12. Peter Rigden has also provided us with a report on the proposed Blind Tipping project, which was basically concluded before it started. If that seems convoluted, read more on page 16 The on-going HAL Review will be revealed to industry during October and once all the information has been agreed to by all stakeholders, there will be an all industry announcement which I can assure you will be forwarded to you at the earliest opportunity. In the meantime, I encourage all growers who pay a levy to consider becoming members of the new HAL. It is vital that all growers take the opportunity to have their say in the new HAL. Spring has started and there have been some fearsome storms, but overall the weather has been lovely. Let’s hope there is some gentle rain and lots of sunshine to bring on the best passionfruit for the spring and summer markets. There must have been something in the air at Sydney Markets in August. Debra Scarfe from Moraitis and Aiden Hutton from JE Tippers both “tied the knot”. Aiden hadn’t returned before we went to print so we’ll find something to celebrate in December’s edition.