The Passion Vine
The Passion Vine – May 2016
21 Turramurra Road, Tarragindi, QLD 4121
President’s Report By Tina McPherson Well, a very belated welcome to 2016 from the Passion Vine and the PAI Executive. In December I promised consolidation and moving forward for the Association in 2016. I would have to say that I certainly didn’t anticipate the snail’s pace at which that might occur! The most significant development this year has been the appointment of Margie Milgate as our Industry Services Manager. This role was advertised over the Christmas period and we enlisted the assistance of Growcom to recruit for us. Several suitable candidates were interviewed but none with the outstanding industry knowledge, networks and on farm experience as Margie. Margie commenced in early March and has had several months of a steep learning curve to negotiate in that time. I believe a stocktake of in the order of 27 boxes of PAI archives and storage were her first undertaking….an unenviable task I am sure. Margie has efficiently taken to performing secretarial duties for the Executive, understanding our
direction and priorities, taking on the Communications Project funded by HAI (which involves production of the Passion Vine but has also required a survey of growers to be completed as a mid project review) and developing an understanding of our industry and growers. If Margie hasn’t yet contacted you, be assured you are on her list and she will be in touch to introduce herself as time permits. Please feel free also to contact her via email or phone when you have queries. She is super approachable! Margie is working for PAI for about 20 – 25 hours a week, as her schedule permits and our requirements demand. The breeding project funded by HIA has been the agenda item next most pressing in the first four months of this year. It appears that very soon a contract will be signed between HIA and SCU (Southern Cross University) to conduct the first three years of a breeding project that we anticipate will have great results. A lot of work and negotiation has gone into directing this project by members of the Executive so that the outcomes will be beneficial for
Newsletter of Passionfruit Australia Incorporated
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May 2016 the Association and the industry as a whole. When the project is finalised the Passion Vine will feature aspects of the project and updates. The change of relationships between industry associations and HIA has taken a lot of understanding this year. This month, as outlined in the lead article in this Passion Vine (see page 5), the SIAP (Strategic Investment Advisory Panel) has been finalised. The panel gives a great cross section of growers in the passionfruit industry and they will meet soon to discuss where our levy funds should be directed. Levy funds are contributed to by all growers but, as an association who represents a majority of those growers, we need to be sure the panel is aware of the areas we believe are important for levy spending. Recently the Executive met to form a Business Plan/Strategic Development Plan for the association over the coming years. (This is distinct from HIA’s Strategic Plan for levy spend in Research and Development and Marketing.) Our plan is for PAI as an association and is currently being developed in draft form. This draft will go to members of the association over the next month so that all members can
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