Passion Vine May 2016

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The Passion Vine

The Passion Vine – May 2016

21 Turramurra Road, Tarragindi, QLD 4121

President’s Report By Tina McPherson Well, a very belated welcome to 2016 from the Passion Vine and the PAI Executive. In December I promised consolidation and moving forward for the Association in 2016. I would have to say that I certainly didn’t anticipate the snail’s pace at which that might occur! The most significant development this year has been the appointment of Margie Milgate as our Industry Services Manager. This role was advertised over the Christmas period and we enlisted the assistance of Growcom to recruit for us. Several suitable candidates were interviewed but none with the outstanding industry knowledge, networks and on farm experience as Margie. Margie commenced in early March and has had several months of a steep learning curve to negotiate in that time. I believe a stocktake of in the order of 27 boxes of PAI archives and storage were her first undertaking….an unenviable task I am sure. Margie has efficiently taken to performing secretarial duties for the Executive, understanding our

direction and priorities, taking on the Communications Project funded by HAI (which involves production of the Passion Vine but has also required a survey of growers to be completed as a mid project review) and developing an understanding of our industry and growers. If Margie hasn’t yet contacted you, be assured you are on her list and she will be in touch to introduce herself as time permits. Please feel free also to contact her via email or phone when you have queries. She is super approachable! Margie is working for PAI for about 20 – 25 hours a week, as her schedule permits and our requirements demand. The breeding project funded by HIA has been the agenda item next most pressing in the first four months of this year. It appears that very soon a contract will be signed between HIA and SCU (Southern Cross University) to conduct the first three years of a breeding project that we anticipate will have great results. A lot of work and negotiation has gone into directing this project by members of the Executive so that the outcomes will be beneficial for

Newsletter of Passionfruit Australia Incorporated

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May 2016 the Association and the industry as a whole. When the project is finalised the Passion Vine will feature aspects of the project and updates. The change of relationships between industry associations and HIA has taken a lot of understanding this year. This month, as outlined in the lead article in this Passion Vine (see page 5), the SIAP (Strategic Investment Advisory Panel) has been finalised. The panel gives a great cross section of growers in the passionfruit industry and they will meet soon to discuss where our levy funds should be directed. Levy funds are contributed to by all growers but, as an association who represents a majority of those growers, we need to be sure the panel is aware of the areas we believe are important for levy spending. Recently the Executive met to form a Business Plan/Strategic Development Plan for the association over the coming years. (This is distinct from HIA’s Strategic Plan for levy spend in Research and Development and Marketing.) Our plan is for PAI as an association and is currently being developed in draft form. This draft will go to members of the association over the next month so that all members can

(Continued on page 4)

The Passion Vine – May 2016

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Passionfruit Australia Incorporated Executive Committee and Sub-Committees President

Vice President

Tina McPherson

Tom Carey

15 Zinks Road Bundaberg QLD 4670 P: 07 4159 3001 M: 0428 415 930 E:

“Wilgra” Terania Creek Road The Channon NSW 2484 P: 02 6688 6510 M: 0407 710 009 E:



Jim Gordon

Sean Russell (JE Tippers)

PO Box 119 Yandina QLD 4561 P: 07 5446 7536 M: 0403 185 961 E:

PO Box 27, Brisbane Markets QLD 4006 P: 07 3379 1041 M: 0418 158 331 F: 07 3379 4817 E:



Peter Griffiths

Nick Hornery N & N Hornery 73 Watsons Lane Newrybar NSW 2479 P: 02 6687 1405 F: 02 6687 1830 M: 0432 183 085 E:

408 Dahl's Road Calavos QLD 4670 T/F: 07 4159 7394 M: 0429 656 922 E:


Industry Services Manager

Dr Cameron McConchie

Margie Milgate

Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries GPO Box 3000 Darwin NT 0801 P: 08 8999 2310 M: 0419 884 037 E:

21 Turramurra Road Tarragindi QLD 4121 M: 0439 596 174 E:

The Passion Vine – May 2016

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Breeding and Vine Trial Committee

Communications Sub-committee

Jim Gordon—Chair Ross Brindley Peter Griffiths John McLeod David Peasley Brian Westwood Keith Paxton

Tom Carey—Chair Nick Hornery Jane Richter This sub-committee gives oversight to the levy funded Communications Project which runs until June 2017. This includes the magazine and website.

Strategic Agricultural Review Process (SARP) Sub-Committee Keith Paxton—Chair Steve Grey Ross Brindley Ian Constable

Sub-committees are important to the operations of the industry as they concentrate their energies on specific topics and then provide advice and recommendations back to the Executive. Their wonderful and volunteer work is greatly appreciated and shows commitment to the development of this passionate industry.

For information regarding administration issues for Passionfruit Australia Incorporated please contact:

Margie Milgate, 21 Turramurra Road, Tarragindi, QLD 4121 Mobile: 0439 596 174 Email: For varieties and plantings issues please contact your local Executive Member as listed on page 2. Other enquiries can be made through Queensland Department of Agriculture & Fisheries on their call centre number 132523. All contributions concerning the passionfruit industry are most welcome. This publication of The Passion Vine is edited by Margie Milgate and Jenny Drew. The advice and opinions in the articles published in The Passion Vine are essentially those of contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Passionfruit Australian Incorporated or the Editor. The advice is at the reader’s own risk, and no responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of the material presented. Inclusion of an advertisement in this publication does not necessarily imply endorsement of the product, company or service by Passionfruit Australia Incorporated or the Editor.

The Passion Vine – May 2016 President’s report Continued from page 1

have an opinion on the direction of the association. The focus for the association going forward will be on seeking funding through HIA to pursue the Supply Chain and Data Collection project that a pilot was conducted for last year; to pursue export potential for passionfruit and irradiation protocols and to ensure best communication with all our grower members so that we become an interactive association, discussing issues, formulating plans and looking to our future. Sadly, last month two members of the Executive tendered their resignation and we were sorry to see Sue Granger and Tim Johnston leave the Executive. Both worked

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tirelessly for the establishment of the breeding project and it is pleasing to see that they will remain on the SIAP to help direct, advise and advocate for industry in that capacity. And now….the AGM. In this issue you will find all the details pertaining to the AGM to be held in Bundaberg in September. Many thanks to Ross Brindley for kindly offering to host the farm visit this year. We hope for a great attendance as we are trying to think a little outside the square in our presentations and speakers. Please let us know if you have any suggestions. Some simple day to day issues have hindered our communication and flow thus far this year. I like to think of it as simple housekeeping that we will

get right soon. New computer systems, a new industry services manager, finding the best way to contact all growers, establishing productive relationships with HIA and Astrid (our relationship manager at HIA), banking and accounting procedures and so very many more! The Executive operate as volunteers in tasks that are often overlooked or simply not understood. I cannot thank the current Executive enough for their patience and persistence through some rather trying times. We feel we have come through to the other side of a cloud of confusion and that we are finally treading water. Thank you members of the association for your patience and understanding! We are now moving forward with purpose!

PAI FEES Don’t forget the benefits of membership include :

   

Showing support and being involved in the Australian Passionfruit industry Accessing industry contacts and information Discounted cost of royalties on the purchases of Passionfruit Australia plant varieties Up-to-date information through industry publications, field days and meetings

New Grower or Processor Membership Fees $198 incl GST, joining fee and lobby fees New Nursery, Wholesaler, Associate $242 incl GST, joining fee and lobby fees Grower or Processor Membership renewal fees $154 incl GST and lobby fees Other Classes renewal – Nursery, Wholesaler, Associate $198 incl. GST and lobby fees

Bank account details Passionfruit Australia Incorporated BSB: 124-001 Acc No.: 21655088

Memberships run with the fiscal year from July 1st to June 30th each year irrespective of the date joined. Membership lapses if not renewed within three months of end of the fiscal year. Plant Royalties are due on propagation or purchase of all PAI varieties. Fees are payable to Passionfruit Australia Incorporated using a Tax Invoice/Plant Order form available through PAI. These fees are $0.35 per plant for PAI members, otherwise $0.70 per plant for all non-members.

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Key Horticulture Industry Investment Panels Kick Off By Astrid Hughes Horticulture Innovation Australia (Hort Innovation) continues to strengthen its investment approach with the announcement earlier in May that 11 more Strategic Investment Advisory Panels have been finalised including Passionfruit. Hort Innovation Chief Executive Officer John Lloyd said this latest phase of consultative panels will help the Corporation in its charter to bolster industry output and returns. “I am pleased to announce the appointment of 11 more panels – each tasked with advising Hort Innovation on its research, development and extension, trade and marketing activities to get the best result for industry,” he said. Mr Lloyd said the Corporation will work with the panels in its pursuit to “increase productivity, farm gate profitability and the global competitiveness of key Australian horticulture industries”. “The panellists, with their strong mix of skills and experience, are well positioned to help Hort Innovation ensure the health of some of the nation’s key horticultural sectors for years to come.” Growers who have so far been appointed to the passionfruit panel include :

     

Ross Brindley - Brindley’s Farm, QLD Melissa Smith - Little Brother Agriculture, QLD Tim Johnson - NSW Keith Paxton - KW & JE Paxton, QLD Brian Westwood - BL & IM Westwood, QLD Sue Granger - P & S Granger, NSW

Topics to be discussed at the first meeting of each of these panels include the existing investment program, strategic investment planning and any short term, industry-specific research and development and marketing priorities. Mr Lloyd said the application process was thorough: “Following an expression of interest process, successful applicants were determined through interviews conducted by a panel including a Hort Innovation director, an industry body director or nominee, and an independent third party representative”. Each panel features a majority of levy paying growers, one or two representatives of the relevant peak industry body, an independent chair and a Hort Innovation staff member.

Letters and adverts to the Editor Don’t forget to send your letters or your adverts to the Editor

There is also scope for further panellists to be brought on board as required in the future, in line with the needs of the industry. For more details on the Passionfruit Strategic Investment Advisory Panel including the names of representatives, please go to the Hort Innovation website or contact Astrid Hughes on the details provided below. Astrid Hughes Email :

Phone : 07 3198 6751 Mobile : 0405 306 334

PAI Licensed Nurseries Birdwood Nursery 71 Blackall Range Road Nambour QLD 4560 P: 07 5442 1611 J & V McLeod Campbell’s Road Dungay NSW 2484 P: 02 6672 3503 Widebay Passionvine Nursery 408 Dahls Road Calavos via Bundaberg Q 4670 P: 07 4159 7394

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Regional Roundup From the growers...

NSW Area

By Nick Hornery Hi All. Our usual busy Christmas period was had with lots of fruit of good size and OK quality. We managed to keep the alternata at bay this year but had some thrip damage which leaves a cream coloured smudge on the bottom of the fruit and sets the vine back. We have also experienced a pest which is like the citrus leaf miner which leaves a squiggly line on the fruit. I'd be interested if anyone else is seeing signs of this. Not a lot of fruit in February and March but our Autumn crop soon followed which was short and sharp with as much fruit dropping over one week as in the peak summer period. No flooding rain as yet but we have had steady falls to date except for the last couple of weeks with things rapidly drying out especially with some dry westerlies starting. We have had a very warm start to May to date. The winter crop is mostly set and looks promising. I'd like to thank Sue Grainger and Tim Johnson for their efforts on the Executive and especially the time they gave to the breeding committee. Cheers Nick

temperatures for a long period of time. The nights have also been very warm as the days resulting in a lot of flower drop. The upside is that there is minimal fungal disease pressure and reduced spray costs. The Misty Gems have been just trickling along with no major crop set or production. The Pandora’s are just about to come on line with quite a large crop load. The nursery season has just begun so if you need September/ October plantings please contact your nursery of choice to confirm your order. It’s Bundy’s turn to hold the AGM this year and even though it is a pain to access (flight wise) I hope to see a good turn out this year as always. That’s all until next time. Thanks.

SE Queensland By Jim Gordon

I remember this time last year I was saying how good it was to be going into the Winter with a full dam. This year I'm wondering if I'll have enough water to be able to irrigate all through the cooler months. We've had enough rain to keep the grass and weeds growing but no runoff.

By Peter Griffiths

Conditions though seem to have helped us achieve a good fruit set. It looks like we might have the biggest Winter crop in quite a few years.

Hello everyone. In the Bundaberg region the last three months has seen very little rain with above average

Despite the lack of rain there is a fair bit of disease in the early fruit but the 2nd week of May

Wide Bay

has seen an improvement in quality, quantity and price - a very rare but welcome combination. Green fruit drop has been a problem again this year in the Sweethearts. If anyone has any suggestions or remedies I would appreciate the help. Every year we lose hundreds of cartons - mostly in the young vines. I'll take this opportunity to let everyone know that we are still working on the trial vines and we are confident that we will have a couple of new varieties available for 2017. We can't promise that they will suit all areas or be as good as our current varieties but to date they are showing promise as a worthwhile addition to our available selections. I look forward to seeing many of you at the A.G.M. and encourage everyone to become involved in our association as executive members or in any other capacity in which you feel you can contribute. Hope you all have a good season. Jim and Jill.

North Queensland By Brian Westwood

Hi everyone, North Queensland has had an extremely dry and warm summer and autumn and we’re hoping the winter weather will be kind as well. Mareeba and the Tableland growers have had good growing conditions with the start of the 2016 season. Personally we planted Pandora vines late January in over our

The Passion Vine – May 2016 heads with the vines now nearly 40% covered across the trellis with good fruit set. This year may be the making of a good season for all (prices permitting). Three hours drive north of Mareeba there is Lakeland Downs

and Cooktown. Growers there are also experiencing the warmer weather conditions. In the past couple of seasons they have contended with cyclones. Their season for 2016 has the promise of good growing conditions with vines rapidly closing in on over

Page 7 head trellises. The vines are budding up well. Hopefully their season will continue to deliver a bumper crop coupled with sound returns.


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Across My Desk By Margie Milgate, Industry Services Manager Hello all, my name is Margie Milgate and I have now joined the passionfruit family as the Industry Services Manager. I have been made very welcome by the Passionfruit Australia Executive and growers I have met to date. Thank you for that. Jann Bonsall and Georgie Townsend have also been extremely helpful in assisting me with various questions as I start to learn more about the industry and the work involved within the industry. I thank them very much for their help and support.

We have set up a new phone contact for Passionfruit Australia which is 0439 596 174, and the u now comes to my inbox. There are quite a few items that come into this inbox as well as other items and publications sent through by our membership to Plant Health Australia, Voice of Horticulture and Growcom. The industry levy manager Horticulture Innovation Australia also forwards various items. Some to note:  Levies management unit

advise that a recent Levy Statistics report shows that for the period 1/7/2015 to 31/1/2016 they collected $105,639. Growcom advised that the passionfruit industry have received $27,525 from the Improved Access to AgVet Chemicals program funded by the Australia Government. This will be focused on the chemical Abamectin. Voice of Horticulture is continuing to seek advice from Horticulture Innovation Australia on ways to work better and more productively with industry associations and what is their future direction. Growcom continue to lobby on major issues such as the backpacker tax and the review of award for industry employees. Plant Health Australia continue to work on biosecurity issues and the planning around the management of incursions. On the tax front growers are reminded that tax

breaks worth up to $20,000 were introduced last year. Business related investments such as farm computers and software to satellite guidance technology, pumps and post -hole diggers will qualify for a full depreciation allowance until the end of the 2016-17 financial year. Coming events: The next meeting of the Passionfruit Australia Incorporated Executive will be held in conjunction with the 2016 National Horticulture Convention at RACV Royal Pines on the Gold Coast 23-25 June. PAI committee members will attend the Trade Show on Friday 24th June. Please join them if you can. Membership renewals will be forwarded in June. Please feel free to contact me on the new mobile number 0439 596 174 or send an email. I look forward to hearing from you on any matters you need to raise about progressing the industry and the best ways we can work together.

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Aussie Passion Fruit Social and PR Overview January - April 2016 By Monique Emmi PUBLIC RELATIONS ACTIVITY PR Overview: This year’s public relations program for Aussie passionfruit continues to drive awareness and usage of fresh passionfruit, encouraging people to tuck into sweet Aussie passionfruit year round. In the second half of the campaign (2016), we’ve continued to drive objectives through targeted media outreach, driving social conversations and by leveraging key activities, such as season peaks and grower profiles. With communications focused on selection, storage, seasonality, handling and usage, we’ve seen key influencers, media and consumers sharing out key messaging from Australian passionfruit with their networks. Key Activities: Following a push at the start of the summer season, we’ve continued to build relationships with key media and influencers by offering season updates, interviews with growers and industry insights. Most recently, we’ve distributed an autumn and winter media release, highlighting this year’s bountiful supply. Once again, we’ve offered gorgeous hampers of fresh Aussie passionfruit to top tier media targets to further drive editorial and social coverage. Results: 2016 (Jan-April) has already generated significant coverage

across news and lifestyle press, as well as high reaching social channels with 56 pieces of media coverage, 19 social clips and a total reach of more than 2,942,353. Adding to 2015 results, the Aussie Passionfruit PR Program has now reached 95 pieces of media coverage, 76 social media clips with a combined reach of more than 14,589,445 Australians. Key coverage includes Readers Digest, New Idea Magazine, The Rural Weekly, and The Queensland Times.

Media have been particularly interested in speaking to growers first hand. Newrybar based grower, Nick Hornery, has been profiled in 16 print publications and 36 websites this year alone. On behalf of Aussie Passionfruit, we’ve also engaged social and health influencers including accredited Practicing Dietitians Emma Stirling, Sally Marchini and Dr Joanna McMillan, to spread news about the health benefits of fresh Aussie passionfruit. We can look forward to seeing more stories appear in News Local

The Passion Vine – May 2016 publications and on NineMSN online, informing Australians about the sweet and juicy Aussie passionfruit that will remain available throughout winter, paired with winter recipe inspiration. See images below left (New Idea, April Issue : readership of 1,775,000) and below (Reader’s Digest, Feb Issue : readership of 877,000)

For any “how to grow” questions, Facebook users are directed to our facts sheet on the Aussie passionfruit website. However growing passionfruit at home is not encouraged on the Facebook page to ensure we’re driving fans to purchase. We’re always looking for new stories or images from the farm – if you have something to share, please send to Likes: The page currently has 25,549 Likes Page growth: Since January 2016, the Aussie Passionfruit Facebook page has increased by 4,011 fans, or 19%. Reach: Since January 1st 2016, the page has achieved a reach of 436,906 page impressions

FACEBOOK ACTIVITY Overview: The Aussie Passionfruit Facebook page provides the public with useful seasonal information, picking, storage and usage tips as well as insights into the industry and our growers, with the aim of driving Aussie passionfruit sales. It provides a forum for passionfruit lovers to discuss their experiences with the fruit and ask any questions. The page is focussed on consumer style content, educating and inspiring Australians to use Aussie passionfruit in everyday meals, through enticing imagery, tips and recipes.

Page 10 Engagement rate: Average engagement rate of 9% throughout 2016, which is well above the industry benchmark of 3%. Activities: The Aussie Passionfruit page hosted a summer peak season competition in January, which received 581 entries. Another competition is set to take place in late May, just ahead of winter, to raise awareness about the upcoming Aussie passionfruit winter season. Comments and pictures from fans: I love passionfruit anything....especially a passionfruit sponge! Ohhhhhh! My mouth is watering! Just bought a bag of panama passionfruit nearly ate the lot in one sitting so so good

The Passion Vine – May 2016

INSTAGRAM ACTIVITY Overview: The Aussie Passionfruit Instagram page shares inspiring imagery of fresh Aussie passionfruit, paired with handy tips, seasonal information, and farming information. Usage ideas make up the bulk of the page content in order to demonsrate the versatility of passionfruit and inspire our fans to use passionfruit in new ways. The Aussie passionfruit page engages with other Instagram influencers through regramming posts and tapping into popular hashtags, in turn buidling its presence within the Instagram community. Sweet recipe and usage ideas as well as mouth-watering close-ups of passionfruit paired with seasonal information and tips perform particularly well on this channel. Followers: The page currently has 556 fans Page growth: Since January 2016, the Aussie Passionfruit Instagram page has increased by 86 fans, or 18%. Popular posts: See images to the right

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Claiming the Date The Annual General Meeting of Passionfruit Australia Incorporated Will be held on 24th September 2016 At the property of Ross Brindley 145 Quinns Rd Moorland near Bundaberg Start is at 10am for the AGM followed by industry updates, lunch and a field walk The AGM will be preceeded by a Dinner on Friday 23rd September Time: 6.30 pm Place: Dining Room, Comfort Inn Sugar Country 220 Bourbong Street, Bundaberg, QLD 4670 Sponsorship opportunities available Contact: Margie Milgate at Passionfruit Australia 0439 596 174 or

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Passion Vine Consumer Information May 2016 Households still eating dinner together

Despite busy schedules and other challenges, having dinner together at home is still commonplace.

common among Empty Nesters (24%) and Singles and Couples (16-18%).

Currently, 72% of households eat most or all dinners together, according to Freshlogic’s consumer MealpulseTM results. It is most common among households with children, whether Established Families or Budgeting Families (84-85%), and least common among High Income Singles and Couples (63%). Low Income Singles and Couples (68%) and Empty Nesters (69%) share similar results.

Regardless of whether dinner takes place around the dinner table, in the lounge or in other settings, eating food together remains a significant part of the household routine, and this has implications for retailers and other food providers alike.

Eating most or all dinners together has declined from 75% four years ago, while living alone and eating alone has increased slightly from 10% to 12%. Eating alone is more

- See more at: https:// freshincite-may2016#sthash.wSngis8c.dpuf

Note from Margie Further information such as the above can be found by a free subscription to a monthly newsletter called FreshIncite which is prepared by FreshLogic. I spoke with principal Martin Kneebone at the PMA Trade Show who also advised that they will be collecting industry data on the passionfruit industry as part of a contract with Horticulture Innovation Australia. We will look forward to this information when it becomes available.

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Market Report By Sean Russell, JE Tippers

Passionfruit supplies have been good for several months now. Prices consistently selling between $30.00 to $50.00 for good quality fruit. The quality of the fruit has been very mixed with large numbers of class 2 fruit on the market, but this is generally the case in the warmer months. Eating quality has been superb. Panamas supplies have been very short for several weeks with large quantities only recently hitting the markets with Bundaberg finally kicking in. Some fruit still coming from North QLD but reducing in

numbers. Due to the hot dry weather conditions we’ve been experiencing the reports are mixed as to what will happen over the next few months. Some growers are still experiencing flowering which is unusual for this time of the year. It will be interesting to see what happens over the next few months as I have not experienced such warm conditions this late in the season. The main thing is to keep up good communication with your Agents so your fruit can be marketed to its best potential.

Remember : email your ads and letters to admin@passion fruitaustralia.


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Passion Vine Cook Book Passionfruit and Lime Cheesecake Ingredients:


1 cup biscuit crumbs ½ cup desiccated coconut 80g butter, melted 500g block Philadelphia cream cheese (softened) 1 cup caster sugar ½ cup passionfruit pulp Grated rind of 1 Lime Juice of 2 small limes 3 teaspoons gelatine dissolved in 1/4 cup boiling water 300ml cream, whipped 2 egg whites, beaten to soft peaks

COMBINE crumbs, coconut and butter, then press into the base of a greased and lined 22cm spring form pan. Chill. BEAT the Philadelphia Cream Cheese and sugar until smooth. Add the passionfruit pulp, rind, juice and gelatine mixture and mix until combined. Fold in the whipped cream and egg whites. POUR mixture into prepared base and chill until set. Decorate as Desired: Cream, Passionfruit Juice, Passionfruit Jelly or Chocolate Chards

Recipe by Grower Kaye Ziser and shortly to be featured on Facebook

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