ThisWeek Golden
Sunset sky Just another beautiful sunset in Golden, B.C. QIPUP CZ $BSSJF 8IJUF
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coming up ...
“Arnie’s back, just like he said he would be! John Connor sends Kyle Reese back in time to protect Sarah Connor, but when he arrives in 1984, nothing is as he expected it to be ...�
“Picking up the story three years after MIke bowed out of the stripper life at the top of his game, “Magic Mike XXL� finds the remaining Kings of Tampa likewise ready to throw in the towel. But they want to do it their way: burning down the house in one last blowout performance in Myrtle Beach, and with legendary headliner Magic Mike sharing the spotlight with them. On the road to their final show, with whistle stops in Jacksonville and Savannah to renew old acquaintenances and make new friends, Mike and the guys learn some new moves and shake off the past in surprising ways.� Summer Climbing Camp t "VH UP Q N For ages 5 and over. Your kids will climb, boulder and take part in climbing games, all activities supervised. Call Dogtooth Climbing Gym for more information, (250) 344-6444, or Toonie Bike Race Series t The Ultimate DH Biking Showdown at KHMR Bike Park. Aug. 22nd. $2 per event day. Challenge yourself if you have what it takes!
Kicking Horse Movies - “Magic Mike XXL� t 0QFOJOH 'SJEBZ "VH UI UISV 5IVSTEBZ "VH UI BU Q N
Creative Spaces t Wednesdays, Aug. 12th, 19th and 26th, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. at the Golden Women’s Resource Centre. Girls and women are invited to come have some fun and exercise their creative muscles. This is a fun event, we would love to see you there. Golden Sound Festival t Summer Block Party 2015, downtown Golden, Aug. 21 & 22. Golden Taps, Rockwater, Riverhouse. Vancouver Whitecaps Soccer Camp t Aug. 31 - Sept. 2 - Filling up FAST! ONly 20 spots left at HALF PRICE rate of $70 + GST. Don’t miss out on an amazing opportunity for an incredible soccer camp in Golden and a great warm-up for the fall tournaments. Contact Brett Adams at the Whitecaps for
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in Golden
further info at Free Tech Training Sessions for Seniors! t FREE 45 minute tech training September 3rd, 10th & 17th at the Golden Library. Preregistration is required and you must bring your own device. Space is limited! For more information, contact the Golden library at (250) 344-6516. Targeted Initiative for Older Workers Job Skills Training Opportunity t $PMMFHF PG UIF 3PDLJFT Fall intake: Sept. 8 - Dec. 10, 2015. Winter intake: Nov. 16 - Mar. 3, 2016. For unemployed workers aged 55 - 64, who require new or enhanced skills for successful integration into new employment. Golden Farmer’s Market t 4BUVSEBZT BU UIF 4QJSJU 4RVBSF B N to 3 p.m. and Wednesdays at the CP Parking lot, 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. Handmade creations - cupcakes, jewelery, wood products, soap and much, much more. Golden Museum Fall Faire t 4VOEBZ 4FQU GSPN B N Q N 5IJT IVHFMZ QPQVMBS BOOVBM FWFOU JT CBDL 'PPE NBSLFU NVTJD BOE MPUT PG HBNFT SBDFT XJGF DBSSZ MBXO USBDUPS OBJM ESJWJOH MFHHFE TBDL BOE NPSF DPOUFTUT CFHHFTU WFHHJF CFTU DBOOJOH BOE NPTU DSFBUJWF -FHP EFTJHO DPNQFUJUJPOT LJET NJEXBZ TJEFXBML DIBML BSU BSFB GBSNFS T NBSLFU CFFS HBSEFOT BOE TP NVDI NPSF 8F MPWF WPMVOUFFST BOE PS EPOBUJPOT 1MFBTF DBMM FNBJM PS GBDFCPPL JG ZPV DBO IFMQ PVU NVTFVN HPMEFO!HNBJM DPN
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CSRD Area A Director’s Report, committee update Karen Cathcart Area A Director, CSRD 250-344-8357 or 250-348-2226 or
On Tuesday, July 28, we had our Local Advisory Committee meeting at the Parson Community Hall. Approximately 77 residents came out to participate in the community session that followed the meeting portion. There were 11 tables of approximately 7 people at each table. Resident’s from all neighbourhoods of Area A were present. At the session we asked the residents 4 questions: t 8IBU BSF UIF JTTVFT JO ZPVS neighbourhood? t 8IBU XPVME ZPV MJLF UP TFF IBQQFO t 8IBU EPO U ZPV XBOU UP TFF IBQQFO t 8IFSF TIPVME UIF "SFB " %JSFDUPS focus her energy? Here are the highlights from the resident input: t 5IF SFTJEFOUT UIBU BUUFOEFE EP OPU want to see zoning and bylaws that interrupt their sense of freedom in Area A. t 8F OFFE UP EP B CFUUFS KPC PO UIF mosquito control issue. t #PBU MBVODI GPS 1BSTPO JT B QSJPSJUZ t )JHI TQFFE JOUFSOFU JT JNQPSUBOU GPS residents and the economy t 3PBE NBJOUFOBODF BOE EVTU DPOUSPM is a safety concern. Access to the backcountry, Gorman Lake and Mummery Glacier are important tourism sites and we need to look at fixing this. t 1SFWFOUJWF NBJOUFOBODF GPS DSFFLT
t " DPNQSFIFOTJWF OPYJPVT XFFE program is needed. t 4VQQPSU MPDBM GBSNFST UIF $43% UP CF a voice at the provincial and federal table to support local farmers and limit restrictions on licensing. t 8BMLJOH BOE DZDMJOH QBUI GSPN Nicholson to town t 8IBU DBO CF EPOF XJUI UIF 1BSTPO school? A beautiful facility - create a local committee to look at usage? t $PNNVOJDBUJPO SFTJEFOUT XBOU UP have input on decisions. They would like to see information on meetings in the newspaper, social media and through email. t 8F OFFE UP BUUSBDU NPSF JOEVTUSZ UP the area to support our young families to be able to live here. t &MJNJOBUF UIF SFDZDMJOH GSVTUSBUJPO The following list is the concerns and opportunities voiced by the residents. In other words the topics above were mentioned at most every table. As we move through the Area A communities, I will report back to the residents on the key topics and the action taken. I invite all residents to attend the next Local Advisory Committee Meeting in /JDIPMTPO )BCBSU BU UIF &DP "EWFOUVSF Ranch, Tuesday, August 25, from 6 p.m. UP Q N .PSSPX #JPTDJFODF BOE $43% staff members that can speak to the boat launches and the mosquito control will be present to answer your questions. As promised: I am reporting back to the residents on the outcomes of these questions: t .PTRVJUP DPOUSPM *TTVF 5PUBM MBDL PG
DPOUSPM 8IBU XPVME ZPV MJLF UP TFF IBQQFO Improved service and better control needed. "DUJPO $43% BOE .PSSPX #JPTDJFODF XJMM be at the next Local Advisory Committee meeting in Nicholson/Habart to speak to UIJT JTTVF 5IF $43% IBT DPOOFDUFE XJUI many area residents to discuss the situation and look at solutions. t ;POJOH CZMBXT 8IBU EPO U ZPV XBOU to see happen: No building permits or codes no zoning, no bylaws. t 3PBE NBJOUFOBODF 8IBU XPVME ZPV like to see happen: Pave secondary roads, fix pot holes. Restore better access to back country roads, i.e. Gorman, Mummery. Come up with a better plan for dust control and road maintenance. Action: The letter received by some residents in Parson has HPOF UP UIF $43% 5IFZ IBWF SFRVFTUFE B meeting with the people identified on the letter. t $POOFDUJWJUZ 8IBU XPVME ZPV MJLF UP see happen: High speed internet. t &DPOPNJD %FWFMPQNFOU 8IBU XPVME you like to see happen: Need to know the demographics to see what planning is OFFEFE %P OPU XBOU UP DPNQSPNJTF PVS iGSFF XBZ PG MJGF w 8F OFFE UP BUUSBDU OFX industry in our area to support our young people an families. Action: At present there are two large industries looking to locate to Area A. A silica plant and a new EFWFMPQNFOU JO %POBME 4UBZ UVOFE GPS NPSF updates in the near future. t /PYJPVT 8FFE 1SPHSBN 8IBU XPVME you like to see happen: Creation of a comprehensive noxious weed program. Action: Karen is looking into this with UIF $PMVNCJB 4IVTXBQ *OWBTJWF 4QFDJFT
4PDJFUZ t 3FDZDMJOH 8IBU XPVME ZPV MJLF UP TFF happen: Free dump in Parson to illuminate current dumping. t 8BUFS *TTVF JO /JDIPMTPO 8IBU EPO U ZPV XBOU UP TFF IBQQFO &BDI SFTJEFOU should be responsible for their own water problem. t 'JSF 1SPUFDUJPO 8IBU XPVME ZPV MJLF to see happen: Nicholson Fire service FYUFOEFE 8IBU EPO U ZPV XBOU UP TFF IBQQFO /P mSF QSPUFDUJPO JO #MBFCFSSZ UPP expensive. t -PDBM (PWFSONFOU 8IBU BSF UIF issues? No change, no government JOWPMWFNFOU 8IBU XPVME ZPV MJLF UP TFF IBQQFO )BWF NPSF $43% #PBSE NFFUJOHT JO "SFB " "DUJPO 5IF "VHVTU UI $"43% #PBSE PG %JSFDUPST NFFUJOH XJMM CF IFME BU the Civic Centre in Golden. t $PNNVOJDBUJPO .PSF FOHBHFNFOU of residents on key community issues. %JSFDUPS OFFET UP JNQSPWF DPNNVOJDBUJPO between communities in Area A. Action: All our Local Advisory Committee Meetings are open to the public. Invitations to residents are listed in the paper, on social media. &NBJMT BSF TFOU UP SFTJEFOUT t #PBU -BVODI 8IBU XPVME ZPV MJLF to see happen: Could the boat launch CF MPDBUFE PO UIF 8FTU TJEF PG UIF PG UIF Columbia on the old highway piece.Action: Ryan Nitchie, Team Lead for the boat launches will be at the Nicholson/Habart meeting to discuss the boat launches for 1BSTPO BOE /JDIPMTPO BOE %POBME t 1BSTPO 4DIPPM 8IBU XPVME ZPV MJLF to see happen: Revisit programming for the 1BSTPO 4DIPPM
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The countdown is on for the community’s newest outdoor race event – the Golden Ultra. Set to take place from Sept. 18 to 20, the three-day stage running race allows competitors to participate in all three stages as a solo racer or as part of a relay team. Runners can also register for any single or combination of three stages separately. Race creator and organizer Magi Scallion estimates that roughly 115 people have already registered for the event. “For our first year, we are doing great and are already on track to have upwards of 200 participants.� Golden Ultra’s three stages are aptly named The Blood, The Sweat and The Tears. The Blood is the first stage in the marathon and will see racers take on the vertical kilometre. “The vertical kilometre is exactly what it sounds like,� Magi says, smiling. “Our vertical kilometre is actually 4.5 kilometres, with 1000 of elevation gain.� Ouch. Magi explains that the stage kicks off at 4 p.m. at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort and will see runners start at the base of the gondola and essentially run almost directly under it to the top of the hill where racers will be rewarded with spectacular views of the valley. “The world record time for vertical kilometre is around half an hour,� says Magi who has completed the course in an hour herself. Impressive! While not everyone will achieve those kinds of times, she anticipates all racers will be done in time for the Friday evening dinner being served at KHMR’s Whitetooth Grill. Everyone that is registered for Friday or Saturday is welcome at the dinner. Day two of the Ultra is called The Sweat. No doubt. The 55-kilometre trail has competitors running from downtown Golden to the summit of KHMR and back again, gaining – and losing! – 2500 metres of elevation throughout the day.
(PMEFO 6MUSB T UISFF TUBHFT BSF BQUMZ OBNFE 5IF #MPPE 5IF 4XFBU BOE 5IF 5FBST &WFOU DSFBUPS BOE PSHBOJ[FS .BHJ 4DBMMJPO TBZT UIF NBSBUIPO JT VOJRVF CFDBVTF JU GFBUVSFT UIF BCJMJUZ UP TUBSU BOE mOJTI EPXOUPXO The loop starts at the Spirit Square and will see racers run down the river trail to the base of CBT and run up the Moonraker system to Terminator Ridge. The highest point is at the Eagle’s Eye restaurant at kilometre 33 of the course. “The good news is that when you reach the top, you are more than halfway done,� laughs Magi, adding that competitors will run down the ski hill to a new trail being built by KHMR in partnership with GORA and CBT that will link KHMR to Cedar
Lake. Racers will finish up back at the Spirit Square. Day three of the race is being dubbed The Tears. It also starts and ends in the Spirit Square, with racers taking the Rotary trails to the Mountain Shadows system. The day is much shorter by comparison with about 20 kilometres all said and done. Awards will be held every night with the culmination of the event and awards ceremony all happening in the Spirit Square.
“The Spirit Square is really going to be the place to be over the weekend,�says Magi. “All the sponsors will have booths set up there, and so will some local businesses and the Farmers Market.� Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Golden are also organizing wood carving event which will see completed pieces live auctioned $POUJOVFE PO QBHF
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Summer Kicks wraps up, Live Kicks ready to roll by Carrie White &EJUPS t (PMEFO 5IJT 8FFL “Summer always ends with good memories.” – Author Unknown Such can be said about this year’s Summer Kicks season which wound up last week after what felt like a whirlwind season. For this writer, observer and lover of music, there were a lot of highlights, but a few in particular stand out. First, the teen ensemble of the 52nd Street Project and their performance of a Midsummer Night’s Dream. These kids were amazing – without exaggeration. They were fearless and funny and such a pleasure to watch that it gave me chills. This is a great program and if Kicking Horse Culture (KHC) gets a chance to bring that group back again (hint, hint) I sure hope they do! All the bands were pretty good, but for me one of the stand outs was El Grupo Cubana Brisas del Palmar. I have
discovered a new-found love for Cuban music after seeing this band. Their melodies were tight, their harmonies so well done and they played their instruments like they were an extension of their bodies. Very cool. Finally, and maybe most importantly, was the vibe. It can probably be said of most Summer Kicks seasons, but the sense of inclusion that these events brought to Golden’s summer of 2015 was something to see. “Overall, what I’m really noticing is the real community that keeps coming together every Wednesday,” says KHC director Bill Usher. “People that sit in the same spot each week, lot of kids and elders, and they all know they are coming for something they trust and will probably like.” Unlike Live Kicks where the stage performance is most important, Usher makes a good point – that Summer Kicks “is about the feel. It’s about enjoying the music, but also about meeting up with
people. Music is still the primary, but it’s got that neighbourhood feel . . . which is what summer is all about.” Usher says the Summer Kicks formula is working if it can attract all parts of life, culture and ages. From those were born and raised here to the many come-fromaway locals. Even the tourists enjoy the events.
“The tourists always comment to me that they feel like they are involved in something local.” “The tourists always comment to me that they feel like they are involved in something local,” Usher says. When asked about his favourite moments of the season, Usher, too, compliments the teen ensemble and their Shakespeare performance. “I really liked seeing the audience’s reaction to the kids of 52nd Street,” he
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t 8PSL XIFO JU XPSLT GPS ZPV BT NBOZ IPVST PS BT MJUUMF BT ZPV XBOU t 5IF PQQPSUVOJUJFT BSF FOEMFTT For faster processing of your application, please visit or contact Dallas Matheson at (250) 344-4515.
says. “I was also really pleased to see the response that Ayrad got. They were really good.” For Usher, Cannery Row was also another favourite, “as a musician who appreciates other musicians.” And, he adds, it seems that every year the performances from local artists are getting better and better. With the sun setting on Summer Kicks, Usher is gearing up to introduce the Live Kicks season at the Golden Civic Centre. According to the KHC website, which offers a sneak peak at the upcoming shows, “it’s a blockbuster season,” with diverse performances. Stay tuned over the next few weeks for full artist info and links to video and audio on kickinghorseculture. ca. KHC memberships go on sale after Labour Day. Buy one and save on Live Kicks shows and other events. For more information, visit KHC on Facebook or visit their website.
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On being a foreign worker Janet Crandall-Swaffield Publisher I recently had the opportunity meet a young foreign worker, who is living and working here in Golden. His name is Pujan, and he is a 24-year-old young man from Mumbai. I’m not completely certain why he caught my interest. I found myself curious, and so I asked if I could interview him, and tell his story. He smiled pleasantly at me, and politely accepted my offer. (I think he was maybe laughing on the inside, wondering who was this crazy person, but that’s ok). Maybe it was his svuelt Mumbai accent that caught my attention, or his charming smile and excellent customer service skills. Regardless, it was a delightful interview, and I’m happy to have made his acquaintance. He has a pretty good sense of humour, but above all, he seems to genuinely appreciate the opportunity to be here. It was once we were into the interview that I realized Pujan and I had some things in common. Why did he choose Canada, I asked. He came because it was a great opportunity. What challenges did he face, living in a strange country? He doesn’t know many people in Golden, which presents a whole host of challenges. Also, cooking for oneself in a foreign country can be extremely hard to do. It may sound strange, but I knew exactly what he was talking about. I was once a foreign worker. For 14 months, I lived and worked in South Korea, from 1992 - 93. Why Korea? Because I had found an opportunity there. Living in a strange country can be both exciting and terrifying. I was a little younger than he, but I believe our experiences are similar. Pujan at least can speak the language, having spoken English since the very early years of his primary education. I, on the other hand, spoke no Korean. Nothing. Not a word. When I stepped off the plane at the Kimpo International Airport in Seoul, June 1992, I was hit by the heat, the smell, and the terrifying realization that I was largely on my own in this strange land of rice and kimchi. What challenges did I face? I knew no one, just my employer. I couldn’t cook for myself - I could hardly get to the grocery store, let alone navigate the items on the shelves (all labeled in Korean, no English). Canadian food is very different (read bland) than what is readily available in an Asian country. Ultimately I met many people over the next several months, and learned to appreciate authentic Korean food, something I still love today. I survived what would be a defining experience, to say the least. I wonder, what will Pujan’s experience be? He’s a competent, well spoken individual, and I believe our community will be better off having him here. Now, let’s get him involved in something ‌ minor soccer perhaps?
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t (SBOU GVOEJOH GPS sewage treatment VQHSBEFT %BWJE 8JMLT QH t %S -BSTFO 4PMFT a community GP Oncologist, pg 5 t 6QHSBEFT UP NVOJDJQBM TXJNNJOH QPPM $BOBEB 150 grant, pg 9
Advertising deadline is Wednesday at noon. Contact info: Published every Friday. Box 131, Golden, BC V0A 1H0 FREE distribution in high traffic areas in (250) 344-8137 town and on the Trans-Canada Highway.
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It’s all fun and games at the Parson Fall Faire
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Got gas? Carrie White Editor
Rainy weather didn’t stop people from getting out and enjoying the Parson Fall Faire and Ray Jean Memorial on Aug. 14 to 16. Photos by Carrie White
I know, no matter what I say, nothing is going to take the sting out of these high gas prices. But I feel I must talk about it – if for no other reason than because it irks me too! Until earlier in this week, it wasn’t fully apparent to me how the price of oil could be so low yet the price of gas so high. Earlier in the year when oil prices plunged, so too, did our gas prices. This week, crude oil hit a six-year low and gas prices have soared to ridiculous levels – or, at least I consider them ridiculous. Oil and gas prices don’t always coincide. According to a petroleum industry consultant quoted in a BNN (Business News Network) piece, crude costs accounts for just 40 cents per liter at the pump. Additionally, Canada is heavily dependent (some analysts are saying too dependent) on U.S.-based refineries to process its crude. The breakdown at a BP refinery in the mid-west last week which drove up wholesale prices also came at a time when demand in the country – indeed across North America - is very high because of summer travel. Add to that an unexpected increase in U.S. stockpiles and our poorly performing dollar and you get what some are calling “the perfect storm,” of events that has caused our pump prices to rise in Canada (and across North America). It’s made for a few painful-to-the-pocketbook weeks in my household, that’s for sure. For many analysts, the spike in gas prices highlights the issue of how overly dependent Canada is on refineries outside the country – and the oil industry as a whole. Falling oil prices have certainly caused economic damage in the country – in particular Alberta and surrounding areas that rely on Albertan tourism dollars. Earlier in the year, before the NDP took out the Conservative government in Alberta, then premier Jim Prentice said in a Globe and Mail piece that it was time – and overdue - for Alberta to “diversify its economic base in earnest.” There’s something to be said for that argument not only when we see what volatile commodities like oil can do to an economy, but I would wager that the many who support stricter environmental rules would agree that Alberta – indeed the country – should learn to be less dependent on oil. Of course, those that have jobs in the industry and have seen their livelihoods threatened due to layoffs and shutdowns would probably have a lot to say regarding “getting off oil.” Luckily (I guess – depending on which side of the fence you are) gas prices are expected to fall as the U.S. refineries come back online. Analysts are also predicting a drop in prices after Labour Day, when much of the summer travel will wrap up for the season and demand wanes as we all hunker down and get ready for the snow to fly.
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1507 Fir Crescent
701 8th Street
1114 10th Street
Asking $299,500 • MLS 2404740
Asking $329,000 • MLS 2404691
Asking $369,500 • MLS 2400478
Great starter home. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths.
Huge family home - 6 bdrms, 2.5 baths.
Centrally located family home.
Comfortable family home is located with buffer zone at rear. Full basement separate entrance, some finishing needed. Wood/electric forced air furnace. Concrete patio, storage shed.
Close to downtown. Large sundeck of main floor, single carport. Beautifully decorated. Basement suite with separate entrance makes for a great mortgage helper.
Large addition off kitchen with amazing deck. Master bedroom features a sunroom. Woodburning fireplace. Double detached garage with bonus room above. Fenced yard, fully landscaped with gardens.
405 Riverglen
1009 King Crescent
612 12th Street S.
Asking $362,900 • MLS 2404081
Asking $289,000 • MLS 2404051
Asking $279,000 • MLS 2403710
Lovely family home in Riverglen.
Large deck off the kitchen. 3 + 2 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 propane fireplaces, and central vac. Paved drive. Large private yard with built-in sprinklers. Outside basement entrance.
Open concept living
3 bdrm, 2 bath home that is completely outfitted for wheelchair compatibility. Covered ramp with covered deck and outside door for ease of access. Open concept living, dining and kitchen areas. Come take a look!
Great family home in good location.
4 bedrooms, 2 bath home. Good potential for a suite. Amazing views. Double detached garage with alley access. Lots of upgrades, worth taking a look. Great investment potential
One and two bedroom units
#10, 1410 11th Avenue N.
Affordable home, centrally located
521 8th Avenue N. Asking $129,900 - $174,900 MLS 2403753
1608 Gareb Road
This fenced yard, 3 bedroom, 2 bath 2003 mobile home is located in Swiss Village MHP. Vaulted ceilings in main living area for open concept look. 2 bdrms and bath at one end, master with jetted tub on the other.
Quiet units in excellent, central location. Elevator and shared laundry facilities. Nice covered deck with storage units. Well maintained building.
Build your new home in amongst the trees in this easy access well treed lot with in-town amenities. Bring your building ideas and start today!
Lot 2, Imler Road
4905 Castledale Heights
554 Day Road
Asking $99,900 • MLS 2403711
Asking $495,000 • MLS 2403097
Asking $269,900 • MLS 2218238
Asking $55,000 • MLS 2405201
Get the feel of the country - in-town!
Asking $89,900 • MLS 2394569
Gently sloped property
Located on Imler Road, this 3.21 acre parcel has a number of trees giving you lots of privacy. Pick your building site to take advantage of the views. Good producing well at time of subdivision. Very well priced parcel.
Mountain home overlooking the wetlands Quality built home on 5.28 acres overlooking the Columbia Wetlands. 2500+ sq. ft. 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, open concept design. Slate and hardwood floors, vaulted ceilings, woodburning fireplace. Detached shop.
Cute and cozy starter or recreation home
2 bedroom, 2 bath home. Fenced yard plus deck, 1 acre of privacy. Open concept living, hot tub included. 2nd story master with ensuite and den area, potential for third bedroom.
Norma Crandall
(250) 344-0275 • • RE/MAX of golden
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Don’t miss the boat at the Golden Swimming Pool Submitted by The Town of Golden
As operations at the Golden Pool wind down for the season, residents are encouraged to “seas the day,� and join in the fun for the second annual Build Your Own Cardboard Boat contest on Aug. 28. Recreation Services Co-ordinator Kim Bryan says racers can make their boats big and intimidating to scare off the competition or smaller - which may not be as stable, but may be quicker in the water. The event will start off with a few heats to see whose craft is worthy of the high seas.
“Last year, the second heat was hilarious because by that time the boats had become soggier, making it a challenge to finish the race.� “Last year, the second heat was hilarious because by that time the boats had become soggier, making it a challenge to finish the race,� she notes. Racer and pool clerk Dana Hudson says that construction of the boat is key, but isn’t willing to share her building tips. “I’m not going to tell secrets about how my boat uses double-wall construction with baffling!� Costumes and creativity are encouraged at the event and there may just be a few different race categories based on who comes out to participate. “People can make their boats and costumes as ridiculous as possible, but all racers have to be in the craft. No outrigging swimmers aloud,� says Bryan. To participate, the only requirement is to have your boat built ahead of the race start time of 4:30 p.m. There will be building sessions at the Golden Youth Centre on Aug. 25 and 27 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and one onsite session at the
pool from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on the day of the race. Both Bryan and Hudson stress that racers may only use standard paddles, no kayak paddles. “This means you Manager of Recreation Services!� exclaims Bryan. “It’s important that no matter who comes out for the race, we have to beat the Manager of Recreation Services!� The race begins on Friday, August 28 at 4:30 p.m. Be sure to head down to the Golden Pool from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. if you need time to build your boat! “This event is so fun,� says Bryan. “It’s held on one of the last full days of pool operations, so come and end the summer with a big soggy bang!�
One$POSBE 8BUXPPE r World Cranes
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Golden Ultra offers ‘something for everyone’ ... Continued from page 4 Sunday afternoon after the trophy presentations. Space will be provided on Sept. 19 from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Rockwater parking lot next to Spirit Square to carve the items. “So even if people are not into skinny runners wearing spandex, there’ll be something for everyone,� jokes Magi. This is the first year for the Ultra in Golden, though Magi is no stranger to event organizing – she began organizing her first events in Grade 11. “I’m also a runner and cross country skier. An integral part of my ski training has been running. I have organized a lot of running races,� she says. “Last year I worked with 5 Peaks Adventures helping with their ultra marathons. From what I saw, I thought with Golden’s trails alone could make for an amazing event here.� Magi says the Golden Ultra is also unique because it features the ability to start and finish downtown. “A 55-kilometre loop with virtually no time on the roads is practically unheard of. It’s the incredibly crazy and unique thing about Golden and from an event perspective, that’s a big win.� Magi says she has been hearing good things from participants that have registered so far. “People are stoked and a lot of them are attracted to the Golden Ultra because it’s a stage race. There are lot of ultra marathons, but not many are staged,� she says. “Proportionally, over half of the people registered are registered for all three days.� Magi says she is always looking for volunteers to help put on the event. Logistically it is no small feat. “What I can promise is an exciting and reasonably short shift. We have times to suit everyone’s schedule,� she says, adding that volunteers will also get a T-shirt, swag bag and volunteer experience. Importantly, Magi says the community support has been really wonderful. “This is also an event for Goldenites,� she says. “We want everyone to see this
as an opportunity. The way the event will succeed in the long term is if the community sees value in it.� For questions, information or to register, visit the website at
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Eat Pure - Hemp for Victory:
The history, use and nutrition of a wonder plant!
by Nicole du Vent Eat Pure Mountain Market Special to Golden This Week
Thankfully for our health and the health of our planet, hemp is making a major comeback, but few of us truly understand this misunderstood plant and the range of its use. As a health-based chef, I’ve been adding hemp seeds to my recipes for years because of their excellent protein and fat profile. It wasn’t until recently though, that I understood the reach of this amazing plant. My partner and I are currently building our house out of a hemp based mixture known as “Hempcrete� and it is this process that inspired me to learn more about hemp! The hemp plant (Cannabis Sativa) has been used for thousands of years - both for its industrial and medicinal properties. Did you know that American money was first printed on hemp paper? Hemp ropes and canvas used for sails enabled the exploration and discovery of new lands, and between 1630 and 1800 you could even pay your taxes in hemp! Henry Ford’s first Model T Ford ran on hemp gasoline and its panels were made from hemp plastic whose impact strength was tested to be 10 times stronger than steel! In 1925, Henry Ford called hemp ethyl alcohol the “fuel of the future.� So what happened? Prohibition and
5IF VTF PG IFNQ BT B CVJMEJOH NBUFSJBM PSJHJOBUFE JO 'SBODF BOE IBT HBJOFE QPQVMBSJUZ BDSPTT &VSPQF BOE $BOBEB XJUI OVNFSPVT DPNQBOJFT QSPEVDJOH IFNQ NJYFT CSJDLT BOE QBOFMT $BOOBCSJD $BOOBQBOFM JO 4QBJO corporate influence. After The First World War, many soldiers became addicted to drugs (primarily opiates) and alcohol taken to alleviate physical and psychological pain. Prohibitionists scared American voters and politicians into believing that returning soldiers had turned into vicious men who posed a risk to the safety of women and children.
Alcohol was banned, but liquor prohibition turned out to be a failure and led to a boom in organized crime. Alcohol prohibition was lifted so prohibitionists set their eyes on marijuana instead. Hemp and marijuana were lumped together in this fight largely due to propaganda from corporate influences, which saw the versatility of hemp as a threat to current industries of the time such as gas, oil and
cotton. This coincided with the decreased need for hemp for ship ropes and sails and both marijuana and hemp became illegal. Now let’s look at the difference between hemp and marijuana. Both come from the same plant family, Cannabis Sativa, and are similar in look. It is their characteristics and use that separate the two. Marijuana is a recreational drug smoked for its calming “high� and pain-relieving ability. Its flowers have between 10 and 30-per-cent THC, the active compound which results in this “high.� Only the female plants are used for the drug, and they are bred to be to be short and bushy with many flowering heads. Since the 1960s, cross breeding has led to increasingly higher THC content. On the flip side, industrial hemp plants are grown to be tall for their woody stalks. They contain few flowering heads, which have no more than 0.3-per-cent THC. The Canadian government reintroduced commercial hemp growing in 1998, though permits are still required and plants are tested for THC content. Did you know that is impossible for hemp and marijuana to grow in the same field? Since marijuana plants can only be female, if a farmer were to try to hide a few plants in a hemp field they would change sexes (cannabis sativa plants can be hermaphrodites) and not produce the THC high flowers desired. Unnecessary restrictions and regulations on hemp production have deterred many farmers from growing hemp. However there is now up to 100,000 acres of hemp production in Canada. A new $32-million hemp fiber processing plant near Taber, Alta., is under construction and another is being proposed in 100 Mile House, B.C. These facilities are necessary for processing hemp fiber and can produce other extractions such as oil for food, bio-plastics, alcohol based fuels and other industrial applications. Hemp is fast growing and can grow to harvestable size in three to four months, allowing certain climates to grow two ... continued on page 12
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Building a home out of hempcrete
... continued from page 12 crops in one season. The fiber content of hemp is 77-per-cent cellulose, compared to 60 per cent in trees, making it the perfect replacement for wood-fiber paper products. In 1916, before it became illegal, the U.S. government predicted that by 1940 all paper would be made from hemp and that no trees would have to be cut down for paper. In fact, one acre of hemp is equivalent to four acres of forested trees in
paper production. Hemp paper is stronger than wood-pulp paper and can be recycled up to seven times - versus only four times for wood-pulp paper. Imagine healthy green fields across the prairies instead of the patchwork quilt of clear cuts that make up our back-country. Hemp is Nitrogen fixer and helps rebuild the soil. It is disease and pest resistant and has a natural ability to choke out competing weeds - meaning it can be grown with little to no pesticides. This makes it an ideal alternative to cotton for clothing fiber, which uses 50 per cent of
all the agricultural chemicals used in the world. Modern processing can make hemp fabrics that range from lace to denim! The use of hemp as a building material originated in France and has gained popularity across Europe and Canada, with numerous companies producing hemp mixes, bricks and panels (Cannabric & Cannapanel, in Spain). Hempcrete is a new term used for a building material similar to cob, though as the name suggests it can be used in place of concrete as well. The mixture contains primarily the chopped hemp hurd (inner
woody core of the stalk) mixed with just enough lime, sand, water and sometimes a small amount of concrete (five per cent) to hold it all together. The mixture is then poured into forms to create very insulative, earthen walls. The walls cure over time and eventually the lime fossilizes the hemp, turning it to stone. Hemp plasters are often applied to interior and exterior walls for colour and added protection from the elements. ... continued on page 13
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Hemp for home and health
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Tropical Hemp Smoothie t 'SP[FO CBOBOB t DVQ 'SP[FO NBOHP t DVQ /VU NJML t DVQ 4QJOBDI t UCTQ )VMMFE IFNQ TFFET Combine all ingredients in a blender, blend well and enjoy!
... continued from page 12 Additions like biochar can be added too, to make the material wifi-signal resistant, which would be useful in a child’s bedroom. Hempcrete is lightweight, fireproof, mold proof, insect resistant, earthquake resistant and acts as a noise barrier. The material is non-hydroscopic and aspirating, meaning it can breathe, and the thick earthen walls have the ability to absorb and store heat and moisture and then release it over time. Hemp fiber grows in a fraction of the time and uses less space compared to wood, not to mention that it is a byproduct of the seed, which farmers often have no market for. Which brings us to hemp food. Many of you are familiar with “hemp hearts,� which are the hulled seed of the hemp plant. These tiny seeds pack a serious nutritional
punch and are high in both protein and healthy fats. Hemp seeds contain all eight essential amino acids, they are one of the only vegetarian foods that do, making them a perfect meat alternative to add protein to everything from smoothies to salads and desserts! They are high in Omega-3 fatty acids which most people are deficient in - and are key to heart, brain, nervous system, colon and joint health! Hemp seeds can be made into milk; the seed’s oil into salad dressing; they can be taken as a nutritional supplement; and hemp protein powder can be used as a flour in cookies or granola bars. More and more commercial hemp foods are popping up every day. I’ve even tasted hemp ice cream! Their taste is mild, creamy and nutty and they are easy to add to any meal. Just sprinkle a tablespoon on to improve your health! Or try these easy recipes!
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His name is Pujan Desai, he’s a 24 yearold foreign worker from Mumbai, India, and he’s living and working here in Golden. All his life he dreamed of making his own way, somewhere independent of family. Pujan comes from a strong family background, and a first-hand understanding of the importance of good customer service, having worked for the family business (a clothing manufacturer in Mumbai) most of his life. Leaving his only sibling, a younger sister, and his parents, he arrived in Canada in August, 2013, almost two years ago exactly, to enroll in a post-secondary program. The first Christmas in Canada saw seven days of power outages in Toronto, it is an experience he’ll remember as a ‘Black Christmas.’ Pujan then completed the two-year business diploma in a little over one year, considerably ahead of schedule. He was now free to work in Canada, and set out applying online for jobs in Western Canada, primarily BC, hoping for warmer weather. When he first connected with the owners of the Golden A&W, he had hoped to go to Vernon or Kelowna, but was instead hired in Golden. The shock of life in a small town made Pujan want to relocate to a bigger centre, but after some time he changed his mind, and determined that he would stay on in Golden, realizing that he had settled in here, and he found that he was enjoying the position. Pujan is pleased to have been given an opportunity here, and speaks highly of his employer and his work colleagues, stating
Pujan poses for a picture with his family, as he prepares to travel and study abroad in Canada. that it is a very supportive environment.
“Working here is giving me the valuable experience of working in Canada, I’m learning much about Canadian culture by being faceto-face with customers everyday.” “Working here is giving me the valuable experience of working in Canada, I’m learning much about Canadian culture by being face-to-face with customers everyday,” says Pujan.
Originally, he had intended to head to the US after completing his Bachelor Degree in Business Administration in Mumbai (with a specialty in accounting). He worked for a stock broker for a year, while making preparations to go abroad. Upon further investigation, he realized that Canada offered a better opportunity, in that if he completed a two-year post-secondary program in Canada, he could then get a three year work visa, an option that was not available as part of the US program. He lives modestly here in Golden, his priority to save money so he can repay his parents for the investment needed to come and study in Canada. He enjoys the challenges of working in the fast food industry (or QSR - Quick Service Restaurant, as it known in the industry), and recognizes the acute challenge of being employed on the Trans-Canada
Highway during the peak summer season. “Customer service is my number one priority,” he says. “I always want our customers to go away having had a pleasant experience here.” He knows first-hand that the ‘foreign worker program’ isn’t always well received by people. His smooth Mumbai accent likely gives him away, and once in a while someone in the lineup will say something pretty rude, like ‘go home’ or ‘go back to your own country, and quit taking our jobs.’ Sometimes it’s hard to take, Pujan admits, but he says he would never let it show, he just smiles and continues to serve his the people in line. “I have a responsibility to serve my customers the best way I can, it’s as simple as that.” Pujan has what’s called an ‘open work ... Continued on page 15
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‘There was a significant amount of planning in order to participate ...’ ... Continued from page 14 permit,’ meaning that he can basically work anywhere that will employ him. His permit is different in that he isn’t bound by a contract for a certain period of time to a particular employer. People often think these workers simply come here for a short-time to work, and then go home. And indeed, many foreign workers are employed through what’s called the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), a standard program for temporary foreign workers, which is fine, but it would seem that Pujan has different goals, something more long term in mind.
“People in my country are under the impression that you can just pay a fee and off you go ...” “There was a significant amount of planning in order to participate in this program,” acknowledges Pujan, listing off the requirements such as an English proficiency exam, required to study in Canada. “Then there’s a $10,000 government bond that must be invested, which the government starts giving back to you right away on a monthly basis. It’s really a good idea, especially for students like me who don’t always have the opportunity to work while studying.” “People in my country are under the impression that you can just pay a fee and off you go, but it’s more complicated than that.” Living in a foreign country is not as easy as one might think. “I don’t know many people here,” he says, “so there isn’t much choice for after hours activities. I often don’t know what to do. Just work and go home. Watching Netflix and then go to bed. But that’s ok for now.” Cooking is also a challenge, given that the food items that he is most familiar with are not readily available here, and his current living accommodations have a limited kitchen. “But it’s ok for now,’ he says, nodding, adding that he’ll get by just fine. He hopes to one day broaden his work experience here in Golden, and is currently studying for the Canadian Securities Exam.
Pujan poses for a photo with visiting relatives.
Pujan’s home in Mumbai, where servants are part of the everyday lifestyle.
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Cat Gibbs - Growing through gardening by Cat Gibbs Special to Golden This Week So‌ if I’m not waging a mighty battle of the bugs in my garden every year, what is it that I’m doing to ‘manage’ insect populations and keep things in balance? A lot of things. As far as I can figure from my own, hands-on experience plus some extensive reading on organic gardening, I think ‘pest’ management starts with healthy soil. I’ve done a lot in my short four (now five) years of growing vegetables to build and maintain soil health. A plant that has optimal growing conditions, especially a healthy soil, will be less susceptible to disease and other types of damage. One of the things I take great care not to do is compact my soil. My garden consists of ‘key-hole’ raised beds arranged in a mandala around a central herb spiral and, as much as possible, I avoid walking on these garden beds and thus compacting the soil. In the Columbia Valley, we all struggle with the very worst soil type - clay - which is very prone to compaction. I never till my soil with a rototiller and I don’t ‘turn it over’. Though rototilling does make the surface foot of soil loose and easy to plant, it over-pulverizes the soil, destroys natural
Parks news
Golden This Week Staff with Information from Parks Canada
Banff National Park: Update: On the afternoon of Aug. 2, Parks Canada fire crews successfully conducted a burnout operation on the Snarl Peak wildfire to remove fuel ahead of the fire. This operation removed unburned fuels adjacent to natural barriers and will help to contain the fire. The current size of the fire is approximately 700 hectares. High temperatures, extremely low humidity and wind over the last few days have caused an increase in activity and growth on the fire, approximately 80 kilometres north of Banff, Alta., in a remote area of the Clearwater River valley. Over the next few days, fire personnel will continue to manage the fire by reinforcing the containment lines (natural barriers, sprinkler lines). Parks Canada is working directly with Alberta Agriculture
soil stratification and soil communities, and compacts the soil layers below the blade. I use minimal till gardening methods myself (for a great resource on this, please see Jean-Martin Fortier’s The Market Gardener) and I haven’t turned my soil over since my very first season gardening. Because soil naturally compacts and settles over time, especially our heavy clay soils, I aerate my beds every spring with a broad fork. This loosens the soil without destroying soil strata and soil communities and an added benefit is that crop residues and weeds are easy to remove from the loosened soil. Another thing which I did my very first season of growing and which has served me well in subsequent years is, at the end of that first season, I dug my crop residues directly into my garden beds. Yes, this impacted the soil communities and strata, however, I think digging these crop residues into deep pits underneath my soil has provided a source of heat, a slow release of nutrients, as well as a trap for water, all of which has nourished the plants I’ve grown in subsequent years. I’m debating doing this every five years but I’m not sure if I want to risk damaging my now well-established soil communities. Also, it’s a lot of work! I do work organic matter into the top few inches of my soil every year, in the form of compost, which is an important amendment
for clay soil and which also feeds my growing vegetables. I’m guessing utilizing a simple, fouryear crop rotation (see Golden This Week, Issue #4) is also helping me to keep insect ‘pests’ within manageable numbers. It’s not that I don’t have the same insects that other folks have in their gardens, it’s just that I don’t find them in such numbers they are destroying my crops. Every year, a few carrots succumb to carrot worm, but only a few. Maybe because my carrots find themselves in a new bed every year? I also have cut-worm which lops off a few of my freshly sprouted beans every year but again never in enough numbers that my harvest is significantly affected. Last year was the first year I’ve encountered cabbage moth worm (3 of my heads were infected) so, this year, I’ve been hand-picking the caterpillars off my plants and placing them in my food forest. A fellow gardener just showed me the white fabric they place over their brassicas to shelter them from cabbage moth and this may be a technique I try in the future if necessary. Though it’s likely too soon to tell, I’m guessing another thing which helps me to naturally keep ‘pest’ populations in check is that my garden is not an isolated island of green in a sea of grass or concrete. My vegetable bed is wrapped on two sides by
my mini food forest, a rich community of ground covers, bulbs, shrubs, small trees, weeds, flowering plants, etc. Step back further and you can see that, in turn, my little food forest is embraced by the firs and spruces of a neighbouring yard. On several occasions, with great delight, I’ve watched a robin make it’s way down from a fir, to a fruit tree, to a shrub and then into the garden to pick a slug off my growing vegetables. I’ve also noticed, as the leaf litter has built up in my food forest and as I’ve stopped mulching my vegetable beds, the slugs prefer to stay in the food forest and are less attracted to my vegetable plot. When I do find the occasional slug, I’m over my squeamishness and I pick them off and move them back to the leaf litter in my food forest. [Caveat: I’m not sure if I would feel differently about slugs if I lived on the coast‌they grow them big out there!] I think that about sums up what I do for insect management in my garden and, with respect to coming home to myself and seeing the inherent value of all life (see last week’s column), well, I’m far from being zen-buddhist about it all, the recent explosion of the mosquito population has been testament to that!
and Forestry to manage this wildfire and mitigate impacts on downwind areas. An area closure is in place until further notice from the lower Clearwater River valley from Roaring Creek/Martin Lake junction on the west to the eastern park boundary near Indianhead creek on the east. Although the fire is in a remote region of the park, motorists may see helicopters and fire crews in the area and occasional localized smoke. After a short period of cooler temperatures and a small amount of precipitation, the Banff Field Unit has returned to EXTREME fire danger. Forest fuels are dry, particularly in valley bottoms. Please be extra careful with all sources of flame and exercise appropriate caution at all times. Updates will be available on the website as new information is available. Glacier National Park: Restricted activity order: Illecillewaet and Asulkan Valley A Restricted Activity Order has been
instituted for the Avalanche Crest, Glacier Crest, Great Glacier, Asulkan Valley trail, Sir Donald and Perley Rock trails due to Several Grizzly bears frequenting the area, including sub-adults. t )JLJOH QBSUJFT NVTU CF JO B HSPVQ TJ[F of four adults or more. t 5IF NBYJNVN EJTUBODF CFUXFFO UXP individuals must not exceed three metres and should be less when sight or hearing is reduced by the physical surroundings. Jasper National Park: Warning: As of Aug. 17, there are warnings for the Opal Hills and Bald Hills areas due to Grizzly bears frequenting the area. To minimize the potential of a bear encounter: t 5SBWFM JO HSPVQT PG PS NPSF t 8BUDI GPS CFBST t .BLF OPJTF UP BMFSU B CFBS PG ZPVS presence. t $BSSZ CFBS TQSBZ Activities prohibited: Until further notice, access to the area around the Cavell glacial tarn and outlet stream is prohibited
due to glacier releases and landslides that have created unsafe conditions for park visitors. Kootenay National Park: Restricted Activity: Sinclair Creek and Kindersley Pass Trail A restricted activity order has been instituted for the Sinclair Creek and Kindersley Pass Trails due to Grizzly bears frequenting the area. Hiking parties must be in a group size of four or more. The maximum distance between two individuals must not exceed three metres and should be less when sight or hearing is reduced by the physical surroundings. Mount Revelstoke National Park: Update: On Sept. 19, select trails in Mount Revelstoke National Park will be closed due to a special event. These trails include Summit Trail, Upper Summit Trail (between Balsam and Heather lakes), Lindmark Trail and the Eva Lake, Miller Lake and Jade Lakes trail system. For more information visit the Parks Canada website or call 250-837-7500.
Yours in green growing things, Cat Gibbs
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Ice Cream for Breakfast: Milk and Milky by Sarah Elizabeth Special to Golden This Week Today was the second day of my daughter’s swimming lessons. We both left feeling a little drained. Well, I was feeling drained, she was quite content thanks to all of the milk she drank in the change room. We are starting to think, since I’m still nursing (yup! still nursing), that it distracts her. It seems that she still wants milk almost all of the time which we thought would be happening less and less by now. It’s a bit of an issue. Particularly when I’m fearing for my life while trying to sleep because she elbows me in the neck, body slams me, kicks my partner and switches constantly from one side to the other until she finally falls asleep in a milk coma. We walked home from the pool in silence - I, with the knowledge that it is time to put the boob away. Say goodbye to milk milks, or “Milk and Milky,� as she has come to call them. We strolled down the alley toward our home. As I pointed to all of the beautiful flowers we saw along the way, I explained to my daughter how these flowers will soon disappear with the coming of fall, and I felt really sad.
“ ... I’m faced with separating my daughter from something she has been faithfully relying on since she was born. ... It’s also me having to let go of this big part of our relationship.� I wasn’t a big fan of breastfeeding at first. It hurt my back, my neck and my mind as I sat in the same position for hours on end all day and all night. Not sleeping, ever, as she fussed over something I ate (usually an overindulgence of cheese or chocolate). Then we settled in and it started to become part of our every
*U TFFNT OP NBUUFS XIBU QIBTF PG EFWFMPQNFOU PVS DIJMESFO BSF JO UIFSF T BMXBZT TPNFUIJOH OFX UP HFU VTFE UP TPNFUIJOH UP MFU HP PG PS UP FNCSBDF day. I learned all of her signs and nursed her at whim. I tried to help her fart when she was struggling with her digestion, maneuvering her little body to do baby sit-ups, squats and leg kicks, like a baby Ninja. We watched her miraculously grow from the milk-food I was providing her with my body (they call it liquid gold); I held her little hand on my finger as she quietly suckled; and we listened to her coo and make sounds of satisfaction as her belly became full. We got through our lack of confidence in burping her afterwards, counting and trying to perfect that
awkward upward stroke we were shown by the doctor; and found joy and relief in hearing her burp, poop and fart. It’s hard to believe how fascinating a baby’s digestive process is, but we learned it and knew it well. Eventually, I grew to love breastfeeding and relied on it to ground her, comfort her and put her to sleep. I have to admit it was an awkward and empowering transition from thinking of my breasts as push-up bra fillers to milk-making power mammary machines that I dare not restrict with a bra, and do whip out wherever and whenever I need to, rightly so, to feed my hungry baby. I’d
see other Moms doing the same thing in restaurants and give them a nod. As the role of my breasts changed, I changed too. As I got better and better at whipping them out on a whim, I started to care less and less about what other people thought. I got used to other people looking, staring or even commenting on my breasts - as sometimes they did. Over the months and eventual years of nursing her on a regular basis, my daughter developed her own relationship with Milk and Milky – like putting her arm ... Continued on page 18
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‘I’m grateful I was able to nurse her at all ...’
... Continued from page 17 around them and asking them how they’re doing, snuggling them, reading them a story or even trying to feed them a cookie. I’ll admit, it was weird, funny and sweet all at once. Now comes the transition of separating my daughter from them. I’m grateful I was able to nurse her at all and for so long. On the one side, I’m stoked to get the little sucker (who I love with all of my heart and soul) off of me once and for all and to have my body finally back to myself (Woo Hoo! Bring on the tequila!!). On the other side, I’m faced with separating my daughter from something she has been faithfully relying on since she was born. Separating her from something she has come to love so much that she calls them Milk and
Milky. Milk and Milky! It’s also me having to let go of this big part of our relationship. The special moments. The laughter and the tears. Getting through those hard parts together and finally, the letting go.
“It seems no matter what phase of development our children are in, there’s always something new to get used to, something to let go of, or to embrace.� It seems no matter what phase of development our children are in there’s always something new to get used to, something to let go of or to embrace.
As my daughter and I separate from our physical connection to each other, I imagine I will still be providing her with tons of nourishment and comfort. There will still be lots of snuggles and time together singing and talking and laughing. We’ll make food together, even try new recipes. Milk and Milky, like Puff the Magic Dragon, will retreat back into their bra cave. I’m sure I’ll catch my daughter noticing them from time to time, particularly when we change in change rooms to go swimming. I’ll watch her jump into the water without her water wings or life jacket, without me or her Dad to hold her up. I’ll watch her proudly and probably nag at her to put on more sunscreen, wear her hat in the water and eat her greens! Because without Milk and Milky around anymore, I’ll be consistently finding creative ways to ensure she’s eating right.
And so, a new chapter begins in this thing called parenthood – I’m so glad it no longer includes my breasts. Endnote: After I wrote this, I realized it was World Breastfeeding Awareness Week from Aug. 1 to 7. The theme was raising awareness of the need to make breastfeeding work at work. Some Moms choose to breastfeed, some don’t, some try really hard and realize they can’t or struggle for months and months and then have to wean. From what I’ve learned, we all do it the way it works for us and that’s half the battle of parenting, right there. When it comes to feeding our babies, whether we use the breast or the bottle, the idea of it needing to be done a certain way just fuels the whole Mom-guilt thing. This is just the story of Milk and Milky and the intent is to share my personal experience while recognizing that chapters open and close in parenting.
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Promises Made - Promises Kept! B.C.’s debt Over the past few weeks I have shared with you some of the amazing success stories that the BC Liberal government has achieved for British Columbians and I have appreciated both the positive feedback and the constructive criticism I have received. One question that seems to be on people’s radar relates to the current provincial debt. People are asking why the debt has grown since the BC Liberals took power in 2001 to present. When I started to think about this important question I realized that by just comparing 2001 and 2015 debt numbers without adjusting for economic factors (growth) does not help us arrive at an accurate answer! I also realized that in part this very important issue would be best answered not by politicians or those associated with political parties but by those who make their livings rating governments and businesses around the world. For example, economists at Moody’s, one of the most well-respected credit rating agencies in the world, have again affirmed our province’s economic standing by giving us a AAA stable credit rating, the highest possible. What this rating does is give the province a much lower interest rate on the money we borrow therefore saving millions on debt reduction. BC is one of only three provinces in Canada to achieve this rating and the fact
%PVH $MPWFDIPL #$ -JCFSBM 3FHJPOBM %JSFDUPS GPS UIF &BTU BOE 8FTU ,PPUFOBZT 1SFTJEFOU #$ -JCFSBM $PMVNCJB 3JWFS 3FWFMTUPLF 3JEJOH "TTPDJBUJPO that BC is the only province in Canada that has balanced its budget three years in a row helped secure the AAA rating. This AAA rating in many ways is like you and I having our local Bank or Credit Union manager tell us that we have an excellent personal credit rating. That means we can borrow money to do the things that we feel are best for our families while prudently staying within our spending means. How did we earn the excellent personal credit rating? Simple, we pay our bills and
we have demonstrated what we earn is not only capable of paying off our debts but what we earn also has the ability to grow into the future. The same is true with a province. The provincial “salary� is called the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) which is in simple terms, means the total value of all goods and services produced domestically by a province during a year. Add this total number to the amount we owe and you get what is called the “debt to GDP ratio� (how much we owe compared to what we earn). The size of the provincial debt most certainly factors into the ratio and in order to understand how this factors we must examine what I call “credit card debt�. In provincial terms, this type of debt results from government borrowing to finance the annual operations of government which does not increase the GDP and results in an ever increasing debt to GDP ratio! The fact of the matter is that in 2001 the BC Liberals inherited massive amounts of “credit card debt� that the NDP had accumulated in the 1990’s and we have had to work hard to pay off this debt! Since 2001 we have been building our economy with a new vision and borrowing principals. The kind of debt that we have borrowed is not the old “credit card debt� but debt that allows us to invest in capital projects and infrastructure such as schools, hospitals highways and bridges
etc. which in turn contribute to growth in British Columbia’s GDP. This is no different than a business borrowing to invest in their future growth or an individual borrowing to buy as house knowing that they will have the personal “GDP� to pay it off over time. There is no question that the provincial debt we have today is greater than the debt we had in 2001. Yet there is also no doubt that the type of debt we have is different. There is no question that our economic strength, our GDP, is light years ahead of where it was in 2001 meaning that we have a greater capacity not only to pay off our debt but continue to grow our GDP. Recently the Minister of Finance announced that the BC Liberal government will post, for 2014, a $1.6 Billion surplus. A surplus that will be applied directly to our debt!!! None of us want debt or like it and we all aspire to be debt-free. But in reality, during our working lives and when we are raising our children, it is necessary to borrow and amortize debt over a long period and plan to be out of debt by retirement. Provincial governments don’t ever get to “retirement�. They must borrow to maintain and build infrastructure and that is the debt we have today, not the credit card debt the NDP incurred in the 1990’s.
Forest Fires still rampant in Southeast British Columbia Released by
According to a recent press release, the BC Wildfire Service has been responding to 88 new wildfires in the Southeast Fire Centre since Aug. 13. A total of 499 wildfires have occurred in the region since April 1. The BC Wildfire Service has been responding to these incidents, with the protection of life and property being the top priority. The following fires are highly visible. t 5IF 1BVMTPO 1BTT mSF DPWFST BCPVU 260 hectares and is zero-per-cent contained. Twelve BC Wildfire Service
personnel are on site, as well as two helicopters and four pieces of heavy equipment. Currently, Hwy. 3 remains open to traffic. Due to steep slopes and terrain instability, debris could fall on the highway at any time, so motorists should exercise extreme caution. t 5IF .PVOU .JEHFMFZ mSF XFTU PG Creston, B.C., covers about 332 hectares and is 10-per-cent contained. Forty BC Wildfire personnel, four helicopters and 10 pieces of heavy equipment are working on containment. This fire is highly visible from the community of Creston. No structures or communities are threatened by this fire. t 5IF 3PDL $SFFL # $ mSF DPWFST about 3,750 hectares and is zero-percent contained. There are 98 BC Wildfire
Service personnel, a Type 1 Incident Management Team, seven helicopters and 14 pieces of heavy equipment working on this fire. t " mSF CVSOJOH mWF LJMPNFUSFT VQ 4U Mary Lake Road, southwest of Kimberley, B.C., is estimated at 0.6 hectares. The BC Wildfire Service is asking the public to stay out of the area and avoid travelling where crews are working, including anywhere on St. Mary Lake Road. t 5IF 4UJDLQJO mSF JO UIF 6 4 JT CVSOJOH near Grand Forks, B.C., seven kilometres south of the B.C. border, and is zero-percent contained. It covers about 12,000 hectares. The BC Wildfire Service has been in communication with the U.S. Forest Service since this fire exhibited significant
growth and aggressive behaviour on Aug. 14 There has been a decrease in fire activity since Aug. 15. Officials from the BC Wildfire Service met with the Stickpin fire Incident Management Team today about possibly offering firefighting support, if required. For information about wildfires in the U.S., please visit The BC Wildfire Service encourages members of the public to report any new fires. To report a wildfire or open burning violation, call 1 800 663-5555 toll-free or *5555 on a cell phone. For the latest information on current wildfire activity, burning restrictions, road closures and air quality advisories, visit You can also follow the latest wildfire news on Twitter and Facebook.
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Hangin’ with my (marshmallow) PEEPS
by Janet Crandall-Swaffield 1VCMJTIFS t (PMEFO 5IJT 8FFL
Ok, I’ll admit. I love marshmallows. As the days get shorter and temperatures start to get colder, my thoughts start to turn to fall and Halloween, and all the candy options that will soon be available. Any self-respecting candy lover will tell you PEEPSÂŽ are a must at Easter, and are a popular item in Easter Baskets. But like candy corn and other confectionery items that have a cultural following all their own, PEEPSÂŽ aren’t just for Easter anymore. Their product line easily spans the four seasonal holidays (Valentine’s, Easter, Halloween and Christmas, and now a series of summer releases as well). A classic invention with a pop-culture type of appeal, not unlike the Cadbury Easter Creme Egg, Peeps has a following all its own. “Few products have achieved the iconic status of PEEPSÂŽ, the yellow, chick-shaped marshmallow confection beloved by children and adults alike‌ produced by Just Born, a family-owned confectionery company,â€? reads the history section of the company’s corporate website. True, PEEPSÂŽ started out as marshmallow chicks, but are now available in a myriad of shapes, depending on the season, and are widely available at candy shops and grocery stores across North America. Founded in 1923, based in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Just Born is named for its owner, Russian Immigrant Sam Born, a candy maker by trade. Freshly-made candy would be displayed near a sign that said “Just Bornâ€?, playing off his last name and that fact that he made his candy fresh daily. Just Born acquired the Rodda Candy Company, who were best known for their jelly beans, and their best-selling line of marshmallow chicks, in 1953. The ‘laborious made-by-hand squeezing marshmallow through pastry tubes process’ was quickly replaced with mass production. PEEPSÂŽ are made from sugar, corn syrup, gelatine and various food coloring, a simple marshmallow dipped in sprinkles. The original? Yellow chicks. Other shapes
1&&14¼ XFSF DSFBUFE JO BOE IBWF CFFO B GBWPVSJUF GPS DBOEZ MPWFST FWFS TJODF * GPS POF BN MPPLJOH GPSXBSE UP UIJT ZFBS T )BMMPXFFO SFMFBTF PG NBSTINBMMPX HIPTUT BOE QVNQLJOT and colours would follow during the 1960s, and eventually the Marshmallow Peeps Bunny was released as a popular year round shape of the candy. Lavender and blue came on the scene in 1995, and between 1999 and 2002, new flavours such as vanilla, strawberry and chocolate were introduced. Sam Born’s son Bob, joined the company in 1946, and helped mechanize the marshmallow forming process, paving the way for Just Born to become the world’s largest manufacturer of novelty marshmallow treats. No longer just for Easter, Peeps has seasonal flavours in addition to the wide variety of shapes for all holidays throughout the year, with some of the latest releases being Sweet Lemonade, Chocolate dipped, Chicks in Eggs, S’mores Pops, Mystery Flavour (only at Wal-Mart), Lemon Delight (only at Target) and more. Previous
flavour releases were blue raspberry, sour watermelon, party cake, lemonade and bubblegum-flavored Marshmallow Chicks for the summer season. Orange Peeps and Pumpkins for Halloween, pink strawberry creme chicks for Valentine’s Day, and an assortment of Christmas flavours in December, from chocolate dipped candy cane chicks to gingerbread men, and then there’s Christmas trees, reindeer and snowman Peeps too. Considering Peeps have enjoyed mainstream popularity some 60+ years, it isn’t surprising to learn that there are Peepsinspired recipes, crafts, contents and more in the Peeps community. There are even Peeps & Co. stores in the USA where you can buy cool Peeps and Peeps stuff like t-shirts and mugs. Want to know more? Check out www. Looking for
inspiration? Search ‘peeps’ on Pinterest, wow, the possibilities are endless ‌
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