5IJT8FFL Golden
What a great view!
Mt Hunter hike is a great afternoon activity
Saying goodbye to the Hudson Family See story and photos on pages 11-14
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coming up ...
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in Golden
Kicking Horse Movies - “Vacation� t Opening Friday, July 31st thru Thursday, Aug. 6th at 7 p.m. “Following in the footsteps of his father Clark (Chevy Chase) and hoping for some much-needed family bonding, a grownup Rusty Griswold (Ed Helms) surprises his wife, Debbie (Christina Applegate), and their two sons, James (Skyler Gisondo) and Kevin (Steele Stebbins), with a cross-country trip back to America’s favorite family fun park: Walley World, as it will be closing forever.�
Summer Kicks t Wednesday, Aug. 5 Oysterband with David L’Hirondelle “Delighting audiences at festivals, concerts, bars, rallies and jails for 35 years — and still going strong!� Oysterband create modern, folk-based British music; acoustic at heart with a rock-and-roll panache. Since 1978 they’ve toured in 35 countries – delighting audiences at festivals, concerts, bars, rallies and jails – bring ’em on! They have won 5 BBC Folk Awards, made 13 studio albums, one DVD and are still full of ideas. www.oysterband.co.uk kickinghorseculture.ca
Baby Talk t Every Wed, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. Golden Early Years Centre, 421 9th Ave. N. (across from Post Office)
Firearms PAL t Possession and Acquisition License Course, August 15 & 16, 2015. Nonrestricted on Saturday, Restricted on Sunday. 8:30 - 5:00. Location: Golden. Fees: $120 for restricted, $120 for non-restricted or $200 for both on same weekend. Call Ron or Sandra at 250-344-2503 (cell) for more info, or email registerforpal@hotmail.com. Preregistration is required, suggested at least 5 days before the course.
Creative Spaces t Wednesdays, Aug. 12th, 19th and 26th, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. at the Golden Women’s Resource Centre. Girls and women are invited to come have some fun and exercise their creative muscles. This is a fun event, we would love to see you there. Ray Jean Memorial Slo-Pitch Tournament & Parson Fall Faire t August 14 - 16. Slo-Pitch tourney, farmer’s market, family dance & karaoke, Saturday night drive-in movie, build your own cardboard box car bed, beer gardens, games, free camping. Call Trina at 939-8175 or Heather 3441536.
Targeted Initiative for Older Workers - Job Skills Training Opportunity t $PMMFHF PG UIF 3PDLJFT Fall intake: Sept. 8 - Dec. 10, 2015. Winter intake: Nov. 16 - Mar. 3, 2016. For unemployed workers aged 55 - 64, who require new or enhanced skills for successful integration into new employment. Golden Farmer’s Market t Saturdays at the Spirit Square, 10:00 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Wednesdays at the CP Parking lot, 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. Handmade creations - cupcakes, jewelery, wood products, soap and much, much more.
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A new, joint initiative from the Golden Family Centre and Golden Youth Centre is aiming to showcase youth, culture and talent in the community. The project, called Kids These Days, is intended for youth between the ages of 12 and 20 to show the community at large what they are up to in a professional setting – with professional stage lights and sound. With the support of Columbia Basin Trust, the idea is to have a form of variety show at the end of the project, which runs from now through to November 2015. Activities and workshops will be held at the Youth Center leading up to the main event. Ken Thompson, youth support counselling & outreach at the Golden Family Centre and Mike Symons, coordinator at the Golden Youth Centre are working together to bring the project to life and help it gain momentum among Golden’s youth. “The idea came from witnessing the jam sessions and art exhibitions at the high school and just seeing a lot of great talent among the youth in our community,� says Ken. “We would like to lift this out of the school gymnasiums and centralize it.� Ken says he would like to see the project culminate with a “variety show� at the Civic Centre where youth can show the community at large their talents. “I’d compare it to a talent show,� he adds, “With no judges or prizes and access for all.�
"T UIJT JT UIF mSTU ZFBS GPS UIF ,JET 5IFTF %BZT QSPKFDU UIF (PMEFO 'BNJMZ $FOUSF BOE (PMEFO :PVUI $FOUSF BSF SFBMMZ LFFO UP HFU ZPVUI GFFECBDL UP IFMQ TIBQF BOE GPSN UIF QSPKFDU BOE WBSJFUZ TIPX Photo submitted. AS this is the first year for the Kids These Days project, Ken and Mike say they are really keen to get youth feedback to help shape and form the project and event. “It will be better if it’s youth driven,� says Ken. “At this point this is not a regular structured program and this is where we are looking for input on how best to facilitate it,� adds Mike. The project will feature workshops and activities at the Youth Centre, and Ken notes that with the CBT funding, Kids
These Days can bring in “mentors� that might like to showcase their talents and help to guide others. Kids These Days is for youth between 12 and 20 years of age and Participation is free. Youth can participate with anything really, as long as it can be performed on a stage, displayed on a screen or in an exhibition. Music, dance, poetry, movies, photography, painting, drawing, wood carving are just some examples. Ken and Mike encourage Golden youth (and adults) with ideas for this project,
who would like to volunteer or who have skills they would like to share through a workshop to contact Ken at ken.t@ goldenfamilycenter.bc.ca or call 250-3440684; or stop in at the Youth Centre TuesFridays during after school drop-in hours. Ken and Mike would also appreciate hearing from community members who are interested in sharing their ideas or skills regarding the project. More information can also be found on the project’s Facebook page, which went live recently.
WEDNESDAY, AUG 12 Gary Fjellgaard
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Friday night youth swim at the Golden Swimming Pool Submitted by The Town of Golden Come down to the pool this Friday, July 31 from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and listen to Brandon Dahlberg, a.k.a. DJ Dahly Llama, spin some tunes for the third Friday Night Youth Swim at the Golden Pool! The new initiative is being led by the staff at the GSP and held in cooperation with the Golden Youth Centre. The Friday Night Youth Swim features a different theme each week and lots of cool prizes, but above all, a safe and fun place for Golden’s youth to hang out, play games, go for a swim and be with their friends. Kim Bryan, recreation services coordinator, says the Friday evening swims were started to address the lack of youth coming to the pool. “After they finish swim lessons, if they aren’t in swim club or working toward lifeguarding, we seem to lose them. So we tried to think of ways that we could bring them back.� Dana Hudson, GSP clerk and the driving force behind the program, says so far, the pool has hosted a local DJ and a Survivorthemed event. “Having a DJ at the pool gives our youth a chance to do something that is usually age-prohibited,� she explains. “There is a lot to do in Golden for younger children and families and there are some really great adventure activities for adults, but some of these are not always accessible – both physically and financially. “Then there’s the pool. It’s in town, it’s cheap and it’s easy to get to.� GSP staff and the Youth Centre are also pursuing sponsorships so that they can offer the youth swims for free and make them truly accessible to everyone. “The Youth Swim is important to us as the Town of Golden strives to support recreation for all residents,� says Bryan. “That means we need programming that suitable for all ages and abilities, that is affordable and non-discriminatory.� Community engagement is also important to the success of the youth Swim, says Bryan. Not only does it create awareness, but the more sponsors that come on board, the more swims that can
5IF 'SJEBZ /JHIU :PVUI 4XJN GFBUVSFT B EJGGFSFOU UIFNF FBDI XFFL BOE MPUT PG DPPM QSJ[FT CVU BCPWF BMM B TBGF BOE GVO QMBDF GPS (PMEFO T ZPVUI UP IBOH PVU QMBZ HBNFT HP GPS B TXJN BOE CF XJUI UIFJS GSJFOET Photos submitted. be offered free of charge. “Word is spreading and by making it free or affordable, we hope to continue gaining momentum on this,� Bryan says.
“We want to thank all of our amazing past and future sponsors who also provide yet another reason to come down to the pool on Friday evenings,� says Hudson. “For the DJ swim, Darkside and Plain Wayne and Jane sponsored the event with swag so we were able to hand out T-Shirts and sunglasses. The Dollar store and Overwaitea donated so much to our Survivor Swim night.�
The next few Friday Night Youth Swims will be sponsored by the Golden Golf Course, The Golden Rotary Club, Higher Ground Mountain Sports and Kardash Plumbing and Heating. “The next three weeks are free, thanks to Rotary, Higher Ground and Kardash, with the Aug. 21 date being sponsored and made free by the Golden Golf Club,� says Hudson, adding that the staff is always open to more ideas and prizes. She encourages people to contact the pool with any ideas or contributions they have. While some nights will feature games and activities, some will offer the opportunity to listen to good music, talk and just hang out with friends. “The overriding message here is that yes, you can come out and hang out with your friends while doing something different, cool and interesting,� says Hudson.
“We have some solid momentum and buy-in from the business community so far and would like to thank and recognize our sponsors,� says Bryan. “We want this to continue for years to come!� The Friday Night Youth Swim sponsorship program is part of a new initiative by the ToG Recreation Services Staff to build partnerships with community groups and businesses which allows us to offer these types of events for free. Moving in to the fall and winter months, the Rec Staff are planning to pursue more sponsorship initiatives for our Public Skate nights at the Arena, and for potential programs at the Mount 7 Rec Plex! Stay tuned for more information as the fall/ winter season approaches. For more information or to sponsor a Youth Swim, contact the pool at 250-3442118 or by emailing pool@golden.ca or rec.booking@golden.ca.
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Creating unforgettable memories, summer camp
5IF HPBM PG UIF 'SFODI TVNNFS JNNFSTJPO DBNQ JT UP QSPWJEF FYQFSJFODFT PVUTJEF PG UIF TDIPPM FOWJSPONFOU UIBU TVQQPSU BOE FOSJDI UIF MFBSOJOH PG UIF 'SFODI MBOHVBHF Photos submitted by Claudine St-Cyr PrĂŠmont. by Claudine St-Cyr Premont Special to Golden This Week Petit Tournesol French Summer Camp, in collaboration with Canadian Parents for French, has been offering activities in French since 2012. The camp was created to respond to the high demand from parents living in Golden B.C. to be able to offer activities in French to their children during the summer school break. The camp has been created especially for students that wish to go to a French Immersion program in the future, are in a French Immersion program or have a parent with a French background. The goal is to provide experiences outside of the school environment that support and enrich the learning of French by promoting the use of the language, strengthening language skills and having fun in French. For the past four years, Petit Tournesol French Summer Camp has had many contributors from the Golden and area community, including Glacier Raft Company, Kicking Horse Mountain Resort, Wolf Awareness Inc., the A-Muse troupe, Flying W Trail Rides, the Golden Eco Adventure Ranch and the artist Sarah Jane Osadetz.
One of the great acheivements of the camp over the years has been to have participants registered from Calgary, Alta., Rossland, B.C. and Coldstream B.C. Children at the Petit Tounresol French Summer Camp have been able to create new friendships, unforgettable memories and learn more about Golden and area while having being exposed to French. For more information, contact Claudine St-Cyr PrĂŠmont, Petit Tournesol French Summer Camp coordinator at enfrancais@
mail.com or at 250-272-0062. Le camp en français Petit Tournesol en collaboration avec Canadian Parents for French offre des activitÊs en français depuis 2012. Le camp en français a ÊtÊ crÊÊ afin de rÊpondre à la grande demande de parents habitant dans la ville de Golden d’être capable d’offrir des activitÊs en français à leurs enfants durant les vacances d’ÊtÊ. Le camp a ÊtÊ crÊÊ particulièrement pour les Êtudiants qui souhaitent être dans
un programme d’immersion française dans le futur, sont dans un programme d’immersion française, ou ont un parent qui possède un hÊritage francophone. Le but du camp d’immersion française est d’offrir des expÊriences hors de l’environnement de l’Êcole qui supportent et enrichissent l’apprentissage du français en faisant la promotion de l’utilisation de la langue, renforcer les connaissances de la langue et avoir du plaisir en français. Durant les 4 dernières annÊes, le camp en français Petit Tournesol a eu plusieurs collaborateurs de la communautÊ de Golden et environs dont Glacier Raft Company, Kicking Horse Mountain Resort, Wolf Awareness Inc., the A-Muse troupe, Flying W Trail Rides, the Golden Eco Adventure Ranch et l’artiste Sarah Jane Osadetz. Un des grand succès du camp est d’avoir eu des participants en immersion française de Calgary, Rossland et Coldstream durant les dernières annÊes. Les enfants au Camp en français Petit Tournesol ont su crÊÊ de nouvelles amitiÊs, des souvenirs inoubliables et ont appris de nouvelles choses à propos de la ville de Golden et environs tout en Êtant exposÊs au français.
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Listening to Dr. Google Carrie White Editor Call it what you want; dieting, cleansing, eating healthy, quitting chocolate – the whole thing can get really confusing sometimes. As my birthdays seem to coming faster, and with less time in between, I have been thinking a lot about the state of my health: how and what I eat, how food is made, how much exercise I should be getting, my skin, and so on. The problem is, the more research I do, the more confused I get. So, exposing my skin to the sun for long periods of time is bad, but I need vitamin D, but sunscreen can actually do more damage than the sun? Sunscreen is fine, don’t get caught up in the hype? Make your own sunscreen? How about this one that just threw me for a loop recently: Yogurt, which I thought to be one of the healthier choices for breakfast, can be nutritious, but many commercially prepared yogurts have as much fat and sugar as desserts. Ok, so that one isn’t all that hard to comprehend, but recently I learned that according to some health professionals only real Greek yogurt has the kind of probiotics and health benefits that a body needs. Maybe not a big deal, but to a penny pincher like me... well, you know. And what about eggs? Good? Bad? Who can tell? Depending on what article or research you read, you may want to include a couple of hard-boiled eggs in your daily diet, or you may want to avoid this cholesterol-ridden – yet oh-so-delicious – food like the plague. Then there’s sleep, something simple – or so I thought. Once I waded into the depths of the internet, I read one article stating that as you age you actually “need” less sleep, but the National Sleep Foundation says that without between seven and nine hours per night, I could develop “health problems such as obesity and high blood pressure, negative mood and behavior, decreased productivity, and safety issues in the home, on the job, and on the road.” And finally exercise. To crunch or not to crunch; running is bad for your knees – oh wait, no it isn’t; if you don’t sweat, there’ll be no results; sweating isn’t all that important...I could go on. In the end, I guess it’s all about what works best for you, everything in moderation or some other such cliché. All I know is that I was so tired after my Google session, I took a nap out on my deck in the sun, ate a giant donut and then washed it down with a beer. Then I noticed something; after the session of “indulging,” I felt better than I had all day! “Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.” - Mark Twain
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5IJT8FFL Golden
email: publisher@goldenthisweek.com
Advertising deadline is Wednesday at noon. Contact info: Published every Friday. Box 131, Golden, BC V0A 1H0 FREE distribution in high traffic areas in (250) 344-8137 town and on the Trans-Canada Highway.
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Campfires still banned in SE Fire Centre Castlegar - Parts of southeast British Columbia have received varying amounts of rainfall over the past week, but the campfire ban that’s been in place since July 3 throughout the Southeast Fire Centre’s jurisdiction will remain in place until the public is otherwise notified. This measure is in addition to Category 2 and Category 3 open burning prohibitions that are still in effect. Although some areas have received a considerable amount of rain, it has only temporarily lowered fire danger ratings. The weather forecast for the Southeast Fire Centre indicates a return to hot and dry conditions and these ratings are expected to rise again quickly. Specifically, prohibited activities include: t $BNQmSFT mSFT TNBMMFS UIBO B IBMG metre wide by a half-metre high). t 5IF CVSOJOH PG XBTUF PS PUIFS materials. t 4UVCCMF PS HSBTT mSFT PG BOZ TJ[F PWFS any area. t 5IF VTF PG mSFXPSLT TLZ MBOUFSOT tiki torches, chimineas, burning barrels or CVSOJOH DBHFT PG BOZ TJ[F PS EFTDSJQUJPO t 5IF VTF PG CJOBSZ FYQMPEJOH UBSHFUT t 5IF VTF PG BJS DVSUBJO CVSOFST GPSDFE air burning systems). These prohibitions do not apply to cooking stoves that use gas, propane or briquettes, or to a portable campfire apparatus with a CSA or ULC rating that uses briquettes, liquid or gaseous fuel, as long as the height of the flame is less than 15 centimetres. The use of a campfire apparatus that does not meet these specifications is prohibited. These prohibitions cover all BC Parks, Crown lands and private lands, but do not apply within the boundaries of a local government that has forest fire prevention bylaws and is serviced by a fire department. Please check with local authorities to see if any other burning restrictions are in place before lighting any fire. Anyone found in contravention of a fire prohibition may be issued a ticket for $345, required to pay an administrative penalty of $10,000 or, if convicted in court, fined up to $100,000 and/or sentenced to one year in jail. If the contravention causes or contributes to a wildfire, the person responsible may be ordered to pay all
firefighting and associated costs. The BC Wildfire Service urges the public to abide by these prohibitions to help reduce the number of humancaused wildfires, which can divert critical resources from naturally occurring wildfires. The Southeast Fire Centre has responded to a total of 386 fires since April 1, 63 of which were human-caused and therefore preventable. The total number of wildfires by this date last year was 117.
“These prohibitions
cover all BC Parks, Crown lands and private lands, but do not apply within the boundaries of a local government that has forest fire prevention bylaws and is serviced by a fire department. Please check with local authorities to see if any other burning restrictions are in place before lighting any fire.� The Southeast Fire Centre covers the area extending from the U.S. border in the south to Mica Dam in the north and from the Okanagan Highlands and Monashee Mountains in the west to the B.C.-Alberta border in the east. It includes the Selkirk Forest District and the Rocky Mountain Forest District. To report a wildfire or open burning violation, call 1 800 663-5555 toll-free or *5555 on a cellphone. For the latest information on current wildfire activity, burning restrictions, road closures and air quality advisories, visit:http://www.bcwildfire.ca You can also follow the latest wildfire news: t 0O 5XJUUFS BU IUUQ UXJUUFS DPN BCGovFireInfo t 0O 'BDFCPPL BU IUUQ GBDFCPPL DPN BCForestFireInfo
Summer Bowling July & August Only $3 a game
Thinking of joining a league?
With every game played, your name will be entered to win your league fees for free (applies to one league night).
We are open:
Down Memory Lanes
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Oysterband brings their British folk roots to the Spirit Square
5IF ##$ BXBSEFE 0ZTUFSCBOE GPS UIFJS BMCVN 3BHHFE ,JOHEPN JO +VOF PG XJUI GPVS ##$ 'PML "XBSET #FTU "MCVN #FTU (SPVQ #FTU 5SBEJUJPOBM 4POH BOE 'PML 4JOHFS PG UIF :FBS Photo submitted. by Kris King Special to Golden This Week Oysterband, a British folk roots musical sextuplet, will rock into Golden on Aug. 5 for another Summer Kicks concert at 7 p.m. in the Spirit Square. Golden, this is a really fun and lighthearted British folk roots band with 35 years under their belt. They have played at festivals, concerts, bars, rallies and jails. You will not be disappointed with their entertaining performance. Described as a “glorious balance between their own traditions and very modern kind of rock‌ (they) found themselves talked of as godfather of a new English style of roots rock.â€?
How do you describe four decades of a band that has gone through various musicians, a maturing of musical style and trend-bending? It can’t possibly be explained in a short piece like this. But what I say is that this performance is something that will be unique, but oddly familiar to those who love traditional American Roots/Rock. Their stories bring you to the landscape of the Mother Land, but with familiar human experiences of love, heartache and glorious times in your life. Initially the band started as a party band in 1978 - aptly named The Oyster Ceilidh Band. Years went on and musical styles moved forward while paying homage to British folk roots. Fast forward to 1990, when English folk diva June
“Imagine if Aerosmith and Madonna announced they were to tour together?�
Tabor collaborated with the now-named Oysterband, and created the wellreceived album Freedom and Rain. The album enjoyed great popularity in the U.S. market, and Rolling Stone Magazine commented with excitement, “Imagine if
Aerosmith and Madonna announced they were to tour together??!!?� The BBC awarded Oysterband for their album Ragged Kingdom, in June of 2012, with four BBC Folk Awards: Best Album, Best Group, Best Traditional Song and Folk Singer of the Year. The current band consists of John Jones – vocal and melodian (a small German accordion); Alan Prosser – guitars and vocal; Ian Telfer – violin, keyboard and concertina (a very small hexagon accordion); Dil Davis – drums; Al Scott – bass, mandolin and vocals; and Adian Oxall – cello and vocals. See you next week when we all dive into musical history with the Oysterband. Check out more of the band’s music and history at oysterband.co.uk.
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With festival season now in full effect, mark your calendars and make sure to check out the Golden Sound Festival Summer Block Party on Aug. 21 and 22. This year marks the festival’s third summer block party event and features headliners Yukon Blonde, one of Canada’s top indie rock bands, and the Wild Romantics, who were named one of the top 20 artists to see at this year’s Canadian Music Week by The Scene magazine. Kris King, who handles marketing and ticket sales, says the Golden Sound Festival showcases up-and-coming local, regional and national talent, with a focus on young acts that are new to scene and thought to be good enough to make it big or are on their way already. King is a member and one of the founders of the Golden Sound Festival Society – alongside Jeremy Green, founder, treasurer, sound and lighting; Pat Legere, logistics; Todd Menzies, band recruiter; and Andrew Thornley, sound and stage. “Golden Delicious [Jeremy Green] for years helped to be a big supporter of the local music scene while Menzies Music [Todd Menzies] was doing the same, but with a rock focus,� says King. “In our opinion, Golden is a hub for music in Canada.� King says that with a lot of bands stopping here on West Coast tours, Golden has “a thriving music culture.� He adds that the idea of the sound festival was kicked around for years before its inception in 2013. “We just needed the right people, on the same page, that wanted to get it started.� King recalls that the first the society dove right in and tried to host the festival outdoors. “But that didn’t work so we changed it to a summer block party idea instead – a multi-venue festival akin to NXNW, but Golden-style.� The festival is 90-per-cent ticket driven, says King, adding that the society has leveraged a small amount of outside funding, but nothing major.
5IF (PMEFO 4PVOE 'FTUJWBM TIPXDBTFT VQ BOE DPNJOH MPDBM SFHJPOBM BOE OBUJPOBM UBMFOU Image submitted. “While most acts are included in the ticket cost and are featured at either the Rockwater, The Golden Taps or the Riverhouse, the organizers felt it important to include a free, all-ages event on Aug. 22 in the Spirit Square,� says King. “Musical acts will include a variety of genres, from jazz and blues to folk rock. There will also be some local talent featured throughout the weekend.� One of the best parts about the festival is the quality of artists that sign on to participate. “The artists that get on board for the festival, come here because it is a unique festival in small-town B.C. People that have played here talk to other artists and say, ‘You have to be here,’� says King. Putting on a successful festival means recruiting a small army of volunteers says King, and the Golden Sound Festival is no exception. “We need volunteers. We are a not-for-
profit society and it takes a lot of people power to make it run smoothly.� Volunteers also add to the atmosphere, he adds. “It’s not hard work and you get to be up close to your favourite musicians while also hanging with your friends. You also get to be exposed to music that you haven’t heard before.� Each volunteer will work two-to-fourhour shifts and receive a free festival pass – along with some other perks. Among the positions that need to be filled are artist hosts, stage hands, merchandise, ticket sales, and tear-down crew. King says there are about 30 positions that need to be filled and he is also looking for someone to take on the role of volunteer coordinator. For more information, including a full rundown of the schedule and bands, tickets or to get involved, visit goldensoundfestival.com. Golden Sound Festival Fun Facts:
t 0LBOBHBO 4QSJOHT JT UIF NBJO TQPOTPS of the event t 5IF "VH 4QJSJU 4RVBSF XJMM CF B free and open to all ages t 8FFLFOE QBTTFT BSF t -JOF 6Q Yukon Blonde The Matinee The Wild Slynk Buckman Coe The Pistolwhips Dada Plan The Wild Romantics White Ash Falls Carmanah Deep Sea Gypsies Napoleon Skywalker Tonye Aganaba Mike Edel Benny Walker Electric Jon And many more local special guests
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*U T TP IBSE UP TBZ HPPECZF UP ZFTUFSEBZ by Carrie White &EJUPS t (PMEFO 5IJT 8FFL It’s not an easy task to write a story about a community member who is as well loved and respected as Dana Hudson. But we here at Golden This Week thought it fitting to feature one of Golden’s favourite people before she and her awesome family move on to their newest adventure. Thank you, Dana, for giving us the opportunity to honour you in the best way we know how. Dana Hudson was born in Toronto and spent her young life in the suburbs of Stouffville and Bolton, Ont. It was 1990, as she was getting ready to enter her last year of high school, a move to B.C. changed her life forever. Dana and her family – sister Lindsay, mother Katherine and father Glenn – moved to Golden B.C. “I think my parents were ready to get away from city life,� she says. “They also had friends that had moved here – and still live here. My sister and I stayed with them while our parents travelled around looking for where they might want to live. They had it narrowed down to Hope and Golden and after asking the kids in both communities what they thought of their home towns, they chose Golden.� Dana says it was an easy transition for her, despite having come from a big, urban centre. “I didn’t miss Ontario – or I don’t remember missing it,� she recalls. “I was immediately welcomed and accepted here. I dove right in and never looked back.� Dana says that despite a bit of trepidation about the boys at school – “they were all wearing jeans, T-shirts and ball caps� – she made friends very quickly. “I remember Shelley Thomas came up to me and said, ‘You’re the first new kid we’ve had since Grade 6. Let me show you around. This is our hallway and these are our lockers.’ There was no cafeteria, so she would drive us up to Dairy Queen for lunch.� Dana says her main worry upon starting at Golden Secondary School, was that there was no choir at the time. “And that was my number one love. So, I went to Mr. Orr [the music teacher] and told him that I couldn’t live without a choir program. There has been one at the
%BOB )VETPO TBZT UIBU XIFO TIF NPWFE UP (PMEFO TIF XBT JNNFEJBUFMZ XFMDPNFE BOE BDDFQUFE TP TIF EPWF SJHIU JO BOE OFWFS MPPLFE CBDL Photos submitted by Dana Hudson and friends and family. school ever since.� After she graduated, Dana decided to go travelling. She spent a year in Victoria B.C. at the Maxwell International Baha’i school as a dorm counsellor and then went to the Czech Republic where she also volunteered as a dorm counsellor at Townshend Baha’i school. Eventually, Dana came back to B.C. and attended Capilano College for voice studies. “I always planned to teach music,� she says smiling fondly. “It’s what I wanted to do since I was in kindergarten.� In the end, Dana landed back in Golden. She had planned on going back to school, but love found her instead. “I was teaching music and working part time at the Chocolate Moose Cafe – it was a great place,� she says. “It was all hours and we had live music – everything from Fred Eaglesmith to DJs. The music scene has long been good here – and we’ve always had a very active arts council.� While working at the Chocolate Moose, Dana met Troy Hudson. “He remembers, but I don’t,� she says laughing. What she does remember is that Troy
had been living in Revelstoke and would often cycle to Golden. “He would always stay at the hostel which my best friends owned at the time. I hung out there a lot. I officially met Troy at a Thanksgiving dinner and thought he was pretty much the most awesome guy ever.� Shortly after New Years, Troy asked Dana out and then that July he asked her to marry him. “We got married almost a year to the day after we met. Everyone thought we were crazy,� she says with a big grin. “For a few years it was just the two of us. We bought a house, got a dog; but we always planned to have a family,� Dana says with a hint of tenderness entering her voice. It’s apparent that her family is very important. “Julian was born in 2001 and Amelia was born in 2004.� After Dana and Troy got married, Dana’s music teaching career really took off. She started teaching voice, piano, guitar, bass and drums. Dana also teaches music theory to her students and techniques so they can “teach themselves.� Over the years, Dana says she hasn’t fully kept track of how many students she has had, but guesses 80 to 100 in private
lessons alone. “I generally have about 20 to 30 students each year.� She has seen many of them through their whole “musical career,� too. Some have even gone on to study music at a post secondary level, including Shelby Suhan and Laura Benty. “I would never take credit for their success, but I love being able to say that I was a part of it,� she says. When asked to share a favourite and funny memory of her years as a music teacher she chuckles and tells the story of Josh Hiraoka (sorry Josh!). “Little boys are really wiggly to begin with, but I remember at one of my recitals he was wiggling so much, he fell right off the back of the piano bench!� Being a music teacher has led to many proud moments, but Dana says there are too many to choose from. “I’m proud of the fact that anytime a student decides not to continue with their lessons, the parents tell me, ‘they loved being there and making music together, they just hated practising!’� Dana says being a music teacher has also taught her a lesson or two. “They teach me while they’re right there beside me and when I sit and listen to them play, I cry every time. I think, ‘I can’t believe I taught them that. Look what I did!’� When reminiscing about her life here, Dana is quick to point out her favourite parts of being a Goldenite. “Living in a small town, everybody is so inexplicably connected and there are no boundaries...I think that’s what is so special about Golden,� she says, adding that she has made such a wide variety of friends here. “Maybe there is the music connection, maybe it’s through the children’s parents, maybe Mother Goose or my parents - I am all friends with all of them!� After 24 years in Golden, Dana and Troy learned last October that Troy was being offered a job in Vernon. “I said, ‘You have to take it,’� Dana says. “Even though it meant Troy being away pretty much full time since then, he loves $POUJOVFE PO QBHF
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‘I will miss the people the most...’
A fond farewell to the Hudsons Golden This Week had a great time gathering stories and photos to give Dana Hudson a good send off. We reached out to a ton of her friends and family and asked them to contribute a picture and share a memory of Dana. The following are just a few – a drop in the bucket as they say. We would like to mention that while a
number of people were contacted, not all were able to contribute nor could we have possibly fit comments from all the people that love Dana into one paper! We would like to acknowledge all the folks that love Dana – know that we would have loved to have you all contribute, but we know you will give Dana your own send-off before she goes!
i'PS B GFX ZFBST JU XBT KVTU UIF UXP PG VT 8F CPVHIU B IPVTF HPU B EPH CVU XF always planned to have a family.� Photo submitted. ... continued from page 11 it and right from the beginning I said I would support him. He had to make a career move and this is a dream job.� When Dana and Troy decided that they would relocate the family to Vernon, Dana said there were mixed emotions and plenty of ups and downs. “At first, everybody was vehemently opposed to the idea,� she says referring to her many friends. “But we know we have a home base here and I have a feeling we’ll be back so often that you won’t even notice we’re gone.� As the idea has had time to sink in, Dana says her family and friends have been “grudgingly� supportive and she has even started to get excited about the idea. After all, it will mean she gets to be with her true love again – full time. “Troy missed us. We missed each other,� she says with earnest. “Before this, the longest we had ever been apart was two weeks.� Ultimately, Dana says she is optimistic, and knows her family is going to be totally fine in their new digs. “I have already signed up to coach cross country skiing and volunteer for their loppet,� she says. “And since it is a bigger centre there are a few other volunteer opportunities I have my eye on.� Dana adds that her children are also
excited and looking forward to new opportunities. “Julian is trying out for the Sovereign Lake Nordic Team and Amelia is excited to have an indoor pool so that she can swim all year long,� she says with a smile. When asked what she will miss most about Golden – Dana doesn’t hesitate. “I will miss the people the most – and the accessibility of Golden. Everything is close at hand and everyone has an open door.� Asked to give a message to all of her adoring fans, Dana says this: “To all that say they’ll miss me, I just want to say, I’ll miss you more! The one thing that a lot of people are saying is that it won’t be the same without me. Well, I wouldn’t be the person I am without the support of the town shaping me. I won’t be the same without this town!� For those that want to give the Hudson family a send off, you will have your opportunity on Aug. 20 at the Go Organic Sports Ranch. Get there at 2 p.m. for disc golf and at 6 p.m., there will be a potluck barbecue. Everyone is welcome to stay and camp overnight and Tracy Mihajic will be keeping the dance floor going with some great music. There will be a $10 entry fee to cover the regular cost of entry at the ranch.
... from Troy – Dana’s husband and partner in crime Dana has been in Golden for more than half of her life. She has developed deep and passionate roots in the community that will never be filled. Through music, her wide spread compassion and active lifestyle, she exudes what it is like to be part of a mountain community. To pull her away from that is the hardest thing that I will ever do. Her family and social network have leaned on her on so many occasions, shared incredible journeys and danced ‘till the early morning. They will never forgot the role that she has played to make Golden a better place. She has best friends forever. Golden will always be our home. Dana and I met here; we wooed each other at the Chocolate Moose; watched Ian Wackett spin his very first set; saw the rise of Kicking Horse Mountain Resort and the Golden Nordic Ski Club; and have
raised our two incredible children in the shadow of Mount 7. Golden has given us hundreds of thousands of perfect memories. We have made friends, lost dear ones, and endured marital growing pains as all relationships do. For me, Golden represents the best in people. I am so fortunate to know so many great people with such diverse backgrounds and really...it is largely due to my wife’s social graces. Thanks Dana, for showing me that family is indeed more important than a place to live. While it is going to be hard to leave, I know that we will always have a loving home and will receive the warmest hugs when we return back to the promised land of Golden, B.C. Vernon, B.C. isn’t going to know what hit it! And...we fully intend to have a spare room for all of our friends to come and visit.
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... from Dana’s parents - Katherine and Glenn Fiebig “There’s something about Golden, says Katherine Fiebig. Katherine and Glenn Fiebig, Dana’s parents, say it was Dana and her sister Lindsey that helped the family decide to make their home here. The Fiebigs had come to B.C. for a bit of vacation and to explore after they decided to leave city life in Ontario behind them. They stopped to visit friends they knew in Parson, B.C., with the intent to carry on to Campbell River, B.C. “When we got to Golden, the girls said they weren’t going any further,� recalls Katherine with a smile. Dana and her sister wished their parents well on the rest of their travels, but didn’t want to leave. The family decided together to settle here. “What I saw in Golden were happy kids, and I felt that this was a good place to raise the girls,� says Katherine.
“When her students had recitals, we came to watch Dana as well,� she remembers. “I remember how immensely proud I was as her mother..to watch how her face beamed and I was so proud of her for being the music teacher [she had always wanted to be].� Dana adjusted quickly to the Golden lifestyle, her parents say, and she thrived through her last year of high school here. After graduating the Fiebigs encouraged their girls to travel for a year and do volunteer work before attending post secondary school. Dana did, and went to post secondary, eventually coming back to Golden. “I was really happy when Dana moved back,� says Katherine. “We were reconnecting as a family again.� Dana immersed herself – and her parents – in the younger community and its music scene. “Dana grew up with music,� says Katherine. “And, I never had to tell her to practise. She was always singing,
,BUIFSJOF BOE (MFOO 'JFCJH TBZ XIJMF UIFZ BSF TBE UP TFF %BOB 5SPZ .JNJ BOE +VMJBO HP UIFZ GFFM UIF GBNJMZ XJMM HFU BMPOH KVTU mOF JO UIFJS OFX TVSSPVOEJOHT sometimes when I would ask her a question, she would sing the answer. Music was just part of our life.� Glenn says that one of his proudest moments has been watching Dana play in the many bands she has been in over the years. “She is such an entertainer and the quality of her performance style is really wonderful. With Heidi, in particular,� he recalls. “When they played together it was magical.� For Katherine, Dana’s students’ music recitals have been her proudest moments. “When her students had recitals, we came to watch Dana as well,� she remembers. “I remember how immensely proud I was as her mother..to watch how her face beamed and I was so proud of her for being the music teacher [she had always wanted to be].�
Katherine refers to a photo from Dana’s last recital in Golden. “That picture, with her and all her students around the piano, that sums up my feelings. That’s my daughter.� When they learned part of their brood was moving away, Katherine and Glenn admit that there were mixed feelings. Both are extremely happy for and proud of Troy for achieving such success in his career, but a bit sad that he, Dana and the kids have to live in another community. “Sad, yes, but with the overriding understanding that this is a better opportunity for them and recognizing that Dana’s circle of friends and the support she has in Golden is really outstanding. Most people don’t develop a network like her...What’s she’s done here in Golden is incomparable.� Both Katherine and Glenn say they feel
the family will get along just fine in their new surroundings. “It won’t take long for them to fill up their lives there,� says Glenn. When queried about how Golden has shaped Dana, Katherine says it was here that she saw Dana’s confidence and creativity grow. “She’s always been go-go, but she really came into her own here.� “We look at it in chapters,� says Glenn. “There was the Toronto chapter, the Golden chapter and now the Vernon chapter. But they are all chapters in the same book and what goes on in the previous chapter is instrumental to the next.� “Golden is a great place to grow up,� says Katherine. “Here you are free to be an individual and explore your potential. That’s the Golden that helped Dana flourish.�
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... from friend Stephanie Porter I have known Dana personally for six years, but we both grew up here as Dana moved here in high school. It’s hard to say what memory is my favourite, because we always have fun together, but more recently Dana was present for the birth of my daughter in March. Dana has had a huge impact on the
community; she is always positive and supportive. Dana knows everyone! Especially the young ones, since she is the one and only Mother Goose. I want to wish Dana well. We love her and will miss her so much, but we’ll go see the Hudsons and we know they will be back here too. %BOB BOE 5SBDZ Photo submitted.
... from friend Tracy Mihajic
... from friend Gillian Whelan I’ve known Dana for eight years. I met her through the Golden music scene and Tracy Mihajic. My favorite memory of her is when she was in the delivery room with me. I squeezed her hand so hard I made indents on her hand that lasted a week! But, she said nothing of course. She has had such an impact on me. She got me to open up so that I could be a better parent, friend and person, just by quietly and gently knowing who I am.
She is one of the best people and parents that I know. I have so much respect for the way she lives her life, loves her family and makes time for so many...I do think she should sleep more! I would like to think the Hudsons are all going to hate Vernon and miss Golden and all of us wonderful people so much, that there will be a deep dark hole in their souls they cannot ignore, and subsequently will have to return...but yeah, good luck and all that!
I always knew of the Hudsons, but it wasn’t until seven years ago that Dana and I became really close. It was so easy to fall in love with this amazing woman! Since then, we’ve shared countless laughs and cries (mostly me, ‘cause I’m a big baby), trips to the hospital and endless stories of really funny things we’ve done together. Dana always comes up with the most fun games to play. She even invented a game called human cannonball! It really is amazing and if you’re ballsy like me, you should ask her to play some day. Dana is also really sly and crafty. One time I called her to come hang with me in the hospital while I was being treated for dehydration. After about a half-hour of waiting on the IV bag, we started to get really bored. She asked me if I wanted
to get out of there faster - and I of course said shhhya! She turned the drip up so fast my arm started to get cold and numb, but in no time at all we were out of there‌ Bestest! You’ve always been there Dana. You always find time for your friends and family; you’re the best dancefloor hype girl; and all your girls are so lucky to have you. Troy, Dana, Mimi and Julian have all become a part of our family. We’ve celebrated Christmas, birthdays, Easter - and it’s always such a pleasure being in their company. This family will not only be missed by me, but by so many others here in Golden. I see a lot of road trips to Vernon in my future! Wishing you all the best on your big new adventure! Vernon is lucky to be gaining a family like you. Love Tracy
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Photographer’s Showcase Series 4DPUU 'PTUFS PG 'PTUFS 1IPUPHSBQIZ
5IFTF QIPUPT XFSF UBLFO CZ 4DPUU 'PTUFS B SFDFOU HSBEVBUF PG (44 :PV DBO TFF B GVMM TFMFDUJPO PG IJT QIPUPT PO IJT 'BDFCPPL QBHF GPS i'PTUFS 1IPUPHSBQIZw All photos by Foster Photography. The above photo recently made the list of top 14 Stunning Finalist Photos from the World Photography Awards. Definitely a photographer to keep your eye on. You can check it out here http://magazine.good.is/slideshows/stunning-world-photos?upw
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If you’re a fan of hip hop and music that makes you want get up and groove, then head over to Jita’s Cafe on Aug. 4. for an intimate, all ages hip-hop show featuring headliner Def3, with Late Night Radio and Fresh Kils joining him for the evening. Trevor Hamre, of Bizarre Entertainment, says Def3 (a.k.a. Danny Fernandez) is also the “master graffiti artist� that tagged Hulk, Wolverine, Spider-Man and Batman on the exterior of the store, not to mention an “equally killer� MC. “I met Danny a few years ago while he was touring with Sweatshop Union,� says Hamre. “I told him I’d like to do a mural and when we bought the building I gave him a call. Less than a week later he was spray painting the murals. He’s a great guy. I really like his music and he’s an accomplished rapper from my home province - Saska bush!� Golden This Week had a chance to catch up with Def3 ahead of the show. Here’s what he had to say: GTW: How did Golden come to be a stop on your All Over the Road Tour? Def3: A few years ago, when I was touring with Sweatshop Union, I met Trevor and Jita who are mutual friends of theirs. After getting to know them, they brought me back last year to paint a mural on Bizarre Entertainment. They are such great people and were so welcoming and hospitable. Although it’s a bit of a detour from Saskatchewan and our final stop at Shambhala, we decided to put together a semi-last minute, intimate show at Jita’s. My friend Alex, a.k.a. Late Night Radio, has never been to Canada, let alone Golden, so I thought it would be a great place to bring him as well. GTW: Tell us a bit about the musicians that will join you here (Fresh Kils and Late Night Radio). Have you played with them long? Def3: I actually met both of them on my tour travels. I met Fresh Kils about five or six years ago at SXSW and through a friend who introduced us. After seeing him three or four times annually at different festivals throughout Canada and
4BTLBUDIFXBO IJQ IPQ BSUJTU %FG JT IFBEMJOJOH BO BMM BHFT IJQ IPQ TIPX BU +JUB T $BGF PO "VH %PPST PQFO BU Q N BOE UIF TIPX TUBSUT BU Q N Photo submitted. the U.S, we formed a festival bro-mance and decided we should probably start working together. It’s crazy it took this long for it to happen, but this is our first time touring together and we are in the process of working on new music together. I discovered Late Night Radio when I was in Boulder, Colorado, painting a mural with my friend Pat Milbery on the side of a venue in Boulder called the Fox Theatre. He was headlining a sold-out show there
that night. So, after we finished painting, I watched his set and was blown away by his beats. It’s funny, ‘cause I remember thinking, “This guy needs to come play Canada - more specifically Shambhala,� a festival I have performed at for the past five years. That night I was introduced to him briefly through my friend Pat, but it wasn’t till months later when I was in Denver painting again that he connected us both for a
studio session. The vibes were mutual so he sent me home with some beats. Due to us both having busy tour schedules it took a minute to get going, but we have recently started working on a project together. When I found out I was booked for Shambhala, I thought it would be a good way to connect and introduce him to my network up here. I reached out to him to see if he wanted to come up and rock with me at my set. I had already been talking with Kils about touring up to the festival, so when Alex (Late Night Radio) agreed, I booked a few shows with the three of us to help cover all of our travel costs. Stoked that it all worked out. GTW: Have you played here before? Did you like it? Why? Def3: I played Golden for the first time in 2006, on my first Canadian tour. Since then, I have returned several times over the years. Golden has always been an interesting market for us depending on the day and season we come through, but I’ve always had a great time there and it’s definitely not the worst place on the eyes in Canada to visit! GTW: What are you working on now and in the next year? Def3: I always have a ton of things on the go, but I am currently focusing less on touring and more on creating new music. I have no set release dates so far, but I’ve begun working on separate EP’s with both Late Night Radio and Fresh Kils, so it’s kind of dope that I’ll be spending the next few weeks with them. I have also started working on a new solo album, which will be my first project working with all different producers on the same project. I’m really excited for that. Other than that, I was recently nominated for a Western Canadian Music Award for Rap Recording of the Year for my 2014 release Wildlif3 with Factor Chandelier. So, I’ll be doing a few shows out in Victoria B.C. in September for that, followed by a European tour in October and November. I have a few more single releases and videos set for this year, but plan on going into a work hibernation for the winter for my 2016 musical takeover!
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Eat Pure: Eat your greens!
by Judith Thibault Eat Pure Mountain Market Special to Golden This Week
I am having a fabulous summer and I hope you are too! Today I finally gave my garden a little TLC and harvested a huge pile of Kale. I made, with the help of my precious daughter, our family’s favorite dehydrated Kale Chips recipe. Over the years, I’ve tried many recipes and after tweaking it and tweaking it, this is the final result. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do! Kale is one of the hardiest members of the cabbage family. It is able to withstand temperatures as low as five degrees Fahrenheit, although it is not quite as tolerant of warm temperatures. Because of its ability to withstand cold and the ease with which it grows, kale has long been a popular winter vegetable and today it is consumed in many countries throughout the world. Raw kale is an excellent source of vitamins A and C and potassium. It is also a good source of vitamin B6 and copper, and provides folic acid, calcium, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and zinc. This recipe makes one average size bunch (I usually fill up my dehydrator, meaning I quadruple the sauce recipe and dehydrate at least 4 bunches at the time). If you need spices, we have an amazing selection of organic spices at Eat Pure Mountain Market!
Because of its ability to withstand cold and the ease with which it grows, kale has long been a popular winter vegetable. Photo by Judith Thibault.
Kale Chip SAUCE t 5CTQ FOHFWJUB ZFBTU t 5CTQ FYUSB WJSHJO DPME QSFTTFE olive oil t UTQ BQQMF DJEFS WJOFHBS t UTQ NBQMF TZSVQ t UTQ SBX UBIJOJ t UTQ DVNJO QPXEFS t UTQ UVSNFSJD QPXEFS t UTQ DPSJBOEFS TFFE QPXEFS t UTQ TFB TBMU t %BTI PG QPXEFS HJOHFS t %BTI DBZFOOF Blend the sauce ingredients and massage into the kale with your hands or salad utensils until soften. Lay on dehydrator trays and dehydrate for about nine hours or until dry and crisp. You might have to flip them half way through. Store (if they last that long!) in a plastic bag or a container to keep freshness. The sauce will store in the refrigerator for a
while, if you made too much - use it on your next batch. Enjoy!
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Ice Cream for Breakfast:
Mary Poppins or Mommy Dearest? by Sarah Elizabeth Special to Golden This Week When I was a little girl, I knew who my friends were, and they weren’t grown-ups! Grown-ups were great and all, but they were always yelling at me, telling me what to do or giving me chores. They weren’t really a whole ton of fun. Like many other kids, I couldn’t wait to be a grown-up and make my own rules. I couldn’t wait to do everything the grownups were doing like staying up late, eating junk food, drinking wine, driving a car, working and buying stuff. My friends and I either pretended to do these things or collected pop bottles and cans to trade in for money at the local store to do these things...Well it helped us out with the junk food, but most of the other stuff had to wait. These were also the days when a grown-up could give a seven-year-old a note with permission to buy cigarettes, which, for me, was an exciting task as I was always allowed to buy something with the change.
“I know my own
parents would cringe knowing that it took us almost an hour to finally, peacefully, get her into her seat without any of us crying.� When I did become a grown-up, determined by my age, experience and accumulated wisdom, I relished in all the good fun a grown-up could have. I could also empathize with the kids I knew for having to follow the rules that their not-sofun parents were implementing. Knowing all of this, and now having the responsibility of being a parent, I’ve been wanting nothing more and nothing less than a Mary Poppins-type world for my
8IJMF CFJOH B HSPXO VQ XJUIPVU LJET JT TVQFS GVO CFJOH B HSPXO VQ XJUI B DIJME JT GVO JO B XIPMF OFX 1 ( SBUFE LJOE PG XBZ Photos by Sarah Elizabeth daughter. I want to create that world for her. After all, I don’t want my daughter to avoid me, and I want her to trust adults. While being a grown-up without kids is super fun, being a grown-up with a child is fun in a whole new P.G- rated kind of way. Although, sometimes I need a reminder that I am the one on the look-out. Like when I turn to show my daughter an awesome mud patty that I’ve made, only to find she is toying with the idea of sticking a piece of drift wood into her ear. It’s all fun and games. Then there are those times when you’re leaving the hot springs and she just won’t sit in her car seat. Countless cars have come and gone and here you are trying to reason with her. Trying to explain that everyone sits in a car seat and everyone has to buckle up. Then, when you try to lift her in to the car seat, she squirms
away and crawls into the trunk area of the vehicle. You look at your partner with a “Is this for real?� expression on your face while he starts to sweat. I know my own parents would cringe knowing that it took us almost an hour to finally, peacefully, get her into her seat without any of us crying. These moments are the hardest because they don’t always go so smoothly and “going smoothly,� is important, because, to me, it’s some kind of determination of her future. Like if I can get her into her car seat without an episode, she’ll grow up never to hate me or rebel against the world. Then there are the 2 a.m. jumps on the bed; the giant box of pepper that got shaken onto the mac and cheese, table and the floor, while I daringly got up for two-seconds to get myself some food; and the fork that flew past my head. As I try to
lovingly, yet firmly, explain to our daughter that we just don’t throw forks because it’s dangerous and someone could get hurt, I feel mildly sorry for myself and secretly wonder if this Mary Poppins method of discipline could also create some kind of anarchist out of my toddler. While I gulp back my own lunch, I watch with surrender in my eyes from the kitchen table as she pees, like a little fountain cherub, onto the couch while she plays with legos. Although I’m in a state of shock because this is a regression from using the potty on a regular basis, I calmly suggest to her - mouth full of toast - to grab that towel over there and put it on the pee puddle. Really, I can’t help but laugh at her standing among the land mines of towels on the floors throughout our place, Lego ... Continued on page 19
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*U T BMM GVO BOE HBNFT VOUJM ZPV CFDPNF BO BEVMU Somewhere along the journey into adulthood I realized that grown-ups aren’t that bad. They can often be very entertaining and many really are innocent at heart, just doing the best they can. As far as my own parenting “style� is concerned (Mommy Dearest included for shock value alone), I just have to be me.
“There have been times when I’ve thought this whole parenting thing is like some kind of sick joke ...�
%JTDPWFSJOH XIFSF * GBMM PO UIF QBSFOUJOH TQFDUSVN CFUXFFO .BSZ 1PQQJOT BOE .PNNZ %FBSFTU IBT CFFO B WFSZ IVNCMJOH FYQFSJFODF they don’t tell you about or prepare you for. Those countless books that make you feel like you’re doing it all wrong or not disciplining enough. Here I thought if I breast-fed and co-slept my daughter, she would end up the perfect child and would go to bed at a decent hour, wake up at a decent hour, not pee on the floor and would happily climb into her car seat upon being asked the first time and clip herself
in (well, sometimes she does that). Discovering where I fall on the parenting spectrum between Mary Poppins and Mommy Dearest has been a very humbling experience that ends with this very important lesson: when the going gets really tough, it’s time for a night out with a friend, ‘cause Mommy needs a break and some adult conversation every once and a while.
based, Sound Battle Royale champion with multiple Juno nominations and high profile collaborations and performances. According to his bio, this hip hop/ jazz/funk/soul musician boasts some amazingly diverse collaborations from the likes of Saigon, Fabolous and Ali Shaheed Muhammad (ATCQ), to Ron Sexsmith and The Buena Vista Social Club. He has shared the stage with hip-hop legends like Nas and De La Soul, as well as the best of the underground scene. Catch the All Over the Road Tour at Jita’s Cafe on Aug. 4. Doors open at 7 p.m. and the show kicks off at 8 p.m. Tickets are $15 in Advance and $20 at the door. “This is a show that is not to be
... Continued from page 18 pieces everywhere and laundry that never seems to be done piled high. There have been times when I’ve thought this whole parenting thing is like some kind of sick joke...well, pregnancy kind of felt like that too. All those things
... Continued from page 16
GTW: What can folks expect at your show? Def3: Good music, lots of head nodding and good vibes. :) Joining Def3 for the Golden show is Alex Medellin, a.k.a. Late Night Radio. According to his bio, the Denver, Colo.-
based, electro/ hip hop/ soul DJ is known for his array of original tracks, bringing them to life on stage by practicing what he preaches; he is guided by the mantra “emotion over energy.� “Medellin’s background in hip-hop is crucial to his development as a producer. Unlike some of his contemporaries who came up in the dance music scene, Late Night Radio keeps his cuts funky and inventive with an unshakable commitment to soulful grooves.� Also on the bill is Fresh Kils, a Toronto-
I do my best to spend enough time with her so that she will see that I’m doing the best I can. I admit when I’m wrong and apologize when I mess up. I build sandcastles and colour with her while reminding her what’s-what about throwing forks and sticking foreign objects in her ears, because that’s my job and I can’t worry too much whether or not I’m too soft. Finally, I allow myself to wear other hats; to go forth and sit at a bar with a friend every once and a while and tune into my pallette to determine what I’m going to sip on (and decide that is not going to be cold coffee or water with floaties in it). ‘Cause in the end it’s all about balance, maintaining your sanity and taking a deep breath. missed,� says Hamre. “There is very limited space at Jita’s so please get your tickets early at Jita’s Cafe.�
“Medellin’s background in hiphop is crucial to his development as a producer. ... Late Night Radio keeps his cuts funky and inventive with an unshakable commitment to soulful grooves.� Check out Def3’s music at def3. ca. For more on Late Night Radio, visit latenightradiomusic.com. To hear more Fresh Kils go to freshkils.com.
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Pop rocks, the exploding candy by Janet Crandall-Swaffield 1VCMJTIFS t (PMEFO 5IJT 8FFL
A popular, carbonated treat, Pop Rocks creates a tiny explosion in your mouth immediately. Created first in 1957 by General Foods research chemist William A. Mitchell, Pop Rocks weren’t offered to the public until 1975, but was withdrawn from the marketplace in 1983 due to a lack of success and poor shelf stability. The original flavours were orange, cherry and grape.
“To effectively battle ‘exploding kid’ syndrome, General Foods sent letters to school principals, an open letter to parents, and advertised extensively, even sending the inventor of the candy on the road to explain the safety of the product.” The candy is unique in that it is made by mixing and heating the ingredients into a syrup, and then exposing the mixture to pressurized carbon dioxide gas. Once it cools, tiny high-pressure bubbles are trapped inside the candy, only to be released once placed in the mouth, coming into contact with saliva, dissolving the candy and releasing the carbon dioxide bubbles, creating a ‘popping and sizzling sound and a slight tingling sensation’. It enjoyed a short appearance as a special release in Kellogg’s Power Puff Girls limited edition breakfast cereal. Manufactured by General Mills, it was then purchased in about 1985 by Kraft Foods and licensed to Zeta Espacial S.A. (Spain) who would eventually own the brand, along with other similar products including Peta Zetas, FIzz Wiz and Magic Gum. Despite extensive testing, residents of Seattle, Washington were alarmed by the product and its potential for harm. Rumours circulated for many years that Pop Rocks eaten in combination with any type of cola drink would cause a person’s stomach to explode. According to Wikipedia, it was “caused in part by a false assump-
tion that Pop Rocks contain an acid/base mixture (such as baking soda and vinegar) which produces large volumes of gas when mixed through chewing and saliva.” Another popular rumour involved the young character ‘Mikey’ in the Life Cereal series of advertisements, who is said to have died after eating a Pop Rocks and Coca-Cola mixture. (The actor, John Gilchrist, is alive and well, a practicing attorney in the US). To effectively battle ‘exploding kid’ syndrome, General Foods sent letters to school principals, an open letter to parents, and advertised extensively, even sending the inventor of the candy on the road to explain the safety of the product. A package of Pop Rocks contains less carbon dioxide
than a can of soda. The FDA even set up a hotline “to assure anxious parents that it would not cause children to choke, or their stomach to explode.” (- Poprockscandy. com/history) In 2006, Dr. Marvin J. Rudolph was tasked with bringing the product out of the lab and back to the marketplace. He wrote a book, entitled ‘Pop Rocks: The Inside Story of America’s Revolutionary Candy,” based on interviews with many who were involved with the product, including food technologists, engineers, marketing managers, even members of Mitchell’s family. Dr. Rudolph points out that another confectionery company, HLEKS, based in Turkey, flooded the market with popping
candy in 2000, and subsequently became the global leader, a position they maintain even today. Pop Rocks are widely available in today’s market in strawberry, watermelon, tropical punch, blue razz. Pop Rocks Bubble gum and Cotton Candy is harder to find. There’s also grape, cherry, a limited edition Chocolate, Green Apple, Sugar-free strawberry, Berry and Apple Sour Extreme, Popping Candy Lollipops in Sour Strawberry, Blue Raspberry, and Sour Apple. Seasonal varieties include Candy Cane for Christmas, and Pumpkin Patch Orange for Halloween. Without a doubt, it’s the most controversial candy I’ve come across.
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