nography e k i B
An ethnography of University of Illinois Bike Lanes Janet Broughton Fall 2010
Introduction For many decades, bicycles have been a formative element in American childhood; a main form of recreation and transportation before one reaches 16 and can enjoy the freedom of a car. For increasing numbers of people, however, bicycles are viewed as an environmentally sustainable, community-friendly, and healthy way to get around. Burgeoning numbers of cyclists as well as advocacy for more sustainable transportation choices in the face of climate change and peak oil are increasing cyclists’ visibility. However, greater cycling participation also creates conflicts as cyclists attempt to carve out territory in the automobile-dominated transportation network. I studied the University’s attempts to provide a space for cyclists by observing designated campus bike lanes. Simply stated, I did this by observing cyclists’ use of bike lanes and adjacent spaces on campus (for in-depth description of the actors and places studied, see taxonomic analysis sections II and III in the appendix). I hoped to gain insight into the implicit rules governing behavior and aiding in conflict resolution between cyclists, pedestrians, vehicles, and other users. Fortunately, so few incidents of conflict occurred that I turned instead to observing the types of cyclists using campus bike routes, and supplemented this information with interviews. What I learned gave insight into themes of bikes and identity, bicycle safety, and the conflicts cyclists experience. Methodology To study the bike lanes, I selected three locations with the potential to yield interesting observations, heavy traffic, and representativeness of bike lanes on campus. I made observations in half-hour increments at each on several occasions to make co unts of cyclists. To interpret these counts, I used a simple, and not necessarily statistically reliable, method of analysis. I subtracted the number of cyclists demonstrating a certain characteristic or behavior within the whole population of observed cyclists (for example, about 94% of cyclists were students) from the percentage of observed cyclists demonstrating a certain behavior or characteristic within a subpopulation (for example, 100% of cyclists demonstrating reckless behavior were students). The resulting number shows whether people 1