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Janet Zelin Lu Work Samples from 2019
2022 cornell university

1. The Big Pinch

This housing project explores the idea of bamboo cantilever. Instead of using traditional cantilever, the project takes advantage of bamboo’s active bending and its light-weightness to form a new means of cantilevering with which one can begin to manipulate the curve to create a variety of spaces, such as a bench to sit on, a roof to linger under …

The prototype was built with the help of my groupmates, Hoon and Milena, from the parallel seminar.

1. Split bamboo poles to make tiles or strips. 2. Activate the hololens. 3. Bend the bamboo strip on the jig based on the holographic projection. 4. Cut the bamboo splits into tiles based on the holographic projection. 5. Fasten tiles to the strip to set the curve, and assemble all the components into a unit. 6. Insert each unit into a pre-cut bamboo cylinder holder, and pour in concrete mixture to set it in place. 7. Repeat the process. 8. Attach the horizontal stripe to connect all the units together. 1. Split bamboo poles to make tiles or strips. 2. Activate the hololens. 3. Bend the bamboo strip on the jig based on the holographic projection. 4. Cut the bamboo splits into tiles based on the holographic projection. 5. Fasten tiles to the strip to set the curve, and assemble all the components into a unit. 6. Insert each unit into a pre-cut bamboo cylinder holder, and pour in concrete mixture to set it in place. 7. Repeat the process. 8. Attach the horizontal stripe to connect all the units together.
Shingle stablizing curvature
Casted footing
Jig Ensemble


In this project, my groupmate, Oyin, and I propose an undulating rib structure topped by an unifying roof for our prompt to create a hybridity center in New Orleans. In blending, bubbling and popping, the architecture relates to its site by dripping onto the streets and the Duncan plaza nearby. Our hope is to mix all the programmatic ingredients of the urban scene into the pan to see our invention contributing an upgraded recipe to the credole culture as well as the hybrid lifestyle of the city.

year 3, spring 2021

Professor: Aleksandr Mergold

Le Fresnoy Art Center Precedent roof analysis, program and rib study
0 60 120 240 1”=1 N 14
01020 40 1”=1 N
18 18
Rib passage Roofscale, bubble dome Elevator in rib, indoor scnene

3 . caterpillarThe-naughtytheater

Made from recycled shipping containers, the naughty caterpillar is an itinerant creature that is constantly on the move, occasionally stopping at temporary destinations for carnivalesque purposes. On finer days, a couple of inflatable friends join the show to keep him company while adding more excitement to the scene.

year 3, spring 2021

1"=1 20 0 10 1"=1 20 0 10

4 . House with a Roof

Located on a heavily wooded hillside overlooking Beebe Lake, the house is defined byacurvedroofthatfollows the profile of the slope. Strategically punctuated at three places to best preserve the existing trees, the roof spans over a simple kitchen, a bath, a two-person bedroom and an earthen floor to the east, allofwhichcouldbedivided into its own space by a set of curtain walls if need be. year 2, fall 2019

5 . Ithaca’s twelve

A wooden tower standing on the west end of the city, Ithaca’s Twelve is an artist residency embedded in a forest of cores of various forms. Using wood as a more sustainable alternative, the project challenges the traditional approach to high rise buildings not only materially but also characteristically, diversifying the idea of core in each of the 12 floors: to house circulation and archives, to erect gallery walls and bookshelves, to form studio attachments and extensions of the living space...

year 2, spring 2019

Professor: Sasa Zivkovic

Old - New 1 3 0 4 2 5 6 7 9 11 8 10 Core Inventory
1"=1 40 20 0
Roof parapet Ceiling
CLT flooring & facade system


OMA - Christian Dior: Designer of Dreams, Tokyo, Japan


OMA - Centre Pompidou x Jersey City, Jersey City, USA

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