20 prosperity tips for entrepreneurs to increase wealth and abundance: Bold Beautiful Blissful U

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20 Prosperity Tips For Entrepreneurs To Increase Wealth And Abundance Thanks for finding your way to this page I certainly hope that the prosperity tips listed on this page will help you increase the level of wealth and abundance that’s flowing into your life and business. I like to remind my clients that becoming an entrepreneur doesn’t necessarily mean you experience and enjoy the freedom lifestyle, there’s more to it than that… I’m guessing you’ve noticed that too Hopefully, applying these ideas into your current routine and strategies will give you that essential boost that’s required for a real breakthrough. Prosperity in your life and business isn’t supposed to be something you struggle for, but it obviously takes a renewed mindset to shift into a reality where struggle ends and ease begins. Try one even a handful of these tips and you’ll be happy you came across this page

The 20 prosperity tips that entrepreneurs need to know:

No.1 Dare to dream again and boldly choose to follow your true desires. I want to empower you back into your childlike self, the one who wasn’t afraid to dream big and make grand requests. Most of us have been muted out of our capacity to dream because everyone keeps talking about being “realistic.” Do you really know enough about life, God/Spirit or even yourself to determine what “realistic” is? Don’t sell your business short by becoming an entrepreneur running on a small realistic dream and a small mind. The world already has enough cowards, conformists and imitators – we need bold, independent thinkers who aren’t afraid to dream once more and dare to penetrate the seeming impossible. Only then will your hidden power become activated. With increase in authentic divine power comes an increase in wealth and abundance. No.2 The money isn’t there, it’s right here where you are. Often we find people who are entering the entrepreneurial space because they were given expert advice in the profitability of a certain business product or service to which they don’t even care about. Yet they only pursue it because they were told “that’s where the money is!” This is absolute BS my dear one Your money and freedom is right where you are now. It will not be found in chasing after some specific external thing or applying a specific cookie cutter approach to your success. That’s why Wallace Wattles says “People get rich in every business, and in every profession; while their next-door neighbors in the same vocation remain in poverty.”


I came to the realization that unless I became successful in the same place I was once a pauper, it was never going to happen. That’s why unlike most slum kids, I didn’t sit and wait for some saviour to come and get me out of the streets. I created my own path (albeit quite crooked) and in the same place I once had nothing to my name, I created a lifestyle with cars, drivers, maids etc.. Only then did I relocate to pursue a bigger dream. No.3 Build your faith now! How do you plan on accomplishing and sustaining this quest for a new freedom lifestyle, more prosperity and success? I can tell you now quite frankly that if you’re not building your life and setting up your dreams and desires on a foundation of faith, you’ll soon end up with a customised version of the leaning tower of Piza. How is that any different from what we’ve experienced so far in human history with success seekers? But we are the generation that’s been given the privilege by life of rewriting the code of a successful lifestyle. We are the new history in the making if you don’t know so, not only should you stop playing small if you desire to increase wealth and abundance in your life but you also must learn to cultivate and nurture faith. It is what the forefather of self-made success– Napoleon Hill- mentioned as the one thing that literally scratches off the term “impossible”! I live in this awareness now because I have learned how to cultivate and nurture faith in my life and business. What about you? No.4 Create a vacuum for prosperity in your life and business Many people are trying to come into the entrepreneurial space full of old beliefs and ties that were picked up from the past either from the corporate world or just their old environment in general. The same is true for those seeking a prosperous lifestyle with more loving relationships. You can’t receive the new if your cup remains full of the old stuff. So learn how to create a vacuum for prosperity in your life and start inviting in the goodness and blessings that have already been bestowed upon you. Here’s how to start: Learn to let go and release of all things that no longer serve you, question any thoughts and beliefs that you’ve got around success and what it will take for you to increase wealth and abundance in your life. But more importantly make room for the “more” that you want to have. For example: If you want to have high paying clients that you love serving, spend some time figuring out what kind of beliefs are running your mind now. You will know by the methods you employ each day, the thoughts and conversations you carry on with others as well as the current type of clients you’ve been attracting so far – if you’re truly on the right path. You can’t expect to bring in new high paying clients if for instance, you’re the kind of person who’s always saying “people don’t like to pay much for my services” or “a bad client that I can’t stand is better than no client”.. If you tend to just agree to offer your services to clients out of desperation, then you’re certainly using the laws of success and prosperity against yourself. To start changing the wheel of your life and increase wealth and abundance in this case, it’s not necessary you


physically cancel out your existing client base, but you definitely need to use a release and cleansing method so that you can let go and release the wounds, pains, disappointments and false beliefs that you’ve had so far. In doing so, under the right guidance and attitude you will be creating a vacuum for new good to come in which always brings with it greater increase. So why not begin now to form a vacuum for more prosperity? No.5 Once you create the vacuum, let go and release, it’s time to adapt the right attitude of mind and make proper use of what you already have I often like to remind my audience that it’s foolish to expect God to do for us what he can only do through us! Contrary to what you might think, there’s nothing wrong with this world. There’s no shortage or lack of any kind. Just ask any good scientists or farmer and they will both confirm that we live in a lavish planet that’s over supplied. And have you looked up and around you today? How much beauty and grandeur can you spot in nature? Surely the only lack is in your personal world… To increase wealth and abundance in your personal world is something you have to do as an individual as do I. And the only way to get that process activated is by learning to establish the right attitude of mind so that you can start using what’s already at hand and available to you. This is something much of society doesn’t seem to agree upon because whenever apparent lack shows its ugly face, people react in fear and withhold what they have. But I tell you, if you do want to have more this year in your life and business, give up that old approach and instead use whatever you have freely and generously with new expectations because that really is prosperous thinking in action. Of course don’t do this blindly if you’re still not aware of the foundational belief behind this idea. Which is why taking up a prosperity course is highly recommended… When done properly, this single shift can increase wealth and abundance in your world faster than any mechanical strategy gurus may offer you. No.6 Give up the old paradigm of “getting” from others or how much you can make and focus more on the overall impact this decision can make in your community/world. There’s nothing worse than an entrepreneur who wishes to increase wealth and abundance and to live a prosperous lifestyle yet secretly runs on hidden beliefs that only perpetuate that energy of “getting”. One of the many mentors inside our online training community for entrepreneurs actually confessed to this limiting habit and said that he caught himself thinking thoughts like ” What can I post on Facebook to get these suckers to buy my stuff” – Holly molly! No wonder he was struggling with life and I have been working with him to shift this paradigm because often such habits are hard to knock off on your own without a little anointing If you have any thoughts similar to this one, please do something about it immediately because it’s blocking your own good from pouring in. No.7 Focus on the cause not the effect. Money and all prosperity is a symbol of divine favour which comes as a consequence or effect. You are the cause, the money is the effect so when you desire to increase wealth and abundance in your life what should you place all your attention on?


Adding more value + developing yourself + enhancing what you’ve already got that’s working. If you are working on a JV, a new campaign etc and you find yourself more concerned about how much money you’ll get out of this, then you’re still far from living the kingdom lifestyle or being an awakened spiritual entrepreneur. If this is who you want to be and how you want to experience life then great, keep going forward as you are. But if it isn’t then its about time you pay attention to the conversations you’re having with the people you’re doing business with and make up your mind about who you want to become,because that will help you make a major decision – i.e Whether or not you’ll just continue on the same path most success seekers have always followed or if you’ll create your own blessed path of prosperity. No.8 Let the holding glue of your business become love. Here’s something special that motherhood has taught me. Spirit cares not about the grandness of the work I put in but the love that I put into the work. I have made sure that everything I do is done with as much love as I can pour in. It is the holding glue of my life today because I learned that love is the glue that holds everything in perfect place. How do you explain the perfection involved in that package you call your body? All the different cells held together, functioning so harmoniously never falling apart while you walk, run, eat, sleep – what is that? Isn’t that love? The love of any mother tending to that little infant who’s so tiny and unknown to the world. An infant that doesn’t speak, has no teeth, can’t move and yet in as much as the world may at times overlook such a job as being less important than that of a CEO in a fortune 500 company, our loving creator thinks the world of the mother who with so much love tirelessly tends to this infant until her dying day. Imagine how different your business and client relations would become if you stopped trying to be “grand” to capture everyones attention but instead focused on the few precious relations that you can create with great love. To increase wealth and abundance when your business with held together by love becomes effortless. No.9 Start looking for and reaching for joy and bliss within. Stop putting your happiness and joy on hold or saying that “I’ll be happy six months from now when ..X….happens” There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way. You’re never going to experience bliss as a result of some external accomplishment because that’s not what bliss is about. If you’re struggling living in bliss on a consistent, day-to-day basis then it’s about time you do something to change that because you’re future will only give you more of what you’re presently conscious of. No.1o Start Tithing! Yes you heard me right and no, this isn’t a religious thing because I don’t even follow any religion. And to be honest, it’s still something I am working on understanding better each day of my life too. I may not understand this concept fully, but I can promise you – there is power in tithing. For me, tithing means first and foremost giving back to my Source of supply with a joyful heart and then giving back with no strings attached to the place, person or institution that feeds me spiritually.


So I don’t know what you think tithing is, but that’s what I mean when I say start tithing. Performing the act of the 3 types of giving that I normally talk about in the prosperity sessions we host will greatly increase wealth and abundance in your life. But realizing that this giving, or tithing is meant to be purely because you’ve been nourished, guided or encouraged in some way, shape or form in your spiritual growth and then doing it from that attitude of mind produces such a profound feeling of goodness that magnetises more blessings! This is such an awesome and huge idea if you can understand if fully so all I can do is just ask you to test it out for yourself! This isn’t about charity or giving for religious reasons, this is about recognising the people or places where your contact with spirit happens easily.Where you feel that encounter or receive that direct message from your maker no matter how big or small the message is. And then it’s making sure that you give back in total appreciation because as universal laws promise – in that giving an outpouring of blessings shall follow you. No.11 Increase your sense of deservability. You will only make more money when your whole being resonates with the idea of making more money. Write yourself the permission slip if you need to! If you don’t give yourself permission to have more more money then regardless of what you do, it just won’t flow effortlessly into your life. Are you still uncomfortable about being really rich? Do you sometimes worry what you friends or family will think or whether it will change things? Are you comfortable referring to yourself as a rich individual? Does the topic of money, paying for things or discussing finances with your partner make your tummy cringe? I am ever surprised by new members joining my mind & money mastermind who have a hard time taking about riches, luxury and comfort from a “1st person singular” definition. Just notice how many times people around you always avoid using 1st person and just maybe, you’ll learn something about how you address being rich No.12 Set up your entrepreneurship on the intention of sharing and using your gifts, talents, experience, knowledge and revelations with the rest of the world. In other words, to be the one who gives value. But let me clarify something here, as wise teachings remind us, you cannot give away what you don’t have { nemo dat quod non habet}, which means that if you are going to be a giver in your life and business you must first unlearn many of the concepts you have around business success and re-learn how to tap into the domain that can fund you in great supplies so that as you go out into the business world, you always have something to give. No.13 Practice prosperous thinking, not just positive thinking. It’s one thing to carry around affirmations, motivational quotes, and force yourself to be optimistic and positive but it’s an entirely different thing to become a prosperous thinker. There are many entrepreneurs who are positive and yet


are often fearful, anxious, feel overwhelmed and insecure about their success. You can be a serious law of attraction student with all kinds of affirmations cards and yet lack enthusiasm, excitement and positive expectations. To increase wealth and abundance is about prosperous thinking and if similar to myself you grew up in environments where a healthy abundance mindset was conspicuously absent, then you might need to make a little more effort and learn about prosperous thinking so that your affirmations and law of attraction strategies work better. No.14 Start learning more about money, it’s proper use and improve the relationship you have with it. For most entrepreneurs, the biggest obstacle that stands in their way today isn’t being unable to earn an income. Digital entrepreneurs know that earning an income can be quite effortless thanks to the internet. However, one can earn quite a significant amount of money and still struggle with finances. Earning money is just one part of it, the other is having a healthy, loving relationship with money so that it doesn’t keep running away from your hands. In a society that’s so conditioned into false beliefs about money being evil and unspiritual, I can’t emphasise enough the importance of learning the truth about money and healing the money wounds we all have. Prosperity tips that mention everything about money and skip this part will still not help you because at the end of the day, financial prosperity is a major factor in your experience of a freedom lifestyle. So what conscious efforts are you making toward this end? Do you still have a lingering guilt feeling over desiring money? Do you still unconsciously associate money with evil? I believe money is love… I believe money is spiritual… What was your first reaction when you read my words? That will be a great signal that lets you know where you stand in your relationship with money. No.15 Increase your financial intelligence and awaken the financial genius lying asleep within so that you can learn how to steward the money that you have appropriately in order to maintain a healthy flow. This isn’t about financial planning or effective ways of saving…With the new light that just came in from reading my last statement about money, what I believe money is and why I feel you need to rekindle that relationship, it naturally follows that to know the truth about money also requires you to know the best intellectual way of stewarding it in your life. The fact of the matter is, most people have no idea how to use money properly or magnetise it effortlessly -because it is a topic that’s taught at home not in school! That’s why people have degrees in economics and still struggle manifesting financial prosperity. Now, I don’t know about you but I can assure you, there was no dinner table or dinner-table conversations regarding money where I grew up

Were you taught about money growing up?

There is so much to learn about money and how to govern it better and i’m realising it’s certainly an art that requires practice. But the sooner you start, the sooner you gain mastery. Most people are wasting money because they haven’t cultivated the right mindset around it and so money always seems to be dissipating in their hands even


though they are morally upright individuals. Today, I have made it a normal conversation in my home because I want my child to grow up with totally different paradigms. But I personally have to make an effort, invest time, money, energy and so on so as to increase my financial intelligence. So don’t just sit there with the excuse that you don’t know how to deal with money – it’s your job to figure these things out. Your parents did the best they could with the awareness they had, now it’s up to you to pull yourself together and go two steps further if you really desire to increase wealth in this lifetime. No.16 Work on defining your purpose. It’s time you define the things that make you come alive. What are you passionate about? What do you really really love? And perhaps you might wonder how this will help you increase wealth and abundance in your business… Well let me tell you that this new emerging economy is more driven by authenticity, creativity, productivity and relationship building than any other rising economy in the history of mankind. That means that unless you start figuring out how to incorporate these fundamental things into your business, you’ll have a hard time creating something that lasts – even if your niche market is in great demand. The only thing worth going after when embarking on the challenging path of becoming an entrepreneur is your purpose and passion. This entrepreneurship vehicle will be challenging let no one fool you otherwise, so the only way you can withstand and enjoy the process has to be through the knowledge that this vehicle is helping you express something unique that you are absolutely passionate about. If you don’t know your purpose yet just make something up! Seriously, I’m not kidding… And you can change it or expand on it as you go along. Your passion always intertwines with your purpose so for sure with these two driving you into action there is no way prosperity will not overflow in your life – it is the law No.17 Become more deliberate about wealth and prosperity so that wealth and prosperity can become more deliberate about you. This isn’t complicated, your mind and the creative power within your mind will only produce things that satisfy and thrill you when you get good at deliberately designing your life. Most people treat Amazon better than they treat Spirit and the creative powers that he’s given us all. You want Spirit to bless you as an individual with increase in wealth and abundance when you’re not even honest and bold enough with him to tell him what you specifically desire to experience? Saying you want more money or you want to be more happy just doesn’t cut it and you know it! So gather up some courage and enlighten yourself with truth about what desires really mean so that you confidently become more deliberate about wealth. Try this: Write out what you want your ideal lifestyle to be. What does freedom and prosperity look like for you? Paint an image for yourself that’s true to you and dare to be as specific as you can with life then watch what happens.


No.18 Get good at practicing forgiveness! It could be the only thing that’s keeping that breakthrough from happening. Most of us don’t realize how much we need to forgive ourselves and others every single day. I like to tell my daughter that as long she’s in that physical body, there’s always forgiveness work to be done. Forgiveness is actually a very important prosperity law because it’s the cleansing process that’s essential for one who desires to shift in consciousness. It means giving some greater good in exchange for an apparent evil or wrong that’s been done. And of course by giving that good, you automatically attach yourself to it, for as Christ taught, if you judge, the same judgement shall be placed upon you. So think about all the time you criticised someone who’s business was succeeding or a wealthy individual. Those things have to be “forgiven” now and exchanged with something new that you would also wish for yourself. No.19 Open your mind to receiving Learn to not only renew your mind but to also open it up to receiving. You’ll here a lot of people telling you how important it is to give, give and give a little more in your business. This is absolutely true… However, if you are only giving but are clenched up when it comes to receiving then things will fall out of balance and you’ll end up on the wrong side of abundance. Your life and business require that you learn how to open your mind up to receiving and while it is very simple to do, it isn’t always easy. Just look around and notice how many people comfortably receive compliments, praise, tips, gifts etc and you’ll realise that as a society we really need to understand this law of giving and receiving. Prosperity tips that show you the many ways you can become more giving in your business are great and I am all “for that” too, but I think it’s about time we also focused on making receiving something wonderful and important. A mind that isn’t open to receive cannot prosper or produce abundance.. Are you open to receiving more wealth in your mind? No.20 Make Gratitude and praise a way of life As the wonderful Wallace said,” The grateful mind continually expects good things, and expectation becomes faith”… Your ability to remain in an atmosphere that is conducive for increasing wealth and prosperity becomes greatly jeopardised if you don’t learn to make gratitude and praise your normal way of life. What my experience has shown me so far is that most people struggle to maintain a good flow of wealth and prosperity because as soon as some good comes in, they get distracted and forget to continue in the practice of gratitude thereby cutting themselves off from that relationship with Spirit. You and I must be very cautious and learn from our past errors and all those many times where we made the same


mistakes. A continuous out-pouring of all kinds of blessings in every area is what we deserve as children of this universe, but unless we train ourselves to nurture the relationship that we have with spirit and make it as intimate and pure as we possibly can, we’ll continue to produce struggle and suffering. Gratitude is the way to attaining that as well as ensuring that we maintain stability and hope even during challenging times. …And there you have it all twenty prosperity tips in one big serving! I would love to know which ones resonated with you as well as what tips you may be using to manifest more wealth and abundance in your life. Join me and let’s walk together on this path of more abundance and prosperity. Get word on the next Prosperity talk!

With Love… Janette Digital Lifestyle and Wealth Psychology coach, Author, Speaker and Home business coach, Entrepreneur, Proud Mum, Messenger of Hope. If I can be of any help don’t hesitate to contact me Janette Getui Website: www.janettegetui.com Grab a free sample Essay on Wealth: heal your life & bank account Connect With Janette Linked in: Janette Getui on Linkedin Twitter: @janettegetui Facebook: Janette Getui FB Youtube: Janette Getui Youtube Channel Bold Beautiful Blissful – Opulent digital lifestyle – homepage


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