Something every business mum needs to know to end business struggles

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Something Every Business Mum Needs To Know To End Business Struggles

Janette Getui

26 July 2016

The fact that your eyes are set on this page now affirms a couple of things for me. Firstly you’re a business mum tired of struggles and hardships in your business and life. Secondly, you are very driven and carry a burning desire to produce prosperity because you understand the necessity of doing something different in our changing times, to produce bigger and better results which can be enjoyed by you and those who depend on you. I also assume that being a parent, your decision to step into the crazy world of entrepreneurship and to wear the hat of a business mum, isn’t something you taking lightly. There’s a lot at stake and you stand to lose a lot in the way of your family, friends, finances and much more if you don’t find a way to make this risk work. Which is why I am certain what I am about to share with you could change everything in your personal life and business. Before we do that though, let me start with a little confession:

Being a business mum wasn’t my default setting but that doesn’t determine my future: If you have gone through any of my materials, then you are aware of the powerful teachings around the Mind and Paradigms – that I share with others Get Yours Here! There’s no denying that your paradigms shape your entire reality including how much money you can make. To understand your mind and renew your paradigms is to recreate your whole life. For many of the mothers I get


to work with, just a little work is required before major transformations happen. But this wasn’t the case for me… I didn’t grow up with a business mum or in any kind of business oriented environment. Unless we consider stealing a business

Take that with a light heart

Back in the slums where I had the pleasure of drowning in all sorts of awfulness, the only kind of “mentoring” I got probably drove me deeper into darkness and did more harm than good. Although my darling mother had no way of giving me what she’d never had, I still believe she did a pretty amazing job with me, because she gave me the biggest gift of all – she believed in me and my crazy dreams. I often speak very lightly of my past and skip over many of the awfulness that one gets to experience in such an environment because my focus tends to be in proving the fact that goodness can come out of any situation, so why keep whining about the pain and awfulness? { it’s just not my style} As you may have guessed, my default setting was far from success or prosperity. And yet my desire was to become a self-sufficient individual. I chose to become a business mum and to rewrite the code of success not just for myself and my child, but also for my mum and the older generation of women in my village who have lived under the false beliefs that they were too weak and useless to be of any value in this world. And so I took on a challenge that’s in many ways too big for a little human being to manage on their own… But during this journey, I have met wonderful individuals who’ve had far better conditions around them, yet failed to step into their greatness for one reason or another.

Are you really living from your authentic power? I have met women who had great formal education, got married, had children and resigned themselves to a life of total dependency on their husbands. Are they happy? Well judging from the many confessions I have received the answer is a big NO. Yet another horrible paradigm that holds many women captive is that false belief that money and love are rivals. Or that men do not support a driven, ambitious women. I can’t even count the number of women who’ve told me that their reason for not pursuing success is because of the strain it will bring to marriage. I mean seriously?!? What do you think that does to the children who are growing up in that household! Why then are most women silently suffering with their unhappiness and sense of bondage? The answer is actually two-fold.

1.They are in bondage to old fear based paradigms: A big majority falls under this group of women who’ve blindly shut themselves out from the new world. In the past when women had no say in anything their only responsibilities were centred around the home. While this isn’t by any means an easy task and does require much dedication, we do realise that we can do so much more. That old idea that only men can do certain things, whether it’s grow a successful business, understand finances and lead nations is a false paradigm that’s still active in the woman of today. She feels unworthy and doesn’t believe in her own ability to figure stuff out. She feels embarrassed to ask for help and already holds the “I can’t” attitude.


The only issue is, when you don’t make an effort to get out of that paradigm, your children {especially the girlchild} will have a very heavy burden to dissolve in her future thanks to you. Fear and poverty consciousness developed its roots in the home because the archaic woman fostered the breeding grounds for such. Fear and lack became so powerful in the world because mothers gave it power in the home Click To Tweet As we have come to understand today through the study of the mind, the feminine energy is the powerful giver of life. It births things into life and in the case where the impregnation happened to be detrimental, homes, communities, nations and our planet bore witness to the birth of lies as manifested facts. I am not saying that women are to blame for all the horrors that we see today, but I am trying to emphasise the power that a woman has, which she often dissipates in useless things and unknowingly promotes the atmosphere for fear and poverty. Such a person will not only prevent the reality of freedom and prosperity for herself but also for her loved ones, no matter what physical efforts she makes to serve her family.

2. They are receiving the wrong mentorship and lack the right kind of education: Those of us who are brave have tried to break those bonds of weakness and inadequacy. So much so that we’ve now arrived at a point in time where the momentum has really increased and more women today are stepping up boldly, choosing to pursue business ventures and solutions for becoming self-sufficient. There are more mothers today who are determined to work and to become self-sufficient than ever before… Is that you? That’s certainly been my case. I wanted to be able to provide for my family, but I got tired of sacrificing and struggling my way into that result. And I realised that as a business mum, I really don’t have a plethora of examples that I can rely on because the evolution of prosperous women is still at its infancy. Majority of the women who have made history had to compromise a lot, play “ a mans game” and operate predominantly from a male vibration. That may have been a good strategy to get the ball rolling, but it’s certainly not sustainable. Hence what’s happening today is that the average business mum will make a decision to seek independence, but due to a lack of true mentorship and the right kind of education, the struggle will persist. You might forcefully create opportunities and get the business going through willpower, and surely being around the right kind of successful businessmen will help you get enough strategies that produce some results, but it will always feel like a struggle. Thriving and creating a prosperous business especially in this economy will not come easy for the business mum whose still approaching the game of success under a male vibration. Mothers today are seeking to work and become self-sufficient more than ever before! Are you in?… Click To Tweet

So here’s something every business mum needs to know to end business struggles 3/6

You will never struggle your way into thriving mode… Those are two very different realities and the sooner you get that, the better it is for you. If you want to have a thriving business and more prosperity in your life then you will have to unlearn many of the beliefs that have helped you create what you call “daily reality.” You are a business mum and as such, your strength and self-sufficiency does not lie in faking it till you make it, or imitating the success gurus that you follow. You must find your own strength and ground yourself in the centre of own power. The desire is to become self-sufficient right? Well how do you expect to really accomplish that if you don’t even know what the “self” in the word “self-sufficient means. I can promise you, it doesn’t just mean being strategic and tactical like men are; it doesn’t mean being like a man or anyone else for that matter. It means learning to be more of yourself. The “you” that has been buried underneath layers upon layers of other people’s garbage. And this isn’t so much about you as it is about those little ones who look up to you because {without meaning to disrespect or undervalue fathers}, no one influences your child more than you. Your child learns based on how you show up in life, how you deal with obstacles, how much risks you take, how you feel on a day-to-day basis, how you perceive the world. That becomes their framework!

The more you can demonstrate the path that you feel is of your highest and best order, the better their chances will be of taking on the world and creating something that will brighten up this planet. But if you’re not willing to do it now as a business mum, all the prayers you make will be in vain.

So here are just a few things you can start doing now: Learn more about your place of strength and power. Get a clearer understanding of the beliefs around your concept of self because your business will never out-perform what you believe about yourself.


Invest a little time and effort understanding your emotions because as a woman they are the key to unleashing your greatness and manifesting all that you desire. Whether we are talking about manifesting more money, time, better clients, better relationships with your children, a healthier body – everything is totally dependent on your emotions. When was the last time you took conscious control over your emotions? Make it a priority to surround yourself with the right people and get the right education. In most cases, the education you need to grow yourself into a successful individual and that which you need to grow your business, will need to be accessed separately. But this is where I come in because not only am I a real-time business mum who’s self-taught her way into the reality I enjoy today, but I am also able to give you a special invite to our business community where we all grow, contribute, share, collaborate and succeed together.

Let no one ever lie to you, producing a thriving business will not happen if you try to do it all on your own. The entrepreneurial journey is very challenging and confusing. The sooner you connect with like-minded entrepreneurs who care about you, the sooner you will have your breakthroughs. Inside, my awesome mentors and I strive to bring the best of both worlds together, so that your growth as a business mum happens simultaneously as you learn how to grow your business exponentially. But this isn’t about convincing you, just give us a free test drive and for the next 30 days, we are allowing you access to training, live human support and digital solutions that can help you grow your business instantly! We don’t mind being vulnerable enough with you, so you can see just what we’re made of, if you truly are an individual whose serious about becoming self-sufficient.

The beautiful truth I wish to leave you with is this: As much as we know how to work hard and put in massive effort, it’s going to take a lot more than that if you desire to succeed as a business mum. The truth is that your business is just an extension of yourself, so to the extent you are committed to growing yourself, accessing your true power, creating bigger money paradigms, to that extent you can and will produce a thriving business. This doesn’t come from just reading books or using a cookie cutter method that some successful business


person sells. You are not that business man, your power doesn’t even lie in that male energy {which has been the most dominant in the area of success and money}. Your power is to be found elsewhere and the sooner you get some support with finding your truth and source of supply, the sooner you will effortlessly manifest a life beyond your dreams. I can’t wait to hear how quickly life changes for you, once you stop living and running your business through the struggle method. With Love… Janette Digital Lifestyle and Wealth Psychology coach, Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Proud Mum, Messenger of Hope. If I can be of any help don’t hesitate to contact me Janette Getui Website: Grab a free sample Essay on Wealth: heal your life & bank account Connect With Janette Linked in: Janette Getui on Linkedin Twitter: @janettegetui Facebook: Janette Getui FB Youtube: Janette Getui Youtube Channel Bold Beautiful Blissful – Opulent digital lifestyle – homepage

Janette Getui Hi there, I'm Janette the prosperity junkie that's in love with life and individuals who dare to live boldly seeking truth and divine riches. I show spiritually awakened entrepreneurs interested in enjoying a prosperous digital lifestyle how to create breakthroughs by acquiring the right mindset and skill setthat frees them from the mental and physical bondage that robs most people the success and wealth they deserve. I've learned through life's practical lessons how to groom and grow myself from the slums of Africa into the European Riviera with nothing except massive hope and a burning passion for prosperity, freedom and love. ...Although it hasn't been easy, I am proof that there is so much hope for you to find freedom, overcome poverty consciousness, break limiting beliefs and design an opulent lifestyle. Today I desire to show you how you can rewrite your destiny and set up for yourself, a digital lifestyle and business that's ridiculously awesome :-) Shall we do it together?


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