Final Brochure Erasmus+ "A call from school"

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Motto ________________________________________________________________


Foreword _____________________________________________________________



Turkey, Meram Mehmet Münevver Kurban Anatolian High School, Konia _____________ 5 Turkey, Yüksel Bahadir Alayli Science and Art Center, Konya ____________________


Greece, 1st Epal Karditsas, Karditsa _______________________________________


Spain, IES de Pobra do Caramiñal, Pobra do Caramiñal __________________________ 53 Italy, Istituto d'Istruzione Secondaria Superiore ”L. Pilla”, Campobasso ____________


Lithuania, Kelmės ”Aukuro” pagrindinė mokykla, Kelmė __________________________


Romania, Colegiul Tehnic „Traian Vuia” Galați _________________________________



Turkey, 21st – 25th November 2016 – Konya __________________________________


Spain, 15th – 19th May 2017 – Pobra do Caramiñal _____________________________


Romania, 16th – 20th October 2017 – Galați __________________________________


Lithuania, 14th – 17th May 2018 – Kelmė ____________________________________



Greece, 13th – 17th March 2017 – Karditsa ___________________________________ 140 Italy, 12th – 16th March 2018 – Campobasso __________________________________



Turkey _______________________________________________________________


Greece _______________________________________________________________


Spain ________________________________________________________________


Italy _________________________________________________________________


Lithuania _____________________________________________________________


Romania ______________________________________________________________


Authors ______________________________________________________________



“Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children's children. Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches or its romance.�

Theodore Roosevelt



At present, technological advancements are in progress at a great pace. In this case, the use of technology taking into consideration the compliance of environmental standards is extremely important for the human kind to live on a healthier planet. Due to the increasing needs of the world population, there is the tendency to benefit more from Nature. However, our natural resources are limited and the activities carried out by the human beings without considering the damage caused to the environment have a negative impact on our planet. For example, the amount of paper consumed per person of 0.7 kg/day means approximately 140 pages, with an annual consumption of 70 kg. Seven trees are cut down every year to meet the consumption of paper per person. This consumption is higher in schools by 36%. In comparison with virgin paper, recycled paper corresponds to 1/3 of total consumption. This means that the saving represents 2/3 (67%). The project aimed to direct the consumption of paper to recycled paper and paper produced by cheaper methods and materials, except for wood, in all school activities (worksheets, exam papers, school boards, etc.). In this way, the school will benefit from savings of 56% of its annual paper spending budget. This means that 7 trees will be preserved per student. In addition, 4,100 kW of energy and 31,778 liters of water are consumed per year to produce paper. The annual electricity consumption of 3,246 kW per person/hour and the environmental contamination rate for the production of this energy is of 1,551 kg of oil combustion. In order to reduce the disadvantages caused by over-consumption on our environment, it is necessary to increase the supply of alternative energy and to develop efficient behavior with regard to recycling activities. The activities in the Project were meant to develop consistent attitudes of the partner schools towards the environment and to increase a lifelong environmental awareness at school level and beyond it, that is, at local, national and European level. Since the problem is a common one, the idea was to start a transnational set of activities that were to extend to our school environment, to families, to other schools and public institutions in the region, to the European schools through the partnership and, finally, reach the national and European dimension through the dissemination platforms. The main goal was to let students engage in the essence of the European Union's environmental policy and to participate in this transnational project which required them to develop their social, intercultural, linguistic and ICT skills, as well as their sense of responsibility towards a common world problem.


Another important objective of the project was to minimize the negative effects of the school on the environment through sustainable practices related to reducing the waste of energy and other natural resources, changing the consumption habits and, ultimately, sharing the concrete results and statistics with the other sections of the society.


Meram Mehmet Münevver Kurban Anatolian High School Konya, Turkey – coordinating school Yüksel Bahadır Alaylı Science and Art Center Konya, Turkey – partner school

1st EPAL Karditsas, Karditsa, Greece - partner school

IES de Pobra do Caramiñal, Pobra do Caramiñal, Spain - partner school

Istituto d'Istruzione Secondaria Superiore ”L. Pilla”, Campobasso, Italy - partner school

Kelmės ”Aukuro” pagrindinė mokykla, Kelmė, Lithuania - partner school

Colegiul Tehnic „Traian Vuia” Galați, Romania - partner school



Geographically, the Republic of Turkey is a bridge between Europe and Asia. Due to its location, surrounded by sea on three sides, Turkey has always been the center of great trade, silk and spice routes. Today, even in the most inaccessible or isolated corners, one can easily feel and see the traces of different cultures. Turkey is a country of diverse cultures, beliefs, ideas, nature and history. This diversity is reflected in the landscape which is the life support and habitat for 80 million people. The Turkish landscape encompasses a vast variety of geographical zones. Turkey’s focal points are its three largest cities: Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir which have become major urban centers by their historical heritage as well as modern design. Mythology and history are intermingled in Antalya on the Mediterranean coast, together with its beautiful beaches and seaside resorts. In general, Turkey fascinates, astonishes and informs. Perhaps the most thrilling aspect of visiting Turkey is to become an active participant in this landscape.


MERAM MEHMET MÜNEVVER KURBAN ANATOLIAN HIGH SCHOOL, KONIA After the donation of Mehmet Kurban the school’s construction started in 2005 and completed in 2008. It is a good sample of the cooperation of citizen&government. In 2009-2010 Academic year, education was started. Since then contemporary and technological education has been given in our school. Our students are chosen with a Central Testing System Aftert he primaryschools. By this way our pupils come from different regions and primaryschools in all over the city. It is a Stateschool, opens 8:00 am to 3:00 pm on weekdays. There are 500 students 35 teachers one Principle and two Assistants of Principle, a clerk and two cleaning staff in our school. Our school consists of 15 classrooms, a library , artroom, a science lab, conference hall, sports hall, a room for teachers and rooms for other staff. There is a school canteen and cafeteria. Everyday, students and Staff have lunch in there. Our classrooms were designed with high technological education systems.

WHO IS MEHMET KURBAN? He was born in 1938 in Çumra/ Konya. He completed his education in Konya. After completing his military service. He started his higher education again. He graduated from the faculty of Teologie . He worked as a religion teacher at different highschools in Turkey. After retirement he set up his own firm and became every successful on his job. He donated his Money and school field for building our school. Since his great donation his and his wife’s names were given to our school.


OUR PROJECT Our Project was prepared by the cordinatorship of the Mehmet-MĂźnevver Kurban Anatolian Highschool and approved by theTurkish National Agency in 2016. This is an Erasmus+ Strategical School Partnership Project KA219. Our project is called A Call from Schools ''For the Less Destruction Let's Reduce the Consumption''. Our project is about clean energy sources, energy saving and recycling. For a safe future, our main goal is to create a clean environmental consciousness, increasing the consiousness for saving. For this purpose works will be done in the partner schools.

THE PRESENCE OF THE PROJECT IN THE SCHOOL Designing posters and brochures Creating a green classroom


We use the bins in which the glass, metal, paper and plastÄąc materials are being gathered separately.

Using recycled paper We use recycled paper in our school except official sheets. Our teachers and students are conscious about paper recycling.

Using sensor lighting and A++ lamps at school The 64 standard lamps in our school corridors and toilets were replaced with motion sensored lamps.


The standard sinks in our school were replaced with time adjusted sinks.

ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT IN THE SCHOOL THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT Making the mascot of the project, the turtle, by using recyclable materials

Planting tree activity We created a tree plantation area with the help of Konya Regional Directorete of Forestry and planted more than 300 trees in this area. More than 100 students participated in this activity. We planted about 25 trees in our school garden. 9

Designing and making a model house equipped with the photovoltaic device acquired from Greece Our students built a project house with the experience of solar systems that they had gained in Greece. They lightened the house using a solar panel system.


Visits to recycling plants We visited a recycling facility with our Turkish partner school. Our students were informed about the recycling of paper, glass and plastic products.

Other activities worth mentioning are :           

  

Setting up a solar panel system Constructing a small energy system in Greece Creating and updating a website Webpage: Making recycled papers activities In the school, we recycled some paper with our students and we used those papers to make New Year cards for our partner schools. Seminars and panels by the students We did activities to introduce the project and we prepared files, pencils, T-shirts and brochures for the project. We presented our project to our fellow school. We informed them about the topic, subject, activities and partners of the project. Preparing Newsletters in English and in their native language Webinars – the first webinar activity was done with our Lithuanian partners, when students talked about the activities they had done since the beginning of the project and the second one with the Italian students and the other Turkish partner school when they discussed about the results of their activities and the impact of the project on their future life. Publishing the results of the Project in National and international platforms Designing a journal Creating a Whatsapp group, ERASMUS+2016, and a Facebook group account, ErasmusAcallfromschool, for the communication between our partners and for sharing our results. 11


OUR PROJECT MIRRORED IN THE MEDIA We published our project in both local and our partners’ media.





Special thanks to:

European Commission

Republic of Turkey Ministry For EU Affairs

Turkish National Agency

Konya Regional Directorate of Forestry

Meram Mayor



Our center started to offer service in 2015-2016 academic year. Last year it was called Selcuklu Science And Art Center. As the required financial support for the construction maintenance and renovation of the center was supplied by an important teacher named Yuksel Bahadir Alaylı, the name was changed. Our mission is: 

to discover gifted students, to help these students realize and develop their talents,

  

to grow up self-reliant innovative, happy individuals who are sociable, use their skills for our country and the whole world; to be a house of science and art which orientates and informs our pupils; to develop and enrich cultural and moral merits; to meet expectations and shape of our students’ future;

to discover individuals who love learning, solving problems, studying scientifically.

İn our center, there is 1 principal, 1 deputy principal, 23 teachers, 3 janitors. Since September 2016, 384 students (178 girls and 189 boys) have been studying here.


WHAT IS BILSEM? According to the 5th article in the Directive of the Ministry of National Education, Bilsem is : An independent special educational institue which is founded to allow gifted stutents, who are in pre-school, primary school, secondary school and high school, develop their skills and use them at the maximum level by being aware of their own abilities. BÄ°LSEM is not a normal school, nor a course or a private school. The ages of our students are between 7-17. Students come to BÄ°LSEM in the afternoon and at the weekend. Students complete levels and they take certificates. Science and Art Center (Bilsem) is affiliated to the Ministry of National Education: Special Education and Guidance Service Heade Office.

THE PRESENCE OF THE PROJECT IN THE SCHOOL We picked up the recycling bins and put them in various parts of our school to serve our students. We would like to thank Selcuklu Municipality for their help.


We started the implementations of the Green Class, Green Corridors and Green Lavatory.

Since our school provides more nightfall training, we will reach our goal saving energy in the project.


We also provided taps with motion sensors to ensure water saving and the warning signs were hung.

Thus, we created awareness about the Project. We have created a project board. We renewed the Project boards twice a month.

We made a mascot by using recyclable materials.


Promotional posters are hung in various places around are school. The main wall of our school is covered with the project brand. Thus, we created awareness about the Project. We hang a new signboard that is more visible. In this way, we made the project be noticed by more people and, at the same time, promoted its theme.


ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT IN THE SCHOOL THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT We decorated the boards with yellow leaves. We made painting from the leaves we also made art works by evaluating waste materials.

Recycled paper We organized an activity about making recycled paper. We kept used newspapers in water overnight and we made o dough by mixing glue and paint. We rolled out the paper dough with a rolling pin and dried it.


The memorial forest Our long-ago plan to make a forest has finally been accomplished. Young trees supplied by Konya Regional Directorship of Forestry were planted in the field provided by Meram Municipality. All the students, coordinators and teachers of the Project planted trees with great joy.

Our solar energy Our project classroom was provided with electricity from solar energy. We set a 60 W solar panel on the roof of our school. Then we installed some switches for energy inputs and outputs in our classroom.


Aiming to increase the participation in the Project, we popularized it.

We have project t-shirts, recycling pens, files and brochures done with the purpose of promoting the Project.

Creativity out of wastes We made elephants, mind games and Turkish flags from the recyclable materials under the project.


We supplied electricity to our model house using solar energy from a photovoltaic device. It was a really good implementation and now we have a house working with solar energy.


THEMATIC VISITS AND MEETINGS Seminar on ’’Recycling, Conservation and Renewable Energy’’ In order to raise environmental awareness of the students, a seminar was held in collaboration with the university of Karatay by Prof. Dr. Mehmet Faik SEVİMLİ, KTO Karatay Univesity Lecturer.

Visit to the recycling centre We visited the recyling centre situated near the district we live in. Students had the opportunity to see how a recycling centre works.


Promoting the project theme in a shopping centre We organised an activity called “Atıklara sitem etme, Atıklarla steam et” in a shopping centre in order to raise environmental awareness. The activity enjoyed a great popularity as it took place on a Saturday when the place is crowded.

Informative presentation We made a presentation of the project to the students of Ahmet Hashas primary school who became our young friends and partners in the project.


STUDENT EXCHANGE OF GOOD PRACTICES AND IDEAS THROUGH WEBINARS The students of our centre and those from Romania, our Project partners, had the first webinar in which they exchanged ideas on the Project topic and gathered information about the Project results. They also had a chat on their activities online.

The second webinar was with the other school from Konya, Turkey, Meram Mehmet Mßnevver Kurban Anatolian High School and the Istituto d’Istruzione Secondaria Superiore "L. Pilla" from Campobasso, Italy, an opportunity for students to remember the days spent in Italy. They shared opinions and impressions about their experience in Campobasso.




OUR PROJECT MIRRORED IN THE MEDIA Our Project appeared in the local media channels and public institutes as news. We published our project activities as news in PUSULA in order to raise awareness among a wide range of population.




Greece, officially the Hellenic Republic, historically also known as Hellas, is a country located at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa, on the southern tip of the Balkan Peninsula, with a population of approximately 11 million as of 2016. Athens is the nation's capital and largest city, followed by Thessaloniki. The official language is Greek. It is considered the cradle of Western civilization, being the birthplace of democracy, Western philosophy, the Olympic Games, Western literature, historiography, political science, major scientific and mathematical principles, and Western drama. Its rich historical legacy is reflected by its 18 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, among the most in Europe and the world.


1st EPAL is a full time vocational upper secondary school, located at Karditsa city in central Greece. The school comprises a wide range of departments: Mechanical, Electrical, Vehicle, Structural Engineering, Electronic, Computing Systems and Networks. The school has 43 teachers and 281 students, coming from middle and lower class families and facing problems of social and economic exclusion. In fact, a fierce crisis has affected the industrial and agricultural sectors which represented the traditional core of the local economy and the effort to develop alternative sectors such as agro-tourism, crafts and 32

still has to produce relevant effects. In order to contrast the negative aspects of a disadvantaged area, the 1st EPAL has engaged itself in the effort to improve its learning environment through technological educational instruments and innovative experiences. The school offers its students a 3rd and 4th level of EQF system certification after their graduation. The school has built strong relations with local authorities, associations, trade unions, social networks, collaborating with them to develop students’ skills, attitudes and competences by connecting theory and practice, the world of school and the world of work.

THE PRESENCE OF THE PROJECT IN THE SCHOOL One of the main activities of the European program titled: A CALL FROM SCHOOLS “FOR THE LESS DESTRUCTION LET’S REDUCE THE CONSUMPTION”, in which our school is participating, is the creation of the so-called project corner. Our school’s teachers offered the materials, and our students put their imagination at work. The result was a project corner full of images and pictures since, as the saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words”. We placed it on a prominent spot on the wall, in the school’s central hall, so that it can remind us every day to respect the environment in which we live.


The Project Corner was enriched and updated after the Training Meeting, which took place in March, 2017 at the 1st EPA.L. in Karditsa, with the participation of students and teachers from all over Europe. It was filled with photographs from the activities which our school prepared during the meeting. In addition, it includes some of the best drawings our guest students made.

The role of the ‘Project Corner’ is very important as it reminds us daily of the respect which our environment deserves. Its renewal is therefore equally important, every time there is new material available. So after the 2nd Project Meeting, which took place in May, 2017 in Spain, with the participation of three teachers from our school, we enriched and updated our project corner. The corner was filled with photos of the targeted actions related to the project, designed and implemented by the Spanish school, as well as photos of beautiful landscapes from the hinterland of Spain.


After the 4th Project Meeting, which took place in May 2018, in Lithuania, with the participation of three teachers from our school, we enriched and updated our project corner. The corner was filled with photos of the targeted actions related to the project, designed and implemented by the Lithuanian school, as well as photos of beautiful landscapes from the hinterland of Lithuania.


The Project Poster

Green corridor


ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT IN THE SCHOOL THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT RE-BATTERY (REUSE – REDUCE – RECYCLE) Within the framework of the European program in which our school is participating, entitled A CALL FROM SCHOOLS “FOR THE LESS DESTRUCTION LET’S REDUCE THE CONSUMPTION”, we decided to respond to the invitation of the non-profit organization “re-battery ΑΕ”, which is active in large battery recycling, for an artistic contest of ideas regarding recycling. We thought that it would be an excellent opportunity for the participating students to realize the importance of battery recycling and to adopt an ecological attitude. In addition, many talented students had the chance to approach the subject through drawing and to express in their own unique way their sensitivity on this recycling subject. During the contest, our school was provided with the special house battery recycling bin, so that the students could be further motivated. The main message of the contest is RE-BATTERY (REUSE – REDUCE – RECYCLE).

Tree planting The school went on to materialize one of the program’s obligatory activities: tree-planting in the school. The students who are members of the Greek team, along with the school’s director, planted a tree in the school yard, near our greenhouse. This activity, performed by the students in their own space, was a unique experience, which helped to develop their ecological consciousness even more.


Christmas trees One of the most well-known Christmas traditions is decorating a Christmas tree. Thus, the students of the 1st EPA.L. of Karditsa decided to “go green”, influenced by the European program in which our school is participating titled: A CALL FROM SCHOOLS “FOR THE LESS DESTRUCTION LET’S REDUCE THE CONSUMPTION”. So, they decorated a different kind of tree, made from recyclable plastic bottles, using the same water bottles which they consume daily. The result was original and impressive, as shown in the photographs below. The messages they were trying to send and the benefits they gained were multiple. The students, with their small effort, showed us the way - so, let’s follow them and help them multiply similar ideas, since the environment is us.


For the second continuous year, the students of the 1st EPAL of Karditsa, thinking ecologically, influenced by the European program in which our school participates, decorated the Christmas tree economically and ecologically, using ornaments from recyclable materials primarily from materials we use daily (like aluminum foil, coffee filters, burnt lamps).

Christmas cards The teachers of the 1st EPAL of Karditsa, along with their students, decided to prepare Christmas cards for the schools with which they cooperate for a new European project, A CALL FROM SCHOOLS ''FOR THE LESS DESTRUCTION LET’S REDUCE THE CONSUMPTION''. As seen from the title, the central aim of the program is the environment; therefore, we decided to make cards from recycled and ecological materials. After buying the right writing material, with the help of our colleagues and our beloved students we created the cards, which were mailed to the four corners of Europe.


Christmas calendars Teachers and students of the 1st EPAL of Karditsa cooperated again this December to prepare Christmas calendars for the New Year, for the European schools with which we collaborate in the framework of the European program. Of course, influenced by the program, which aims to protect the environment, we prepared calendars made from recyclable - ecological materials.


Recycling lamps Throughout January 2017, the 1st EPAL of Karditsa replaced all faulty lamps on the premises, with the cooperation of students. Within the framework of the program we set two targets: firstly, to use new lamps with less energy consumption and secondly, to collect old lamps in the special lamp recycling bin in our school.

Recycling week for plastic bottles One of the actions which were organized in our school was the 'recycling week for plastic bottles'. Students and teachers took part in it with enthusiasm, collecting all kinds of plastic bottles and containers.


THEMATIC VISITS AND MEETINGS Environmental Education Centre Our school visited the Environmental Education Centre in Trikala where we attended a presentation on renewable energy. Then students were invited to participate actively in experiments and simulations using solar and wind energy as well as hydrogen energy.

Hydroelectric Power Plant A visit was made to the power plant in Mitropoli, Karditsa. The people there who are responsible for the plant’s operation, after giving us some historical information, gave us a tour around the station's premises. After that, we went to the site where the water is concentrated (dam - Lake Plastira), so as to be led to the power plant.


Recycling Plant of the municipality of Karditsa in Artesiano, Karditsa During the visit, we were given a detailed presentation about the operation of the plant and how to collect, separate and package all recyclable waste for further processing. Also, a tour of the factory (waste treatment) and close-up of all the above was conducted.

Informing schools in our city Two neighboring High Schools of our city were visited. There was a presentation on renewable energy, edited by our school teachers in collaboration with a group of our students.


STUDENT EXCHANGE OF GOOD PRACTICES AND IDEAS THROUGH WEBINARS MAY 2017 One of the main activities of the European program entitled: A CALL FROM SCHOOLS “FOR THE LESS DESTRUCTION LET’S REDUCE THE CONSUMPTION”, in which our school is participating, is the webinar between schools of the program. The main role in this program activity belongs mainly to the students of the countries participating in the program. So, in the second week of May 2017, students of our school were connected live via Skype and chatted with students from Lithuania. After mentioning about memories from the beautiful moments that they all spent together during the Training Activity that took place in Karditsa in mid-March 2017, they discussed their actions on the program so far and about the actions they are planning for the near future. All the students from all the partner’s schools communicate with each other almost daily with the help of social media. However, the webinar experience created feelings of embarrassment, joy, satisfaction and almost immediate contact, as the living image brought the children closer. So, just before their conversation ended, they exchanged wishes for enjoying summer and renewed their appointment for the new school year.


MAY 2018 In May 2018 there was a webinar with our partners from Romania. The students and teachers of every group had the chance to discuss and exchange their news. In addition, each country presented the activities done within the past month for the project, as well as those that will be materialized before the end of the program. All the participants expressed their willingness for future cooperation within the framework of yet another European program.


PROJECT EXHIBITION, MAY 2018 One final obligatory activity for the European program was the organization of an exhibition in the school premises, where any exhibits relevant to environmental issues and recycling were to be displayed. The 1st EPA.L. of Karditsa, in cooperation with the Laboratory Center, organized this exhibition in May 2018. The objects which were presented included: a model ecological house, with suggestions as to how we can upgrade a conventional house into an environmentally-friendly one, decorative objects made from wires and metal waste from the school’s laboratories, paintings made from plastic and paper, as well as a set of table and chairs made from old tyres. All the exhibits were made with the help of students, who showed great interest in the process.

The exhibition was also presented at the 1st Student Conference, which was organized in Karditsa by the Secondary Education Directorate on May 10-11th. The students had the opportunity to act as disseminators of our school’s European program, as they themselves presented the activities to students and teachers of other schools in the area.


NEWSLETTERS Μάιος 2017/τεύχος:1

May 2017/issue:1 PROJECT TIMES



Δεκέμβριος 2017/τεύχος:2

December 2017/issue:2




Μάιος 2018/τεύχος:3

May 2018/issue:3 PROJECT TIMES









Spain, officially the Kingdom of Spain, is a sovereign state mostly located on the Iberian Peninsula in Europe, including 17 autonomous regions with diverse geography and cultures.The country's mainland is bordered to the south and east by the Mediterranean Sea except for a small land boundary with Gibraltar; to the north and northeast by France, Andorra, and the Bay of Biscay; and to the west and northwest by Portugal and the Atlantic Ocean. Spanish territory includes two large archipelagoes, the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea and the Canary Islands off the African Atlantic coast, two cities, Ceuta and Melilla, on the African mainland and several small islands in the Alboran Sea near the African coast. Spain is the only European country to have a border with an African country, Morocco. With an area of 505,990 km2, Spain is the largest country in Southern Europe, the second largest country in Western Europe and the European Union, and the fourth largest country in the European continent. By population, Spain is the sixth largest in Europe and the fifth in the European Union. Spain's capital and largest city is Madrid. The capital city Madrid is home to the Royal Palace and Prado museum, housing works by European masters. Segovia has a medieval castle (the Alcázar) and an intact Roman aqueduct. Catalonia’s capital, Barcelona, is defined by Antoni Gaudí’s whimsical modernist landmarks like the Sagrada Família church. Other major urban areas include Valencia, Seville, Malaga and Bilbao.

IES POBRA DO CARAMIÑAL, POBRA DO CARAMIÑAL The IES Pobra do Caramiñal is a center of secondary education located in Galicia, in a coastal city of nearly ten thousand inhabitants. Our educational institution gathers around 440 students and 60 teachers, teaching ESO and secondary education as well as vocational. The IES Pobra do Caramiñal is committed to the improvement of the quality of education, participating in multiple projects for training and innovation: PLAMBE, project COMBAS, 53

sections bilingual (CLIL), program ABALAR, program CUALE, European project Comenius (now Erasmus), Plan of teachers training. Our school, of course, seeks to improve the quality of teaching, study and learning, as well as optimize the organization of the work at the center and classroom level, in order to obtain results in line with what is expected of the current school. We also want to achieve a higher level of basic general skills, and the technological implantation in particular, as well as to promote multilingualism. Participation in transnational projects is an aspect of our school which gives great importance, and that allows us to expand the European dimension and co-operation with other schools, getting contact with innovative educational practices and organizational methods in different countries. In recent years our center has participated in four European projects Comenius, both bilateral and multilateral, which have been a screening of the school both domestically and at the social level.

THE PRESENCE OF THE PROJECT IN THE SCHOOL At Ies Pobra do CaramiĂąal, we have an Erasmus + corner, just in front of the canteen, in which we show diverse material such as posters, memories of the visits and a map of Europe where we highlight them.


We also have the Erasmus+ meeting classroom, in which we keep working material, as well as other souvenirs and gifts. Here we usually hold meetings of teachers and students.

Throughout the three buildings that make up our school, we have three information panels dedicated to Erasmus + in which we provide information on the activities that are being developed, as well as school meetings.


But also throughout the school there is an Erasmus + presence, almost on every door and wall available.

ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT IN THE SCHOOL THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT At Ies Pobra do CaramiĂąal, throughout the two years of the Erasmus + project, we have made several changes in the "green corners" that we usually call "clean points".

At the beginning we arranged several small containers so that the students could discard batteries, light bulbs, CDs, plastics, but with the changes of habits (almost nobody uses 56

CDs any longer) and the availability of new municipal spaces for recycling, many of these containers stopped being necessary. So we decided to change them and concentrate in these places the collection of paper and plastic generated in the classrooms. For this we had large containers, in which students can empty the bins of their classrooms.

Four different bins were also put in the classrooms: plastic, paper for recycling, paper for reuse and other garbage.

To promote the use of these containers and encourage separation and recycling habits, we hold a contest in which the entire school participates, with prizes for the classrooms that best meet the separation and recycling objectives.


Tree plantation Within the activities of this project, a large group of students from Ies da Pobra participated in a beautiful activity in collaboration with the Municipality of Pobra and the Community of Montes de San Isidro, in which also participated volunteers from Civil Protection and fire extinguishing brigades.

Thus, students of 1st and 4th courses of ESO were invited to participate as well as students of the 1st Baccalaureate, members in the Erasmus+ project team. Once we had reached the site where we were going to plant the trees, we received some explanations about the planting species, mainly indigenous trees, such as oaks and chestnuts. We also learnt the best techniques for planting, as well as the appropriate distances between the trees for their proper development.


Then, we learnt about the different types of pruning according to whether it is intended to obtain wood or fruits and, above all, the fundamental role that these trees play on the environment and on the fight against fire. Then came the time to take our hoes and go home, leaving the trees well-planted with the invaluable help and advice from the brigade personnel.


Having fun while recycling


"Save Catasos" – informative activity Among the activities of the project Erasmus+ A call from schools."For the less destruction, let's reduce the consumption", the students attended the explanations of some representatives of the neighborhood group "Save Catasos". So we had news about the unequal struggle of a handful of residents against the plans of a large electrical company and against the obstacles and pitfalls of bureaucracy. The summary of the story is the attempt to pass a high-voltage line through the middle of a forest with centenary trees, a boundary with another qualified Natural Monument, but which does not enjoy the protection of the latter. Neighbors’ complaints were disregarded by the authorities. Since then there have been a number of pressures and demands, protests, visits that led to the day when the solution for the protection of this centenary forest showed up, the deviation of the high voltage line. We're glad to know that the trees will continue to embelish our landscape. The speakers brought us some small trees from the forest that we planted near here.





PROJECT EXHIBITION, JUNE 2018 In accordance with the commitments acquired in the project “A CALL FROM SCHOOLS” in Ies Pobra do Caramiñal, a final exhibition of Erasmus + projects was carried out.

Therefore, distributed throughout the various buildings that make up the institute, we can find several stands in which to appreciate the activities carried out, as well as graphic and written reports about the international meetings that took place in the schools participating in these projects.


Starting at the reception, there is a slide and a presentation panel of the projects and participating schools from different countries: Greece, Italy, Turkey, Lithuania, and Romania. Going out to the main playground we find information about the activities carried out in the Pobra highschool, as well as a panel summary of the visits to the other schools.

Already inside one of the buildings, we have information about trips to other schools made within the project “A CALL FROM SCHOOLS. FOR THE LESS DESTRUCTION, LET’S REDUCES THE CONSUMPTION”, which mainly dealt with environmental issues and the reduction of consumption at school and in society through the school.


In all the displays we can also find essays with opinions of the participants themselves, memories brought from so many trips, gifts exchanged with other schools or delivered by the mayors in each of the municipalities where we were received in international meetings.



Italy is a unitary parliamentary republic in Europe. Located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, Italy shares open land borders with France, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, San Marino, and Vatican City. Italy covers an area of 301,338 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal and Mediterranean climate. With around 61 million inhabitants it is the fourth most populous EU member state. Italy is subdivided into 20 regions (regioni), five of these regions having a special autonomous status that enables them to enact legislation on some of their local matters. Rome is the capital of Italy and a special city (comune). Rome also serves as the capital of the Lazio region. With 2,873,874 residents in 1,285 km2, it is also the country's most populated comune. It is the fourth-most populous city in the European Union by population within city limits. It is the centre of the Metropolitan City of Rome, which has a population of 4.3 million residents. Rome is located in the central-western portion of the Italian Peninsula, within Lazio (Latium), along the shores of the Tiber. The Vatican City is an independent country inside the city boundaries of Rome, the only existing example of a country within a city: for this reason Rome has been often defined as capital of two states.



The “Leopoldo Pilla” Secondary High School branches in three different sectors, starting from the school year 2014/2015: •

Economic Technical Institute

Construction, Environment and Territory Technical Institute

Vocational Services for Agriculture and Rural Development Institute


The I.I.S.S. "L. Pilla" is in Via Veneto, in the centre of the city and can be easily reached from all directions of traffic, both urban and suburban. Here the E.T. and the C.E.T. schools have their location. The Vocational Services for Agriculture and Rural Development School, located in Via Manzoni, is surrounded by green spaces and a greenhouse for learning purposes. The L. Pilla Institute offers to its more than 700 students a wide range of educational fields: legislation and economy, tourism, environment, food, all connected to the job market through a series of agreements and memorandums of understanding, internships, work-study training, meetings with experts, especially addressed to foreign languages and new technologies. The aim of the school is to provide our young pupils a solid knowledge base and the acquisition of marketable work skills, offering a process of education which respects the individualization of the times and ways of learning, experienced by each student and family, and, at the same time, developing their civic and social awareness, based on dialogue, law and personal responsibility.


THE PRESENCE OF THE PROJECT IN THE SCHOOL “A sea of waste” The idea of re-creating a seabed with plastic materials inside a classroom of the High School Pilla Institute was developed to raise awareness among students about the huge amount of waste that is hidden in the depths of the sea and the consequences of the pollution that is reflected on the environment and mankind.

“Erasmus plus” Classroom A classroom was decorated with the objects collected from the “Erasmus Plus” didactic project. The objects were essentially the fruit of the labour of all those students who took part in the activities and who are ecologically aware of the problems of waste disposal and recycling, to remember the experiences shared with the partners from various visiting countries.


ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT IN THE SCHOOL THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT Sorted waste bins Our school promoted information and awareness on the theme of waste reduction and recycling that involved both teaching staff who dealt with the didactic side of the project and students for the practical side. They made containers which were distributed and arranged in various classrooms to remind pupils how to collect waste in a selective way.

“Go green� activities We rise to the challenge even more when it comes to urban green because it is pointless promoting waste sorting at school if you do not provide the school with green areas to let it breathe: this is why the flower beds on the school premises have been planted with flowers and small plants which not only give colour to the school spaces but also enliven the areas of a town which has been suffering from previous massive over-construction.


Photovoltaic panels in our school During the first semester of the school year 2016/2017, some students of the Construction, Environment and Territory “Leopoldo Pilla� Institute realised a project of a photovoltaic plant to be installed on the roof of the building of the Vocational Services for Agriculture and Rural Development Institute located in viale Manzoni in Campobasso. Our students wrote a project to be presented to the Molise Region in order to obtain all the authorizations needed for a plant of this kind. It is a project inspired by the Erasmus+ Project. For our students it has been an example of learning how put into practice an idea, how it is possible to plan an action which respects the environment, reducing the consumptions and the energy costs of our community. The following is the real paperwork written and presented according to the law in force in our region. The students involved in the work attended afterwards the Erasmus+ learning training activity held in Karditsa, Greece in March 2017 and had the opportunity to present it to the partners of our Erasmus+ Project.


Dissemination Meeting On June 7th, 2018, in the auditorium of the I.I.S.S. Leopoldo Pilla in Campobasso, the dissemination of the Erasmus+ Project “A call from schools. For the less destruction, let’s reduce the consumption� has been held. It has been a moment of divulgation of all the educational activities pertaining the topic of the Project developed during the present and last school years.

Preparing the dissemination meeting

The delegates of the institutions that have collaborated with Pilla Institute have attended the meeting. They have fostered the fulfilment of educational activities outside the space of the classroom, too, in order to widen the abilities and experiences of our students, inside contexts different from the school one.


The University of Molise, in the person of Ms. Silvia D’Andrea, has testified the mutual interest in the topic of the reduction of consumption and environmental impact, considering the increasing demand of food of animal origin, in favour of a sustainable production in ecological terms. The scientific debate arranged by the University of Molise within the event Agri_for_Food, last Spring, has involved our students along a training path about biodiversity and its preservation, and a minute sustainability, that means a virtuous approach to the environment in everyone’s everyday life; the aware use of the natural resources is an integral part of a behaviour which respects the common heritage.

The Molise Region, through the Local Action Group “Molise verso il 2000”, represented by Mr. Adolfo Colagiovanni and Ms. Chiara Cancellario, has contributed, along with many other involved subjects, to the development of the Pilla Erasmus+ Project, promoting an educational interaction of the students involved as users of the digital and interactive final products of the Erasmus+ Project “C4ET – Citizens for Energy Transition”, focused on the awareness of the energetic transition, that is a relocation towards a sustainable change of the individual habits pertaining the resource consumption.

Furthermore, the dissemination meeting has been attended by the students of the lower level Secondary School Francesco D’Ovidio in Campobasso, since the Pilla Erasmus+ Project has been proposed as an example of virtuous training towards the active citizenship skill, from an environmental point of view and as the responsibility that everyone is called to assume for his carbon footprint. To this end, the guest students have been invited to take part in a survey realised by the Pilla students last school year. This survey has been produced as an anonymous digital questionnaire, pertaining the habits related to daily energetic consumption.


Francesco D’Ovidio Secondary School students at Pilla

The aim of the survey has been double; it has got both a statistic and a fact-finding value, since until now it has involved only people belonging to an older age, that is, 14-19 years old students and teachers and administrative staff (adults). The results have been consistent with the ones previously collected. The community we live in is sensible to the topic of the need to reduce the energetic consumption, but some behaviour can and have still to be improved. Therefore, the Pilla Erasmus+ Project can be considered as a further opportunity to reflect about such a topical and essential agenda that cannot be any longer escaped, due to the request of a sustainable world, where consumption has to be reduced and the environment has to be protected. Another opportunity to speak about and spread the evidence of the Erasmus+ Project has been provided by the final school year Pilla Teachers’ Board held on June 15th, 2018. Even in this occasion the Erasmus+ Staff has shared and disseminated the outcome of all the activities developed during the last months, including especially the Transnational meeting held in Kelme, Lithuania last May.

THEMATIC VISITS AND MEETINGS Klimahouse Our students of ITCAT section visited the exhibition within the 2018 edition of Klimahouse, the International fair for the restoration and efficiency of energy in building which took place in Bolzano. 75

The students discovered that a window can capture the sun rays and satisfy the energy requirement of an entire building. It is also very pleasant and healthy to build our house with straw or plaster made from rice. To respect the environment means to use wooden floors coming from forest subjected to controlled reforestation, avoiding the uncontrolled exploitation of the Amazon.


The energy basin of vine Geothermal energy is a form of energy that derives from the heat present in the deeper layers of the earth's crust. Penetrating deep into the earth's surface, the temperature gradually becomes higher, increasing on average by about 30 ° C per km. Enthalpy represents a very important thermodynamic property and expresses the amount of energy potentially transferable to the environment and therefore transportable. The company "Cantine D'Uva" of Larino participated in 2011 in a notice issued by the CCIAA of Campobasso, for the creation of a low enthalpy geothermal plant. This first application in Molise of a heat pump combined with geothermal, experimental and highly innovative project represents one of the many applications in the wine industry, replicable in the dairy, fruit and vegetable and/or food preserves sectors.


Montagano Plant Pole The visit of the plant pole in Montagano is an initiative that is part of the Erasmus+ project “A call from school�. The young students of our institute had the opportunity to follow the path of waste, in particular of paper, plastic, aluminum and glass from the moment of their transfer to the plant. They saw the selection, transformation and storage of waste as well as the process of the biogas collection and the recovery plant, transformed into reusable energy.


Visit to Vinchiaturo where a model system of door–to-door waste collecting is put into practice.

Visit to the Hydroeletric power plant in Presenzano “Enel” (the National Eletric Body)

The educational action promoted by the Erasmus+ project aims to promote awareness among young people of the consumption of natural resources and their preservation for the future generations. A priority is the knowledge of the use of renewable and alternative energies to those fossils in production activities. For example, hydraulic energy is clean energy.


Visit to the material recovery facility – „Smaltimenti Sud�-Valerio Group The first step inside the plant is to separate out mixed constituent and single constituent material to obtain homogeneous material and raw materials to be carried to reprocessing companies which will recycle them adequately.The separation process includes the use of advanced optical technology. Bulky waste and sorted waste are processed in two different working stations.



The first webinar was between our school, I.I.S.S. Leopoldo Pilla, Campobasso and IES de Proba do Carmiñal from Proba do Carmiñal, Spain. The students shared information about the activities related to the Erasmus+ project they had been carrying out in both countries. They also presented their courses of study to each other.

The second webinar was with the two schools from Konya, Turkey, Meram Mehmet Münevver Kurban Anatolian High School and Yüksel Bahadır Alaylı Science and Art Center, an opportunity for students to remember the days spent in Italy. Their interaction was very friendly and relaxed, and they shared opinions about what they preferred mostly and about what they did not during their experience in Campobasso.


Our students asked for a lot of information about Konia, habits, tradition, culture, and they promised to keep in touch.

PROJECT EXHIBITION, JUNE 2018 One of the activities that the Erasmus+ Project has requested to each Partner to carry out during the development of the Programme is to share the topic that during the twoyear time has been realised, involving other schools and other institutions, but also common people, inside and outside the school building.

To this end, many occasions have been exploited to speak about the resources consumption and the urgent necessity to change our daily habits, in order to reduce the damage that each od us can cause to the environment through an unscrupulous use of the natural energy sources. 82

In the Pilla Insitute there is an Erasmus+ area, where all the documentation about the transnational meetings and the learning and training activities carried out along with our Partners of the Project have been collected, starting from the beginning.

Erasmus+ Project final products on exhibition

Whenever it has been possible, the Erasmus+ Project has been spread through its final products. The Aquarium The students of the Building Industry, Environment, and Territory Department of the Pilla Institute have created an artificial aquarium made up of recycled materials. They have used plastic tissue, bottles, garbage and also computer components that very often are not disposed properly. 83

It is a possible scenario that we can find in our sea beds. Many schoolchildren have visited this area and a consideration of the damage caused to our natural environment has been suggested.

The artificial aquarium: reduce, reuse, recycle!

Km zero production The Pilla Professional Institute for Agriculture has been developing its activity in the view of sustainability since a long time. Therefore, the Erasmus+ Project is a way to go on considering the environment and fulfilling its training path in accordance with the respect of the natural surroundings. It means that the production of vegetables, fruit, vineyard and olive grove take into consideration the natural cycle, the local organic and quality production, a zero Km production. During the Christmas period, for example, they have exhibited their products, taking part in a local market and some schools have visited our building.


Self production exhibited and sold in the local Christmas market: Km zero products

Sustainability and environment protection on our tables: OrtAmami Very few days ago Pilla Institute has established a consortium with other local producers and have opened the food shop OrtAmami, inside the school building, an outlet of km zero products, which respect the biodiversity of our area, producing according the respect of 85

the environment, reducing the consumption of resources, recycling and reusing the waste of the production of vegetables and fruit in the orchard of the school.

OrtAmami just inaugurated on June 1 2th, 201 8







Lithuania is a country in the Baltic region of northern-eastern Europe. It is one of the three Baltic states. Lithuania is situated along the southeastern shore of the Baltic Sea, to the east of Sweden and Denmark. Lithuania has an estimated population of 2.8 million people as of 2017. The capital city of Lithuania is Vilnius. It is also the largest city in Lithuania. The official language is Lithuanian.

KELME “AUKURAS“ BASIC SCHOOL, KELME Kelme “Aukuras“ basic school is a public body that was reorganised from secondary school in May 2013. The school was built and opened in 1986. “Aukuras“ school is one of three schools in Kelme. The school provides primary education, first level of high education and basic education. There are 386 pupils in the school.

The vision of the school is the distinctive, modern and advancing school for everyone. 89

Moreover, the school differs from other schools in the town of Kelme as it has been using the elements of Waldorf pedagogy methodology for pupils between 6-10 years old since 2011. It considers the schoolchild as an individual and stimulates creativity according to the age stages in each subject. Additionally, the school provides early English and German teaching in order to develop an intelligent future citizen who will be able to communicate with people from all over the world. It also promotes pupils’ motivation to acknowledge other cultures, traditions, history, environment. Moreover, it educates a tolerant European who is able to make individual, successful and reasonable decisions as a responsible citizen of the world.

Asta Zavadskiene, the headmistress of the school

Ieva Siliune, the deputy, the project‘s coordinator


Vidimantas Parnarauskas, the deputy

KA2 Strategic School Partnership Program 2016–1–TR01–KA219–034308_5 “A Call From Schools: “For The Less Destruction Let‘s Reduce The Consumption“

Activities that were carried out at school towards the successful implemention of the project • Informing the community of the school. Information was provided to the pupils during biology lessons.


Making a brochure.

The brochure was made by students who collaborated with IT, English as well as Lithuanian teachers. The brochure is made in English and in Lithuanian. It is uploaded on the school‘s and project‘s websites, also on the project‘s Facebook account. It was not printed in order to save paper, electricity, colour printer expenses and natural resources.

• Designing the poster of the project. The poster was designed in collaboration with the project partner schools. The final product was done by the partner schools in Turkey.

• Setting up the project corner. The project corner is arranged on the second floor at school. There is a display on the wall which is constantly updated by the pupils of the school. Art, technologies and biology teachers are in charge with it. 92

• Separating the waste at school. Green container is for glass, yellow – for plastic, blue – for paper.



Making the symbol of the project.


Looking after the natural environment around the school and Kelme town.




Collecting electronic devices.


Doing activities that include secondary waste materials.



Planting the seeds of watermelons that were brought from Karditsa, Greece



Replanting trees in the district of Kelme


Planting tulips in the area of the school.





Thematic visits and trips the water cleaning facility in Siauliai. Excursions were organised to:  the water cleaning facility in Kelme;  the dump of the district of Siauliai;



Romania is a sovereign state located at the crossroads of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe. It borders the Black Sea, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Hungary, Serbia, and Moldova. It has an area of 238,397 square kilometres, making it the twelfth-largest in Europe. It has a predominantly temperate-continental climate with some Oceanic, Mediterranean, and even Scaninavian-Baltic seasonal influences. With almost 20 million inhabitants, the country is the seventh most populous member state of the European Union and the tenth overall European one. Its preserved medieval towns include Sighişoara, and there are many fortified churches and castles, notably clifftop Bran Castle, long associated with the Dracula legend. The capital and largest city, Bucharest, is the sixth-largest city in the EU and the tenth-largest on the European continent, with 2,106,144 inhabitants as of 2016; other major urban areas include Iași, Timișoara, Cluj-Napoca, Constanţa, Craiova, and Galaţi.

COLEGIUL TEHNIC „TRAIAN VUIA” GALAŢI Colegiul Tehnic "Traian Vuia" is a technical/vocational school, situated in Galati, a city in the east of the country, lying on the left bank of the river Danube. The Technical College “Traian Vuia” plays an important role in the field of initial professional training, guidance and education provided to the pupils between 15 – 19 years old for their future social and economic insertion into the labour market at the national and European level. The college provides certificates of professional competences for the following occupations: car mechanics, mechatronics, and car electricians. It also offers both for students and adults the possibility to get the driving license for professionals.


Rural students can be accommodated in the school dormitory (140 seats), they can dine at the school dining room (200 seats) and enjoy a students' modern club. The high school has a gym which was modernized in 2015 for basketball, volleyball, tennis and mini soccer. Within the Technical College "Traian Vuia", there is a constant sporting activity, having in this respect a rugby team since 1972, with numerous participations in National Championships for 44 years, being rewarded many times for their remarkable sports performances. The rugby team of the Technical College "Traian Vuia" participated in numerous national and international tournaments, like those in France, Sweden, Italy, Belgium, Denmark, Poland, Bulgaria, the Republic of Moldova. There is a permanent preoccupation of the teaching staff to raise the students’ motivation in school by enrolling them in projects of a wide diversity so as to meet their interests and needs. The latest are: Comenius School Multilateral Project Celebrations and ceremonies identify and unify us, 2011-2013 (Turkey, Lithuania, Italy and Romania), Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership for schools only, KA 219 - A call from schools: For the less destruction let’s reduce the consumption, 2016-2018 (Turkey, Lithuania, Italy, Greee, Spain and Romania) and eTwinning projects.



Erasmus+ Project Room The Erasmus+ project room was properly arranged and furnished to offer suitable conditions for running different project activities.



Romanian version of the project’s mascot – the turtle

The Project Corner


 The Green corner - a classroom was selected to host instructive materials so as to raise the students' awareness regarding environmental issues.

ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT IN THE SCHOOL THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT Monthly paper collecting campaigns The group of volunteering students called the Recycling Patrol, whose main task is to directly collect the paper from the classrooms and store it in a specially arranged space, are supervised by a teacher who keeps track of the quantity per class and school. The Recycling Patrol also sorts out the paper on categories: note books, worn-out books, envelopes, newspapers, xerox paper, cardboard, etc. The collected paper is transported to recycling companies. In the current school year, our institution has signed up a Partnership Protocol with the recycling company SC Full Eco Recycling Ltd.



The Eco-greenhouse was built in the courtyard of our school, using eco-friendly materials (a special dripping watering system for saving water, wood and plastic). Preparation of the soil in the Eco greenhouse, using natural fertilizers and plantation of seeds and seedlings by students guided by their teachers. Permanent maintenance, cropping and using the bio products in the menu of the school canteen.



Eco Christmas trees

Students and teachers alike worked together to create an ecological Christmas tree and Christmas decorations made of various recyclable materials: shoe boxes, worn-out CDs, cardboard, plastic caps, refreshments cans, etc. The activity having been completed, they were happy to find out that an alternative Christmas tree can offer the same joy and cheerfulness as the traditional one. Moreover, it fulfills the feeling of environmental awareness.



Christmas 2016

Our younger partners from the Secondary School No.7 GalaĹŁi organized a special fashion parade consisting of Christmas clothing made of recycling materials: magazines, newspapers, toilet paper, plastic bottles, cardboard wrappings, etc.



Together with our youngest partners from the Kindergarten “Pinocchio” they competed in realizing decorations, Christmas cards and even trees out of recyclable materials.

Christmas 2017 Our school, Colegiul Tehnic „Traian Vuia” Galaţi, Romania, celebrated the winter holidays with another kind of Christmas trees, this time made of cardboard wrappings, CD-s, plastic caps and recyclable paper ornaments. The students worked with great pleasure and enthusiasm to create our ecological Christmas trees, realizing again that the Christmas spirit stays alive even when the fir trees are not cut down and killed to come into our houses and decorate them.


Mărţișor On every March 1, the Romanians celebrate the day of Mărţișor when they usually offer flowers and mărţişoare, tiny spring symbols, accompanied by white and red twisted threads to the people they love and admire. Accordingly, our partners from the Secondary School No.7 and the two kindergartens, Pinocchio and Pechea, collected the necessary materials, waste paper and corks, beads, pieces of plastic, and other recyclable materials which afterwards were sorted out to make the most ingenious and original spring talismans, Mărţișor, and cards.


Our students also made exquisite spring symbols, Mărţișor, using cardboard waste and empty refreshments cans that were cut out and shaped to form beautifully coloured flowers that were stuck on pieces of recyclable cardboard to make spring cards that were offered to our Erasmus+ partners and friends at the meeting in Campobasso, Italy, held in March 2018.

Creativity out of wastes - Metal turned into art Our skilled and talented students challenged their creativity and imagination in carrying out original and exquisite objects from various recyclable materials, such as: aluminum cans, wire, recycled paper, chains and waste boxes.


Three house models made of recyclable materials and equipped with photovoltaic devices were built up by several students led by their physics and technology teachers. The aim was to show that the natural resources, such as the electric current, usually used for lighting, heating the home and water, as well as other utilities, can be saved using alternative energy sources such as the solar energy.

Ecological car model The technology and physics teachers worked together with a group of students to create a prototype of a car made of such recyclable materials as: cardboard waste, newspapers, plastic, worn out headlights, etc.



This car represented our school at the Annual Educational Fair organized by the Galati County School Inspectorate in March 2018. The eco-car was the attraction of the Fair not only because it was made by students but especially because it was built of recyclable materials, being a call from our school to reduce consumption, protect Nature and, in this way, to raise the public's environmental awareness.



THEMATIC VISITS AND MEETINGS The ECOSAL Public Service Galaţi were invited to inform and train us about how to collect and select recyclable materials correctlym and adequately.


Students and teachers visited the ECOSAL Public Service Galaţi where they were shown how the garbage is sorted, packed and then sent to recycling factories. This was to make them more aware of the importance of selective collection of the garbage.

Seminar of informing and promoting the project at the Secondary School No.7, Galaţi, our local partners


Students and teachers visited the "Dunărea de Jos" University of Galaţi, the Engineering Faculty, the Department of Environmental Engineering and Security in industry where they were presented well-equipped mobile and fixed laboratories and witnessed experiments meant to measure the level of air, soil, noise and water pollution in different areas and at different times.

STUDENT EXCHANGE OF GOOD PRACTICES AND IDEAS THROUGH WEBINARS The first webinar was between our school and Yüksel Bahadır Alaylı Science and Art Center Konya, Turkey, our project partner, where students from both countries had the opportunity to share their achievements in the project.


The second webinar held in May 2018 with students from 1st EPAL Karditsas, Greece, was devoted to chatting on the project’s results and their impact on our everyday life.

PROJECT CLOSING CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION, JUNE 2018 Towards the end of the project, our school considered necessary to share everything that has been achieved, results and examples of good practice with students, teachers, local partners, representatives of County School Inspectorate as well as the community during the almost two years of project running. Thus, after a short description of the project, its objectives and results, there was an overview of activities carried out throughout the project in our school. The participants were actively involved in the discussions showing great interest in the importance of the project topic for the mankind.





The conference was followed by an exhibition of objects and products created within the project by our students with the help of their teachers. In addition, there were displayed gifts, informative materials and thematic objects made by our partner schools.









Special thanks to our local partners: The Kindergarten „Pinocchio” Galaţi The Secondary school No 7, Galaţi “The Lower Danube” University of Galaţi, The Engineering Faculty ECOSAL Public Service Galaţi


PROJECT MEETINGS TRANSNATIONAL PROJECT MEETINGS 21st – 25th November 2016 – Konya, TURKEY Meram Mehmet Münevver Kurban Anatolian High School, coordinating school Yüksel Bahadır Alaylı Science and Art Center, partner school





15th – 19th May 2017 – Pobra do Caramiñal, SPAIN IES de Pobra do Caramiñal, partner school





16th – 20th October 2017 - Galați, ROMANIA Colegiul Tehnic „Traian Vuia”, partner school





14th – 17th May 2018 – Kelmė, LITHUANIA Kelmės ”Aukuro” pagrindinė mokykla, partner school






LEARNING/TEACHING/TRAINING ACTIVITIES 13th – 17th March 2017 - Karditsa, GREECE 1st EPAL Karditsas, partner school “Use the sun, make small Photovoltaic applications/constructions, Do It Yourself (DIY)”





12th – 16th March 2018 - Campobasso, ITALY Istituto d'Istruzione Secondaria Superiore ”L. Pilla”, partner school "Energy footprint of our school"









































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