Janina Sanchez Cardenas Portfolio

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jani na lissette sa n ch ez

portfolio a c a demic + professio na l

content academic- design and research nested domes - fall 2014 pocket plaza - spring 2015

professional - research and exhibitions + design and construction zoom- yaku water museum - Evolution Ecoengine dust to dust - Evolution Ecoengine terrafertil - Leppanen Anker Arquitectura moscu building- Leppanen Anker Arquitectura


nested domes


semester : Fall 2014 academic program : Master of Architecture - University of Illinois at Chicago instructor : Lluis Ortega

The project explores historic disciplinary material to extract operative diagrams of the creation of voids; then design the protocols for the assemblage of second-order systems, and then the experiment of carving the existing Merchandise Mart in order to introduce new notions of urban interiority. The notion of urban interior will be approached as an alternative to collage cities and the accumulation of programs by designing voids that exhaust the differentiation of specific categories laid out by the proposed diagrams. The Victorian Animal is taken as the diagram to combine two different systems. The operations of dome proliferation developed parametrically, but implemented manually, are combined with one another to stablish a strategy for the growth of the dome field applied to the existing structure of the Merchandise Mart. The 18th Century library is studied as the program to drive the system. The Merchandise Mart is taken as a shell. The Dome proliferation produces nested interior urban spaces than then produce floor plates from their intersections The main domes are generated from the existing corridors and entrances of the Merchandise Mart. The proliferation of these geometries study the interior nesting conditions generated by the system.

Dome Immergence


Prescedent Study: Library Nesticity Columbia University Library

Harvard University Library

New York City Public Library

Boston Public Library

Student Name:

Janina Sanchez

Assignment 3:

Program Studies

UIC Arch 565 14: INTERIOR BEASTIARY Student Name:

Janina Sanchez

Assignment 3:

Program Studies

Dome Immergence


Prescedent Study: Library Nesticity

Student Name:

Janina Sanchez

Assignment 3:

Program Studies

Dome Immergence

Prescedent Study: Bath Nesticity

Dome Immergence

Prescedent Study: Bath Nesticity

UIC Arch 565 14: INTERIOR BEASTIARY Student Name:

Janina Sanchez

Assignment 3:

Program Studies

Dome Immergence

Prescedent Study: Library Nesticity

Columbia University Library

Columbia University Library

Harvard University Library

New York City Public Library

Prescedent studies of library layouts . Form studies created from the script based on these layouts

Boston Public Library

Harvard University Library

New York City Public Library

Boston Public Library



a Sanchez

Student Name:

Janina Sanchez

n of the Victorian Beast

Assignment 2:

Design of the Victorian Beast

Nested Domes

Plane + Catmull Clark

Plane Subdivision 2x1

Plane Subdivision 2x2



Dome Subdivision Density







Student Name:

Janina Sanchez

of the Victorian Beast

Assignment 2:

Design of the Victorian Beast


Nested Domes

Plane + Catmull Clark

Plane Subdivision

Plane Subdivision 2x1



Dome Subdivision Density




Form Studies


Merchandise Mart’s existing ground floor plan as the starting point library design











Final Model

ground floor

second floor

seventh floor

ninth floor

fouthteen floor

roof terrace


Final Model

pocket plaza


semester : Spring 2015 academic program : Master of Architecture - University of Illinois at Chicago instructor : Paul Andersen

The public plaza is undergoing an unprecedented transformation. Historically plazas and public squares have been defined by the building that surround them, and often design in tandem. The Mayan square and temple dace each other, as do the Italian piazza and the church. The French place is surrounded by uniform housing blocks. The corporate plaza is an extension of the lobby. The plaza currently has no firm relationship to buildings. The project rewires the fundamentals of plaza design to combine flat and three dimensional platonic forms in multiple orientations simultaneously and integrally. The project takes The Alcoa Building in San Francisco by SOM as a case study to rethink the building plaza relationship. The stark difference between the levels of the street, plaza, and building are challenged by the creation of “pocket plazas� that carve spaces in the existing plinth , creating hybrid space between public and private.

Final Model




0 ft

40 ft

10 ft 20 ft

0 ft

40 ft

10 ft 20 ft

Building vs Plaza Diagram

Alcoa Building

Public vs. Private Diagram

Alcoa Building



Interior Plaza Types


Prescedent Studies

Alcoa Building

Interior Plaza Types

Alcoa Building


Form Studies

Unfolded Building Elevation

Final Model

Unfolded Elevation

30 ft 10 ft

Plaza Plan

100 ft 60 ft

Final Model

professional re s ea rch an d exhib ition s

+ d e si g n an d co nst ru c tion

dust to dust


year : 2018-2019 personal role in exhibition: Team leader for Evolution Engineering . Illustration and Graphics production Project Leader: Giancarlo Mangone, PhD, M. Arch. Principal, Symbiosis : Sustainable Design + Consulting; Master Urban Planner, BuroHappold Engineering Project Members: Rob Cooke, PhD, CEng MEI PQP, Associate Director of Sustainability Group for BuroHappold Engineering Michael Maks Davis, MEng, Mphil, Director & CEO, Evolution Engineering, Design and Energy Systems Ltd. Janina Sanchez, M. Arch., Consultant, Evolution Engineering, Design and Energy Systems Ltd. Andrea Cristina Cordova, Intern Architect, Evolution Engineering, Design and Energy Systems Ltd.

Making Big Change in Small Steps to Enable Participation in Sustainable Urban Life

In Concepciรณn, informal urban sprawl and current farming practices are primary drivers for ecological degradation. Reverting these practices requires transforming local socio-economic issues into opportunities. Effective solutions include compacting the built environment, facilitating cooperative food production, and introducing landefficient polyculture and agricultural techniques. The key is to finance and enable these changes to informal urban settlement in an inclusive and ecologically responsible manner. Successful ecological and urban densification demand an innovative and comprehensive, socially vibrant, design approach. Only then could dense cities become more desirable and affordable than sprawling development. Where current sustainable design practice falls short, our plans for Concepciรณn show an ecologically oriented urban design that integrates socio-technological and economic infrastructure. This can generate sustainable urban communities through participation and community ownership. Our approach results in restoring and maintaining soil health over substantial areas, generating circular local food supplies, and developing more affordable, attractive, and resilient urban life.

Master Plan

or pply F ater Su W y il a D people

or pply F ater Su W y il a D people



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Potable e Storag

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f ces e t Surfa Habita e/Work spac Loung

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Vertical Circulation

e Terrac Public

ab Afford


le Hou

Hub + Transit ffice O Retail/

able Afford

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water Stormge Stora

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ation Air Filtr ction lle o C t e H ea k Spac e/Wor g n u o L Food



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Natu ral H Muse istory um




Woo factu d ring


Eco To u


Wood B

uildin g R+D


H y p erlo


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lture Agricu


d Wetlan

oR bi

tion Recrea

Water on Filtrati

Water e Storag

Water e Storag Work



Welln ess Cen



ter able Fores inabl t Farm ing e For estry Distr ic t


rk kly Ma e e W x 2

water Storm

Fores t

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Forest Forest Edible n Garde

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Forest g Bathin



es p y T e iom B d r a lev u o B l a ic Ecolog


und Playgro



lture Agricu Garden


g immin


tion Recrea

r ive

Ecological Boulevard Diagram

Final Exhibition at the Sainsburry Centre-Norwich UK on Novemver 2018

Timeline of Proposed Interventions

Soil Types

Ecological Boulevard

yaku : planeta agua


year : 2018-2019 personal role in exhibition: team leader and illustration and graphics production

The “Yaku: Planeta Agua� open call for exhibition proposals gave our team the opportunity to present the conceptual, spatial and material framework for an exhibition that explores water at its different scales in our society. The Evolution Ecoengine team won the competition, and worked with the city water museum Yaku in the city of Quito to develop the exhibition. Based on the winning proposal our team developed the Museological-Museographic script. The resulting exhibition aimed to expose the importance of water at different scales in the daily life of any living being, also to conceptualize that we must have a relationship with water as a being. It begins with the World as the largest introductory scale and ends with the Person as the smallest closing scale. The rooms designated for the exhibition were iconic water reservoir vaults, which originally served as the main water supply for the city of Quito before the creation of the museum in the year 2005. These vaults despite being independent spaces are designed to be a connected narrative of transition between scales of water. The act of zooming in throughout the 6 vaults, the exhibition demonstrates the influence of water in different frames and its consumption in different activities which could be a waste or a function of its own environment. With a total of 6 scales distributed in each vault of the museum, the proposal was audiovisual and interactive techniques that appeal to all types of audiences, but mainly children. The idea was for audiences to experiment in a range of sensorial activities how water travels from its natural origin to human use. This was to lead to a higher awareness of water and hence a better coexistence. The exhibition was executed by the museum team and private contractors, opening its doors to the public on August 2019. Person Vault- where visitors experiments how the human body and water are interlinked

1 mundo | xl Tenue-puntos de luz en actividades

Lluvia, viento, corrientes

2 ciudad | l Rayos de luz entre nubes

Lluvia, agua fluyendo/ autos, ruido

3 naturaleza | m Puntual en diversos puntos.

ancestrales, bosques, animales y agua.

4 ediďŹ cio | s Puntual en Maquetas y Podio






Bombas de agua, agua en tuberias, fluxometro, lavabos

6 5 casa | xs Tenue-puntos de luz en actividades

Fregaderos, duchas, lavadoras

6 persona | xxs Diagram of Original Exhibition Proposal with key sounds and lighting strategies of each vault

Atravez del techo de contenedores plĂĄsticos

Lluvia, viento, corrientes

neighborhood vault where visitors play with component blocks that create sustainable neighborhoods and communities

Mundo XL

Plan of original exhibition proposal and vault design

Ciudad L

Naturaleza M

EdiďŹ cio S

Casa XS

Persona XXS

city + country side vault where visitors experience the differences of water access in the urban and rural context

world vault where visitors interact with the water cycle and learn about water at the global scale



year : 2019 personal role in projec : illustration and marketing head

Terrafertil is located in the heart of the financial center in Quito, Ecuador. These unique offices are composed of a mix of open and closed spaces. This careful composition makes the project more than an office, instead it becomes a place of experimentation, innovation and discovery. The architectural concept, like that of the brand, is to promote nature’s rich and diverse elements through the office’s spatial components. The strategy was to take inspiration from the organic growth which one finds in nature. Such as, the way that trees and their fruits integrate themselves organically through their settings; the harmonious dynamism of blooming and ripening. Hence, a system of draping wood forms were created to mimic nature’s growth and textures. They are the primary structure that is used to organize and distribute the spatial sequencing. By using the wood paneling on the walls and ceiling for the meeting rooms and lobby/waiting areas the designers introduce a hierarchy to the different areas of the office space. Through this hierarchy, the various qualities of nature are emphasized. Additionally, the triangulated wood forms both aim to reduce the sound reverberation in the meeting rooms while also giving a sense of comfort and privacy where needed. The office has an open space full with workstations and a row of smaller enclosed spaces for phone calls and small group meetings. The office’s builtin furniture includes planters woven into the desks and in the lobby seating area. The use of renewable wood veneer was chosen as the primary material for its rich and diverse characteristics and to accentuate the formal interior elements. Complementing the architecture, the interior decor incorporates the playfulness of natural textures. Custom textiles, furniture and art pieces create a unique and invigorating work space energized with colors and textures.

Paneling Strategy for Space Hierarchy

conference room through the hierarchy of spaces created by the wood paneling strategy, the conference room became a central part of the offices

Space Typologies



year : 2019 personal role in projec : architectural design and illustration team member

At the office of Leppanen + Anker arquitectura the team worked on a high rise proposal for the business center of the city. In which the main driving component was introducing pocket parks throughout the building driving the common amenities to different “pockets” in the building. These spaces are to serve not only as common spaces , but as hubs for rain water recollection, urban agriculture , and air purifiers for the building and the surrounding city. Inspired by the iconic park close to the buildin’s site, the moscú proposal wants to bring the park into the building.

Concepto arquitectรณnico


Concept Diagram

Wate Manegement

During Construction Agreements with environmental managers for construction waste management Separation of waste for recycling and / or proper disposal on site During Building Use Separation of waste by residents and clearly marked containers for this purpose Agreements with environmental managers for their disposal of different types of waste

Water Manegement

Rainwater reuse and collection by gardens and parks for building consumption Reuse of gray water for irrigation of gardens and parks Sewage treatment for disposal to the sewer

Energy EfďŹ ciency LED lighting installation Motion sensors in circulation areas Installation of smart meters to have energy consumption in communal areas Home automation systems with intelligent electrical system control Solar panels and wind turbines for renewable energy production

Vegetation Filters


Re use of rain water throughout entire building

Water Treatment

CO2 Reduction

Pocket Park


Tiny Forest

Renewable Energy

Vegetation Pocket Parks Tiny Forests

Local Materials Renewable Materials Recycled Materials or with a signiďŹ cant porcentage of recycled material Low Emission Materials Built in furniture produced without toxic materials

Maximize green areas which promote the ecology of the city Air cleaning agents that reduce CO2 levels Use plants and trees that absorb more CO2 Propose strategies for a CO2 neutral building

Tipología de parques verticales [Pocket park]

1 855 m2 de parques verticales

Outdoor concert

Outdoor Theater Dog Park

Bar - Restaurant Playground

Farmer’s Market Public Plaza Pocket Park Typology

c o n t a c t jan i n a san ch ez c ard en as ja n in a s a n ch ezca rden a s @gma il.com + 593 98 8 96478 0 / + 47 905 99 335 ja n in a -s a n ch ez- ca rden a s

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