Professional + Academic Portfolio - Janina Sanchez

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ja nina lissette s a n ch ez

portfolio a ca demic + pro fessio na l

content academic linking boundaries in alna - autumn 2020 - The Oslo School of Architecture and Design nested domes - autumn 2014- University of Illinois at Chicago

professional competitions

the ultimate stabbur - independent collaboration pliant city- independent collaboration

architecture design and construction

terrafertil - Leppanen Anker Arquitectura moscu building- Leppanen Anker Arquitectura


linking boundaries in alna


semester : Autumm 2020 academic program : Master of Landacape Architecture -The Oslo School of Architecture and Design instructors : Karin Helms and Hannes Zander

The neighborhoods of Haugerud and Trosterud are at the edge of the urban fabric of the city of Oslo. They are demarcated by dominant edges, the Alna river, the Oslo rift and the forest Øst Marka. This old farm land now houses a generic and functionalist suburb with extensive asphalt surfaces and green deserts. Nonetheless the edge layers found in the area possess great potential which is absent from the current landscape found on the site. The design proposal aims at canalizing the potentials found in the site to construct a landscape that fosters connectivity and identity. The site of Trosterud is chosen as the main focus of intervention given it’s layers of challenges that are utilized as potentials in the design strategy. The site has large extensions of underutilized parking spaces and service underpasses that cause severe flooding at the T-bane station with high rain. These underused spaces hence have insecurity problems. Nonetheless the site has a privileged elevation which frames views of the hills and markas surrounding the city. The proposal focuses on 3 main edges, the belvedere rock, the rain garden and the production history edge. The belvedere rock edge opens up the asphalt to shine a light on the unique geology of the site and open up the views to the city. The rain garden aims at storm water retention and the creation of a wetland ecosystem to improve the now green dessert found in between the two rows of buildings. Finally, the last edge focuses on the farming history of the site and the demand for allotment gardens. The proposal uses landscape as a tool for identity and connection but also as a response to storm water flooring and soil suffocation.



B B’

A-A’ Section

Main Site Entities

River and Rift

Suffocating + Unpermeable Parking+ Stormwater Flooding

Forest Archipelago and Historical Forest Edge

Water Collection due to Topography


Solar Analysis Equinox Mar21-12h00







B-B’ Section Proposed Water Retention System



B B’





nested domes


semester : Fall 2014 academic program : Master of Architecture - University of Illinois at Chicago instructor : Lluis Ortega

The project explores historic disciplinary material to extract operative diagrams of the creation of voids; then design the protocols for the assemblage of second-order systems, and then the experiment of carving the existing Merchandise Mart in order to introduce new notions of urban interiority. The notion of urban interior will be approached as an alternative to collage cities and the accumulation of programs by designing voids that exhaust the differentiation of specific categories laid out by the proposed diagrams. The Victorian Animal is taken as the diagram to combine two different systems. The operations of dome proliferation developed parametrically, but implemented manually, are combined with one another to stablish a strategy for the growth of the dome field applied to the existing structure of the Merchandise Mart. The 18th Century library is studied as the program to drive the system. The Merchandise Mart is taken as a shell. The Dome proliferation produces nested interior urban spaces than then produce floor plates from their intersections The main domes are generated from the existing corridors and entrances of the Merchandise Mart. The proliferation of these geometries study the interior nesting conditions generated by the system.

Dome Immergence


Prescedent Study: Library Nesticity Columbia University Library

Harvard University Library

New York City Public Library

Boston Public Library

Student Name:

Janina Sanchez

Assignment 3:

Program Studies

UIC Arch 565 14: INTERIOR BEASTIARY Student Name:

Janina Sanchez

Assignment 3:

Program Studies

Dome Immergence


Prescedent Study: Library Nesticity

Student Name:

Janina Sanchez

Assignment 3:

Program Studies

Dome Immergence

Prescedent Study: Bath Nesticity

Dome Immergence

Prescedent Study: Bath Nesticity

UIC Arch 565 14: INTERIOR BEASTIARY Student Name:

Janina Sanchez

Assignment 3:

Program Studies

Dome Immergence

Prescedent Study: Library Nesticity

Columbia University Library

Columbia University Library

Harvard University Library

New York City Public Library

Prescedent studies of library layouts . Form studies created from the script based on these layouts

Boston Public Library

Harvard University Library

New York City Public Library

Boston Public Library



a Sanchez

Student Name:

Janina Sanchez

n of the Victorian Beast

Assignment 2:

Design of the Victorian Beast

Nested Domes

Plane + Catmull Clark

Plane Subdivision

Plane Subdivision 2x1




Dome Subdivision Density







Student Name:

Janina Sanchez

of the Victorian Beast

Assignment 2:

Design of the Victorian Beast


Nested Domes

Plane + Catmull Clark

Plane Subdivision

Plane Subdivision 2x1



Dome Subdivision Density




Form Studies


Merchandise Mart’s existing ground floor plan as the starting point library design











Final Model

ground floor

second floor

seventh floor

ninth floor

fouthteen floor

roof terrace


Final Model


the ultimate stabuur


year : 2020 personal role in exhibition: team leader and illustration and graphics production work in collaboration with Arq Kevin Aragón

The norwegian landscape is characterized by long stretches of fjords, lakes and rocky mountains covered by extensive forests. This nordic country, once inhabited by the vikings, has traditionally built and used log constructions for shelter and refuge. The traditional stabbur is an iconic symbol of the landscape and culture of the Norwegian countryside. Originally built for food storage, today the various stabburs found in norwegian homes serve a variety of purposes. The stabbur is characterized by 3 main elements, its elevated base supported by pilotees, the first level that was meant for storage , and the top one that was inhabited. Inspired by this charming staple of the norwegian scenery, the idea of the ultimate stabbur emerged. The cabin was designed as a dichotomy of identities. On one side we have the traditional stabbur. While the other the other seeks to scale the dimensions; facilitating an open space which will serve more than merely an airbnb. Instead it will become a hub for community gatherings and visitor experimentation. The ground floor is sunken into the ground and opens up to the exterior, so it can dynamically adapt to serve a variety of purposes throughout the shifting seasons. They can become the foundations of an exhibit, a fish market, or a stage; all according to the developing needs of both the visitors and the local community. This way the ultimate stabbur will facilitate an organic symbiosis between the guests and the locals.

Interior-Private Space

Use of ground floor for community events

Norwegian Stabbur

Simplified Volume

Proposal Public Side

Volume Development

Volume Unification

Proposal Private Side

Opening Volume

pliant city


year : 2020 personal role in project: team leader , illustration and graphics production work in collaboration with Arq Kevin Aragón and Arq. Belen Acurio

The proposal for adaptability is founded in the volatility of our setting. Hence to think of resiliency, one must design to adapt. To achieve this, replicable modules are used to create flexible living quarters.These are independent both in construction and as structure, and can be inserted into existing buildings to create inclusive communities. This module is built to enable and proliferate networks of green houses and vegetation throughout the city. Moveable panels and built-ins in the living quarters adapt to existing apartments and homes, they allow for interior flexibility during domestic periods.Through the collection of data in a city app the modules and city adapt to change. Publically, the City of Mutuality is designed for change and adaptation, and thus urban furniture is flexible and allows for the orchestration of bike lanes and streets through rails, according to communal and pedestrian needs. Our modern world is undeniably an unprecedented time. Yet, with unprecedented times come unprecedented opportunities. The challenges we face are catalysts for change; changes which urges the urban setting to adapt and revamp. The Pliant City, is not merely an urban environment, but a proposal for a set of strategies that embody the idea of a flexible, adaptable and resilient city.

Detail of Module and Building Intersection

Interior of Residential Module

Volume Development



year : 2019 personal role in projec : illustration and marketing head

Terrafertil is located in the heart of the financial center in Quito, Ecuador. These unique offices are composed of a mix of open and closed spaces. This careful composition makes the project more than an office, instead it becomes a place of experimentation, innovation and discovery. The architectural concept, like that of the brand, is to promote nature’s rich and diverse elements through the office’s spatial components. The strategy was to take inspiration from the organic growth which one finds in nature. Such as, the way that trees and their fruits integrate themselves organically through their settings; the harmonious dynamism of blooming and ripening. Hence, a system of draping wood forms were created to mimic nature’s growth and textures. They are the primary structure that is used to organize and distribute the spatial sequencing. By using the wood paneling on the walls and ceiling for the meeting rooms and lobby/waiting areas the designers introduce a hierarchy to the different areas of the office space. Through this hierarchy, the various qualities of nature are emphasized. Additionally, the triangulated wood forms both aim to reduce the sound reverberation in the meeting rooms while also giving a sense of comfort and privacy where needed. The office has an open space full with workstations and a row of smaller enclosed spaces for phone calls and small group meetings. The office’s builtin furniture includes planters woven into the desks and in the lobby seating area. The use of renewable wood veneer was chosen as the primary material for its rich and diverse characteristics and to accentuate the formal interior elements. Complementing the architecture, the interior decor incorporates the playfulness of natural textures. Custom textiles, furniture and art pieces create a unique and invigorating work space energized with colors and textures.








Paneling Strategy for Space Hierarchy

conference room through the hierarchy of spaces created by the wood paneling strategy, the conference room became a central part of the offices

Space Typologies









year : 2019 personal role in projec : architectural design and illustration team member

At the office of Leppanen + Anker arquitectura the team worked on a high rise proposal for the business center of the city. In which the main driving component was introducing pocket parks throughout the building driving the common amenities to different “pockets” in the building. These spaces are to serve not only as common spaces , but as hubs for rain water recollection, urban agriculture , and air purifiers for the building and the surrounding city. Inspired by the iconic park close to the buildin’s site, the moscú proposal wants to bring the park into the building.

Concepto arquitectónico


Concept Diagram

Wate Manegement

During Construction Agreements with environmental managers for construction waste management Separation of waste for recycling and / or proper disposal on site During Building Use Separation of waste by residents and clearly marked containers for this purpose Agreements with environmental managers for their disposal of different types of waste

Water Manegement

Rainwater reuse and collection by gardens and parks for building consumption Reuse of gray water for irrigation of gardens and parks Sewage treatment for disposal to the sewer

Energy Efficiency LED lighting installation Motion sensors in circulation areas Installation of smart meters to have energy consumption in communal areas Home automation systems with intelligent electrical system control Solar panels and wind turbines for renewable energy production

Vegetation Filters


Re use of rain water throughout entire building

Water Treatment

CO2 Reduction

Pocket Park


Tiny Forest

Renewable Energy

Vegetation Pocket Parks Tiny Forests

Local Materials Renewable Materials Recycled Materials or with a significant porcentage of recycled material Low Emission Materials Built in furniture produced without toxic materials

Maximize green areas which promote the ecology of the city Air cleaning agents that reduce CO2 levels Use plants and trees that absorb more CO2 Propose strategies for a CO2 neutral building

Tipología de parques verticales [Pocket park]

1 855 m2 de parques verticales

Outdoor concert

Outdoor Theater Dog Park

Bar - Restaurant Playground

Farmer’s Market Public Plaza Pocket Park Typology

c o n t a c t jan i n a san ch ez c ard en as ja n in a s a n ch ezca rden a s @gma + 47 4 08 9 268 1 ja n in a -s a n ch ez- ca rden a s

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