BiKBBI Brochure 2018

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12th Edition

12th Edition

With over 5,500 installation businesses registered nationally, The British Institute of Kitchen, Bedroom & Bathroom Installation, or BiKBBI as we’re better known, represents the largest network of independently accredited KBB installation specialists in Great Britain. Working with our members, strategic partners and the wider KBB industry, the mission of The Institute is to enhance member success and excellence, promote professionalism and ethical business practices to benefit all key stakeholders, including consumers. We provide leadership and direction to the KBB industry on installation matters in the United Kingdom.

Contents 1





Core Pillars


For Installers


For Retailers




Charity & Community

Introduction / 1


Chief Executive Celebrating our tenth anniversary at The Houses of Parliament in 2016, the Institute is growing from strength-to-strength with an expanding network of installer members, local, regional and national retailers and strategic partners. Our industry reach has increased following significant investment of our communication strategy, now regularly engaging thousands via updates, newsletters, our digital magazine and social media channels. Strategic partnerships with highprofile organisations, including The Furniture Ombudsman (TFO), The Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSi) and Which? is promoting The Institute to consumers, showcasing the professional standards and values of our installer members, retail and corporate partners. Focus over the next three years is to address the evident skills gap that has become a very real challenge to our industry. We are witnessing the effects of a reducing pool of professional, qualified and available installers, which is unlikely to improve without a collaborative intervention from key stakeholders.

Our strategy is to address this challenge via three channels: The development of Apprenticeships for industry newcomers, the delivery of relevant CPD to time served professionals and the creation of retraining opportunities for those skilled in other industries. We are committed to working with key stakeholders to deliver positive change, promoting professional standards, representing the industry at the highest level and delivering a robust, reliable and recommendable service to consumers. Join us on our journey.

We are The British Institute of Kitchen, Bedroom & Bathroom Installation, the government sanctioned, industry supported and not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the KBB installation sector. Launched in 2006, The Institute represents the largest network of independent KBB installation specialists in the United Kingdom, plus an impressive portfolio of Great British and international retail & manufacturing brands.

Introduction / 2

Damian Walters Chief Executive

People / The Board / 3


The Board

Damian Walters Chief Executive

Stephen Metcalfe MP Patron

John Peerless Non-Executive

Vince Linnane Non-Executive

Founder of the BiKBBI

Member of Parliament for

Former Chairman of The

Vince is a high-profile

concept in 2005, Damian has

Basildon & Thurrock, Chair

Trading Standards Institute

consumer insurance specialist

worked tirelessly to develop

of the Science & Technology

and a current Trading

based in the City of London.

the organisation since its

Committee and Vice-

Standards Practitioner,

His specialist area is within

launch. An experienced retail

President of The House

John Peerless is a consumer

the construction industry,

installation specialist, Damian

of Commons Debating

champion with over 40 years’

underwriting consumer risk

has worked with a number

Committee, Stephen Metcalfe

experience operating at the

for over 25 years. With

of blue chip KBB brands,

MP is a proactive politician

highest level. Non-Executive

a por tfolio of blue chip

both in the UK and overseas,

and a loyal suppor ter of The

Director at The Furniture

retailers and respected

suppor ting the development

Institute. Stephen hosted

Ombudsman, John works

trade associations, his career

of their respective B2C

our Parliamentary event in

tirelessly protecting consumer

has been devoted to the

installation propositions.

2016 and is a governor at

rights and is suppor ting

improvement of financial

our Centre of Excellence

the development of KBB

protection for consumers.

at Prospects College of

installation Apprenticeships.

Advanced Technology in the South East.

People / The Operational Team / 4

Operational Team

Christine Masson Compliance

Claire Walters Operations

Lynsey Easom Accreditation

Natasha Prajapati Co-ordination

Angela Smith Brand Ambassador


Geoffrey Jackson Chief Inspector

Nicole Mercer Communications

Core Pillars / 5

Core Pillars The heart of what we stand for Our Core Pillars are at the very heart of what The Institute stands for and are fundamental to the future success of the organisation. Working with our members, strategic partners and the wider KBB industry, the mission of The Institute is to enhance member success and excellence, promote professionalism and ethical business practices. We provide leadership and direction to the kitchen, bedroom and bathroom industry on installation matters in the UK.

Core Pillars / 6

Education & Development

Standards & Inspection

Apprenticeships for industry newcomers, CPD for time served professionals and retraining opportunities for those joining our sector from other specialist trades.

Defining specific KBB installation standards and providing a professional and independent inspection service to support Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Support & Mediation Supporting members to meet their commercial and professional aspiration and consumers with practical advice, guidance and an informed choice.

Core Pillars / Education & Development / 8

Core Pillars Education & Development Our three tiered education strategy:

Apprenticeships We are working with a number of strategic par tners to deliver a nationally available apprenticeship for both commercial and domestic kitchen, bedroom and bathroom installation, in line with the new government approved Trailblazer



s hip

C on De tin ve l

ional ofess l Pr PD ua ment (C ) op

nti c

standards. Both apprenticeships are developed as a Level 2, with work in parallel on Level 3 already underway. Working closely with Prospects College of Advanced Technology (PROCAT), The Institute has launched its first Centre of Excellence from PROCAT’s South Essex campus on the outskir ts of London. This Centre is the first of a national network of BiKBBI endorsed training establishments

R e t r a i n i ng

rolling out over the next 5 years.

Continual Professional Development (CPD) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the term used to describe the learning activities professionals engage in to develop and enhance their abilities. It enables learning to become conscious and proactive, rather than passive and reactive. CPD combines different methodologies to learning, such as training workshops, conferences and events, e-learning programs, best practice techniques and ideas sharing, all focused for an individual to improve and have effective professional development.

The Institute provides CPD via its innovative online por tal, linking industry professionals to relevant development oppor tunities. We work closely with The Char tered Trading Standards Institute (CTSi) and other key organisations to deliver training to specialist KBB installers.

Retraining The Institute is working with a number of organisations, including military charities, to provide retraining oppor tunities for those skilled tradespeople looking to enter our industry. Our military work includes the provision of civilian qualifications for ex-service men and women, especially those who gained trades whilst serving in the armed forces.

Core Pillars / Suppor t & Mediation / 9

Core Pillars Support & Mediation The Institute supports its key stakeholders in a number of ways. Whether it’s helping members develop their business by

The provision of independent suppor t can help resolve

reducing commercial costs, providing advice or simply

disputes without the need for complex and costly

connecting them with new business oppor tunities, we

legal intervention and independent mediation often

understand that their success is our success.

provides third par ty clarity when disputes arise.

We suppor t our installation Standards Par tners via a number

From a wider perspective, The Institute is here to suppor t

of channels, including mediation, dispute resolution, on-

the industry better connect with front line installers

site auditing and installer recruitment & retention.

– bridging the gap and providing a clear pathway for development of products, services and relationships.

Core Pillars / Standards & Inspection / 10

Core Pillars Standards & Inspection In essence, a standard is an agreed way of doing something. Incredibly, whilst various ‘in-house’ guidelines exist, prior to the


BiKBBI there were no independent standards to benchmark success

The Institute provides a national inspection service available

specifically within the KBB industry. Standards are the distilled

to members, par tners and the wider KBB industry.

wisdom of people with exper tise in their subject matter and who understand the needs of the businesses they represent.

We work with a number of consumer organisations in the provision

As the only institute representing the KBB installation

technical exper tise to assist key par ties to reach amicable conclusions.

industry, The Institute publish standards, guidelines and

Our network of inspectors hold a wide range of specialist

professional codes of conduct for our members.

exper tise to include fabrication, gas and electrical qualification.

Standards are knowledge. They are powerful tools that can help drive innovation and increase productivity. They can make businesses more successful and people’s everyday lives easier, safer and healthier.

of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) – providing independent

For Installers / 12

For Installers

Why become a member?

Here’s a few reasons why you should consider joining the UK’s largest independent network of kitchen, bedroom and bathroom installation specialists:  Professional Status

i News & Technical

Receive formal professional membership with an ID card and cer tificate.

Daily, weekly & monthly news, our members’ site & technical developments.

Installer membership is available to:

w Connect with new customers

~ Income Protection

Be listed on our ‘Find A Member’ tool and connect with our retail members.

Feel secure with the financial protection we offer for your business & customers.

• Apprentices

g Commercial Cost Savers

 Debt Recovery Support

Access to a wide range of discounted products and services for your business.

Receive professional suppor t when recovering what you are owed.

 Van Stickers

 Networking

Use our van stickers to inform the world of your professional member status.

Connect with fellow members and those within the industry at events and online.

 Legal Guidance Be sufficiently informed of your legal obligations and understand your rights.

• Contract installers • Domestic installers Membership is subject to entry criteria, terms & conditions and our member code of conduct. See our website: for details,

Plus even more reasons to join us… R Training & Development

R Members Website

Apprenticeships for school leavers,

Access to our members website – the hub

CPD for time served professionals and

of all membership information and benefits.

retraining for industry newcomers.

R Events & Awards R Professional Representation

Relevant local, regional and national

Representing our members at government

events and recognition for excellence.

level, ensuring installers are heard.

• Appliance Engineers

or call our team on: 01268 412 457 Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm.

For Retailers / 14

For Retailers

Retailer Benefits

Aside from an opportunity to support the industry improve standards and reputation, a win-win situation for the entire industry as consumer perception improves, there are a number of great benefits available, not only to our retail partners, but also to their customers and installers alike. & Recognition for suppor ting positive change within our industry;

 Suppor t & guidance on installation procedures, policies & legislation;

w Suppor t with installer recruitment, retention & pricing;

 Suppor t with installations due diligence, document management and compliance.

 Exper t guidance on dispute resolution

 Sales team confidence in

with optional onsite suppor t available;

your installation service;

 Use of the BiKBBI Installation Standards Par tner logo;

Installer Benefits  ID card & cer tificate to demonstrate accreditation;

 24/7 access to our members only website;

U Information, advice and guidance on a variety of business topics;

 Technical updates on products, practices & legislation;

 Commercial cost savers and access to training & development oppor tunities.

v Regular communication on hot topics & impor tant information;

 Networking oppor tunities; Customer Benefits  Peace of mind via independent accreditation of installers;

| Access to free and impar tial advice on installation related matters;

 Access to the BiKBBI Dispute Resolution Service, including inspection and repor ting.

The iSP initiative is available to: • Independent retailers • National retailers • Online retailers Partnership is subject to entry criteria, terms & conditions and our member code of conduct. See our website: for details, or call our team on: 01268 412 457 Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm.

Corporate Membership / 16

Corporate opportunities

Calling all suppliers, distributors and manufacturers! Join a number of high profile brands, connect with thousands of installers and support positive change within the KBB industry. Installation is everyone’s business, especially for those providing product or services into the kitchen, bedroom and bathroom industry. Corporate membership enables holders to connect with installers, wield influence on buying, training and development, helping us to create a strong workforce for the future.

Benefits of Corporate Membership • Recognition for supporting positive change • Use of the BiKBBI Corporate Logo • Links to professional installers nationally • Listing within the BiKBBI directory • Advertising within the BiKBBI Installer Magazine • Social media interaction • Access to networking events • Invitation to the networking dinner

Charity & Community / 18

Charity & Community Supporting great causes

The British Institute of Kitchen, Bedroom & Bathroom Installation proudly supports a number of charitable and community initiatives, locally and nationally. Our main charitable par tner is The

Our community par tner is Thurrock Rugby

Furniture Makers Company, the

Football Club, a local youth organisation

furnishing industry’s charity.

founded in 1928, located in our hometown

The Worshipful Company is incorporated by Royal Char ter and focuses on education, excellence and suppor t within the industry. The Institute works closely with The Company, par ticularly on the subject of education. The collaboration is working on the development of Apprenticeships for industry newcomers as well as providing access to welfare suppor t

in South Essex. The club have over 200 children registered, who represent a wide range of social backgrounds, providing spor ting focus to the local community in a safe, fun and professional environment. The association plays par t of The Institutes wider initiative of engaging local schools, students and families, promoting education oppor tunities within the KBB industry.

for members in times of hardship. In 2017, Institute Chief Executive Damian Walters (pictured left) climbed Mount Everest, raising over ÂŁ35,000 for The Company and their wor thy initiatives. .

For more information about The Furniture

For more information about Thurrock

Makers Company, visit their website

RFC, visit their website or call 020 7256 5558

The British Institute of Kitchen, Bedroom & Bathroom Installation Limited Riverside Business Centre, Fort Road, Essex RM18 7ND Telephone: 01268 412 457

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