Upcoming Art Exhibition
I am honored to announce that the Jasper Community Arts Center in Jasper, Indiana will be exhibiting the artworks of Sculptor Brandon Smith and Mixed-media Artist Jan Kirstein Rigor from February 1 to April 21, 2024. The exhibit will be held in the Thyen-Clark Cultural Center Exhibit Space as seen here.

The works on exhibit will be predominantly abstract and involve Mixed-media. The works will demonstrate inquiries and experimentation with materials and colors. I will be exhibiting works never shown before in a public space which are all pieces I have painted in the last three years.

Brandon Smith, will be exhibiting a variety of free-standing sculptures using a variety of materials. A Sculptor from Southern Illinois, he is a Coal Miner as well as Sculptor and uses metal and wood in most of his designs. He says his inspiration comes from believing just the proces of creating something unique is what drives him the most.

To find out more about his sculptures, check out his artist website HERE.
I will be exhibiting a large abstract variety of mixed-media collages exploring states of mind and feelings responding to the ever-changing world around us.
I am re-activating my Patreon Page. I will be seeking funding to transport 5 large paintings and 30 smaller paintings. I am additionally planning to print 5-10 of my mixed-media digital pieces for the exhibition as well. You are invited to see more about the pieces I hope to exhibit on my Patreon Page HERE .
If you want to see more work by Jan Kirstein Rigor, be sure to hop on over to my website HERE.
2 thoughts on “Upcoming Art Exhibition”

ANONYMOUS October 1, 2023 at 7:23 pm
Brandon Smith art is amazing We will be sure to be there!
Frank and Sandy Barbre, Carmi Illinois
Liked by you

JANISKIRSTEIN October 2, 2023 at 1:57 pm
So happy to hear this. Looking forward to meeting you both!