“She was becoming herself and daily casting aside that fictitious self which we assume like a garment with which to appear before the world.� -Kate Chopin, The Awakening
She awoke every morning with an ache in her stomach. Nothing ever felt right. Her heart and mind did not belong in the world that she was born into. They aligned with the traditions of an earlier time.
With each passing day she grew more sorrowful.
She knew that she needed to escape. One day something inside her told her that this was the moment. She ascended up the staircase and into the light.
She twisted and turned in the blank expansion until suddenly, she landed in the woods.
Upon her arrival she found a guide waiting to show her through this mysterious land that she had tumbled into.
Everyday they went on adventures and everyday she learned something new about herself. The longer she stayed in this world, the more that she was swept up into its beauty.
After getting lost in the demeanor of this world for weeks and weeks, a day finally came when she want to step even further into it. If that happened she would become lost forever. Her guide stopped her. He helped her realize that she needed to take the women that she had become and go back into her own world in her own time. She landed and came back down bathed in light on that same staircase.
After the journey, she was able to bridge the women that she was in her mind and the women that she was in reality. She had awoken.
Presented by: Abi Lierheimer, Nohe Befekadu, Amanda Liffers, Janis Shane, and Tian Shi Photography: Matt Slade | Model: Becky Dionne | Model:Tyler Montana Anderson | Makeup: Lo Pitcairn | Hair: Ashley Romasko