Ruby July Newsletter

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Table of Contents


DCM Recap 2

Orca,Officer & Club of the month


School Updates 4

Need service events? 5 District Projects


Co-sponsors 7

Divisional Leadership apps 8

Social Media 9


DCM Recap The July Divisional Council Meeting was Epic. Everyone who came had a wonderful time! Our LTG informed us about important information and after we had a water balloon fight which by the way was amazing! After we had a service event which was cleaning the park and everyone received 3 hours of community service. Â Â

Recognition for the month of July Orca of the month

April Camacho

April has shown excellence and has been attending service events constantly. Great Job!

Officer of the month

Viviana Martinez

Viviana has shown productive skills and has done such a great job for the month of July.

Club of the month

Mira Monte High School

Our school soon to be chartered has shown productive skills. Always completing a task. All officers are AMAZING and they do such a great job!

SCHOOL UPDATES East Bakersfield High School East Bakersfield High school had a Yard Sale on August 7th for their member's dues and raised a total of $200.

Ridgeview High School Ridgeview High School will be having a Stine road clean up in August.

Mira Monte High School Mira Monte High School donated $700 to St. Jude Hospital. They will also, be having a health fair Carnival on October 13th.Â

Need Service Events?

These websites are helpful if you are in need of service events. You can go to Facebook events too!

District Projects Inroducing the Governor's Project Thirst Project is a non-profit organization whose aim is to bring safe drinking water to communities everywhere by raising awareness about the global water crisis. There are men, women, and children who walk an average of 3.75 miles each day carrying almost forty-four pounds of water to bring back to their family because they have no other way to retrieve this essential matter. The water isn’t even guaranteed to be clean, causing everyone who drinks it to risk exposure to disease. As servant leaders, we strive to help others in need. As a district, we can raise funds and awareness to help ensure that more people have access to a healthy water supply.

Minor Emphasis Pediatric Trauma program is to develop local service projects to educate people of children’s safety and to decrease the number of children who are severely injured or killed due to traumatic unintentional injuries. It is supported by the Kiwanis family and through various fundraisers like fall rally north and fall rally south. Not only does it go towards children it goes towards the training of peds doctors,nurses, and first responders. The donations that we give also, go towards pediatric equipment.

Major Emphasis Live2learn is an organization that promotes education and building literacy skills in children from ages of 5 to 9. This program not only creates endless possibilities to strengthen the common goal of service, but also allows each CNH KIWIN’S member to develop into well-rounded individual community leader and lifelong advocate for children’s education.

Divisional Committee Applications Divisional Leadership apps will be released mid-August Anyone is welcome to sign up for a position

There will be: a.Executive Assistant (assist the Lieutenant Governor b.Fundraising Committee (Creates fundraisers for all clubs whenever in need for help. c.Spirit Team (helping you create cheers for your clubs. Any kind of cheer) d.Service Event Planners ( helping you find or plan any service events or creating service projects if you run out of ideas e.DCON Planners (helping you create a payment plan for DCON, transportation, and costume ideas! f.Tech Committee (Creates videos for both clubs or divisional service)

Divisional Social Media Kiwins Ruby Division

@kiwinsruby @kiwinsruby

Go to the CNH KIWIN'S website to learn more about KIWIN'S!

Jannette Delacruz 2018-2019 Ruby Lieutenant Governor (661)345-8177

Thanks for reading!Â

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