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“Titan was one of the first companies that put in place new product development on a very short cycle. This was largely because the company depended entirely on what kind of products sell at what time of the year. Since Titan was pitching watches as a very seasonal product, it had to have a design studio that managed creative processes on a very quick response time to markets. That is why it imbibed a studio very fast.a lot of companies still work with independent firms however Titan took a risk to invest in their own design studio”,

Michael Foley


Titan entered the market with two key differentiators: One, it brought in quartz watches, which it promotes aggressively, and two, it introduced the element of fashion changing with the season, which until then was missing in this segment. It also ushered in a completely new retail experience, brought out advertising with aspirational value and offered after sales service in a showroom environment. As mentioned before, the watch portfolio for Titan Company Limited consists of four brands: the flagship brand Titan (addressing the mid- and premium segments), Sonata (the budget segment), Fastrack (the youth segment) and Xylys(Titans top-end, Swiss-manufactured brand). This project was done under the flagship brand - Titan. Below are some of the key aspects that go into the philosophy of this brand:

1) Desirability quotient The watches have to be desirable enough to be picked from the store where hundreds of other watches from competitors are also displayed in their full glory.

2) Functionality The watch has a purpose to serve, thus: i) The fonts, typefaces that are used have to be legible ii) The form has to be ergonomic, the watch should hug the wrist well. iii) As a product, the watch must serve the purpose of time telling. 3) Authenticity In terms of design details, the services offered, materials sourced, finish rendered and non-toxic plating that is used.

4) Dynamism Watches have to be dynamic in character because time is always ticking away.

5) Expressiveness Titan doesn’t just design watches, they design watches that narrate a story. The concept of expression via product is essential.

Figure 75. Jansher 2018 User Photographs Figure 76. Jansher 2018 User Photographs

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