June 2013 Colorado Editor

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editor colorado

Inside: Stefaniak looks back on her time at CPA. PAGE 3

Official publication of the Colorado Press Association / / Vol. LXXXIV, No. 6

History in the making Last ditch effort to save chronicles of Colorado journalism proves fruitful By Elyse Stefaniak What began as a wish from Jane Harper’s deathbed is finally getting its chance to see daylight in a big way. The manuscripts prepared by the late secretary of the Colorado Press Association serve as quite possibly the only cumulative history of Colorado journalism and countyby-county chronicles, going back to 1850. For the past 18 years, her manuscripts have

been collecting dust in the basement of the CPA’s Denver office, but Colorado newspaper icon Bob Sweeney and his team of committed individuals have decided to change that. As Sweeney put it: “If we don’t do it, it’ll never be done. We are saving it from the fire in the last second.” The CPA has a rich and dynamic history that started in 1878 as a fraternity meeting at what is now Common Grounds coffee shop at 17th and Wazee in Denver. The original intent was to create an organization “to take trips and drink booze,” but they evolved into groups of publishing friends who looked out for each other. In 1980 Garret Ray, then the president of

CPA, volunteered to write his association’s history. After almost no time, this effort was halted when he took a job at CSU as a professor. The CPA then hired an independent author who soon lost interest in the project after suddenly moving to France. With a final product nowhere in sight, any chance of progress fell on the then-secretary of the CPA, Jane Harper, in 1982. Originally hesitant to balance a full-time job and this laborintensive side-project, Harper transcribed 1.5 million words into manuscripts until the end of her life. She dedicated most of her free HISTORY on Page 5

June 2013

NewsTrain arriving in the Springs this autumn NewsTrain 2013 will kick-off at 9 a.m. Friday, Sept. 27 at the Upper Lodge at the University of Colorado – Colorado Springs. This jam packed, two-day editorial training workshop is designed to attract reporters, editors, copy editors, photographers and other newsroom journalists looking to learn something new and improve upon current skills. Sessions will include planning and editing content, organizational development and management, innovations in digital media, videography, Freedom of Information and data collection and analysis among other topics. “Because APME is committed to providing training that is meaningful and relevant to the audience they are serving, input and direction provided by local editors and educators is the key driver of session content,” said CPA Executive Director, Samantha Johnston. “We formed a committee of editors representing NEWSTRAIN on Page 5

Catch the NewsTrain • When: Sept. 27 & 28 • Where: Colorado Springs, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs – Upper Lodge • Cost: $75 per person (includes breakfast, lunch and snacks for two days) • Lodging: A list of Colorado Springs hotels is available on the NewsTrain Website. • To register: apme.com/?page=ColoradoSprings The Colorado Press Association views the 2013 Legislative Session as a success, but preparations are already under way for next year.


A success, but more work awaits By Elyse Stefaniak

n 2013 Legislative recap, Page 6

The newspaper industry in Colorado fended off an attempt to reduce government transparency with regard to public legal notices and expanded access to distant public records, but still didn’t accomplish everything it wanted from the recently concluded session of the Colorado Legislature. The Colorado Press Association is able to look back on this session as an overall success, but with the close of each session comes the daunting task of preparing for the next. “Overall, I think anytime we can collaborate with government and business entities to find workable

solutions to issues that impact all of us, we’ve done something positive,” said CPA Executive Director, Samantha Johnston. “I’m especially proud of the work so many people did to ensure the passage of HB 1041, which makes access to government records less cumbersome and, in doing so, makes government more transparent.” Gov. John Hickenlooper signed HB 1041 into law earlier this year. Before the session, the bill concept was developed in a task force convened by CPA lobbyist Greg Romberg. The task force was made

up of government officials of differing views, nonprofits and the CPA. The bill requires that records custodians make records available to requesters without the requester picking up the records in person. The custodian is able to send the records to requesters via mail, email or fax, which expands the availability of these records to the public. CPA defeated attempts to post legal notice advertising and marijuana license applications on government websites rather than in newspapers by defeating House Bill 1064. This bill would have SESSION on page 6

SYNC2 has eyes toward future with mobile app By Elyse Stefaniak As the news industry moves toward digitization, SYNC2 Media is perfecting a new mobile platform utilizing user-friendly technology for an intuitive mobile experience. As an added value service free to current and active CPA newspaper members, this mobile application brings members up to speed technologically to better serve their audiences. The program is designed to pull information from a desktop URL and place it into an attractive mobile experience, in essence allowing newspapers without a mobile site to create one quickly and easily from a website. Audiences will no longer have to waste precious time when they will invariably become uninterested fiddling with the internet window on their smart phone. MOBILE on page 8


colorado editor

June 2013

guest editorial

colorado editor ISSN #162-0010 USPS # 0122-940 Vol. LXXXIV, Issue 6 JUNE 2013 Colorado Editor is the official publication of the Colorado Press Association and is published monthly at 1336 Glenarm Place. Denver, CO 80204-2115 p: 303-571-5117 f: 303-571-1803 coloradopressassociation.com

Subscription rate: $10 per year, $1 single copy Staff Samantha Johnston Executive Director Elyse Stefaniak Publisher Brian Clark Design Editor Board of Directors OFFICERS President Brenda Brandt The Holyoke Enterprise bbholent@chase3000.com Vice President Bryce Jacobson Craig Daily Press bjacobson@craigdailypress.com Treasurer Terri House The Pagosa Springs SUN terri@pagosasun.com Secretary Keith Cerny Alamosa Valley Courier krcemail@aol.com DIRECTORS Mark Drudge Cortez Journal mdrudge@cortezjournal.com Bart Smith The Greeley Tribune bsmith@greeleytribune.com Laurena Mayne Davis The Daily Sentinel laurena.davis@gjsentinel.com David McClain Sterling Journal-Advocate dmcclain@journal-advocate.com Paula Murphy Trinidad Times Independent paulamurphy@ratonrange.com Curtis Hubbard The Denver Post chubbard@denverpost.com Matt Lubich The Johnstown Breeze mlubich@johnstownbreeze.com Periodical postage paid at Denver, CO 80202. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Colorado Editor 1336 Glenarm Place Denver, CO 80204-2115

People who start a newspaper are gutsy and idiotic LYONS – Thinking back on when he was a private investigator who helped it all started, February, 2000, it seems parents find missing children. I suggested more like a blur of trying to manage that perhaps he should wear a long sleeved a series of calamities. It’s one thing to shirt when he met with the freaked out take over an existing newspaper and parents of missing children. quite another to start one from nothing. One late night I was staring at Snake’s I would like to tell you that starting a tattooed knives; the large blade at the newspaper takes great skill, talent, great top had tattooed drops coming off it. I business savvy and knowledge, but I was wondering if it was meant to portray had none of those things. However I’ve blood, when he wheeled around and asked susan never let that stop me from forging de castro me if the tattoos bothered me and said ahead. he would put his shirt on. “I’m good; no mccann In February 2000 the first issue of problem,” I said, walking away. Redstone Review came out. George It took three hours starting at 4 a.m. to redstone review Bush was just elected president and run 3,000 copies of the newspaper, which editor the economy was roaring along full would take a normal printer 20 minutes. steam. Technology was just beginning This should have been a clue. to transform the country. Computers The next month I arrived at the printwere getting smaller and cell phones were few and ers at 3:45 a.m. My newspaper was on the presses far between. and rolling, but less than ten minutes into the I had quit my job as the business editor of the press run something went wrong and the presses Longmont Times-Call a few years earlier after my jammed, overheated and started throwing parts. 347th fight with the managing editor over our con- One of the plates blew off. For some reason the flicting versions of news coverage. A few friends overhead sprinklers came on. I stood there getting came to me and asked me to start up a newspaper soaked watching the ink run off the pages onto in Lyons. I laughed. the floor. But the three press men couldn’t have I explained to these well meaning friends cared less about my newspaper, they were runand neighbors that I didn’t know how to run a ning around like wild banshees screaming while newspaper, didn’t know how to sell advertising, trying to maneuver the fork lifts around to move navigate printing presses or manage sales and the huge spools of new newsprint out of the path distribution. But eventually my friends wore me of the water spray. Snake was running from one down and I haven’t forgotten who they are either. end of the room to the other trying to turn off To this day I don’t know what I was thinking. I the water to no avail. He ended up calling the fire had no money, no venture capital, no partners, department, which came out and turned it off. I very little business expertise and no knowledge of how to run a newspaper. However fear has always been a great motivator for me and nothing ever came to me easily. I was a dyslexic kid who could barely read and ended up getting a master’s degree in journalism. I thought that I could produce a few issues over the next several months and then the fervor would die down over the editorials printed in the weekly newspaper (the other paper) and I could go back to writing without a cause. My original plan was to produce a monthly publication and cover issues in depth throughout the area rather than to focus on daily or even weekly news. Noble ideals have a way of carrying us through a lot of stress and failure. I began to have the strange feeling that I was just like the little carved wooden figure sitting in a little wooden canoe named Paddle to the Sea. I was on a journey that was out of my control and there was no turning back. I was heading off through rough waters and great adventures to find the sea. But if I had remembered the teachings of Lily drove home without my newspapers thinking that Tomlin, “Things are going to get a whole lot worse what Hunter Thompson said was absolutely true, before they get worse,” I may have reconsidered “When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.” this venture. The first issue came together in fits “Things will get better,” my friend and our and starts. We were off and running and I was page designer at that time, Betsy Ekstam, said to now in full fledged terror mode because I knew me. How could she know that? There was not one that I now had to produce a newspaper each shred of evidence to indicate that anything would month for God knows how long. get better. And of course things did not. People The paper was an eclectic mix of local news dragged their feet about writing assignments. and features. About half the people thought it was They got tired of monthly deadlines and the weird an advertising circular and threw it away. printer turned pro. By the second issue the Lily Tomlin factor The next month back at the Colorado Daily kicked in. Dan, the printer at the Colorado Daily printing operation things got very sticky. The where I was printing the Redstone, quit his job building was always dimly lit, but I knew someand was replaced by a guy who said his name was thing was wrong when I opened the door and Snake. He was a pleasant fellow, very chatty, skinstepped into something very squishy. It looked ny with tattoos everywhere. He had knife blades like thick white soap suds and continued around of various sizes tattooed across his back. Small the corner. The suds were lathering around the blades started at the bottom and huge blades bottom of the presses and covering the floor with wrapped across his shoulders. Snake told me that a heavy white cream that seeped from under this was his second job and that in his day job the wall separating the business next door. The

But if I had remembered the teachings of Lily Tomlin, ‘Things are going to get a whole lot worse before they get worse,’ I may have reconsidered this venture.”

creamy substance had swirls of black, red, blue and yellow ink making patterns in the suds. Snake was screaming. Again everyone was running around trying to move the huge spools of paper from the oncoming path of the white goop. Snake calmed down long enough to tell me that the tofu company next door, White Wave, was making soy milk and the pots had all boiled over. The soy milk was seeping under the adjoining wall and oozing onto all the equipment and spools of paper in the print shop. My brain went numb; how is this possible? I left. I was despondent. This is what the Buddhists call the second arrow. The first arrow is your wound, the place where you are hit or the disaster and the second arrow is your reaction to the wound or how you handle the disaster. I was wounded, and not doing well with the second arrow. Then by a stroke of luck, a ray of light helped me find my way. It came in the form of a mentor, Tony Ripley, a former New York Times bureau chief and National Desk Editor who had moved to Lyons with his wife Ann, a murder mystery writer. Tony and Ann told me not to give up. “Don’t compromise, don’t lose your integrity, don’t cave to public opinion,” Tony said. “It is only the small newspapers that have any integrity.” It was Tony who gave the newspaper its name: Redstone Review. He died several years ago, but he taught me that you can silence a pen but you can never silence an idea. I got back up on my horse. But this time I knew there were many more challenges ahead and I steeled myself. There comes a point in every endeavor where a person must decide whether they are going to go forward or not. Once you decide to go forward, your mind is set and it doesn’t much matter what goes wrong after that. Most of Snake’s crew quit and he ended up with a skinny little red-haired girl as his crew. In lieu of drugs, they ate cheap candy all night long to get buzzed; things like marshmallow peanuts, candy corn and gummies. One night Snake gave me some tiny little chocolate covered, what I thought were raisins, but turned out to be espresso beans. I ate a big handful and was awake for two days. Snake ran off with the skinny little red-haired girl and they got married, but he neglected to put out the daily newspaper he worked for first. They were fired and I was told to find another printer for my newspaper because my newspaper caused too many problems and took too long to print costing them too much money. “You mean problems like the sprinklers going off in your building, your presses breaking down and soy milk leaking all over the floor?” I asked. Snake called me and asked me for a recommendation for a new job. He reminded me about how well we worked together and what a great job he did for me. “That would be hard to forget,” I told him. I sent the letter. Fourteen years have passed since I started the Redstone Review. Newspapers all over the country have collapsed, died, combined with others and in Colorado most of the papers are now owned by the Denver Post, MediaNews Group, which owns 56 dailies in 12 states. The independents such as Redstone are few. But we are still here, still Paddling to the Sea. It is the idea of endless possibilities that attracts me the most and the idea that I can show people new directions, different ways to think and present solutions or ideas they have not thought of before. Shedding a little light on dark subjects can go a long way. Thanks for the adventure.

colorado editor

June 2013


colorado editor publisher

Internship opened eyes to future of journalism After being stood up by My expectation of stuffy Bob Sweeney on the first business executives and day of my first internship snobby employees has been ever, I thought I was completely nullified the terrible at the whole ‘job’ more time I spend here. thing. I mean I showed up I’m either a natural born at the correct restaurant pessimist or I give your on the correct day at the industry no credit. Or correct time, but still, no both. I have been overjoyed elyse dice. with the way I’ve been When I found out a stefaniak received and how polite few hours later that he people have been to the had been expecting me 20 measly intern. Especially cpa feet away tucked behind when I couldn’t, for the publisher a fancy dividing wall, I life of me, correctly type in thought I must be an idiot. the simple WiFi password. Note: Send gratitude for this mishap I hope I’m able to laugh about that to the head waiter of The Palm later. Restaurant. While I now have a multitude I kept wondering, was I of people to answer to (my parents authoritative enough in telling the are in denial it’s not a dictatorship waiter who I was looking for? Did anymore), I have a distinct feeling I look too young in this outfit? of being free. Yes, this is one of Did I even ask the right questions? those coming of age moments, so After replaying the scenario a few cue the elders saying, “Ah! To be times in my head, I realized I did young!” Walking around the 16th everything right. And yet, I still Street Mall one day during lunch missed the sole interview I needed I had the realization that I was to get any sort of start on my article. downtown at a real job next to the But that’s life in the professional state capitol. I mean you can’t get world. more grown up than that! I then Instead of quitting, my first realized feeling that way isn’t being afternoon with the CPA taught me grown up at all, so I suppressed my not to be scared of the professional victory dance. elite. Bob went out of his way the Ok, I will admit that on my following day to come to my office, first day of work I didn’t entirely chatted with me there, and then understand exactly what it is the took me out to “a better lunch than CPA does. Thanks to Google, at The Palm”. mentors, and hallway conversations,

I couldn’t have interned at a more genuine and hard-charging place. While trend following and revenuegenerating ideas will help me ace any other job experience, the most invaluable part is being around such strong and dynamic women as Sam and Elizabeth. Without knowing it, they have pushed me to reach for more adventurous and conglomerate career paths. Honestly, I was hesitant to become immersed in journalism because this industry is failing in a world more intrigued with Google glasses and the newest Facebook layout, right? Wrong. It’s through my time with the CPA that I’ve learned this is the best time for eager students to enter the industry. Our generation is fluent in all mediums to deliver news that will always be necessary. My mind whirls with excitement to infuse the industry with our young, innovative and technological savvy. We could achieve big things if our skills were harnessed and combined with those of seasoned experts. After all, I’m sure Sweeney would love Vining! This market will look completely different in ten years, as it now looks completely different than it did five years ago. Whether it’s oral epics, print, or a smart phone app, there will always be space for solid journalism.


Preservation Speaks

VOLUMES Protect and Share

Digitally preserve your newspapers and bound volumes

Q&A with Elyse Stefaniak • Age: 18 • High School: Kent Denver School • Where will you attend college and what will you study? NYU for Media, Culture, and Communications • Your car isn’t the run-of-themill wagon. Tell us the story behind the fun paint: Well, when I was at summer camp one year my counselor decided to entice more campers to come to the craft station by painting her old Ford Focus Stationwagon with exterior house paint. A few years later, she enrolled in the Peace Corps and I took it off her hands. There’s about five layers of paint on there now. If you ever see me (you’ll know it’s me) just wave! • When you’re not in school, what activities consume your time? I really love going to yoga class, concerts and traveling. • What was the most surprising part of your internship at Colorado Press Association? Probably just learning about the ad side of newspapers and how it’s going to look completely different going forward.

• What was the most rewarding part of your internship at CPA? Just getting published! I really never thought that would happen to me this early on! It’s been such an incredible opportunity. • What advice would you give other high school seniors about doing internships before college. Worth it? Not worth it? It’s definitely worth it to go out and gain some professional experience before college. In college, you will inevitably have other internship opportunities, but if you’ve had experience going into it, you’re bound to end up in high places! It also gives you a chance to test drive your intended major, just in case you end up hating it. • Anything else you want to add? I just want to thank everyone at the CPA for being so kind and accommodating of me. I am astonished at how much I learned through trial and error and being thrust into situations that I had no idea where to begin. This internship went by in a blur, and it was truly a dream to work among such professional and happy people.

2013 Catholic Media Conference

www.ArchiveInABox.com The newspaper archive scanning service from SmallTownPapers


All journalists are invited to hone their skills and learn new ones at the Catholic Media Conference set for June 19, 20 and 21 at the Denver Marriott Tech Center, 4900 S. Syracuse St. Four full-day master camps will be offered June 19: get hands-on learning from experts in Communications, Writing/Design, Advertising/Business Management or Social Media. A day pass will allow you to attend workshops in any of these four tracks or to mix and match the various tracks, and includes lunch. Register now at www.catholic press.org.


colorado editor

June 2013

Adobe changes affect newspapers in a big way My mailbox has never especially to keep backup been as full as it’s been versions of files offsite, but lately. Publishers and editors shouldn’t be used to store from all over the place have current files in the editorial been writing concerning workflow. two topics: 1. What do I think about Should I make a move Adobe’s move to Cloud vernow? sions of their software and That’s a tough one. While its effect on newspapers? there has been a lot of kevin 2. Congratulating me on grumbling about the Creslimp correctly predicting the fate ative Cloud, especially in of The Times-Picayune last the print publishing world, year and my reaction to the Adobe has us in a corner. events of mid May 2013. The listed prices are I’ll tackle the Adobe referred to as 40 to 50 perquestions here and offer thoughts on cent off. When the announcement the May events in a separate column. was made about the new Creative Cloud options, I told callers to hold Does Adobe have its head too far off a few days and see if Adobe made up in the Cloud? adjustments. Hearing the cries from Unless you’ve been asleep since users, Adobe announced the disearly May, you’ve heard about the counted rates (through July 31, 2013) changes at Adobe. Soon, users won’t for individual and suite licenses. be able to buy boxed versions of CreThere are a number of factors to ative Suite products like InDesign, consider. If you’re currently using Photoshop and Illustrator. one of the latest versions of Creative Beginning in the very near Suite and feel like you don’t need to future, there will be only one way upgrade within the next year, then to purchase Adobe products. OK, you’re probably fine as you are. you won’t actually be purchasing the If you’re using an earlier versoftware. You will be leasing it. sion of Creative Suite products, the It works like this: For previoffer to upgrade at a discounted rate ous owners of Adobe CS3 - CS6 is available only through July 31. products, the Creative Cloud can Adobe could extend this discount, be leased for $30 per month. This but there is no guarantee that they requires an annual commitment and will. Waiting could end up costing a the price will likely go up after the lot more than going ahead and subyear. Others will pay $50 per month, scribing with the discounted rates. with a one-year commitment. For this $30-$50, users receive What am I going to do? access to the entire suite of Creative I’ve decided to go ahead and subCloud apps, including those used scribe to Creative Cloud. Let’s face it: most in print and digital publishing: In my line of work, I have to be up to In all, there are more than 20 apps date on all the latest software, so it’s a available and subscribers have access no-brainer for me. to all of these applications as long as their accounts are active. So what’s the catch? The catch is that none of us know How much does it cost to what will happen after one year. If upgrade to the Cloud? you move all of your workstations to I’ve been getting a lot of questions Creative Cloud - and it doesn’t make about the cost of moving to Creative sense to mix and match design softCloud (CC). Here’s the lowdown: ware - then you will be forced to pay • Current CS3 (or later) ownwhatever price is available after 12 ers can upgrade to CC for $30 per months. If that is $50, then publishers month for the first year. CS6 users will be forking out $600 per station can upgrade to CC for $20 per each year. Yes, that’s a lot, especially month. After that, my guess is the when you probably upgraded to Creintroductory price will move over to ative Suite for $500 to $800 and used the standard rate, which is currently it for two to three years. $50 per month. • New CC members not currently Did Adobe make a huge blunder? using Creative Suite can pay $50 Probably not, but it’s too early to per month for access to these same tell. My background as a communiapplications. This requires an annual cations and customer service expert commitment. makes me wonder why Adobe didn’t • A subscription to a single app do a much better job of introducis available for $20 per month. Aling CC to the masses. At the same though not many newspapers would time, I’m fairly certain the number have staff using just one of the apps, crunchers at Adobe have crunched it’s possible to subscribe to Adobe In- numbers till their fingers hurt and Design (or another of the CC apps) determined that the payout from this for $20 per month. This requires an move will far surpass the losses of annual commitment. Adobe is offercustomers who refuse to upgrade or ing a 50 percent discount through move to other options. July 31, to current CS3 or later users, If I were at Quark, I would be making the single app license $10 working like crazy to introduce viamonthly for the first year. ble non-cloud options for the design There are discounted rates for world. Package QuarkXPress with a students and teachers. For $75 per solid photo editing app and sell it at a month, users can subscribe monthly, reasonable price, without connecting without an annual commitment. it to cloud technology, and a lot of In addition to the software, folks will consider moving back from subscribers have access to 20 Gb of Adobe to Quark. storage space. This can be useful, Only time will tell.

What else should I know? Your current computer operating system might not be compatible with CC products. Check closely before making the move, to be sure the software is compatible with your machines. If it’s not, make the necessary upgrades to your operating system. Some users, though not most, will be required to purchase new computers to run CC. Again, check out all the angles before making a move.


2 5

It looks like I got one right Joel Klaassen, Publisher of Hillsboro Free Press in Hillsboro, Kansas, strolled up to me during a reception during a convention in Illinois this week and said, “It looks like you were right about JCPenney.” Not sure what Joel was talking about, I asked what had happened. “I just heard. The CEO was fired this afternoon.” You might remember that I predicted in early 2012 that JCPenney same-store sales would drop 20 percent by mid 2013 and that the new CEO, Ron Johnson, would be fired. I went so far as to write a column in August 2012, comparing the changes at JCPenney to those at Advance Publications, the parent company of The Times-Picayune in New Orleans. To see that column, visit kevinslimp.com and stroll down to August 2012.

Catholics find print correlates with ‘butts in the seats’ I walked into a colleague’s office this morning. The 40-year-old executive was sitting at his desk and said, “Look what just came in my email ... my church newsletter. That’s pretty cool.” He told me that a while back, his church had moved from sending out printed news to an online version of the paper. I asked if he read the online version. “No,” was his response. “I never do anymore.” I asked if he used to read the printed version when he got it. “Yes, I would flip through it and read most of it.” That reminded me of a conversation I had with Matthew Schiller, business manager at Catholic New York, in 2012. I called Matthew this week and talked to him about a study done in the Catholic Church a little over a year ago titled, “Catholic Media Use in the United States, 2011.” Basically, the study was established to learn how converting from print to digital was affecting things like attendance, giving, participation in volunteer efforts and more. You might be interested in finding the results of the study, available online, and digesting some of the material. Basically, the study found that



1 The “Sort Paragraphs” script alphabetizes a list, like the one on left, with the click of a button 2 The Sort Paragraphs script can be found in the Scripts panel in InDesign. 3 Visit Adobe.com to find hundreds of free scripts. 4 The Calendar Wizard Script, after downloaded from the Adobe.com sight. 5 These calendars were created in a matter of seconds using the Calendar Wizard script, downloaded from Adobe.com.

when the Church, which boasts newspaper staffs that rival many newspapers in most dioceses, converted it’s distribution of news from print to online, there was a direct correlation with less giving, less volunteers and fewer “butts in the seats,” as Matthew so eloquently put it. One of the most interesting aspects of the study, Matthew told me, was learning that young people would pay a lot more attention to information sent to them in print than online. As I speak at advertising and newspaper conferences, I remind attendees that this type of information is powerful in helping advertisers understand the value of print.

Scripts: One of my favorite InDesign ‘treasures’ Even though much of my speaking is of the keynote variety these days, I still get asked to lead software workshops at many conventions. The best draws are always related to photo editing and Indesign tips. One of my favorite things to teach in InDesign is the use of scripts. Most designers, even those who have been using InDesign for years, don’t realize that scripts even exist. A script is a tiny application within an application. Scripts are found at Windows>Utilities>Scripts

in the most recent versions of InDesign. Prior to CS5, they were found at Windows>Scripting>Scripts. A simple example of a script is “Sort Paragraphs.” After selecting a list of items or paragraphs in an InDesign document, then doubleclicking on the script in the Scripts panel, the list is magically alphabetized. When I show this script at conferences, attendees always make “ooh” noises and start scribbling notes and whispering excitedly to their neighbors. This script has been in InDesign since the original CS version. I also love showing InDesign users how to download free scripts from Adobe.com. My favorite script on the site is “Calendar Wizard.” Calendar Wizard allows the user to create a somewhat detailed calendar with the click of a couple of buttons. Calendars can be anywhere from one to twelve months. They can include government, religious and other holidays. I created a series of four calendars to include with this column. It was easy to set the exact size of the calendars, the months and year and other details. InDesign installs 20 scripts with the application. Free scripts can be downloaded from Adobe.com by clicking on the “Downloads” menu, then selecting “Exchanges” from the bottom of the right sidebar. Once inside Adobe Marketplace & Exchange, simply choose “InDesign” and click on “Scripts” in the right sidebar.

colorado editor

June 2013

An endorsement for endorsements

The 2012 elections are in and coverage. At the same time, newspapers the rearview mirror, and newly that avoid any level of controversy will soon elected lawmakers have settled become irrelevant to their communities. into their routines. For most During my tenure as editor of the editors and reporters, the next Republican Eagle at Red Wing, Minn., we cycle of elections is likely out of routinely launched aggressive editorials, mind. especially on local issues. In an extreme Don’t move on so quickly. It’s case, the consequences were significant – routine for political commentators the loss of a major advertiser who disagreed jim to rate the president after the first with our stance on a proposed downtown 100 days in office. Why not check pumarlo development. in with local elected officials on a I also remember when the teachers’ regular basis and, in concert, with union urged a boycott when we weighed the respective governing bodies? in on contract negotiations. About a dozen The strongest election coverage teachers did cancel their subscriptions. is not simply turned off and on. But at least one teacher didn’t miss a beat Continuing coverage, if thoughtfully planned on the news by buying the newspaper at the and carried out, can enrich your coverage of corner drug store – at a higher price than her local public affairs. subscription offered. Checking in regularly also goes a long way At its core, however, our editorials prompted toward holding elected officials accountable. and promoted a lively exchange of opinions on Your reports will provide a solid foundation issues that mattered to our residents. when it comes time to endorse candidates in the It’s likely no coincidence that Katches’ next election. observation came on the heels of the 2012 My passion for weighing in on candidates elections, a time when those newspapers who is at cross-purposes with a prediction from take their editorial responsibility seriously Mark Katches, editorial director of the Center – read: endorse candidates for elective office – for Investigative Reporting. His crystal ball: come under attack for “telling people how to “Newspapers will start to taper off writing vote.” editorials. They’ll find that they can be a leader The charge has always amused me. in their communities by engaging audiences, Readers and special-interest groups moderating forums, holding events and routinely seek attention for their endorsements. curating roundtable discussion while avoiding Organizations from the chamber of commerce the pitfall of alienating a significant percentage and labor unions to environmental and of their audience by telling people what to educational interests submit press releases think.” on who they support and why. Hundreds of I hope his prediction fizzles, and I echo readers forward letters to the editors endorsing comments by Stuart Leavenworth, editorial candidates. What’s wrong with a newspaper page editor of the Sacramento Bee, who wrote: “There are so many things wrong with sharing its opinion on which candidates are best Katches’ conclusion I barely know where to suited to serve community interests? start.” Katches, in an e-mail to Leavenworth, Even those newspapers that avoid endorsing said he wasn’t advocating the demise of candidates routinely deliver editorials targeted editorials, but he did suggest that eliminating at decision-makers. The editorial might address partisan editorials would be a smart move for a school board’s deliberations over whether to newspapers if they want to avoid losing readers. implement all-day kindergarten, or a county Wow. Imagine if the litmus test for board’s discussion about setbacks for feedlot newsroom decisions is whether an aspect of operations, or any number of public policy coverage offends a reader. debates at the State Capitol. The obvious Katches warns about the potential fallout question: If newspapers believe so strongly from writing editorials. But what about in calling government bodies to action, or complaints fielded by editors with regard criticizing them for lack of action, shouldn’t to everyday content? A parent who charges they have equally strong convictions about the favoritism in sports coverage. A president of a individuals who will ultimately make those civic club who says its activities don’t receive decisions? as much attention as other organizations. A Katches is correct that newspapers are in political candidate who claims that he or she did perfect position to engage audiences through a not receive a fair shake in coverage of a forum. variety of avenues. Many are already doing so. A couple upset by an abbreviated write-up for a Editors should constantly seek ways to wedding report submitted six months after the increase the number and diversity of voices fact. Community members upset by recognition on their editorial pages. And, most important, of a same-sex marriage. ensure the newspaper’s opinion remains at the Editors and publishers should welcome forefront. reader feedback, and use the comments to review and strengthen their decision-making

cpa marketplace REPORTER/PHOTOGRAPHER The Brush News-Tribune, a weekly newspaper in Brush, Colorado, seeks a full-time reporter/photographer to handle editorial duties including, but not limited to, City Council, sports, feature stories, police beat and school board. Candidate must be proficient with social media as duties also include posting to the website and Facebook on a daily basis. Application deadline is June 10. To apply, send resumes, cover letter and references to Brush News-Tribune, Attn: Iva Kay Horner, P.O. Box 8, Brush, CO 80723, or e-mail to horner@brushnewstribune.com. The Brush News-Tribune is a division of Prairie Mountain Publishing, part of the Digital First Media family, and a subsidiary of MediaNews Group.


Immense project nears finish HISTORY from Page 1 time to chronicling the past and developed a dedication to the task. “She called me before she passed [in 1995] and told me not to let anything happen to her manuscripts. She said they were in the basement of the CPA and she wanted someone to finish them,” Sweeney recalled. Spurred on by Harper’s wish, Sweeney vowed to finish the job. As a two-time past president of the CPA, Sweeney realized his responsibility to finish the project. The topic was brought up at this year’s Past Presidents’ Breakfast at the annual CPA convention, and many in attendance agreed that significant efforts should be made to do justice to Harper’s work. Percy Conarroe, CPA president in 1981, said later, “This project needs to be done with some sense of urgency because it has been dragging on for decades.” And so a team of devoted individuals, led by Sweeney, was formed to carry out this immense task. “I’m really proud to be in the position to help see this project from vision to finished product,” said CPA Executive Director, Samantha Johnston. “On my first day at CPA in 2010, Mr. [Percy] Conarroe called me to explain the importance of the boxes of history in the CPA basement. While it wasn’t the first project I accomplished, you can bet I won’t leave here without ensuring it is completed.” The timing was perfect, for Sweeney’s involvement in the CPA’s history coincided with his work in higher education at the Auraria Campus. Five years ago, he shared his vision for a scholarship program and innovative new library with Library Director Mary Somerville. Since that time, the King Foundation (under Sweeney’s leadership) has offered stipends to nearly 40 students to conduct original research under the advisement of an area expert. Thus, the diverse communities on campus who are usually first-generation college students are able to benefit from paid employment to advance their learning. “I love giving these students an opportunity to create and learn in conditions that work best for them,” Somerville said. Craig Leavitt, a master’s degree candidate at the University of Colorado-Denver, greatly appreciates this program, because it is the reason he is working on the CPA project. He received a grant to work under the guidance of Tom Noel, professor of Colorado History at UCD, to assemble Harper’s manuscripts into a large book. With each step of the project, Noel has served as the sole checker (he is the context expert) in a streamlined work flow to ensure accuracy. When all chapters are completed — including missing

ones that Leavitt might have to re-write in Harper’s voice — a 600-page book will be compiled. Since the CPA has such an integral part in the book, a separate, smaller 200page book focusing only on the CPA’s history will be printed. The book has 64 chapters — one for each county in Colorado. Leavitt has made significant headway in 20 of the 64 counties, which is impressive considering the density of the material. Harper’s colorful, wordy writing includes effusive anecdotes and significant background on each county’s history. Leavitt has approached editing by attempting to cut more than half of its original length. “Sometimes it’s tough to cut, so I try to keep in the most intriguing stories,” he said. “It is clear that Jane was completely wrapped up in her writing and had a large personal interest in every story.” He hopes to finish more than 1,800 pages by the end of next year when he graduates. The second part of Sweeney’s vision occurs in concert with the renovation of the Auraria Campus Library due to a $4 million legislative grant. He and his team foresee a Center for Colorado & the West housed in the northeast corner of the library that would serve as a digital communication and information center. Sweeney compares it to “the Library of Alexandria, but all digital.” Even the architecture of the center reflects its mission, as 14 spokes spiral out in a pattern of an old wagon wheel in the flooring. The wagon wheel’s spokes represent a different Colorado industry’s history and current status. Since one of those industries is communications, the Colorado Press Association’s history will be included in CC&W. Once each chapter from Leavitt and Noel has been completed, graphic designers will be contacted and the information will be presented in an article to post on the CC&W website. There remains much discussion on where exactly it will be published. With the blend of the paid research and new digital center, the library is “no longer simply storing old knowledge, but sharing new information and supporting creation globally through [their] website,” said an excited Somerville. The hope for the new book is to provide a reliable source for researchers young and old conducting projects on Colorado history. “If young students, especially, are educated on their home county, it will provoke a sense of community pride that could induce increased community involvement, including voting,” Noel said. Furthermore, online publishing of these articles allows people from throughout the globe to access this frontier history of Colorado.

Newspapers value style of training NEWSTRAIN from Page 1 large, small, daily and weekly newspapers as well as educators at journalism programs throughout the state. The agenda we have crafted meets needs communicated straight from the horse’s mouth.” Colorado Press Association submitted an application to host NewsTrain in Colorado and was accepted as a host state earlier this year. Criteria for selection included the ability of the host organization to garner adequate attendance as well as to secure a suitable venue. “I asked a lot of newsroom leaders whether they could commit to sending editorial staff to this training if we did the leg work to bring it to their own backyard,”

Johnston said. “Ultimately, the pledged support convinced me that our member newspapers value this type of training locally. My fingers are tightly crossed that registration will reflect the excitement I felt several months ago. We have committed 100 attendees to the NewsTrain staff.” The cost to attend the workshop is $75 and includes a continental breakfast, lunch and snacks both days. Hotels must be booked separately, but a complete list of host hotels will be available for out-of-town attendees. To register for NewsTrain or for more information, visit the website at http://www. apme.com/?page=ColoradoSprings. For immediate questions, contact Samantha Johnston at sjohnston@colopress.net or by phone at 303-571-5117.


colorado editor

June 2013

Optimism that more transparency awaits SESSION from Page 1 taken newspapers out of the equation in regard to legal notice advertising, only to be overtaken by counties’ websites. The bill also would have amended House Bill 1317 which would have allowed local governments to bypass newspapers to advertise hearings on marijuana license applications on their websites. Proponents of the bill believed website usage would spare taxpayers the expense of paying for newspaper ads. However, newspapers stood to lose significant ground with regard to public notification if this bill passed. “I’ve always said that the revenue associated with public notices is an issue. But it’s not the only issue and it’s not the biggest issue. Providing the public with access to information that impacts their daily lives is paramount. Newspapers provide

third-party verification and a triedand-true process through which the public is notified of important happenings in their communities,” Johnston said. “We’re never going to advocate that public notices, which appear on the websites of community newspapers and in aggregate on a statewide site, be instead placed on thousands of websites statewide that taxpayers must navigate to find the information they seek.” CPA opposed HB 1014, which would have repealed the statute making theft of a free newspaper a crime. The bill did not pass in its original form and, instead, newspaper theft is addressed under a different title and section of criminal code. Romberg fought to ensure government transparency by successfully challenging a number of proposals. One such bill is House Bill

1112 which would have exempted government-owned security camera footage from the Open Records Act (except images usable as evidence during a crime). Proponents of the bill sought to prevent the currently public footage from abuse at the hands of registered sex offenders or restraining order recipients. The bill, which was postponed indefinitely by the House Judiciary Committee, is expected to reappear next year in a different form. “The CPA is certainly not opposed to discussing the exemption of certain camera images if there is a legitimate reason to do so, but we are always going to be opposed to blanket bills that make government less transparent or limit citizens’ access to records they are entitled to request,” Johnston said. “I look forward to discussions about this over the summer.”

Romberg expressed concern over the growing trend among lawmakers to embrace sealing public records. To respond, members of the CPA Legislative Committee met with House Speaker Mark Ferrandino, D-Denver to express this worry. Speaker Ferrandino agreed to meet with CPA representatives between sessions to discuss the issue in detail and possible alternatives in the future. However, there is no denying the past. House Bill 1156 gained significant popularity this session. It allows offenders of low-level drug crimes to petition to automatically seal records after completing a diversion program, and the court has no discretion. “This will be very problematic going forward,” Romberg said. While jammed dockets and offender’s future job applications may benefit, CPA and others in

opposition believe that sealing records allows the offender to sidestep consequences. Furthermore, future employers will inevitably have access to internet sources reporting on their arrest which will most likely put the applicant in even rougher water. With this loss in mind, the CPA team is already preparing for next year’s session by reconvening and expanding the same task force that developed House Bill 1041. The team plans to focus on reducing and maintaining the fees associated with obtaining records. The summer of 2013 and the upcoming legislative session will be busy for everyone, but the attitude among those representing CPA is hopeful that each new year brings new opportunities for a more transparent and accountable government.

sales tax on marijuana to pay for both administration of the laws and to provide resources for school construction. A bill to set a standard for driving under the influence of marijuana was introduced with a week left in the session and passed on the next to last day of the session. A similar bill had been introduced earlier in the session and passed the House, but was defeated in the Senate. Somewhat surprisingly, and for the first time since 2009, the state’s budget was passed somewhat quietly and without undue controversy. As the state’s coffers reflect the increased economic activity the state now enjoys, budget writers were not required to impose the same kinds of cuts to state programs that have been necessary over the past several years.

it was concerning that there seemed to be a consensus among legislators that ease in sealing records is a good thing. Members of the CPA Legislative Committee met with House Speaker Mark Ferrandino to raise this concern. The Speaker agreed to meet with CPA representatives during the interim to further discuss the issue and discuss possible alternatives going forward. CPA was successful in defeating House Bill 1064, a bill that would have allowed counties to place legal notice advertising on their websites instead of in legal newspapers and to amend provisions in House Bill 1317 which would have allowed local governments to advertise hearings on marijuana license applications on their websites instead of in newspapers. The following bills introduced during 2013 are of interest to members of the Colorado Press Association. These bills are of specific interest to newspapers and do not include issues of general business interest.

provision that provides direction as to how meetings or records may be closed under provisions in existing law. CPA Position: Monitor. Status: Signed into law by Governor.

SB 15. Roberts/Hamner. Concerning School Board Member Participation in Meetings Electronically. The bill allows school board members to participate in all aspects of a meeting, except executive sessions, through electronic means. It specifically states that open meetings requirements still apply. CPA Position: Monitor. Status: Signed into law by Governor.

SB 76. Roberts/Gardner. Concerning Elimination of Fees to Access Records in State Archives for the General Assembly. The bill removes the requirement that legislators and legislative service agencies must pay a fee to access legislative records kept by the state archives. CPA Position: Monitor. Status: Signed into law by Governor.

2013 Legislative Recap By Greg Romberg The Colorado General Assembly adjourned May 8, 2013 after completing the work of the first session of the 69th General Assembly. The session was characterized by a series of highly contentious issues and partisan wrangling. Democrats controlled the House, the Senate and the Governor’s office after a two-year period in which control of the legislature was split as Republicans controlled the House in 2011 and 2012 by a narrow 33-32 margin. In a departure from past practice, late night sessions were conducted, primarily in the House, for the last three weeks of the session. Among the bills that passed, but were subject to lengthy and contentious, and primarily partisan, debate before passage were proposals to increase the renewable energy portfolio for rural electric associations, to allow for a private right of action in state court against small businesses accused of discrimination, to require a K-12 sex education program, to allow voters to register on election day and to refer a new school finance act, with approximately $1 billion in additional revenue, to voters in November, 2013. Inspired by the Aurora theater and Newtown school shootings, the early part of the session was dominated by gun control issues. Minority Republicans offered a series of bills, none with any chance of passing, which would have lessened gun restrictions. Democrats countered with a seven-bill package that included successful efforts to require background checks for private sales, to prohibit sales of magazines that contain more than 15 rounds of ammunition,

to require people requesting background checks to pay for the costs of such checks, to prohibit on-line courses to comply with conceal and carry license requirements and to limit access to conceal and carry permits for people convicted of domestic abuse. Bills to prohibit conceal and carry on college campuses and to assign liability for anyone who was in the chain of control of a weapon if the weapon was used and harmed someone failed. Two high-profile issues that had failed during 2012 were priority issues in 2013 and were successfully passed into law. SB 11 allows for Civil Unions. SB 33 allows in-state tuition for illegal aliens as long as they completed the last three years of high school in Colorado and applied for citizenship. Inspired by citizen concerns about the impact of fracking and oil and gas development in residential areas, a series of bills were introduced to increase regulatory oversight of oil and gas and to increase fines. Somewhat surprisingly, only a bill to require reporting spills of one barrel or more, down from the current standard of five barrels, passed the General Assembly. Bills to implement Amendment 64, the constitutional amendment to legalize marijuana in Colorado, were introduced with roughly three weeks left in the legislative session and dominated much of the attention in the session’s waning days. A relatively restrictive regulatory environment that will require both state and local oversight of marijuana businesses was implemented. The legislature referred a tax measure to the voters for November that will assess both an excise and

During 2013, CPA’s efforts were focused on open records and meetings issues and legal notice advertising. CPA supported House Bill 1041, a bill to require records custodians to provide records to people who request them whether they appear in person to request the record or not. The bill was developed in a task force convened by CPA and local government organizations and has been signed into law by Governor Hickenlooper. CPA was successful in defeating House Bill 1112, which would have made any record made by a government owned security camera exempt from the Open Records Act. A concern to CPA was a series of bills that made it easier to seal criminal records when there was no conviction. While it is likely that few records will be sealed in the future that would not have been sealed under current law,

SB 32. Jahn/Williams. Concerning the Life and Health Insurance Protection Association. The bill concerns the Life and Health Insurance Protection Association. It contains a

SB 38. Balmer/Garcia. Concerning Confidential Communications Concerning Emergency Personnel. The bill allows peer support communications of emergency services providers and members of rescue units to remain confidential, consistent with laws for peace officers and fire fighters. CPA Position: Monitor. Status: Signed into law by Governor. SB 57. King. Concerning Solid Waste Site Process. The bill makes changes to the process to site solid waste facilities. Requirements to notice public hearing through legal notice advertising remain in the law. CPA Position: Monitor. Status: Postponed indefinitely by Senate State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee.

SB 117. Balmer. Concerning Judicial Transparency. The bill has an extensive legislative declaration about the need and case law requiring preliminary hearings to be conducted openly and statutory language concerning the limited

colorado editor

June 2013 instances of how a hearing can be closed. CPA Position: Support. Status: Postponed indefinitely by Senate Judiciary Committee. SB 123. Steadman/ Levy. Concerning Collateral Consequences. The bill addresses issues of consequences to defendants of being convicted of crimes including having and petitioning to seal criminal records. It was amended in the Senate to add sealing provisions from SB 229. CPA Position: Seek amendment to remove automatic sealing provisions. Status: Passed General Assembly, awaiting action by Governor. SB 154. Jahn/Williams. Concerning Continuation of the Division of Banking. The bill continues the Division of Banking and implements recommendations from the sunset report of the Department of Regulatory Agencies. It contains provisions to continue legal notice advertising of existing hearings and new legal notice advertising of new hearings. CPA Position: Monitor. Status: Passed General Assembly, awaiting action by Governor. SB 189. Heath/Tyler. Concerning Motor Vehicle Fines. The bill moves some fine revenues for motor carrier violations from the General Fund to funds for specific activities related to motor carriers including providing information to the public about consumer rights. CPA Position: Monitor. Status: Passed General Assembly, awaiting action by Governor. SB 198. Jahn/Gardner. Concerning Closing Court Hearings When Sexually Exploitive Materials About Children is Presented. The bill allows a judge to close a court hearing if it is in the best interest of the child when exploitive material about the child is presented. CPA Position: Suggest amendment to clarify balancing test. Status: Amended as requested by CPA and passed General Assembly, awaiting action by Governor. SB 213. Johnston/Hamner. Concerning School Finance. The bill establishes, subject to voter approval, a new school finance law. Both the election to approve the bill and subsequent local government elections for school funding retain existing public notice requirements for elections. CPA Position: Monitor. Status: Passed General Assembly, awaiting action by Governor. SB 221. King/Ryden. Concerning Conservation Easements. The bill puts limits on conservation easements. It continues a restriction on individual tax information from open records. CPA Position: Monitor. Status: Passed General Assembly, awaiting action by Governor. SB 226. Balmer & Guzman/ Court & Coram. Concerning

the Dog Protection Act. The bill requires specific policies and training for police officers with respect to dogs. All information is specifically subject to open records act. CPA Position: Monitor. Status: Passed General Assembly, awaiting action by Governor. SB 229. Guzman/Kagan. Concerning Criminal Omnibus Bill. The bill has a variety of issues involving criminal statutes. It contains a provision that if petitions to seal records for criminal cases that are dismissed are sufficient on their face, they are to be granted. CPA Position: Seek amendment to remove automatic sealing of records. Status: Passed General Assembly, awaiting action by Governor. SB 250. Steadman & King/Levy. Concerning Drug Sentencing Changes. The bill makes a variety of changes to sentencing for drug charges. It contains provisions that prohibit plea agreements from including a provision that convictions acquired through plea agreements may not contain agreements not to seek sealing of the records and sealing of such convictions that mirrors existing law. CPA Position: Monitor. Status: Passed General Assembly, awaiting action by Governor. SB 256. Hill/Nordberg. Concerning an Alternative Property Tax Appeal Process. The bill would allow any county to implement an alternative process to appeal property taxes that is in place as a pilot in Denver County. It contains a requirement for legal notice advertising. CPA Position: Monitor. Status: Lost on second reading in Senate. HB 1002. Tyler/Jahn. Concerning Increased Funding for Small Business Development Centers. The bill makes an additional $500,000 available for each of the next two years for SBDCs. Ten to 15% of the funds are to be used to publicize the program. CPA Position: Monitor. Status: Passed General Assembly, awaiting action by Governor. HB 1010. Vigil/Jones. Concerning County Purchase of Stationary. The bill repeals the requirement that counties put stationary purchases out to bid annually. Current law requires such bids to be announced via legal notice advertising. CPA Position: Monitor. Status: Signed into law by Governor. HB 1014. Levy/King. Concerning Theft of Newspapers. The bill changes the name of the newspaper theft statute to interference with the lawful distribution of a newspaper and moves it to a different section of the criminal code. CPA Position: Support. Status: Signed into law by Governor. HB 1036. Singer/Heath. Concerning Authority of Special Improvement Districts. This bill involves the authority of local

improvement districts. It allows some changes subject to public meetings that must be noticed by legal notice advertising. CPA Position: Monitor. Status: Passed General Assembly, awaiting action by Governor. HB 1037. Salazar. Concerning Costs of Providing Copies. The bill establishes an exception to the twenty-five cent per page cost to provide copies based on a nominal cost standard with limitations on how governments calculate costs. CPA Position: Seek amendments to clarify intent and ensure costs to get records are not increased. Status: Postponed indefinitely by House Local Government Committee. HB 1041. Pettersen/Kefalas. Concerning Transmission of Public Records. The bill establishes a requirement that records custodians make records available to requesters without the requester picking up the records in person. CPA Position: Support. Status: Signed into law by Governor. HB 1044. Fischer/Schwartz. Concerning Use of Graywater. This bill concerns the use of graywater for non-drinking water purposes. There are public notice requirements using legal notice advertising. CPA Position: Monitor. Status: Passed General Assembly, awaiting action by Governor. HB 1064. Dore. Concerning County Legal Notices. This bill allows counties to put notices on their websites instead of using legal notice advertising. CPA Position: Oppose. Status: Postponed indefinitely by House Local Government Committee. HB 1082. Labuda/Steadman. Concerning Juvenile Records. The bill allows certain records of criminal behavior by juveniles to be expunged and restrict access to some juvenile records. CPA Position: Seek amendment to remove provisions that restrict access to records. Status: Amended as requested by CPA and passed General Assembly, awaiting action by Governor. HB 1112. Lawrence/Scheffel. Concerning Records from Monitoring Cameras. The bill exempts all video images made by security or other observational cameras exempt from the open records act except images of a person committing a crime. CPA Position: Oppose. Status: Postponed indefinitely by House Judiciary Committee. HB 1135. Singer/Kerr. Concerning Pre-registration For Minors to Vote. The bill allows 16 and 17 year-olds to pre-register to vote. The bill was amended to restrict access to records of such registrations. With input from CPA, it was amended to ensure that any registration that would make a voter eligible for an upcoming election would be public. CPA Position: Monitor.

Status: Passed General Assembly, awaiting action by Governor. HB 1140. Stephens. Concerning Establishment of a Tax Court. The bill creates a tax court for disputes between taxpayers and the Department of Revenue. It contains a provision restricting access to certain records of the court. CPA Position: Seek amendment to only restrict access to records already restricted. Status: Postponed indefinitely by House Finance Committee. HB 1146. Lebsock/Uliberri. Concerning Rights of Victims of Identity Theft. The bill allows a person who is the victim of identity theft to have law enforcement agencies make changes to records if they can prove their identities were stolen and that someone else committed a crime using their identity. CPA Position: Monitor. Status: Signed into law by Governor. HB 1156. Levy/Steadman. Concerning Diversion Programs. The bill allows people accused of a crime to enter a diversion program. A person in the program may petition to seal the records and the court must grant the sealing. CPA Position: Suggest amendment to impose the same hearing requirement to seal the record as other situations where there is no conviction. Status: Passed General Assembly, awaiting action by Governor. HB 1160. Pabon/King. Concerning Theft. The bill is the omnibus theft bill from recommendations from the Colorado Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice. It includes the repeal of the crime of newspaper theft. CPA Position: Ensure HB 1014 passes or seek amendment to remove repeal from this bill. (NOTE: HB 1014 was signed into law by Governor before the first hearing on HB 1160.) Status: Passed General Assembly, awaiting action by Governor. HB 1167. Pettersen & Duran/ Crowder. Concerning Business Information at the Secretary of State. The bill allows businesses to file information about minority and women ownership of businesses with the Secretary of State. Such information is public. CPA Position: Monitor. Status: Signed into law by Governor. HB 1182. Levy/Lambert. Concerning Digital Policy Advisory Committee. The bill establishes a committee to advise the General Assembly on issues related to archives and digital records. CPA Position: Monitor. Status: Passed General Assembly, awaiting action by Governor. HB 1219. Hamner/Todd. Concerning Changes to K-12 Education. The bill makes a variety of changes to laws concerning K-12 education. The bill contains a provision that the Department of Education shall


not make public any assessments that are statistically invalid. CPA Position: Monitor. Status: Signed into law by Governor. HB 1220. Salazar/Heath. Concerning Confidentiality of K-12 Educator Performance Data. The bill concerns evaluation ratings of teachers. It makes ratings of individual teachers, as personnel records, confidential. CPA Position: Monitor. Status: Signed into law by Governor. HB 1249. McCann/ Giron. Concerning Foreclosure Modifications. The bill makes changes to foreclosure processes. It does not change public notice requirements when foreclosures proceed. CPA Position: Monitor. Status: Postponed indefinitely by House Business, Labor & Economic and Workforce Development Committee. HB 1303. Hullinghorst & Pabon/Giron. Concerning Elections. The bill makes a variety of changes to election law including all mail ballots and same day voter registration. It contains one provision that maintains legal notice advertising of elections, but requires them to be published earlier. CPA Position: Monitor. Status: Signed into law by Governor. HB 1313. Peniston/Hodge. Concerning Local Public Bodies Executive Session. The bill eliminates the ability for local public bodies to not tape the portions of executive session where such bodies are receiving legal advise. CPA Position: Monitor. Status: Postponed indefinitely House Local Government Committee. HB 1314. Levy & Gerou/ Hodge. Concerning Transferring Developmental Disabilities Programs from the Department of Human Services to the Department of Health Care Policy and Finance. Confidentiality provisions in existing laws are transferred to new sections. CPA Position: Monitor. Status: Passed General Assembly, awaiting action by Governor. HB 1317. Pabon/Jahn. Concerning Implementation of Amendment 64. The bill concerns the implementation of Amendment 64, the amendment to legalize recreational use of marijuana. The bill contains a provision that information provided by licensees to state regulators is confidential. It also contains a provision that notice of public hearings can be made by either legal notice advertising or notice on a government website. CPA Position: Seek amendments to tie confidentiality to existing exemptions in open meetings law and to require notice in newspapers. Status: Amended as requested by CPA and passed General Assembly, awaiting action by Governor.


colorado editor

June 2013

Unpaid internships: How to do it right By Tina Harkness, Membership Development, Mountain States Employers Council The summer hiring season has begun, and with it comes questions about hiring seasonal workers, unpaid interns and minors. Here are a few things to keep in mind: Unpaid Interns Private, for-profit businesses wishin to offer unpaid internship opportunities to students need to ensure that the following six criteria are met: 1. The internship, even though

it includes actual operation of the facilities of the employer, is similar to training which would be given in an educational environment; 2. The internship experience is for the benefit of the intern; 3. The intern does not displace regular employees, but works under close supervision of existing staff; 4. The employer derives no immediate advantage from the activities of the intern; and on occasion its operations may actually be impeded. 5. The intern is not necessarily entitled to a job at the conclusion of

the internship; and 6. The employer and the intern understand that the intern is not entitled to wages for the time spent in the intenrship. If these criteria are not met, the intern should be considered an employee, and paid like one. We also recommend that the internship be coordinated through an educational institution where the intern will receive school credit. See the Department of Labor’s Fact Sheet #71 Internship Programs under the FLSA at www.dol.gov for more information.

LMA launches Google AdWords Certification-Training Local Media Association, the professional trade organization for over 2,220 local community newspapers and their online sites, has launched a program that will train sales professionals to be experts in Google AdWords in just three weeks. The program offers three options: a live-online-training module, on-site training or trainthe-trainer. All participants are trained to take the Google-administered exams for final certification. “Our Google AdWords certification-trainer Amie Stein, is one of the best in the industry and has worked with and trained hundreds of sales professionals during her career,” said Nancy Lane, president of Local Media Association. “Last year local advertisers spent over $6 billion dollars on local paid search.

That’s one third of the total amount spent on local digital advertising.” Amie Stein, training and development director of Local Media Association added, “We see this as a way for local media to get in the game and get their share. ” Local businesses are generating a high demand for assistance in paid search. Google AdWords certification gives local media account executives an advantage in this sophisticated ad medium. The affordably priced program is open to non-members also and trains sales reps in the fundamentals necessary to complete Google’s two certification exams. LMA offers three Google AdWords certification-training options:

1. Live online-training module: Seven one-hour training sessions conducted online by our Google AdWords certificationtrainer (with course materials and quizzes). 2. On-site training: The Google AdWords certificationtrainer works with the local sales team to give them personal handson training for two days. 3. Train-the-trainer: The Google AdWords certificationtrainer will consult with a publisher’s certified AdWords ReSeller to bring them to trainer status so that they can train their own sales professionals. n For more information go to: tinyurl.com/LMAgooglead

App address growing area of mobile usage MOBILE from Page 1 “Now, the mobile application ensures reader usability and member newspapers’ relevance in a changing market,” said, Elizabeth Bernberg, vice president of sales and Marketing at SYNC2 Media. Morgan Stanley predicted last year that mobile users will surpass desktop users in 2014. Furthermore, the ecosystem of communication, Facebook, web search, and entertainment on smart phones is set to eclipse any competitor. In preparation for the soon-to-come day when smartphones function more powerfully than a desktop computer, the CPA is working hard to provide their members with the tools they need to have a presence across all platforms. The CPA and SYNC2 Media hope this innovative approach will allow members to reach a new audience because community connection with local news will be portable and instantaneous. “This is a valuable service from the CPA because we don’t have to worry about staying cutting edge; the CPA does it for us, even when we don’t readily accept change,” said Paula Murphy, publisher of the Trinidad Times Independent. “I believe mobile is the way of the future because the cost of print is

always increasing and people are spending more and more time on their iPhones and iPads. This would be immensely helpful because we could reach a younger demographic.” The project comes in two phases to optimize members’ benefit. The first phase is getting members comfortable and confident with the new media through a webinar in late June. Registration details will be emailed to all members mid-June. As each website can be managed and customized by each newspaper, sufficient time and aid will be allocated to members to customize each site. Secondly, one quarter post launch, member newspapers will be able to sell mobile websites to advertisers, giving members yet another revenue stream, but increasing the paper’s relevance and ability to extend audience reach for customers. “It is imperative not to be left in the dust during this remodel of the industry,” Bernberg said. Especially when the CPA ensures the conversion to be virtually painless only a simple webinar attendance is necessary to launch your newspaper into relevance.” We all should take advantage of the advice from Executive Chairman of Google, Eric Schmidt, who said in 2011, “Put your best people on mobile.”

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