JCT Magazine | Volume 2 | Issue 5 | Comparing Japanese, European and American automobile industry

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May 2015 | Volume 2 | Issue 5

Monthly Automobile Magazine

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Top 5


Japanese Makers American Makers European Makers



May 2015

CONTENTS Introduction Automobile Industry.....................................................................................................................................................3 Comparison between Japanese, American and European Automobiles..................................... 4-6 Japanese Automobile Industry.............................................................................................................................................................7 Top 5 Japanese Auto Makers................................................................................................................................................................ 8 Ÿ Toyota Motor Corporation, HQ- Toyota, Aichi Prefecture, Japan.......................................................9 Ÿ Suzuki Motor Corporation, HQ- Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan......................... 10 Ÿ Nissan Motor Co. Ltd., HQ- Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, Japan..............................................................11 Ÿ Honda Motor Company Ltd., HQ- Minato, Tokyo, Japan ............................................................................12 Ÿ Daihatsu Motor Co. Ltd., HQ- Ikeda, Osaka Prefecture, Japan...........................................................13 American Automobile Industry.................................................................................................................................................... 14-15 Top 5 American Auto Makers...............................................................................................................................................................16 Ÿ Cadillac, HQ- New York city, New York, United States.................................................................................. 17 Ÿ Chrysler, HQ- Detroit, Michigan, United States......................................................................................................18 Ÿ Chevrolet, HQ- Detroit, Michigan, United States................................................................................................ 21 Ÿ Ford Motor Company, HQ- Dearborn, Michigan, United States........................................................ 22 Ÿ General Motors Company, HQ- Detroit, Michigan, USA.........................................................................23-24 European Auto Industry ........................................................................................................................................................................... 25 Top 5 European automakers............................................................................................................................................................... 26 Ÿ Audi AG, HQ- Ingolstadt, Germany.......................................................................................................................................27 Ÿ BMW, HQ- Munich, Germany................................................................................................................................................. 28-29 Ÿ Citroen, HQ- Saint-Ouen, France ...........................................................................................................................................30 Ÿ Mercedes-Benz, HQ- Stuttgart, Germany..................................................................................................................... 31 Ÿ Opel, HQ- Rüsselsheim, Hesse, Germany....................................................................................................................32 Company Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................... 33 News ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 35 Events, Trade Fairs & Exhibitions............................................................................................................................................. 36-37 JCT Member Advertisements......................................................................................................................................................... 38-44 Exporters List..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 45-47


May 2015



Automobile Industry


t the beginning of the nineteenth century, automobiles entered the transportation market as a toy for the rich. However, they became increasingly popular among the masses because they gave travelers the freedom to commute when a n d where t h e y Europe wanted t o . Prior to autom obiles, people b o t h lived and worked in the city, or lived on the country side and worked on a farm. But automobiles allowed people to live on the city's outskirts and able to work in the city by travelling. Automobiles free common people from the limitations of their geography. The beginning of the twentieth century bought the light to the automobile industry, with the first prototype delivered in the late nineteenth century. French woodworking machinery makers Rene Panhard and Emile Levassor built the first car in 1890 with a German designed engine by Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach. Armand Peugeot, a French bicycle maker, licensed the same engine and sold his first four lightweight cars in 1891. Next year, German engine designer Carl Benz manufactured with his four-wheeled car. With the production of 425 'Curved Dash Olds' in 1901, Ransom Olds became the first mass producer of gasoline-powered automobiles in the United States. And the first gasoline-powered Japanese car was produced in 1907.

Every region: Europe, America, and Asia have contributed notably towards the development of automobile sector throughout the twentieth century. They together have shaped the structure of the automotive industry that exists today. The labor, supplier o f materials a n d configuration America Japan of distribution channels are also important dimensions of t h e g row t h a n d evolution of the industry. The auto industry is v a s t a n d dynamic that accounts for maximum jobs in d e v e l o p e d countries. For country's economic growth, developing countries even consider their local automotive sector as this sector has links with other sectors of their economy. Along with growth and prosperity, the auto industry faces many challenges few of them like, industry's slowdown, globalization of vehicle manufacturing, and car companies going bankrupt. There are many automobile regions in the world. But out of all regions, American, European and Japanese, stand out. They are known for contributing the most in the growth and development of automobile sector. So, with this month's issue of our magazine, we have highlighted how the world's three major automobile manufacturing regions started, along with the popular automakers from these regions. There is a comparison between these three automotive regions on the basis of different characteristic.



May 2015

Comparison between Japanese, American and European Automobiles


n this era, sometimes it is not easy to differentiate between two similar objects that were made in completely different nations. This is largely the case with cars. Nowadays, cars are produced all over the world, so it is not correct to label them completely of one region. However, some differences never disappear, and so does the difference in the styling, performance, safety and others. There are many automakers from different regions, but with more numbers of popular brands and names, American, European and Japanese automakers have a little edge over others. Whenever any new car came out from these makers, they instantly draws crowd. Japanese automakers have their own fan base and so do European and American. Vehicles manufactured by these makers offer high quality features, but still they surpass one another with their features. So, here are few characteristics that make one automaker to overshadow another one.

Design/ Style The first thing people look at while buying cars is the actual bodywork of the car i.e. the design. When it comes to styling, there's no substitute of European vehicles. In Europe, the looks of a car are important factors and one can see that in the result. With the eye-catching and mesmerizing design, European cars look like heaven's own courtesy car. Not only the best models of the best companies, even average European cars have fantastic looks and magnetic design.

The design of European and American vehicles change frequently, while on the other hand, Japanese automakers tend to change the styling of their vehicles far less frequently. Designs of Japanese cars don't become outdated quickly or go out of style very fast. In fact, styling of Japanese vehicles remains more or less the same for many years.

Quality Quality is also one of the priorities of European automakers. From British exotics to Italian stallions and Bavarian sledge-hammers, European things have a quality that doesn't


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May 2015


power. American car comes with a powerful engine that require high consumption of petrol. There is no competitor of American automakers when it comes to strength.


Japan has the history of producing most fuel-efficient vehicles. One of the important things that people consider while buying a car is fuel economy and Japanese vehicles are designed purposely to offer that. As a matter of fact, during the 1973 oil crises, the popularity of Japanese cars increased in the global market as vehicles developed by them have smaller engine and are fuel-efficient. Japanese vehicles are always the best option when one wants a fuel-efficient car.

European and American automakers may lead in terms of acceleration, power, strength, but they do fall short in terms of reliability. Japanese cars have the best track record when it comes to reliability. Manufacturing reliable cars is not only confined only to Toyota, Nissan, and Honda. Other Japanese automakers such as Mazda, Mitsubishi, Isuzu, Daihatsu manufacture equivalently reliable vehicles. By providing reliable and safe cars, Japanese automakers have made huge imprints on the heart of customers.



In terms of performance or power also, it is quite difficult to find an alternate of European makers. Models of top European automakers such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz are some of the best performing vehicles ever built. The power and acceleration of these cars are much more than their counterparts.

Along with being fuel-efficient and re l i a b l e , J a p a n e s e v e h i c l e s a re reasonably priced also. They are built


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Longevity Japanese cars may not run as fast as their European equivalents, but they generally run for a much longer period of time. They do not require much maintenance; rarely major repairs are required on Japanese vehicles.

Strength Americans love power and that can be easily seen in t h e i r p ro d u c t s s u c h a s vehicles. American cars are popular for their strength. These vehicles have even dubbed the name "muscle cars" for their

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with the idea of common man in mind. On the other hand, European cars are tad expensive to be within everyone's reach.

Safety Japanese vehicles attract praise worldwide for their features and one such feature is safety. Japanese automakers are leading when it comes to safety. They are known for developing technologies that raise the standards of automobile safety even higher. American, European and Japanese automakers have been competing against each other for ages to benefit customers with best vehicles. People prefer to buy vehicles on the basis of their personal preference and vehicle's features. Some prefer strong, powerful vehicles, while some go with fuel-efficient ones. Comparatively speaking, in European cars, design, performance are the main features, while American cars are identified as big, powerful and spacious ones and with Japanese cars come reliability, fuel-efficiency

May 2015 and affordability. Japanese automakers have their own fan base. So does American and European automakers. While buying a Japanese car, buyers buy reliability, with European car comes power and performance, whereas with American comes strength and power. The debate on which is the world’s number one automaker is a very old age debate and is still going on. JapaneseCarTrade.com has also compared the top three automobile regions on the basis of different characteristics. On the basis of major features one look out for while buying cars, we have rated these three regions (Japanese, American and European) out of 5 stars. As per JCT’s opinion, we recommend Japanese cars as with them comes everything one wants in their vehicle. Japanese cars are synonymous with reliability, efficiency, safety, comfort, quality, longevity, and they are always under one’s budget. However, the decision is completely up to buyers to choose the vehicle they want.

Comparison on the basis of automobile features from three automobile regions Sr.



Design/ Style








Safety and Security Features






Cost Eciency








Accessories and Convenient


Passenger Capacity/ Interior Space




Cargo Capacity

American Automobiles

Japanese Automobiles

European Automobiles


May 2015



Automobile Industry


apan is among one of the largest automobile manufacturer and exporter in the world. Along with its gigantic automobile industry, the country is the home of six of the world's ten largest automobile manufacturers in ranking. Japanese automobile industry started with the production of small cars. In 1902, the first automobile was built in Japan by Komanosuke Uchiyama in Ginza from a gasoline engine that had been brought back from the United States. However, the first entirely J a p a n e s e manufactured car was built in 1907. In 1904, the first Japanese -made bus was built by Torao Yamaha with the seating capacity of 10 passengers. By 1914, Mitsubishi Zosen manufactured its first car, called the Model A. After the end of World War I, large numbers of companies with the support of the government and the Imperial Army started manufacturing military trucks that eventually resulted in the starting of automobile companies such as Toyota, Nissan, and marks the beginning of Japanese automobile industry and during 1955, the production of cars by Japanese makers increased. By the end of 1950s, Japan began to export vehicles to different countries every year, but the

number includes only few hundred. In the year 1961, the figure reached 10,000 which climbed up to million by 1970s. Japanese automakers started from the very beginning to reach a place where they are at present. The movement to preserve the environment has already hit the Japanese automobile industry and many renowned automakers h a v e d e s i g n e d environmentally friendly and fuel-efficient vehicles. And other makers are also investing in this sector. Automobile industries and makers are making ways t o m a k e driving a pleasurable experience. The automobile industry of the country with its innovative ideas, attractive designs, and use of the latest technologies is clearly leading in the race to capitalize on the automobile market of various countries. The automobile sector of the country with its innovation and technology is contributing towards the worldwide development of the automobile sector. Innovative features are incorporated by manufacturers to offer their customers with higher-end cars.

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May 2015


Japanese automakers


apanese automakers stood among popular automakers across the world. The main reason for the popularity of Japanese automakers across the world is that they stood well on all the promises made. With Japanese vehicles come extreme reliability, good quality and safety. Time and again, Japanese makers have proven with various tests that they are better than other makers across the world. The result speaks itself for the hard work and determination p o u re d by a u t o m o b i l e manufacturers. And that's why there are around millions of Japanese vehicles across the world.

Every Japanese automaker contributed in a way that helped the country 's automobile industry to reach the pinnacle. There's no doubt that Japanese automakers understand the taste of automobile buyers very well. By delivering eďŹƒcient vehicles, Japanese a u t o m o b i l e manufacturers always try to make a place in the heart of buyers. Vehicles from every segment from them are popular among people. Here is the list of top automakers from 'the Land of the Rising Sun'.

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May 2015


Toyota Motor Corporation HQ- Toyota, Aichi Prefecture, Japan


nnovation and leadership have been Toyota's gift from the beginning. Not only in statistics, this Japanese brand also holds the top spot in many people's mind. Established on August 28, 1937, under Kiichiro Toyoda, Toyota Motor Corporation is one of the largest automobile industries in the world. This automobile company started as a division of Toyota Automatic Loom Works for commercial weaving applications in the town of Koromo and was later hired by the Japanese government for manufacturing cost-effective cars for military purposes. Toyota's first vehicles were the A1 passenger car and the G1 truck in 1935. In '50, Toyota expanded its area by introducing small cars. In 1950, a separate sales company, Toyota Motor Sales Co., was established; however it lasted until July 1982. In April 1956, Toyota opened its dealer chain, the Toyopet. In 1957, the Crown became the first Japanese car to be exported to the United States and the same year Toyota established its American and Brazilian divisions, Toyota Motor Sales Inc. and Toyota do Brasil S.A. respectively. In April 1963, Toyota

manufactured its first vehicle outside Japan at Melbourne, Australia. And from 1963 till 1965, Australia remained Toyota's biggest export market and by decade's end, the automobile maker established a worldwide presence, as the company had exported its one-millionth unit. The main business activity of Toyota Motors is vehicles production and sales. Generally Toyota produces passenger cars. However, minivans, buses, trucks and related parts and accessories are also manufactured under Toyota name. Toyota Motor is also paying attention towards developing environment friendly vehicles. By manufacturing P r i u s , Toy o t a became one of the first major automakers to manufacture Hybrid vehicles. And now with the launch Toyota FCV, which is a hybrid hydrogen fuel cell vehicle, Toyota became the world's first brand to sell hydrogen FCV commercially. Toyota Group is k n ow n a c ro s s t h e w o r l d , c h i e fl y f o r i t s automobiles, but still the company is in the textile business and manufactures automatic looms and electric sewing machines.

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May 2015

Suzuki Motor Corporation HQ- Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan


ichio Suzuki, in 1909, founded Suzuki Loom Works. During the first 30 years, the company focused on the development and production of weaving machines. In 1952, by manufacturing the Power Free 36cc, 2-cycle motorized bicycle, Suzuki enters in the motor-vehicle segment. On June 1954, the name changed to Suzuki Motor Co. Ltd. which on October 1990, renamed to Suzuki Motor Corporation. The first two wheeled vehicle w a s manufactured by a bicycle fitted with a motor called the "Power Free". In 1955, Suzuki launched Suzuki Suzulight that comes with a front-wheel drive, four-wheel independent suspension and rack-and-pinion steering. Even though the company produced its first car in 1955, but it didn't have the automobile division until 1961. In 1976, Suzuki introduced a range of four-stroke machines.

the potent four-cylinder 750cc GS750, with double-overhead camshafts. The company is best known across the United States and Europe as a manufacturer of small, fuel-efficient cars and SUVs along with powerful motorcycles. In 2004, Suzuki w i t h t h e introduction of the Verona shifted to the production of the midsize car sector. The company specializes in manufacturing automobiles, four-wheel drive vehicles, m o t o rc y c l e s , A l l -Te r ra i n Vehicles (ATV), outboard marine engines, wheelchairs, generators, water pumps and variety of small internal combustion engines. The motorcycle products of Suzuki include cruiser, motocross, off-road, scooter, street, touring models. Suzuki has around 35 main production facilities in 23 countries and 133 distributors in 192 countries.

The first one being the GS400, a 400cc twin, and

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Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. HQ- Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, Japan


issan Motor Company Ltd, popularly known as Nissan was established on December 26, 1933 under Yoshisuke Aikawa. The first small-size Datsun was manufactured by an integrated assembly system at the Yokohama Plant in April 1935. The same year, Nissan began t h e ex p o r t o f i t s vehicles to Australia. In 1960, for its e x c e l l e n t engineering, Nissan became the first Japanese automaker to win the Deming Prize. History of Nissan goes back in1911, when Masujiro Hashimoto founded the Kwaishinsha Motor Car Works and produced its first car in 1914, called DAT. However, it was renamed to Kwaishinsha Motorcar Co., Ltd. in 1918 and to DAT Jidosha & Co., Ltd. (DAT Motorcar Co.) in 1925. On the other hand, Jitsuyo Jidosha Co. Ltd. was founded in 1919, to develop Gorham-style three-wheeled vehicles that were designed by the American engineer William R. Gorham. In 1926, Kwaishinsha Co. and Jitsuyo Jidohsa Co. merged to form Dat Jidosha Seize Co., which became associated with Tobata Casting. That ultimately leads to the establishment of Nissan Motor Co. after two years. In 1931, DAT came out with its new smaller car Datson. Later in 1933, when Nissan took over the control the name changed to Datsun. In 1934, Aikawa separated the expanded automobile division of Tobata Casting and incorporated it as a new subsidiary, which was named Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. Nissan purchased design plans and plant facilities from Graham-Paige Motors Corp., US in 1936 for the manufacturing of passenger cars and trucks. With the beginning of 1938 and throughout the

Second World War, Nissan produced trucks and military vehicles. Nissan is generally involved in the production and sales of automotive products and marine equipments as well as other related accessories. D u r i n g struggling in the late 1990s, Nissan entered into an alliance with Renault, forming Nissan-Renault Alliance. Nissan c u r r e n t l y manufactures vehicles in 20 countries and areas across the world. Cars of Nissan Motors are sold under the brands, Nissan, Datsun, Infiniti, and NISMO.

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May 2015

Honda Motor Company Ltd. HQ- Minato, Tokyo, Japan


onda Motor was founded in 1948 by Sochiro Honda. He was a mechanic who began with developing the design for piston rings. Soichiro first tried to sell his design to Toyota Motors, but was declined due to their poor qualities and eventually, after ten years, in 1948 he established his own company Honda Motor. The first complete motorcycle by Honda, with the frame and the engine was the 1949, Model D. The T360 mini pick-up truck was the Honda's first production automobile that was launched in June

1963. It was a small 356 cc pick-up truck. And the Honda's first production car was a 531cc, S500 sports car. The car weighed only 680kg and has a top speed of 80mph. With 1969, Honda came out with a more powerful car, 599cc N6oo. The car has the top speed of 81mph and was in production till 1972. It was Honda's first car that was officially imported to the United States. In 1972, Honda came with its best car, Civic as a two-door coupe that was followed by a three-door hatchback two months later. And by 1979, Honda came up with its four-door sedan and a five-door hatchback. In 2005, Civic became the world's sixth best-selling car with the production of over 16.5 millions. Honda's another popular model, Accord was first launched in 1976 as a 68-hp two-door hatchback and a four-door sedan model was added in 1979. It's the first Japanese automaker to release a luxury brand, Acura in 1986. In the year 1991, Honda NSX supercar was introduced that was the first all-aluminum monocoque vehicle that incorporated a mid-engine V6 with variable-valve timing. Since 1959, Honda has been the largest manufacturer of motorcycles in the world. In 2007, Honda became the first manufacturer to provide air crash bag protection in motorcycles. Along with Honda's automobile and motorcycle businesses, the company also manufactures garden equipment, marine engines, personal watercraft and power generators.

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May 2015


Daihatsu Motor Co. Ltd. HQ- Ikeda, Osaka Prefecture, Japan


aihatsu Motor Co., Ltd. established in 1951, is a successor to Hatsudoki Seizo Co. Ltd. that was founded in 1907 by professors Yoshinki and Turumi to produce gasoline powered engines for small stationary power plants. From 1951 to until 1958, Daihatsu only built low priced small engine three wheelers, with the introduction of its range of four wheelers in 1958. The first four-wheel drive off-roader from Daihatsu was the utility Taft with engine ranges from 1.0 liter petrol to 2.5- liter diesel. Daihatsu is the Japanese oldest automaker, which mainly deals with small and mini cars and mini trucks, passenger car engines. Daihatsu began exporting

vehicles to Europe by the 1960s. However, the sales were not much of a success until 1980s. Many Daihatsu models in Japan are known as Kei cars. The company, now part of Toyota Motors is specialized since beginning in manufacturing of smallcapacity passenger cars and four-wheel drive off-roaders. In 1966, Daihatsu Diesel Motor Manufacturing Company was formed which specializes in the production of marine engines and diesel generators. It is chiefly involved in the production of hybrid electric vehicles. Even after 100 years, the company continues to supply cars for around 100 countries across the world.

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May 2015


Automobile Industry


he automobile industry of America started in the 1890s a n d e v o l v e d rapidly in one of the largest in the world. The country 's a u t o m o b i l e industry ruled the world's automobile sector during the first half of the twentieth century. The vehicle industry started with the introduction of many manufacturing companies, but by the end of 1920s, it was dominated by Chrysler, Ford and General Motors. With the introduction of the Model T Ford by Henry Ford in 1908, Americans developed a passion for manufacturing vehicles in the world. During the beginning of the 20th century, automobiles were limited to only few people as they were time-consuming to produce and too costly for the general public. However, during 1904 and 1908 around 241 different firms began the production of cars aimed at American consumers. In 1908, Ford Motor Company came with the Model T that revolutionized American automobile industry. The vehicle was purposely marketed to average family and by the year 1918, almost half of the American car consumers owned Model Ts. In the meantime, William C. Durant established General Motors in 1908 by merging Buick, Oakland and Oldsmobile. Later on, Cadillac and Chevrolet were also added to the company. The Chrysler Corporation started in 1925 along with many other car companies during this period. By the end of 1920s, the US stock market crashed that began the Great Depression that hit the car

industry hard. During 1930s, many automakers saw the downfall due to the economic effects of the Great Depression, and rigorous competition from the Big Three (Chrysler, Ford and General Motors). The declining economy chiefly affected luxury automobile manufacturers, with companies like Stutz M o t o r C o m p a n y, Pierce-Arrow Motor Company, Peerless M o t o r C o m p a n y, Cunningham, and the Marmon Motor Car Company going cleaned out.

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JapaneseCarTrade.com After the World War II, America emerged from the Great Depression and the auto industry started to thrive. The period was very good for the country's economy as people began to earn more, businesses ourished and consequently demand for vehicles increased. The 1950s saw cars with ground-breaking technologies and rocket-inspired designs.

May 2015


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Americans were buying more and more cars and car companies were manufacturing large, powerful, stylish cars for people to buy. In the 1960s, car makers shifted the focus on producing safer vehicles that could meet the needs of modern consumers. Cars manufactured during the time were powerful, spacious, and fast. They were even referred to as "muscle cars". Earlier fuel economy was not a major concern for Americans. However, the oil crises of the 1970s forced automakers to create vehicles that were fuel-eďŹƒcient. But as the crises ended, the car makers returned to producing fast, powerful vehicles.

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May 2015

Top 5

American automakers


oday, dependence on automobiles has increased more than ever. Factors such as increasing incomes, g r o w i n g industrial development, a n d liberalization of ďŹ nance markets are contributing towards the increasing demand for vehicles (both passenger and commercial). United States is among major automobile manufacturing regions in the world. It is a

homeland of many popular auto manufacturers such as Chrysler, Chevrolet, Opel and many more. Vehicles produced by A m e r i c a n a u t o m a ke r s a re known as they are powerful, high on quality and safe to drive. There always lies quintessential American-ness in their vehicles. So, let's look out for top 5 American automakers that are recognized for producing magniďŹ cent vehicles.

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HQ- New York city, New York, United States


ith the history of more than 100 years, Cadillac is known for its uncompromising performance, design and groundbreaking technology. The company that was first to offer drivers a color other than black was formed as t h e remnants of the Henry F o r d Company. A f t e r a dispute with his investors, Ford left the company along with his partners in 1902. F o r d ' s

In 1905, the company merged with the Leland & Faulconer Manufacturing to form the Cadillac Motor Company. Later on in 1909, the Cadillac Motor Company was purchased by the General Motors conglomerate and became its division for the manufacturing of large luxury vehicles. In 1915, Cadillac introduced a 90-degree flathead V8 engine with 70hp at 2400rpm and 240Nm of torque. That was fastest in comparison to others at that time. In 1928 using constant mesh gears, Cadillac introduced the first clashless SynchroMesh manual transmission. Primary markets of Cadillac car was the United States, Canada and China. However, the company's vehicles are branded in 34 additional markets worldwide. The biggest selling point of Cadillac vehicles are their reliability and precision manufacturing. With its stylish finish and luxurious design, the cars of Cadillac are among the world's finest cars.

Japanese Used Cars for Export partners William Murphy, Lemuel Bowen, along with Henry M. Leland formed an automobile company on 22nd August, 1902 named, the Cadillac Automobile Company. The company was named after French Explorer Antoine Laumet de La Mothe, sieur de Cadillac, who founded Detroit in 1701. The first automobile manufactured by Cadillac was a two-seat horseless carriages powered by 10hp single cylinder engine, called the Runabout and Tonneau in 1902.

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May 2015

Chrysler HQ- Detroit, Michigan, United States


his American automaker that is officially known as FCA US LLC was founded by Walter Chrysler in 1925 and is owned by Italian automaker Fiat. The first car manufactured was the 1924 Chrysler Six that came with a light,

manufacturer Daimler-Benz AG to form Daimler Chrysler. But the merge turned out to be contentious and the company was sold to Cerberus Capital Management and renamed Chrysler LLC in 2007. During automotive crises the company became bankrupt, however, managed to remain in the business. It emerged from the bankruptcy proceedings with the United Auto Workers pension fund, Fiat S.p.A., and U.S. and Canadian governments as principal owners. On 1st January 2014, Fiat purchased the remaining Chrysler from United Auto Workers retiree health trust. On January 21, 2014, Chrysler Group became a subsidy of Fiat S.p.A. Same year in May, Fiat S.p.A. merged into the company to form Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, NV. Chrysler Group LLC renamed FCA US LLC on December 15, 2014 to reflect the Fiat-Chrysler merger.

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May 2015



HQ- Detroit, Michigan, United States


hevrolet, casually referred as Chevy and formally the Chevrolet Division of General M o t o r s C o m p a n y, i s a n A m e r i c a n automobile division of the American manufacturer General Motors. In 1910, GM founder Durant was forced out from the company, but he regrouped with other partners to form another car company. O n 3 r d November 1 9 1 1 i n Detroit, Michigan, road racer L o u i s Chevrolet and General M o t o r s founder Billy Durant created Chevrolet. The ďŹ rst car launched by the company was the Series C Classic Six that came up with electric starter and electric headlamps. In 1917, Chevrolet merged into General Motors as a separate division. After its merger with GM, the company launched model D in 1918 that came with V8 35hp engines. The engine became popular because of its reliability and earned the nickname, "cast iron

wonder". Few years later, Chevrolet entered into the market of SUV with the Suburban Carryall. Weighing around one and half tons, it has the seating capacity of eight passengers and sporting rough terrain riding capabilities. Production line of Chevrolet includes SUVs, crossovers, trucks, vans, diesel vehicles, hybrid vehicles. The launch of the electrically driven Volt w a s t h e world's ďŹ rst m a s s produced electric vehicle with gasolinepowered extended r a n g e providing 379-miles of total range. Throughout its history of 100 years Chevrolet has manufactured many cars and trucks and has always known for their style, precision and comfort. Since then the brand symbolizes the best of American automobile originality, giving customers the quality they want and the value they need. The company has earned reputation for performance, durability and value.

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May 2015

Ford Motor Company HQ- Dearborn, Michigan, United States


enry Ford's initial attempt at a car company under his own name was the Henry Ford Company on November 3, 1901, which became the Cadillac Motor Company on August 22, 1902. Ford built his first gasolinepowered vehicle "Quadricycle", which consisted of a light metal frame fitted with four bicycle wheels and powered by a two-cylinder, fourhorsepower gasoline engine in a workshop behind his home in 1896. In 1903, Ford introduced Ford Motor Company with other prospective stockholders. A month after the company was established, the first Ford car was assembled at a plant on Mack Avenue in Detroit. In 1908 with the introduction of the Model T or ("Tin Lizzie" as popularly k n ow n a s ) F o rd introduced the engine with a removable cylinder head and achieved his mission to produce an affordable and reliable automobile for everyone. To meet the increasing demand for this vehicle, Ford introduced a new mass-production methods, including large production plants, the use of

standardized, interchangeable parts and, in 1913, the world's first moving assembly line for cars. In 1914 in order to improve the company 's productivity, Ford introduced the $5 daily wage for an eight-hour day for his employees (up from $2.34 for nine hours), setting a standard for the industry. In 1927, the first car with safety glass in the windshield was introduced by Ford named; Model A. Ford launched the first low priced V8 engine powered car in 1932. During 1 9 6 0 s t h e competition in the automobile industry increased, and to remain as t h e m a j o r automaker Ford came out with Ford Mustang in 1964, a compact semi GT with four seats. Ford acquired Jaguar Cars in 1990 and Aston Martin in1994. Ford has manufactured many vehicles some of them are Thunderbird, Model T, Fairlaine, Galaxie, Falcon, and Mustang.

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May 2015


General Motors Company HQ- Detroit, Michigan, United States of America


eneral Motors popularly known as GM is an American Multinational Corporation that designs, manufactures, distribute vehicles and vehicle parts and sell finances services. The General Motors Company was founded on September 16th, 1908 in Flint, Michigan as a holding company for the American automotive brand Buick, which was under the control of William C. Durant. Along with the cof o u n d e r , Charles Stewart Mott, Durant a c q u i r e d Oldsmobile, Cadillac, Elmore, Oakland (later k n o w n a s Pontiac). In 1 9 0 8 , G M acquired the Reliance Motor Truck Company and the Rapid Motor Vehicle Company, which led to the foundation for the General Motors truck. Years later, Durant lost the control of GM, and cofounded the Chevrolet Motor Car Company in 1911 with Louis Chevrolet. Meanwhile, General Motors with the 1912 Cadillac launched the electric self-starter. Durant returned back to the

company and re-organized the company into the General Motors Corporation and introduced the first GM vehicle under the Chevy brand name: the 1918 Chevrolet 490. Due to World War I, during 1917-19, GM shifts the production to trucks. Through the 1920s, the General Motors expanded into a global market. It acquired Vauxhall Motors Ltd. of Great Britain and Adam Opel AG of Germany in 1925 and 1929 respectively. In 1930, GM began the design and manufacturing o f a i rc ra f t by buying Fokker Aircraft Corp of A m e r i c a ( U. S . subsidiary of Fokker) and Berliner-Joyce A i r c r a f t , merging them into General Aviation Manufacturing Corporation. And in 1932, the company formed a new subsidiary, United Cities M o t o r Tra n s p o r t ( U C M T ) t o fi n a n c e t h e conversion of streetcar systems to buses in small cities.

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During World War II, GM produced a huge fleet of armament and military vehicles, both for Allied and Axis forces. By the early 1940s, GM became responsible for almost half of all the cars being made in the U.S. At one point GM had become the largest corporation registered in the United States. In fact, in 1955, General Motors became the first American corporation to pay taxes of over $1 billion. From 1960s onwards General Motors had a difficult period as many of its products came under attack for poor workmanship. The period of hardship continued through the 90s and was affected more by stiff competition from Japanese companies. However, in the late-1990s the company went back on the way to recovery, with increasing stock and sales stabilizing. However, the company again failed after 11 September, 2001. The company survived hardship for the next few years, until the recession of 2008 put it on the brink of bankruptcy, which was finally was bailed out by the Federal government. From electric and mini-cars to heavy duty full-size trucks, monocabs and convertibles, General Motors offer a broad range of vehicles in more than 120 countries across the world and is definitely one of the important automobile manufacturers.

May 2015


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May 2015


European Auto Industry


urope and cars are connected by a long history. Even though the automobile industry has great social and economic impact in the United States, but the blueprint of the modern automobile industry was idealized initially in France and Germany in the late nineteenth century. The world's first automobile was produced by German car engineer, Carl Benz. The 1901, Wilhelm Maybach designed Mercedes for Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft, which became the first modern motorcar in all aspects. The car has a thirty-five-horsepower engine that weighed only fourteen pounds per horsepower, and achieved a speed of 50mph. Europe is recognized for its excellent automobile industry and outstanding engineering. European automakers are known for producing one of the best performing and handling vehicles. Some car enthusiasts prefer tight handling nature of vehicles while some love high level of luxury, which is common on many European models. These cars give special feel and look, and a dream to drive. With the design and engineering, European makers stand out of remaining and one perfect difference between the designing of European and American automobiles was illustrated by first Mercedes model and Ransom E. Olds's model during 1901-1906. The European Union is the world's biggest

manufacturer of automobiles, with around 18 million vehicles produced within a year only. The automobile industry provided momentum to the economy of many European countries. The industry is the largest job provider to extremely skillful labors and is a key driver of the continent's innovation and knowledge. Europe's five biggest automobile manufacturing regions are Germany, France, Italy, the UK and Spain. Out of all European regions, Germany is the European vehicle production leader.

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May 2015

Top 5

European automakers


he European auto industry is a global player, delivering quality 'Made in Europe' vehicles around the world. There is no doubt that European cars are the most popular cars in the world. When one talks of a European vehicle, a couple of things come to mind such as beautiful interiors, charisma, speed. Along with the major producer of the best performing and handling vehicles, Europe also leads in the production of clean vehicle. Europe's vehicles, such as cars, vans, buses are known for being the cleanest and quietest in the world. So, here are top ďŹ ve automakers from European region that are known across the world for their engineering and design.

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May 2015


Audi AG

HQ- Ingolstadt, Germany


his German automaker has been in business for more than 100 years. Audi designs, engineers, produces, markets and distributes luxury automobiles. The vehicles of this brand are produced in nine production facilities worldwide. The name of the company is based on the Latin translation of the surname of the founder, August Horch. "Horch" which means "listen" in German become "audi" in Latin. On 14 November 1899, August Horch established the company A. Horch & Cie. and in 1902 moved his company to Reichenbach in Vogtland. On May, 10th, 1904 he founded the August Horch & Cie. Motorwagenwerke AG, a joint-stock company in Zwickau. After troubles with chief financial officer of Horch, August Horch left Motorwagenwerke and on 16 July 1909, founded his second company in Zwickau, the August Horch Automobilwerke GmbH. August was not allowed to use "Horch" as a trade name in his new car business, so to discuss the new care name he called a meeting with close business friends, Paul and Franz Fikentscher from Zwickau, Germany and there they came up with the name, Audi. On 25 April 1910, the Audi Automobilwerke GmbH

Zwickau was registered became Audiwerke AG Zwickau from 1915. The company produced its first automobile, the Audi Type A 10/22 hp SportPhaeton the same year, followed by its successor Type B 10/28PS. Audi started with a 2,612 cc inline-four engine model Type A, followed by a 3,564 cc model, 4,680 cc and 5,720 cc models. These models were popular even in sporting events. The four brands, the Saxon brands of Audi and Horch from Zwickau, Wanderer from Chemnitz and DKW from Zschopau combined in 1932 to form Auto Union AG – with the sign of the four rings. During this time only, the company offered the "Audi Front" that became the first European car to combine a six-cylinder engine with frontw h e e l d r i v e . Vo l k s w a g e n i s t h e l a r g e s t shareholder of Audi that holds around 99.5% of the share capital. Audi's slogan Vorsprung durch Technik means "Progress through Technology". Along with BMW and Mercedes-Benz, Audi is a member of the "German Big 3" luxury automakers. Since the beginning, Audi has been working to provide better fuel efficient vehicles and is developing new technologies in the field of drive systems and fuels.

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May 2015


HQ- Munich, Germany


ayerische Motoren Werke AG or BMW is a German automobile, motorcycle and engine manufacturing company that was established in 1916. Along with Mercedes-Benz and Audi, BMW is a part of the "German Big 3", which are the three best-selling luxury car makers in the world. The history of BMW goes back in 1913 when there was huge demand for aircrafts. In October 1913, Karl Friedrich Rapp establishes "RappMotorenwerke" in a former bicycle factory near Munich. Despite the need for aircraft engines, the sale of Rapp's powerplants declined due to a reliability flaw c a u s e d b y unwanted engine vibrations. Close to Rapp´s factory, Gustav Otto, the son of the inventor and industrialist Nikolaus August Otto, sets up an aircraft factory, Gustav Otto Flugmaschinefabrik, which was renamed Otto Werke in January 1915. In 1916, Rapp's company secured a contract to produce 25 large V12 aircraft engines on behalf of Austro-Daimler.

As there were issues of engine reliability with Rapp's company so, they purchased four-cylinder water-cooled aircraft engines from the Gustav Otto factory. In the following months the Otto's company also failed. So, as a mutual benefit for b o t h the companies Gustav Otto´s Company merged with Rapp's company t o f o r m "Bayerische FlugzeugWerke" or BFW, in E n g l i s h " B a v a r i a n Aircraft Works". O n 7 t h M a rc h 1916, soon after the merge, the company name changed into "Bayerische Motoren Werke GmbH" or BMW. The company's first aircraft engine, Type IIIa, a water-cooled, six-cylinder inline engine goes production in 1917. In 1918, this engine powered a biplane to 5,000 meters altitude in just 29 minutes, which increased the demand for BMW engines. And the following year the company became BMW AG. In 1919, after the end of the

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JapaneseCarTrade.com First World War agreement was signed, the Allies prohibited German military to produce aircraft engines. Therefore, BMW shifted to the production of boat and truck engines and farming equipment. In 1923, the company entered in the production of motorcycles and the same year manufactured its first motorcycle, the R 32. BMW produces motorcycles under BMW Motorrad. The first car successfully manufactured by BMW and that launched it on the road to automobile production was the Dixi in 1929. It was based on Austin 7 and licensed from the Austin Motor Company in Birmingham, England. In 1936, the company started the production of the BMW328 sports car. Until Second World War, aircraft engines, motorcycles, automobiles were the main products of the company. For several years after the war, the company was not allowed to manufacture anything, but in early 50s with the launch of BMW 501 followed by 502 that was powered by the world's first light-alloy V8, the brand showed its commitment to the technology. BMW's Isetta a small two-seat microcar became the best-selling BMW of that decade. Throughout 70s, the company opened many new plants, bringing larger-scale production, with the creation of the pioneering turbo engines used in mass-production. The company soon entered in F1 racing, and won the 1983 Formula One World Championship. In the mid 90s, BMW entered into the partnership with Rolls-Royce and continued its research and development of aircraft engines along with its work on gas turbines. In the year 1992, BMW acquired large stake in California based industrial design studio Designed Works USA and owned it completely in 1995. In 1994, BMW acquired the Rover Group for six years and later launched the MINI series in 2001. BMW started out with the production of aircraft engines followed by motorcycles and then automobiles. The company's advertising slogan describes its vehicles as "the ultimate driving machine". Over the years, the brand has become the standard for performance and luxury.

May 2015


Japan Used Automobile Export Worldwide in Year 2015 Jan


Country Name

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

Myanmar 12,146 U.A.E. 9,897 New Zealand 7,707 Sri Lanka 4,830 Chile 4,046 Kenya 2,882 South Africa 3,256 Tanzania 2,865 Russia 2,457 Pakistan 1,650 Georgia 2,329 Philippines 2,120 Mongolia 2,523 Uganda 1,712 Mozambique 1,524 Zambia 1,711 Bangladesh 2,940 Malaysia 1,715 Trinidad & Tobago 1,022 Botswana 1,035 Surinam 575 Jamaica 582 Hong Kong 776 The Dem Rep Co 849 Namibia 681 Guyana 508 Singapore 433 Australia 425 Fiji 519 Zimbabwe 388 Thailand 372 U.K. 298 Mauritius 357 Malawi 256 Bahamas 242 Turkey 341 Cyprus 260 Indonesia 379 Paraguay 272 China 215 Swaziland 191 Nigeria 193 Papua New Guinea 220 Maldive 109 Ireland 169 Dominican Rep 182 Malta 255 Canada 141



13,551 11,333 9,970 4,969 5,411 5,137 3,959 3,673 3,485 3,146 2,251 2,323 1,830 2,092 2,011 1,814 519 1,637 1,363 1,192 1,052 985 709 584 421 588 648 619 502 626 502 519 397 434 445 327 398 232 311 308 277 260 205 313 217 170 85 130

25,697 21,230 17,677 9,799 9,457 8,019 7,215 6,538 5,942 4,796 4,580 4,443 4,353 3,804 3,535 3,525 3,459 3,352 2,385 2,227 1,627 1,567 1,485 1,433 1,102 1,096 1,081 1,044 1,021 1,014 874 817 754 690 687 668 658 611 583 523 468 453 425 422 386 352 340 271



May 2015


HQ- Saint-Ouen, France


itroen is a French automobile manufacturer that produces a full range of passenger and light utility vehicles. It was founded in 1919 by French industrialist AndreGustave Citroen. Within eight years, the company became Europe's largest car manufacturer and the 4th largest in the world. It was the first mass production car company outside America. After working with the car company 'Mors', C i t r o e n established his ow n c o m p a n y, 'Andre Citroen & Cie' in 1905. By 1913, the name of the company changed into 'Societe des Engrenages Citroen' (Citroen Cog Factory). By 1920, the company began manufacturing more than 12,000 cars a year. The automaker produced Europe's first all-steel-bodied car, the B10 in 1924. In the 1930s, Citroën designed and manufactured the revolutionary Traction Avant (front-wheel drive) automobile that was one of the first cars that features a unitary-type body and no chassis

frame for holding the mechanical components. From 1948 to 1990, the Citroën 2CV was manufactured. The car was a people's car as it was basic, powerful and inexpensive. After the death of André Citroën in 1935, the French tire manufacturer Michelin Company took over the company. In 1954 Citroën produced the world's first hydropneumatic self-leveling suspension system, and in 1955, it came up with the revolutionary DS, the first E u r o p e produced car with disc brakes. In 1967, to allow greater visibility on windy roads, C i t r o ë n introduced s w i v e l i n g headlights in several models. During the 1970s oil crisis, Michelin tried to sell the company to Italy's Fiat, but the French government intervened and prohibited that shift. However, in 1975, Peugeot finally took over Citroën, and there it remains today. Citroën and Peugeot cars share many components and platforms, but the two brands still exist.

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May 2015


Mercedes-Benz HQ- Stuttgart, Germany


he German luxury-car maker known for its luxury automobiles is a multinational division of German manufacturer Daimler AG. It is one of the world's best known and established automotive brands. The beginning of Mercedes-Benz goes back in 1926 when Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft (DMG) and Benz & Cie merged together to become Daimler-Benz AG. In 1844, Carl Benz invented the vehicle that changes the way people move. It was a three-wheeled, selfpropelled "Motorwagen" with a rear-mounted cylinder engine. Gottlieb Daimler introduced his first four-wheeler, a Victoria-type motor driven carriage in the year1886. Demand for Daimler 's engine increases in 1890 and as a result a corporation named, the Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft (Daimler Motor Company) was formed on November 1890. On the other hand, Carl Benz with other associates formed company, Benz & Cie, at Mannheim in 1883. A wealthy Austrian banker-sportsman, Emil Jellinek got impressed by the success of DMG in racing competitions and in the 1890s he purchased controlling stock interest in Daimler. Jellinek pursued DMG to build the powerful 35-hp racing car. And on 22nd December 1900, the first

vehicle to be fitted with a 35-hp racing car was built by the chief engineer at DMG, Wilhelm Maybach. The vehicle was named in the honor of Jellinek daughter, Mercedes. In March and August 1901, the 12/16-hp and 8/11-hp sister models appeared. On June 23, 1902, 'Mercédès' was lodged as the trade name and was legally registered on 26th September. After the World War I, it became difficult for companies to survive (especially luxury car makers). Even many financially strong companies were frequently converting into mergers and cooperative ventures. It was at this time, DMG and Benz & Cie. formed an association in 1924. During this period, the two companies generally marketed their products jointly, although still under separate trademarks. Two years later, in June 1926, both the companies merged to form Daimler-Benz AG and launched the first vehicle under the MercedesBenz brand. As a part of the company, MercedesBenz cars division includes Mercedes-Benz and smart car production. Along with BMW and Audi, Mercedes-Benz is a part of "German Big 3" luxury automakers. Mercedes-Benz stands true to its slogan, i.e. "Das Beste oder nichts" or "The best or nothing".

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May 2015


HQ- RĂźsselsheim, Hesse, Germany


n January 21, 1862 Adam Opel founded a company named Opel in Hessen, Germany beginning with the production of sewing machines. In 1886, Opel started the production of high-wheel bicycles also known as 'penny-farthings'. With the quick success of the business, Adam shifted his oďŹƒce to a more spacious place in 1888. Opel entered into the production of cars in partnership with Friedrich Lutzmann in 1899, but the partnership ended after two years. In 1901, the c o m p a n y s i g n e d a l i c e n s i n g agreement with the French automobile maker, Darracq S.A. to sell vehicles under the name OpelD a r ra c q . T h e c a r s manufactured have Darracq chassis and are made up of Opel bodies. However, this partnership also did not last for a longer period of time and dissolved in 1907. The company entered into the production of motorcycles in 1902 and in

1907 it started producing its own cars in parallel with sewing machines. In 1911, the factory literally burned down into ashes and when the production resumed, only the manufacturing of cars continued. In March 1929, General Motors (GM) bought 80% of Opel shares, with the decision of car-making left t o t h e company only. In 1931, the partnership increased to 100%. The company's designed and manufactured vehicles are sold under the Buick brand in the US, Canada, Mexico and China. And the Holden brand in Australia, N ew Z e a l a n d a n d t h e Vauxhall brand in the United Kingdom. Opel operates 12 vehicle, Powertrain, and component plants and four development and test centers in seven countries.

Japan Commerce Corporation Co., Ltd. Japan used vehicles and Heavy Equipments Exporter Phone: +81-03-6280-4207 Website: www.jccjapan.com

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May 2015


Company Introduction

With the experience of more than 16 years, Al Ain Japan (Pvt) Ltd is a major exporter of Japanese and European used vehicles across the world. The company oers a wide array of vehicles that include cars, vans, trucks, SUVs, minivans, tourist buses, buses and machinery.


he company is a proud member of re n ow n e d J a p a n a u t o a u c t i o n s n a m e l y, U S S ( u s e d c a r S y s t e m Solutions), TAA (Toyota Auto Auctions), ARAI (ARAI auto auction), NAA (Nissan Auto Auction), and HAA (Hanathen Auto Auction), JU Groups. Along with auctions, Al Ain Japan purchase vehicles from main brand dealer. Like other used vehicle exporters, Al Ain Japan is a premium member of JCT. The

company is also a member of the Japan Used Motor Vehicle Exporters Association ( JUMVEA), Export Bureau, and Yokohama Chamber of Commerce and Industry, hence oers its customers complete security while trading. The company is known for its utmost customer satisfaction and providing quality vehicles at best prices. Major markets of Al Ain Japan are Africa, The Caribbean, Europe, Oceania, Asia, The Middle East, and North and South America. Member of :

Al Ain Japan (Pvt) Ltd. DARUS SALAM BLDG, 1-28-21 Hayabuchi, Tsuzuki-Ku, Yokohama-Shi, Kanagawa-Ken, 224-0025, JAPAN Telephone: +(81) 45-594-0507, Fax: +(81) 45-594-0508 Mobiles: +(81) 80-1094-0907, +(81) 80-3598-6585



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May 2015


News & Events

Sayuri Mega Solar Power Plant Start Operation


n 1st April, Sayuri International added another page in the book of its achievements. Mega Solar Power Plant of Sayuri International got connected to the main power line of Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). The Mega Solar Power Plant No 2 was connected in the morning, while the Power Plant No 1 followed in the afternoon. The duo adds 1 megawatt of electric power to the TEPCO line. Source: http://www.sayuri.co.jp/en/news/ view?id=83&title=Sayuri-MegaSolar-power-plantstart-operation

RamaDBK hosted 1st International Conference in Malaysia


n 12th February 2015, Asia’s one of the major vehicle exporter RamaDBK, hosted the 1st International Business Conference at JW Marriott Hotel in Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia. Being one of the chief markets of RamaDBK, the company has a good reputation in the country and this occasion in turn helped to strengthen that reputation. Members from ‘PEKEMA’, an association formed by a group of Malay vehicle entrepreneurs, were very happy to meet the RamaDBK president, Mr. Jagath Ramanayake. Along with Malaysia, many car dealers from neighboring countries also attended the conference. This time, with collaboration from A and S Imports and Exports Ltd in UK, RamaDBK may introduce a vast range of vehicles from its UK stocks for Malaysian customers. Along with Japan and UK, RamaDBK is also capable of supplying vehicles in Thailand and South Korea. Source: http://www.ramadbk.com/news/?p=2598

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May 2015




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The 15th Annual Atlantic Nationals Automotive Extravaganza Date: 09-July-2015 to 12-July-2015 http://www.atlanticnationals.com

CLASSIC CAR SHOW Date: 05-July-2015 to 5-July-2015 http://www.classiccarshow.co.za/

Witney Motor Club Motor Show Date: 02-July-2015 to 09-July-2015 http://www.witneymotorclub.co.ukvv

JapShow 2015 Date: 05-July-2015 to 05-July-2015 http://www.japshow.co.uk/index.html

Burns Lake Show and Shine 2015 Date: 05-July-2015 to 05-July-2015 http://burnslakeclassiccars.webs.com

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May 2015


Events Fraser Valley Classic Car Show Date: 19-July-2015 to 19-July-2015 http://fvccs.ca

5th Annual Gear Gear Grabbers Classic Date: 11-July-2015 to 11-July-2015 http://www.geargrabbers.ca

10th Annual Rollers Hot rod-Arama Date: 11-July-2015 to 11-July-2015 http://www.rollerscalgary.com

Merrickville Car Show

15th annual Merrickville Car Show “Cruise & Shop” Date: 12-July-2015 to 12-July-2015 http://www.merrickvillecarshow.com

Saskatchewan Ford-Mercury Show and Shine Date: 12-July-2015 to 12-July-2015 http://www.saskfordmerc.ca

CRC Speedshow Date: 18-July-2015 to 19-July-2015 http://www.speedshow.co.nz

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May 2015

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Be Forward Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-42-440-3440 www.beforward.jp

Direct Auction Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-6-4303-3102 www.jdacars.com

ABC Trading Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-28-422-8373 www.abcjapanauto.com

Bros Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-3-5905-1092 www.bros-tokyo.com

Diyata Japan Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-723-37-9886 www.japanvehicle.com

Aichi Trading Phone: +81-56-927-5080 www.aichitrading.com

Budget Holdings Co., Ltd. Phone : +81-92-503-8118 www.budgetholdings.com

Dukes International Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-828-554-500 www.autostock.jp

AJ Corporation Ltd. Phone : +81-13-464-1641 www.ajcorporationjp.com

Cameroon Corporation Phone : +81-25-728-1366 www.cameroon.co.jp

Every Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-25-211-3260 www.everycar.jp

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Car Junction Ltd. Phone : +81-90-9685-6566 www.carjunction.com

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Carpaydiem Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-3-6434-9289 www.carused.jp

Fujiyama Trading Ltd Phone : +81-45-671-0091 www.fujiyama-trading.co.jp

Carnival Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-7-2281-8000 www.carnival-t.jp

Global Partners Co., Ltd Phone : +81-3-6808-1041 www.globalpartnersjp.com

Central Motors Japan Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-857-23-7529 www.centmoto.co.jp

Happy Japan Cars Corp. Phone : +81-80-6727-5353 www.happyjapancars.com

Create Plus Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-6-6608-3620 www.createplus.co.jp

Hiru Japan Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-44-200-4341 www.hirujapan.net

Asmat Trading Phone : +81-48-280-1826 www.asmattradingjapan.com Atlas International Phone : +81-46-875-1576 www.atlasinter.com Auto Galaxy Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-42-396-8118 www.autogalaxy.jp Auto Link Holdings LLC Phone : +81-50-6861-3388 www.autolink.co.jp Auto Portal Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-725-23-8770 www.autoportal.co.jp Auto Trading Rock Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-45-770-6330 www.japanusedcars.co.jp Auto world International Ltd. Phone : +81-50-6862-7659 www.autoworldjapan.com

Crown Trading Group Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-44-200-0985 www.crown-trading.com CROWN - Imperial Car Trading +81-78-362-1005 www.crownjp.com Dan Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-88-678-7158 www.dan32.com

Imperial Solutions Ltd. Phone : +81-34-578-9208 www.imperialsolutions.jp Individual Co. Ltd. +81-53-586-3145 www.individual-usedcar.com Japan Car Network Inc. Phone : +81-47-721-0001 www.japancarnetwork.com


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Japan Commerce Corp.Co., Ltd. Phone : +81-03-6280-4207 www.jccjapan.com

Kenase Japan Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-80-9124-1722 www.kenasejapan.co.jp

MI-Cars Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-42-710-5005 www.mi-cars.com

Japan Car Access Phone : +81-45-671-0091 www.japancaraccess.com

Kobe Motor Company Phone : +81-45-349-5855 www.kobemotor.com

J & A Trading Corp. Pvt. Ltd. Phone : +81-52-355-6153 www.japanusedauto.com

Kosei Boeki Phone : +81-52-439-3077 www.koseiboeki.com

MKS Trading Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-4-7179-5211 www.mkstrading.co.jp Mythos Inc Phone : +81-78-381-5344 www.mythos-inc.co.jp

Japan Trucks Access Phone : +81-45-671-0091 www.japantruckaccess.com

Kosho Trading Co Ltd. Phone : +81-92-329-1327 www.kosho-trading.com

Jimex Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-45-250-0888 www.jimex.co.jp

Kotobuki Factory Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-6-4303-3102 www.jdafilter.com

J-Logi Co. Ltd. Phone: +81-46-281-7031 www.j-logi.com

Koyojihan Corporation Phone : +81-87-888-3333 www.koyojihan.com

J & A Trading Corp. Pvt. Ltd. Phone : +81-52-355-6153 www.japanusedauto.com

Lib Corporation Phone : 855-27-3434 www.lib-corp.co.jp

JPC Trade Co. Ltd. +81-3-5245-7731 www.jpctrade.com

Lucus Japan Phone : +81-9014418016 www.lucusjapan.com

K. I Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-46-292-7170 www.kicoltd.jp

Maris Inc. Phone: +81-45-540-1241 www.marisjapan.com

Ken Auto Trading Co., Ltd. Phone : +81-78-766-8475 www.ken-auto-trading.net

Meiho Tsusho Corp (Quality Cars Japan) Phone : +81-52-936-2888 www.qualitycarsjapan.com



Nihonsha Land Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-25-278-6050 www.nihonshaland.com Nikko Auto Ltd. Phone : +81-52-301-3662 www.nikko-auto.co.jp Nikkyo Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-3-5960-0274 www.nikkyocars.com O.S NETWORK Co., Ltd. Phone : +81-3-5698-3121 www.osn.jp Oxus Company Phone : +81-92-402-5818 www.oxus.co.jp Paragon Automobile Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-4-7138-6861 www.paragonautomobile.com Phenix Inc. Phone : +81-50-3538-8456 www.japanese-cars.jp

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Pokal International Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-48-791-3945 www.pokal.jp

Shin-Ei International Inc. +81-46-262-7181 www.shineiinternational.co.jp

Will Be Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-6-7176-0105 www.usedcarjp.com

RamaDBK Ltd. Phone : +81-45-402-6117 www.ramadbk.com

Sky Group Phone : 45-910-6638 www.skygroupjapan.com

Woorom Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-3-3586-1520 www.car-auc.jp

Rao International Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-568-692611 www.rao-international.com

Sogo Corporation Ltd. Phone : +81-3-5875-6903

Y R Trading Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-3-4540-6620 www.yrtjapan.com

Rimi International Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-45-936-0776 www.rimi.co.jp Rizubi Trading Used Cars Phone : +81-3-3784-9644 www.rizubiauto.com Royal Trading Co., Ltd Phone : +81-263-24-2543 www.royal-trading.jp S.K Trading Co. Ltd. +81-48-760-0700 www.sktrading.co.jp Saini Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-046-298-3805 www.sainicoltd.com Sayuri International Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-47-441-7206 www.sayuri.co.jp Shafeeq Trading Co. Ltd. Phone : +81-13-422-9387 www.shafeeqtrading.com


Sun Corporation Ltd. Phone : +81-42-673-2889 www.3suncorp.jp TAU Corporation Phone : +81-48-601-0828 www.tau-trade.com Tokyo Auto Company Ltd. Phone : +81-47-711-3342 www.tokyoautocompany.com Tomisho Co. Ltd. Phone : 81-52-804-5666 www.japaneseusedcar.co.jp

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