Humming bird research

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Humming Birds Feeding Habits

Pest Control

Hummingbirds will find your nectar feeder, although there are some steps you can take to help the tiny birds find it sooner. Tying a red ribbon on the feeder wire or pole will help them locate it. Some enthusiasts prefer to use red nectar, although hummingbirds will also find the clear nectar in hummingbird feeders.

Nectar Brush Set If you don't remember when the last time you cleaned any of your hummingbird feeders is, take a look at the nectar inside. If you notice any discoloration, slimy looking strings of goop, or it just doesn't look quite right, clean the feeder.

Simple google search shows, red is a verified attraction

1 Part Sugar 4 Parts Water Boil 1-2 Minutes Cool & Store In Refrigerator


Important! It is very important to clean a hummingbird feeder every three days or so. If a hummingbird feeder is not properly cleaned, mold may grow in the nectar. Since hummingbirds are so small with such tiny little organs, any bit of containment in the hummingbird food can cause illness and/or death.

Most common nector solution

The best way to prevent ants at your feeder is to use an "ant guard". An ant guard is a barrier between the ants and the nectar. These guards are built into many feeders but are also available as an add-on accessory for existing feeders. Hummingbird feeders come in many shapes, styles and designs. Some are very good at preventing bees and some would be better labeled as bee feeders". The thing to remember is that bees and wasps compete for nectar at flowers and feeders yet both seem to survive. To stop attracting bees to your feeder you need to prevent the bees from reaching the nectar. Feeders by Best 1, Aspects or Droll Yankee are the best at keeping nectar out of the reach of bees. Even with bee proof feeders a little extra care is needed as when hummingbirds eat they lap, not suck up the nectar. This lapping causes a small amount of nectar to end up on the surface of the feeder near the feeder ports which the bees will quickly find. When you see bees on a bee proof feeder, simply wipe the surface with a wet sponge and your bees will leave.

Never use honey or artificial sweeteners! Honey ferments easily, and can cause sores in a hummers mouth. Artificial sweeteners have no food value. DO NOT use red food coloring in your solution, as this could be harmful to your hummers. No testing has been done on the effects dye has on birds. Most feeders have red on them and that should be enough.

Myths Myth: Hummingbirds migrate on the backs of geese. Fact: NO! Hummingbirds and Canada Geese migrate at different times, live in different habitats, and migrate to different areas. Myth: Hummingbirds suck nectar. Fact: Hummingbirds do not suck nectar. They place their open bill into the feeder and lick up the nectar at a high rate of speed. Myth: Hummingbirds eat from only red flowers. Fact: Yes, hummingbirds are attracted to red, but you need only to observe them for a short period to realize that they will eat from any color of nectar-producing flowers.

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