Historical Walking Tour Trail Blazing Signs Company
Drawing Title
Jared Knapp Alex Gentry Billy Lambos
Cover Pager
Sheet no.
Reid/Peck Hall
Armory Square
Forman Park
FireFighter’s Memorial Park
Drawing Title
Jared Knapp Alex Gentry Billy Lambos
Requested Loactions
Temple Concord
Sheet no.
Project Scope: As per the Introduction provided “The goal of this project is to create a sign that can be replicated and placed along the historic walking trail, with the intention of designing, fabricating and installing signage as part of a educational way-finding system.” Goals Set to Achieve Task at Hand: The Introduction states “The Connective Corridor is a complete streetscape project that includes new pedestrian and bike paths linking University Hill and downtown, to create a more livable, walkable two-mile urban corridor. The project connects more than 30 arts, cultural and heritage venues, along with shopping, dining, business and entertainment districts. The Corridor includes places and buildings with rich history, as well as examples of iconic architecture.” After analysing the specifics provided, we took the time to understand which aspects of the Connective Corridor would enhance the users experience when walking and passing by a sign. Considering each landmark and entertainment venue the user would pass by. From our research and the requirements we set out to produce a sign that not only caught the user’s attention but allowed for the user to feel immersed in their community. To be more specific, we want to allow the user to have the ability to choose what to accomplish on a walk through the corridor while educating their understanding of the architecture and history associated with the city. Our ideal user would finish their experience on the Connective Corridor by either going to a specific venue or restaurant while feeling the happiness of understanding the historical and cultural accents that live all around them. Scope of Work: The deliverables required are as follows: Design Intent Package that will include a typical panel layout and mounting design on either posts or wall mounted situations. The Pilot sites provided were: -University Avenue near Temple Concord -Forman Park area -Reid/Peck Hall -Fayette Park area -Armory Square area Content: -One historical and current photo -Background text provided -A map of the complete walking trial and current location -Must include Connective Corridor branding and color palate within the design (PMS 188C is the primary color approved for the historic trail sign system.) Form Objective: We researched and tested a form that would catch the user’s attention. With the historical architecture acting as a contrasting composition, we sought out a form that would be contemporary. We encouraged recognizable shapes for the viewer to be attracted too. To be more specific the sharp edges, rectilinear, and triangular approach put a focus on a sign that protruded out of the environment rather than being placed as a mundane sign would usually sit. (On top an exposed grounding system like a pole or concrete foundation that was exposed) Material Objective: Aluminum will be used for the development of the form. We chose to use aluminum for its durable yet light characteristics. The aluminum will also be considered cost-effective to engineer a sign of our size. Aluminum is a great material for the longevity and life-span of the sign outdoors and is weatherproof for the duration the city requires. Text: The text we chose was Big Caslon to focus on combining the old with the new. We focused on having the content blend with the style and emphasis on designing the new which coincides with the contemporary form of our sign. Layout: The layout puts an emphasis on the locations description. We found it important to make a process out of our sign and by this we mean as the viewer is approaching the sign they will read the title (historical location). As the viewer arrives at the sign their focus will be on the text that provides historical information on this location. We managed this focus by placing the text between a 40 and 60 inch height which is where the average persons eye level is. After viewing the text the viewer will then move onto the pictures which will commonly pull too much attention due to simplisity of viewing images so we put them a bit more low so the user will enjoy the text prior to the images. .
Drawing Title
Jared Knapp Alex Gentry Billy Lambos
Project Overview
Sheet no.
32 In.
76 In.
40-60 inches = range of focus at eye level for location description
74 In.
42 In.
24 In.
Drawing Title
Jared Knapp Alex Gentry Billy Lambos
Sign Specifications
Sheet no.
0.5 In. 2 In. 1.5 In.
0.5 In.
2 In.
0.5 In.
3 In.
Drawing Title
Jared Knapp Alex Gentry Billy Lambos
Sign Specifications
Sheet no.
Big Caslon ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890
PMS 188C
PMS 130
3 In. 6 In.
4 In. 6 In.
64 In.
24 In. 12 In.
Drawing Title
Jared Knapp Alex Gentry Billy Lambos
Detail Specifications
Sheet no.
The two large buildings occupying the block facing East Genesee and immediately west of Rt. 81 were originally built to house facilities of Syracuse University’s College of Medicine. The first west of Rt. 81 is Reid Hall, built in 1914, which also housed a dispensary. The older one, farther west, is Peck Hall, built in 1896. Previously residences occupied the site.
The two large buildings occupying the block facing East Genesee and immediately west of Rt. 81 were originally built to house facilities of Syracuse University’s College of 4 Medicine. The first west of Rt. 81 is Reid Hall, built in 1914, which also housed a dispensary. The older one, farther west, is Peck Hall, built in 1896. Previously residences occupied the site.
Erie Blvd.
Erie Blvd.
Water St.
Water St.
E Washington St
Clinton St.
Washington St.
State St.
Fayette St.
14 Townsend St
Waren St.
Fayette St.
Montgomery St.
Walton St.
Salina St.
Fayette St.
Jefferson St.
Genesse St.
Jefferson St.
Madison St
Harrison St
University Ave.
S Crouse Ave.
Irving Ave.
Madison St.
Harrison St.
Adam St.
The two large buildings occupying the block facing East Genesee and immediately west of Rt. 81 were originally built to house facilities of Syracuse University’s College of Medicine. The first west of Rt. 81 is Reid Hall, built in 1914, which also housed a dispensary. The older one, farther west, is Peck Hall, built in 1896. Previously residences occupied the site.
Erie Blvd.
Erie Blvd.
Erie Blvd.
Erie Blvd.
Water St.
Water St.
Water St.
Water St.
E Washington St
Clinton St.
Washington St.
Fayette St.
State St.
Fayette St.
14 Townsend St
Waren St.
Montgomery St.
Walton St.
Townsend St
State St.
Waren St.
Montgomery St.
Salina St.
Fayette St.
Fayette St.
Fayette St.
Salina St.
Fayette St.
4 Walton St.
Washington St. Clinton St.
E Washington St
Jefferson St. Genesse St. Jefferson St.
Jefferson St. Genesse St. Jefferson St. Madison St
S Crouse Ave.
University Ave.
Madison St.
Irving Ave. Harrison St
Madison St
Harrison St.
University Ave.
S Crouse Ave.
Irving Ave.
Madison St.
2 Adam St.
Harrison St
Harrison St.
Adam St.
Drawing Title
Jared Knapp Alex Gentry Billy Lambos
Layout Options
Sheet no.
Erie Blvd.
Erie Blvd.
Water St.
Water St.
E Washington St
Clinton St.
Washington St.
Fayette St.
Fayette St.
14 Townsend St
State St.
Waren St.
Salina St.
Walton St.
Montgomery St.
Fayette St.
Jefferson St. Genesse St. Jefferson St.
Madison St
University Ave.
S Crouse Ave.
Irving Ave.
Madison St.
Harrison St.
Harrison St
Adam St.
The two large buildings occupying the block facing East Genesee and immediately west of Rt. 81 were originally built to house facilities of Syracuse University’s College of Medicine. The first west of Rt. 81 is Reid Hall, built in 1914, which also housed a dispensary. The older one, farther west, is Peck Hall, built in 1896. Previously residences occupied the site.
The two large buildings occupying the block facing East Genesee and immediately west of Rt. 81 were originally built to house facilities of Syracuse University’s College of Medicine. The first west of Rt. 81 is Reid Hall, built in 1914, which also housed a dispensary. The older one, farther west, is Peck Hall, built in 1896. Previously residences occupied the site.
Erie Blvd.
Erie Blvd.
Water St.
Water St.
E Washington St
Clinton St.
Washington St.
Fayette St.
State St.
Fayette St.
14 Townsend St
Waren St.
Walton St.
Salina St.
Montgomery St.
Fayette St.
Jefferson St. Genesse St. Jefferson St.
Madison St
Harrison St
University Ave.
S Crouse Ave.
Irving Ave.
Madison St.
Harrison St.
Adam St.
Drawing Title
Jared Knapp Alex Gentry Billy Lambos
Layout Options
Sheet no.
Drawing Title
Jared Knapp Alex Gentry Billy Lambos
Enviornmental Render
Sheet no.