Sumber: Statistik KLHK, 2018 dan Analisis JPIK, 2019
Figure 8. Number and area of IUPHHK-HKm Permits
difficult for JPIK to access are data on the production and distribution of wood from natural forests, including IPK from land clearing for oil palm, mining, and other activities. As one of the steps toward sustainable forest management, SVLK must be strengthened through raw material traceability in the entire timber supply chain. All of the tradedtimber and timber products must be traceable to its origins through an information system that is able to show data and information of the timber distribution from upstream to downstream.6 The information system can be optimally utilized through strengthening, developing, and integrating some 7
existing information systems. Therefore Independent Monitors and the public can easily access and obtain periodic and the most up-todate data and information on timber production and trade developments. 3. Noncompliance and Law Enforcement of Forest Product Utilization Permit Holders and Timber Industries in 8 Provinces 3.1 Riau Province Riau Province is geographically, geoeconomically, and politically located in a strategic line, in the ASEAN regional trade route, both currently and in the future. Riau Province extends
from the Bukit Barisan Mountain Range to the Strait of Malaka, covering 8.915.016 ha,7 including 5.392.336 ha forest area (Table 3). In 2000, 312 forestry industries were operating in Riau comprising of plywood industry (10 units), sawmills (270 units), moulding (27 units), chip mills (3 units), and pulp and paper industry (2 units).8 In 2005, the Riau Province Forestry Agency recorded a rise in the number and capacity of forestry industries in Riau to 576 units with raw material demand up to 22,7 million m3/ year (Final Report for Riau Province 2019; Peat