Technical Review of SVLK Violations Monitoring the implementation of the Timber Legality Verification System (SVLK) aims to measure weak points of some regulatory principles/ Indicators and Verifiers SVLK so that the findings obtained are then analyzed by using a descriptive formal evaluation analysis method, namely the assessment measure used in policy evaluation is based on the formal objectives stated in the document policy. Assessment parameters used in evaluation is the conformity of the implementation of the good principles in the standard SVLK and PHPL regulations contained in the Director General of PHPL No. P. 14 of 2016 concerning Standards and Implementation Guidelines Performance Assessment of Sustainable Production Forest Management (PHPL) and Timber Legality Verification (VLK) owned by the holder Timber Forest Product Management Business Permit (IUPHHK), Permit Timber Utilization (IPK), Forest Products Primary Industry Business License Timber (IUIPHHK), Advanced Industrial Business Permit (IUI-Advanced) and Non-Producer Exporter. Methods of collecting data and information in conducting analysis of the suitability of SVLK implementation by using interview method and field observation. The interview is carried out by using a closed monitoring strategy or by using cover, it is meant to get real information from sources. Field observations were made to see in more detail the movement receipt of industrial wood raw materials and delivery of wood products resulting from. This is done to ensure the company’s obligation to comply with the rules in terms of installation documents on physical wood as well as installation obligations barcode on physical wood, especially on log products. Besides it is in the observation activities carried out, monitors map the actors in a company or industry who are strongly suspected of having an interest in the existence monitored company. For the selection of resource persons interviewed by the team independent monitors are affected communities, people who have business/business relationships with monitored companies and employees who know the flow production chain of industrial wood raw materials and products wood processing at companies holding business licenses Timber Forest Product Management (IUPHHK), 105