Conclusion Violation of the laws and regulations that applies basically not only on the existence of opportunities and gaps in a system that has been structured in such a way together. The Timber Legality Verification System (SVLK) is prepared by multi-stakeholders, the government, business actors and Non-Governmental Organizations for a better forest governance purposes and answering the international community’s accusations for the rampant of illegal logging in Indonesia. Gap and violations in each system are able to be covered by integrity of business actors and the government that implements the regulations. Compliance Management Unit on running SVLK and Sustainable Production Forest Management (PHPL) demands control from the Independent Monitor who integrated at upstream and downstream. The involvement of indigenous people/local communities in monitoring activities as a community that is in monitoring location as well as the affected community is a very effective in controlling the implementation of SVLK on Management Unit and License Holder. To encourage awareness and campaign on the importance of SVLK, it is necessary to give rewards for the Management Unit that is consistently implementing SVLK. For Independent Monitors, campaigns can be carried out by encouraging local governments to make regulation on the use of SVLK’s certified goods and services. Weak Supervision by the Timber Legality Verification Agency (LVLK) on non-producer exporters has an impact to the proliferation of buying and selling V-legal documents. The minimum of LVLK monitoring on the conformity between product and documents, the ease of non-producer exporters in registering online-based export products become a gap for non-producer exporters to deceive LVLK. V-Legal abuse practice by non-producer exporting company as the document service provider of V-legal, forwarder /EMKL acts as intermediary/broker/negotiator, while SMEs are the buyers of V-legal documents. It is necessary to improve the SVLK assessment methodology for LVLK and to establish standard for reporting SVLK assessments by Ministry of Environment and Forestry so that it is able to close the loophole for violations, as is rife with non-producer exporters. 129