People Monitor
Monitoring In a Webinar in 13 July 2020, was held by Chatham House, a think tank institution with international reputation based in London. The minister of Environment and Forestry was invited to share experiences on Indonesian effort in increasing forestry governance quality. In the Webinar, the Minister said:”lesson learned that can be taken by the countries in the world from the development of SVLK is the importance of long term commitment of multistakeholder from cross-sectors on supporting SVLK”. One of the multistakeholder that is mentioned by the Minister is “Independent Monitors Consortium” which is expected to conduct monitoring independently towards policy and SVLK implementation. Concerning the monitoring of forest and SVLK in Indonesia, in this introduction part, I will quote a lot an academics thesis written by a senior activist in SVLK monitoring named Zainuri Hasyim. Independent monitoring of forest was begun since 1990’s on a global level. The main foundation of this idea is the need for an explanation and statement independently (impartial) on the suitability that is arranged and material that occurs. An independence is useful for giving which statement process that truly meets the requirements or those which don’t. In 2005, has been well-known a term called ‘independent forest monitors’ which is defined by Global Witness as: “…. The use of independent third party that is in accordance with the agreement with the government authority, gives an assessment of legal compliance, and observation and guidance concerning official forestry law enforcement syste”.
Independent Monitors and SVLK regulations before the existence of Job Creation Act have been defined clearly and details, even until Perdirjen (Directorate General Regulation). However, after the existence of Job Creation Act and followed by the issuance of Government Regulation on Forestry and Permen LHK 8/2021, where there are many mergers concerning forestry, included SVLK, so the description and arrangement of SVLK are being summarized, included concerning monitoring which is only described in 5 articles. It is interesting when we see article 22 paragraph 1: ‘SVLK activity 8