Independent Forest Monitoring Network
The Monitor Newsletter 7 edition,
12 Soon, JPIK Will Publish Report on SVLK Implementation Period of 2014-2016
13 - 15 TRAINING ON FOREST GOVERNANCE Strengthening Roles of Non-Government Stakeholders in Forest Governance in Indonesia
16 - 17 Roles of Drone Technology for Forest Monitoring in Central Kalimantan
Progress on 'Periodic Evaluation' (PE) FLEGT-VPA EU-IDN
02 | The Monitor, October 2017
A Message From National Coordinator, Muhamad Kosar
iffer from the previous edi on, this me the Independent Forest Monitoring Network (JPIK) tries with a new look and change the newsle er tle into “The Monitor”. This piece s ll highlights the updates and progress related to forest monitoring in Indonesia and JPIK ac vi es especially related to FLEGT-VPA. This year, the Government of Indonesia is conduc ng periodic evalua on on the Timber Legality Assurance System (SVLK) implementa on to ensure and guarantee that the SVLK func on as it meant to be as stated in the FLEGT VPA, and increase the credibility of issued FLEGT licenses. SVLK is not perfect yet. However it is the one and only exis ng mandatory system that can be used as one of the ways to improve forest governance in Indonesia. As an effort to contribute to the current periodic evalua on, JPIK has sent formal recommenda on le er to the evalua on team regarding the evalua on results which can be read in details in this newsle er. In the middle of this year, JPIK was monitoring the mber distribu on from upstream to downstream to assess the compliance of license holders on managing their mber products. However, we s ll face challenges to verify our findings and indica on of viola ons. This is because JPIK does not have access to all informa on system on mber products management, especially documents on mber transport and handover. This must be a serious concern for the evalua on team to be followed up by relevant stakeholders. We would like to thank all contributors who has ac vely contribute for this edi on. We also would like to share our deep condolences for the late Arbi Valen nus, one of the JPIK Board of Trustee. He is one of the most ac ve contributors for this newsle er. His spirit and vision towards sustainable and fair forest governance is guidance for JPIK.
Update: Progress on Periodic Evaluation (PE) of FLEGT-VPA EU-IDN
Sharing Experience with Four Countries to Develop Independent Forestry Monitoring
08 Independent Forest Monitoring Network Sempur Kaler 30, Kelurahan Sempur Kecamatan Bogor Tengah, Bogor Jawa Barat, 16129 Tel: 0251 8574842 Email: Jaringan Pemantau Independen Kehutanan @laporjpik @laporjpik
Ministry of Environment and Forestry Held A Meeting for Independent Monitors and Certificate Bodies as a Way to Communicate and Coordinate
East Java: Upstream-Downstream Monitoring 2017
Soon, JPIK Will Publish Report on SVLK Implementation Period of 2014-2016
13 16
Training on Forest Governance Strengthening Roles of Non-Government Stakeholders in Forest Governance in Indonesia Roles of Drone Technology for Forest Monitoring in Central Kalimantan
The Monitor, October 2017 | 03
Update: Progress on Periodic Evaluation (PE) of FLEGT-VPA EU-IDN
er Periodic Evalua on (PE) team and its suppor ng team conduct evalua on during April to June 2017, in July the team have consolidated all notes on evalua on results and developing the report. The process then followed to the next step on public consulta on that have been conducted on August 21, 2017. Many stakeholders were par cipated on the event, such as representa ves from the government, private sectors, cer fica on agencies, Na onal Accredita on Commi ee (KAN), European Union delega ons, and Independent Monitor. They were giving inputs and recommenda ons and JPIK also gave our thoughts. JPIK sent wri en recommenda ons to the
evaluator team which sent directly to the PE Team Leader. It is related to the evalua on implementa on processes and the substance of evalua on results. As stated in the Annex VI of FLEGT-VPA and have been available in the PE Design, the evalua on covers: (1) opera ons on preven on steps from produc on at the forests up to mber products export; (2) data and mber tracking management system to support the Timber Legality Assurance System (SVLK), issuance of FLEGT and produc on licenses, issuance of license and sta s c of trading relevant to VPA and Annex and work based on their roles; (3) iden fica on and record of incompliance
cases and system failure, and recommenda ons on needed correc ve ac ons; (4) assessment on effec ve implementa on of previously iden fied and recommended correc ve ac ons; and (5) repor ng findings to the Joint Implementa on Commi ee (JIC). In order to get the big picture of those aforemen oned condi ons, there are two principles and three criteria. First, is the criteria on effec veness of chain of custody control from the produc on spot (at the forest) to the export spot which aims to observe the roles of stakeholders from the na onal level ministry (Ministry of Trading, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Finance, and Ministry of Environment and Forestry), and SVLK auditee both from producers to the mber industry actors. The second criteria is audit on compliance on all agencies that play control func on in SVLK such as local government, na onal government, LPPHPL, Timber Legality Verifica on Body (LVLK), V-Legal document issuer, and Independent Monitor. The third criteria is on the assessment of proper data and mber tracking system that support SVLK and issuance of FLEGT license, such as local government na onal government, LPPHPL, LVLK, V-Legal document issuer, Independent Monitor, and business actors.
04 | The Monitor, October 2017
Respondents involved in the evalua on were selected based on clusters. There are 22 clusters from 102 respondents. From those respondents, there are respondents who have big impact/ affect such as Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Industry, and Ministry of Finance, Directorate General of Custom, Na onal Accredita on Commi ee
(KAN), LP&VI, and V-Legal document issuer. The evalua on method used for those ministries and agencies is census while for evalua on to respondents who have local impacts used sampling method with considera on on me availability and cost.
with standard approach. They compared facts at the field with the PE standard based on the applicable regula ons and policies, and references related to the respondents. [end]
PE team verified data and findings through desk study, interview, and field observa on that later analyzed using gap analy cal
JPIK Recommendations to the PE Team A. Regarding to the Processes: 1. Sampling method to evaluate
B. Regarding the Substance: 1. Publica on on summary of audit
permit holders is very limited (not represen ng the types and total of permits) and supposed to be handled through using data from stakeholders related to the forestry issues such as data on rou ne evalua on/ post audit conducted by MOEF, data on monitoring results from civil society/ independent monitor. 2. The Periodic Evalua on must look at wider and more details of implementa on at the field so the evalua on is not merely about the document availability or check list.
results, summary of ownership, and summary of re-cer fica on: there are Cer fica on Agencies that are not obliged with the regula ons/ provisions that require them to publish those document at the MOEF and SILK websites. Moreover, there are summaries that can not be downloaded both at the MOEF and SILK websites. 2. In publica on of suspension and revoca on of cer ficate at MOEF and SILK websites without any clear explana on to the public regarding the reason or cause of it. 3. Publica on using V-Legal document is s ll not being conducted by all LS and the publica on format also s ll vary (not uniformed)
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4. There is no ac ve evalua on by MOEF
on assessment results with predicate average or bad or verifica on results that do not comply with the regula on. This is must be in accordance with the effort to improve performance of the permit holders as regulated by the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regula on through post audit ac vi es. Weak monitoring and enforcement by the government on the use of DKP and there are LS that s ll not yet report the use of DKP (as one of the audit results) to the MOEF. DKP s ll being used by the big company as the reason or cause of unneeded to comply with the Timber Legality Cer ficate while the ini al objec ve of DKP is only for temporary and targeted to small scale and community industries. There are LS that are not comply with the procedure/ provisions on handling complaints submi ed by the Independent Monitor (PI). There are complaints from PI that are not being followed up with law enforcement and strict sanc ons. Input on RPBBI reports are s ll limited and not explaining in detail the informa on on types/ product of raw materials. The independent monitors are not having access to the data at SILK and SIPUHH websites even the data on
forest products management and trading (including on export and import) are very much needed by PI to verify findings or “viola on indica ons” and as ini al informa on for monitoring. 11. There is coordina on problem between KLK and related agencies with the local government on the monitoring and evalua on 12. The standard of assessment need to be strengthened, related to: § §
PHPL assessment should also conducted to check the compliance on Timber Legality Verifica on (VLK) standard Availability of facili es and infrastructure for security and social conflict resolu on, fire, and waste must be assessed not from the existence of those facili es and infrastructure but also must look at the implementa on and effort to minimize the impacts. LS who do not comply with the procedure/ provisions must get sanc on such as when they do not publish the assessment results, ownership, recer fica on, the use of V-Legal document, and not procedural in doing assessment and handling grievance.
06 | The Monitor, October 2017
Sharing Experience with Four Countries to Develop Independent Forestry Monitoring developing needed system to control, verify, and give legal mber license. Therefore, they wanted to understand more in detail JPIK experience on process of developing SVLK, inves gate SVLK implementa on and doing advocacy works, and challenges faced when performing roles as independent monitor. ____________ Meeting with Ghana Delegation in MoEF
rom August to end of September 2017, the Independent Forest Monitoring Network (JPIK) visited by delega ons from four countries. We shared experiences and roles of JPIK on guiding the process and implementa on of the Timber Legality Assurance System (SVLK). They are from Ghana, visited on August 8, 2017; Laos on September 19, 2017; Japan on September 22, 2017; and Malaysia on September 26, 2017. Mee ng with delega ons from Ghana represented by government agencies, business actors, and Civil Society Organiza ons (CSOs) were ini ated by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF). On that mee ng, not only JPIK as independent monitor a ended, but other inves gator/ monitoring organiza ons also presented.
Moreover, the delega ons also met with MOEF, associa ons, cer fica on agencies, and mber processing companies. Ghana has around 2.6 million hectares of forest allocated for mber produc on, and addi onal 2 million hectares of agroforestry area. This country also has 500,000 hectares of forest. Forestry sector is the fourth biggest contributor of Ghana's Gross Domes c Product (GDP). Ghana has strong reputa on for innova on on mber processing, producing goods that can meet with the demand from European markets. Around one third of mber export from Ghana is to European Union countries. Ghana delegates stated that they have ra fied Voluntary Partnership Agreement with European Union and are
The second visit was from Laos delega ons who are in process of developing Lao CSO FLEGT. Laos delegates were representa ves from six ins tu ons, namely Lao Biodiversity Associa on (LBA), Wildlife Conserva on Associa on (WCA), Associa on for Community Training and Development (ACTD), Rural Research and Development Promo ng Knowledge Associa on (RRDPA), Maeying Houamjai Phathana (MPH) and WWF-Laos. The country with its capital in Vien ane is currently nego a ng with European Union to obtain FLEGT License. The first nego a on took place in April 2017. They shared about their situa on and involvement of CSOs in FLEGTVPA process. During this mee ng at JPIK Na onal Secretariat Office, JPIK shared experience on its involvement during FLEGT nego a ons in Indonesia and on monitoring SVLK implementa on.
The Monitor, October 2017 | 07
The Visit of Lao Delegation JPIK National Secretariat
Currently, the ini a on process of FLEGT-VPA in Laos have reached the dra ing of concept and standard for produc on forest, planta on forest, mber from converted area, customary forest, mber trading, and responsibility of the workers. During discussion processes, several CSOs have involved and have roles in the structure of Laos's FLEGT. Muhamad Kosar, JPIK Na onal Coordinator explained JPIK's roles and also three mandates of JPIK to increase capacity of its members and communi es around the concession and industry, monitoring the implementa on of SVLK, and improve the system. Laos delegates were very enthusiast during the threehour mee ng. JPIK hopes that lessons learned by Laos delegates while in Indonesia can help especially on the nego a on process and system development by Laos government and other stakeholders. Therefore, together we can work to combat illegal mber trading globally. The next visit was from Japan Forest Technology Associa on (JAFTA) and Malaysia Timber Industry Board (MTIB). Not only visited Ministry of
Environment and Forestry, JAFTA and MTIB also visited other stakeholders involved in process and implementa on of SVLK. JPIK as one of the independent monitor agency had the opportuni es to share experience. JAFTA visit to JPIK Na onal Secretary OďŹƒce on September 22, 2017 were to collect data regarding mber supply chain in producer countries as a part of
Na onal Secretariat OďŹƒce. JPIK as the independent monitoring agency were honored and enthused by the visit from JAFTA and MTIB. We were thrilled to be able to share experience with delegates from two countries who are involved in the process of developing mber legality system in their own country. Delega ons from both countries were asking about JPIK code of
Yuki Nakamura (JAFTA) and Co-Chair taking picture with JPIK
Clean Act Promo on Project from Japan Ministry of Forestry. The objec ve of the program is to promote for legal mber trading to Japan. While MTIB visited Indonesia to exchange informa on and experience on SVLK implementa on in Indonesia. Mee ng with MITB was on September 26, 2017 at JPIK
conduct on monitoring, standard for monitoring safety and security, and how JPIK can access the data needed for monitoring. In his explana on, Muhamad Kosar, JPIK Na onal Coordinator shared about JPIK experience on monitoring SVLK implementa on and advocacy works and challenges faced by independent monitor on duty and performing their roles. . [end]
08 | The Monitor, October 2017
MTIB Delegation during the visit to the JPIK National Secretariat
Ministry of Environment and Forestry Held A Meeting for Independent Monitors and Certicate Bodies as a Way to Communicate and Coordinate
irectorate of Sustainable Produc on Forest Management (PHPL) from Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF), facilitated by
Mul stakeholders Forestry Programme (MFP3) conducted a “Communica on and Coordina on between Assessor and Independent Verifica on Agency (LP&VI)
with Independent Monitors (PI)” mee ng on 15 August 2017 in Bogor. PI and LP&VI were really appreciate the ini a ve from MoEF and MFP3 to build a bridge between
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Coordinating meeting LP&VI with Independent Monitor
these two stakeholders to communicate and coordinate through this mee ng. In this mee ng, there were at least six important points to be discussed together, namely process and implementa on of audit; perspec ve of LP&VI and PI on principle, criteria, and indicators in SVLK; informa on disclosure; case resolu on on SVLK; funding sustainability for independent monitoring; and revision on Directorate General of PHPL Regula on. MoEF views that the existence of LP&VI and PI is a key element to keep and ensure the SVLK credibility. Therefore it is cri cal for PI and LP&VI to maintain communica on and coordina on. PI men oned that the grievance that they submi ed is expected to be
used to construc vely improve the system. PT Ayamaru as the Cer ďŹ ca on Body considered that with the complaint report submi ed to PI can be tools for improving LP&VI in the future. Moreover, complaint report submi ed by PI also expected to be construc ve process in SVLK implementa on. On the other side, MoEF as the regulator must be involved in the grievance resolvement between PI and LP&VI. Several recommenda ons resulted from this mee ng are pointed towards to PI, LP&VI, and MoEF as the system owner. In order to ensure sustainability of monitoring ac vity, currently a trust fund is being established as the fund management agency for monitoring ac vi es. This
trust fund is a founda on named Independent Forest Monitoring Founda on (IFM Fund). Mee ng to build communica on and coordina on between PI and LP&VI is keep on going. It is expected this kind of mee ng can be conducted regularly to maintain and improve partnership between PI and LP&VI and at the end to ensure the SVLK credibility. [end]
10 | The Monitor, October 2017
East Java: Upstream-Downstream Monitoring 2017
he Timber Legality Assurance System (SVLK) is a system to ensure the mber products and its raw materials are collected from the source and its management comply with the legality and sustainability aspects. In order to maintain SVLK credibility, currently the Independent Forest Monitoring Network (JPIK) is conduc ng monitoring from upstream to downstream. This monitoring aims to observe the SVLK implementa on and ensure the mber distribu on from the forest to the industry is going through legal and
sustainable processes. Moreover, it is also conducted to expose gaps that may enable illegal mber trading. East Java Province is one of the monitoring loca ons, along with three other provinces namely West Papua, South Sulawesi, and West Kalimantan. JPIK East Java chapter with the local inves gators were scooping several spots in primary and advanced industries, TPTKB/KO, port TPS, and mber loading loca ons at the port. The scooping conducted from February to September 2017.
Scooping is conducted to observe whether for principles of SVLK already applied based on the regula ons and also to iden fy gaps on illegal mber trading ac vity that enters East Java Province. SVLK principles are business legality; fulďŹ llment of raw materials and produc on processes; distribu on of produc on results; fulďŹ llment workers' rights, and health and safety. Based on scooping ac vi es in East Java, there are several ini al ďŹ ndings collected as follows: :
Ship from Papua carrying timber was leaning in Gresik Harbor
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Timber loading in one of the port
a. Business Legality 1. Inaccuracy on license published by the government (licensing agency, Forestry Office, etc.). The inves gators recorded that during February to September 2017 in an industrial area, there is an industry that have one license but spread in several different loca ons. This is very prone to raw materials laundering for an industry. 2. Discrepancy between the license and the business conducted by an industry. One industry obtained advanced license but in
prac ce, the same industry also play as primary industry. It is also happening to the industry with TPT KB license that operates as primary industry. 3. Repor ng of UKL/UPL document that are not suitable and indica on on illegal charges on document repor ng. b. Fulfilment of Raw Materials and Produc on Processes 1. JPIK East Java have found falsifica on of document on raw materials that obtained from the Community Forest
without any DKP or legi mate purchase order. It is found in several loca ons in East and Central Java Provinces. 2. There are indica ons of merbau logs shipment from Papua and West Papua while it is forbidden to transport logs from Papua and West Papua. c. Distribu on of Produc on Results 1. Timber distribu on from the primary, advanced, and ETPIK holder industries are the focus of this
12 | The Monitor, October 2017 monitoring. Indica ons of fraudulence with pu ng primary, advanced, and ETPIK holder industries in one loca on is a vulnerable spot for mber distribu on. 2. Repor ng on mber muta on is o en neglected. The inves gators found
indica ons where there is an industry that have not fully record mber muta on report. It is concluded from series of observa on done by the inves gators. d. Fulfillment of Workers Rights, and Health and Safety 1. The inves gators
received complaints related to salary amount is not up to the Regional Minimum Salary, work insurance that have not been paid by the company and is being charged to the workers, and the usage of safety equipment that are not based on the standard. . [end]
Soon, JPIK Will Publish Report on SVLK Implementation Period of 2014-2016
he Independent Forestry Monitoring Network (JPIK) as the independent forestry inves gators is ac vely monitoring the Timber Legality Assurance System (SVLK) implementa on and submit recommenda ons for SVLK improvement. Results of monitoring and recommenda on related to SVLK is published in a report tle “SVLK in the Eyes of the Monitor” can be accessed through this link: h p:// “SVLK in the Eyes of the Monitor” is a book of results of JPIK review on SVLK implementa on during the
period of 2011-2014. A er successfully published the first book, JPIK will publish the second edi on of review on implementa on of SVLK and its regula ons during period of 2014-2016. Similar with the previous edi on, the upcoming book also produced to share experiences of SVLK implementa on from the independent monitors' eyes, and to iden fy aspects and several things need to be improved. On the next edi on, JPIK will present results of monitoring on SVLK implementa on during 2014-2015. Moreover, this book also will contain analyses on changes on SVLK regula on in the past three years. Since 2014, regula ons
on SVLK have been changed several mes and there are regula ons from other ministries that hugely affec ng SVLK implementa on. Therefore, not only reviewing and analyzing Minister of Environment and Forestry Regula on (PermenLHK) and Directorate General Regula on (Perdirjen) on SVLK and its progress, but JPIK also reviewing and analyzing other regula ons related to SVLK implementa on such as regula on on forest product management, mber product export, and other relevant regula ons. One thing different on this next book is the review on how SVLK implementa on contributes
The Monitor, October 2017 | 13
to the improvement of forest governance. The wri ng of this book have been through long processes, especially on the data and informa on collec on related to SVLK and its implementa on. Not only involving JPIK members who contribute on the report wri ng, JPIK also tries to
collect recommenda ons from independent monitors from other organiza ons on their experiences regarding SVLK implementa on. JPIK hopes with the publica on of this book, it can give a preview for public on SVLK implementa on during
2014-2016. Through this book, JPIK also expects the recommenda ons can be accepted and being considered for the system improvement in the future. [end]
TRAINING ON FOREST GOVERNANCE Strengthening Roles of Non-Government Stakeholders in Forest Governance in Indonesia
o improve capacity of stakeholders in forest governance, the Independent Forest Monitoring Network (JPIK) were invited by Burung Indonesia in partnership with The Center for Interna onal Development Training (CIDT) in two-weeks Forest Governance Training. The training conducted on 4-15 September 2017. Holders of Ecosystem Restora on Timber U liza on Business Permit (IUPHHK – RE), Ecosystem Restora on Working Group, Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), East Nusa Tenggara Forestry Office, stakeholders from Flores, and Civil Society Organiza ons (CSOs) par cipated on the training. JPIK was given the chance to join as par cipant as well as resource persons to
share informa on on roles of independent inves gators in the Timber Legaility Assurance System (SVLK). This ac vity was conducted to support the processes of monitoring, planning, and strengthening forestry policies including FLEGT-VPA ini a ve, Reducing Emission from Deforesta on and Forest Degrada on (REDD+), and Ecosystem Restora on (RE). It is expected that the training will directly contribute to the capacity building of stakeholders, communitybased forest monitoring, networking, and strengthening of forest policies and regula ons including Ecosystem Restora on in produc on forest and integrated landscape approach.
JPIK was sharing about SVLK and roles in monitoring SVLK is one of the important topic in the Forest Governance Training. Director of Processing and Marke ng of Forest Product (PPHH) from Ministry of Environment and Forestry explained that SVLK is value chain verifica on of mber from 'upstream' to 'downstream' to ensure business actors comply with the regula ons, and not only in the legality but also sustainability aspect. Director of PPHH also shared four standards in SVLK namely legality, produc on, ecology, and social. JPIK as resource person shared on the background of SVLK ini a on such as the rampant illegal logging and trading, percep on on bad
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Training on Forest Governance
forest governance in Indonesia, trend of mber legality issue in interna onal market, and Bali Fleg Declara on agreement in 2001. As the independent inves gators, JPIK explained deďŹ ni on of independent inves gators and their roles. Moreover, JPIK shared about the mandates that must be implemented, namely capacity building for members and communi es around the concessions and industries, monitoring SVLK implementa on and system improvement. Training for Trainer Forest Governance in Indonesia This training for trainer is a part of series ac vity to
develop forest governance concept. The objec ves of this training that facilitated by Des Mahoney and Richard Nyirenda from CIDT, University of Wolverhampton, in United Kingdom are to support produc ve and sustainable Mbeiling landscape management, suppress deforesta on rate, and decrease illegal mber distribu on with introducing SVLK in West Manggarai. It is expected that this ac vity can resulted on expert trainers in forest governance in West Manggarai and others' each working area. This ďŹ ve-day training conducted in Labuan Bajo. The par cipants were gaining knowledge on how to develop
and give training to others related to key concepts and approach to prevent unsustainable forest management. Moreover, the par cipants were also prac ce their skills in the community. During the training, the par cipants were divided into two groups, SVLK group and restora on management group. SVLK group is the group with task to introduce SVLK to prevent illegal mber trading at the community level, and to address problems related to mber management. Members of this group were farmer community, independent monitors, and local government. The other group, restora on management group was given
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JPIK with SVLK group in Poco Golo Kempo Village
task to search for ecotourism poten als in West Manggarai. The members of this group were Forest Management Unit (KPH), CSO, and local government. With this method, the par cipants were able to design what they will do in reality when deliver the training at the community level.
In addi on, in the training process there is also a visit to the community. JPIK with SVLK group visited Poco Golo Kempo Village, West Manggarai to see the form of teak management in the village. In general, the community have not known SVLK and the management is not good enough. The community was complaining
on the low selling price of mber in their village. JPIK along with SVLK group then designed training session and sugges ng the communi es to establish teak farmer group. This farmer group is expected to address the problem and together they can resolve forest management, mber legality, and mber price issues.
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Roles of Drone Technology for Forest Monitoring in Central Kalimantan
y the end of 2016, JPIK have conducted several monitoring ac vi es on implementa on of the Timber Legality Assurance System (SVLK) in Central Kalimantan. It is found that there are procedural discrepancy that leads to forest crime that possibly damage the mber industry reform in Indonesia. Wide landscape is an ideal spot for the forest criminals to gain huge profit neglec ng
the policies and regula ons, and sustainability.
point when the drone is taking aerial pictures.
Fact-finding is a mandatory task of independent inves gator to expose illegal ac on. Flow of mber transfer, compliance on boundary, and conflict are important findings in monitoring ac vi es.
The use of drone has developed and commonly used for remote sensing applica on for agriculture, planta on, and monitoring of forest conversion. Drone is completed with sensor that similar with the sensor in satellite and enable to give results that can be used to analyze the land condi on and vegeta on or agriculture land.
In order to get accurate data and facts, JPIK uses drone and GPS geode c that are accurate to be used as ground control
The results of aerial images using drones
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Mapping of soil contours using drones
Using drone is rela vely easy. With weight no more than 5 kilograms, it is easy to monitor and carry with changing loca ons and can cover wide range of areas. To date, drones already used to get remote sensing image such as monitoring ďŹ res and natural disasters, wildlife observa on, and calcula ng vegeta on in planta on, land misused, and forest conversion.
Moreover, there are safety ethics and privacy rights in using drone. The user or pilot must have enough skills and knowledge on methods and regula ons from the Directorate General of Air Transporta on. It is mandatory that when opera ng the drone, it must be used wisely, targeted, and in appropriate manners. [end]
JPIK regularly publishes Newsle er once every 3 months, this newsle er as one of the media to share informa on about JPIK and partners, and other related par es about the current condi on of forest management in Indonesia. JPIK invites you to par cipate as a contributor, you can send your wri ng to the address and contact below: Independent Forest Monitoring Network Sempur Kaler No. 30, Kelurahan Sempur Kecamatan Bogor Tengah, Bogor Jawa Barat, 16129 Tel: 0251 8574842 Email: