Yoga For Women Helps To Enjoy A Healthy Lifestyle Yoga is a combination of spiritual, mental and physical practices that unites your soul with the universe to attain Moksha. Yoga keeps the body and mind pure which can be practiced by anyone at any stage of their life to experience the journey of consciousness from physical, mental, emotional, psychological to the spiritual level. There are many benefits associated with yoga both physical and spiritual that is made possible by practicing Pranayama, Asanas, Bandhas, Kriyas and Mudras compiled by the yoga gurus in the ancient India. Yoga also transformed into many forms suitable to present day lifestyles and also to help people seek relief of different ailments through yoga practice. Yoga is also found to strengthen the body and mind, helping one to maintain the fitness of their body which ultimately allows one to concentrate on higher levels of yoga practice and meditation to attain enlightenment in life. Yoga for women, especially offer lots of benefits during different stages of their life as they undergo hormonal changes. Yoga also helps to reduce their daily stress levels and with regular practice of yoga for half an hour at their home can really enhance their quality of life to experience a healthy lifestyle. Different problems due to hormonal changes, menstrual problems, depression, mood swings, fatigue, stress etc can all be addressed through specific yoga asanas under eminent trainer. As there are thousands of yoga asanas the trainer shall be able to suggest the best that suits to your lifestyle as well as prevent any health issues from adolescence to motherhood and also menopause to old age that women may experience in life. By practicing certain asanas women can easily maintain their mental, physical and emotional health by regulating the hormonal imbalance, enhancing metabolic rate and also keep their weight under control. There are yoga classes Delhi being held at centers near Hauzkhas, Vasant Vihar, R K Puram and Greater Kailash where eminent trainers offer sessions of artistic yoga and RED programs. The artistic yoga is developed by the internationally recognized yoga guru and spiritual master who with his vast knowledge in yoga has combined the traditional yoga asanas and modern cardiovascular exercises to offer the best weight reduction as well body strengthening sessions that offers ultimate results within no time. The reduce every day fat program (RED) is also based on the principles of artistic yoga that strengthens up all muscles and joints from neck to toe to gain fitness and endurance in the body through the fat loss program.