Dear Meadows Families, The rain this week was a welcome respite for students and staff alike. I hope it was for you as well. Time has started to pick up speed, as we have been in school for more than a month! Hopefully, your children have settled into their classes and routines successfully. Mrs. Webb and I have been visiting classrooms daily, and overall are quite pleased with what we see and hear from students and teachers. One thing we do not like to see involves students being unkind to one another. Sometimes this unkindness is nothing more that momentary rudeness, exclusion, or inappropriate comments or behavior. Such isolated behaviors are still hurtful and not acceptable, but most often they can be resolved with teacher, administrator, and/or parent intervention. A more problematic issue is bullying behavior.
September Staff Volleyball at MTA Sept 20 4:30p Costco “Battle of the Schools” Sept 20-22 Hearing and Vision Test Sept 23 - 27 Spring Social Meeting Sept 25
Bullying is defined as: aggression, harassment, threats or intimidation when one person has greater status, control, or power than another. It is also not based on one instance, but rather an ongoing or systematic occurrence. Bullying can take different forms such as: verbal and/or physical aggression, gossiping, spreading rumors, and excluding. It can be face-to-face, via peers, or social media. The effects of any or all these types of bullying behaviors can be devastating to victims and bullies alike.
Art Masterpiece Training Sept 28
At Madison Meadows we are committed to identifying and preventing bullying behavior. In the past, we have worked with organizations such as Not MY Kid, the Attorney General’s office, and most recently KOI Education. We are training teachers and other school personnel to:
7th/8th Grade Mega Event Oct 3
• Identify the form and function of bullying behavior. • Embed bullying prevention in our Positive Behavior Intervention Systems. • Create, teach, and reinforce bullying prevention skills. Parents and families can help by talking with their children about bullying and its impact. Encourage your children to tell teachers or administrators when something happens at school. Model for them the appropriate way to behave toward others in any situation. Finally, monitor their social media usage to ensure that cyber bullying is not taking place. We appreciate the partnership we share with you in educating your children. We want school to be not only a place of learning, but also a place of safety, security, and acceptance. Thank you for your support as we provide extraordinary learning for ALL ! With Ram Pride,
October PTM Meeting Oct 2 5th/6th Grade DJ Party Oct 1
The VigGives Week Oct 6 - 12 Picture Day Make-ups (All Grades) Oct 11 Half Day (12:05) Oct 16 Box Tops due Oct 23
in this issue: Nurse’s Office Athletics and Staff Volleyball IB Program Costco & Safeway Art Masterpiece Box Tops In the Spotlight School Directory Ads Snack Shack & Zoyo Fridays Appreciation Homework Club and more...
Susan Doyle, Meadows Principal MADISON MEADOWS MIDDLE SCHOOL
225 W. OCOTILLO RD., PHOENIX, AZ 85013 (602) 664-7600
1.Tell us about your teaching career.
I started my first career in social work and later went back to school to complete my education degree. I student taught at a high school teaching government and human relations. I returned to my social work position and was able to apply my educational degree by teaching classes related to mental health for adults. I loved that part of my job, but eventually decided to leave to raise my daughters. As my youngest daughter started preschool, I followed along, teaching pre-K and Kindergarten part time. Once she started elementary school, I began teaching full time at Madison #1, teaching Social Studies to 7th and 8th graders. Each teaching experience has helped me develop new skills and appreciations for each level of education.
2. Tell us about your most
of listening and getting to know them as individuals, not just as a face in a class.
4. What, in your opinion, are the most compelling challenges in education?
One of the most compelling challenges in education is the issue of standardized testing. Educators hear complaints of “too much testing” and that schools are only “teaching to the test”. However, those tests are what measure the success of the schools as well as the teachers and poor results can have serious consequences for everyone. The conversation about the types of testing and the amount of testing is one that will continue as we move towards assessing student growth with common core standards. Stay tuned…
5. What kind of music do you like? I really like most kinds of music. I enjoy my XM radio in my car so much because there are so many channels to choose from depending on my mood. I have three teenage daughters, so pop music is always on at our house but I like to throw in some Motown and 80’s music for fun too.
memorable moment in education. One of my fondest memories in Intervi ew with education is one from a Laura W 6.What is your favorite food? th 7 grade class a few ebb, Assista Mexican food is my favorite. Pizza n t years back. I had a Princip a is a strong second. l M a student who was dison Meadow s Spanish speaking Middle 7.Do you have a favorite sport? Who School only and came to my is your favorite team? I LOVE college Social Studies class. sports, especially my alma mater, Part of the University of Arizona (Go CATS!). requirement for our class was College basketball is a passion for my making a quarterly Current Events presentation to husband and I. We have a tradition of the class. The student was petrified of standing in attending a March madness tournament front of the class and would hide under the table of site each year for our anniversary. We also follow her ELL class prior to my class so she didn’t have to college football, volleyball and softball. come and present. We took baby steps in first having 8. What are your favorite hobbies? her work on short articles, and I read them while she I love to hike when the weather cools off and spend stood with me. We set up strong expectations for the time outside in my yard. Lately, planning a kitchen class to be supportive of all students, but they were remodel is my hobby. I also spend a lot of time especially encouraging of her. Eventually, through watching my daughters in their choir and orchestra the course of the entire year, she was able to stand concerts, and volleyball tournaments. on her own giving a current events report in English to the class. At the end, the entire class erupted in 9. If you could speak to all students, right now, what applause and gave her a standing ovation. It was would be the most valuable lesson you could offer? one of the most rewarding and heartwarming Be kind to one another. A kind word or action can experiences I have had as a teacher. change a person’s world without us even knowing it. 3. What have your students taught you that you could We may never know the impact we have on others, not have learned anywhere outside the classroom? so being mindful of how we act is important. My students have taught me that positive thoughts 10. If you could pose any question for next month's and words are just as important as any teaching interviewee, what would it be? strategy I employed in the classroom. When students If you could meet any person in time, who would it be felt comfortable talking with me, they were able to and why? overcome learning obstacles and the results were amazing. They reminded me often of the importance
NEWS FROM SCHOOL: All given at THE HEALTH medica2ons school MUST be in Health Office and OFFICE the a parent signature is Aliquam de Mantis Leo Praesen Mauris Vitaequam
Diam Nobis Senmaris Calla Ipsum
needed on the Eget Toque medica2on sheet. Aliquam de Manti Only inhalers with a special form filled out will be allowed to stay on a student. Cough Drops may be brought in to the Health Office with a short note from a ITEM OF THE MONTH: Please help us parent and they will offset the high cost of supplies by be given out as donating disinfecting wipes or hand needed. sanitizer. IMMUNIZATIONS: Please send in any documenta2on on immuniza2ons your child has received. No2ces are being r e e t sent home for un Vol ept S 7 students needing 2 3 2
them and we need to Fermen students with low Pede Vestibulum Bibendum and suppressed records up to date. immune systems as Urna Semper Uam Scelerisque well aInterdum s many medical Chauncey de Billuptus Maecenas HEARING AND condi2ons that can Orci Aliquam Cras Maecenas VISION TESTING is not bLeo e jeopardized. Vivamus Nunc Curabitur scheduled the week Students need to be Nobis Eget23rd. Please Tortor Rasellus of Sept fever free, vomi2ng Sed accumsan Libero Quisque Porta be sure your student free and diarrhea brings their glasses free for 24 hours to school . Any before returning to parents who wish to school. sign up to volunteer to help, please sign EMERGENCY up through Sign up YELLOW CARDS: Genius. Please be sure to send in the yellow go/10C094CABAB2CA20-‐ Emergency card if vision your child brings one home. We need one SICK CHILDREN: for each student with Please do not send current and phone your children to informa2on and school if they are authorized persons sick. We need to (age 18+) to pick keep the spread of your sick child up. many infec2ons , flus and diseases down. Our school has many Fringilla Viverr Seargente desFermentum keep our chool
Vision and Hearing Screening Volunteers! One of the biggest volunteer opportuni2es at Meadows is Vision and Hearing week. Save the date for September 23rd through 27th. ( No tes2ng on TCT Wednesday, Sept. 25. ) There are lots of fun posi2ons available. Both morning and aHernoon shiHs needed. No experience is necessary, but training will be provided on Friday September 20th from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 am. with Nurse Sharon. Event takes place in the Media Center.
This tremendous undertaking needs your support to make it a success. It is a great way to interact with the kids from all grade levels. Anyone who purchases snacks or water for the week will be reimbursed by the PTM, so please be sure to bring your receipts. Sign up here: hQp:// 10C094CABAB2CA20-‐vision Any ques2ons, contact Lynda Teague (602) 885-‐1594
Over $1,000 was donated last year. All of the funds will support Meadows Performing Arts!
10% Back Safeway Program ends October 1st! Picture Day Volunteers.
Special thank you to Melissa Caniglia, Lynda Teague, Veronica Vazquez, Dianne Krenn, Yvette Moran, Susie Cons, and Karla Motsenbocker for all their help to make Picture Day smooth and successful. ~Lisa Gurgle
Charitable Acts Committee News
Need community service hours? Sign up for these upcoming CAC events: September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and Phoenix Children’s Hospital needs our help. Please join us on Saturday, September 21 from 9am-‐Noon at Granada Park. We need volunteers to help call local grocery stores to donate Ziploc bags and cookies that we’ll drop off to Phoenix Children’s Hospital on Monday, September 23. Please bring your cell phone and click here to sign up -‐ 5080C49AEAD2AA46-‐phoenix To get ready for the holidays, CAC will Charitable Acts Committee
volunteer Tuesday, October 8 from 6p-‐7:30p at Feed My Starving Children in Tempe. Feed My Starving Children is a non-‐profit organization committed to feeding the hungry in body and spirit. Volunteers hand-‐ pack meals specifically formulated for malnourished children, and FMSC ships the meals to nearly 70 countries around the world. Please join CAC to help pack boxes on Tuesday, October 8 from 6:00p-‐7:30p. Sign up here: 5080C49AEAD2AA46-‐feed1 | Britton Sanchez
Thank you Meadows families for joining Read to Me at UMOM! What a great way to give back. ~ Britton Sanchez CAC Chair
Attention Costco Members!
ide v o r p l l ool wi OP 10’ h c s h Eac th a ‘T . These i w o c C o st LIST the S M E T I D at Join your local school as the run NEEDE ll be posted items i e lists w ance. Thes OOL for ‘THE PAPER’ r nt ent at the SCH to o r f le> like September 20th, 21st & 22nd can be you would n! if TABLE e a donaFo mak Shop at the Costco located at 19th Ave and Bethany Home Rd (602-‐293-‐4524) on these dates so your school receives credit for your sale. For every $50 you spend, your school will receive 1 Ream of Paper. The school with the highest sales total after the 3 days will win a
Che er Mad Volleyb ison a Staf ll f! 925 E. Maryland Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85014
Meadows Athletics David Vibber Athletic Director
The fall season is under way. We opened the season against Madison #1 in Volleyball and Soccer. The Girls JV Volleyball team won a hard fought three game match over #1. However, the Girls Varsity Volleyball team lost a tough match to Madison #1 and the Boys and Girls Soccer teams also suffered their first loss.
Osborn and our "young" Boys team continues to improve but lost.
In the second game of the season, the Girls JV Volleyball team won another three game match over Madison Traditional. Our Varsity Volleyball girls were back on track in a two game match victory versus Estrella. The Soccer games were rained out.
Please be sure to have your Athletic Physical form completed and in the hands of the coach. Also, if you have not paid your "Athletic Fee" please do so as soon as possible. You can pay online. See instructions below.
Teams played Osborn for the third game of the season. Both the Varsity and JV Volleyball teams won in two games. The Girls Soccer team tied
Madison Meadows requires all students that participate on an athletic team pay an athletic fee of $100 to offset the cost of operating our athletic program. The fee pays for coaches, referees, conference dues, transportation, uniforms and equipment. The fee is “given back” in the way of a Tax Credit for the same amount. Please pay the $100 athletic fee online: • Click “Tax Credit” on the top right hand side. Scroll down and click “Donate Online”. • Forward the tax credit confirmation email to and include player’s name and sport. • Credit card payments also accepted in the office. Meadows has not turned away a student who meets the academic and
Parents of Student Athletes: Please help us out by reminding your sons and daughters that a grade sheet must be signed by all teachers and given to their coach on Monday (or the 1st practice) of every week. Academics come FIRST!
Thanks for all of your support! A record number of kids tried out this season! We are looking forward to this season and we hope that you consider trying out for the Winter and Spring seasons of sports as well.
behavioral criteria from playing a sport due to financial circumstances. If a student/family is in need of a financial consideration; volunteer assistance to our school and/or athletic program may be considered instead of the $100.00 payment. If the student meets all of the academic and behavioral requirements, then we will consider providing a waiver that will enable him/her to participate. Thank you for supporting your son and daughter by encouraging them to participate in our athletic program. We truly believe that the investment will enrich their lives from the experience they have in practice and games. Sincerely, David Vibber Meadows Athletic Director
Wed, Sept 25 @ La Pradera Park / 6830 N. 39th Ave. 85019 Madison #1
Wed ,Oct 9
@ Santa Maria / 7250 W. Lower Buckeye Rd. Santa Maria
Tues, Oct 15
@ Granada Park / 6505 N. 20th St. 85016
Wed, Oct 23
@ Grand Canal Linear Park / 91st Ave & Bethany Home Desert Sands 4:30pm Park off Bethany Home & 79th Ave. (ONLY 10 Boys / 10 Girls)
VALLEY ATHLETIC CONFERENCE (VAC) MEET Tues, Oct 30 @ Trevor Browne H.S., 7402 W. Catalina Drive 85033 (ONLY 7 Boys / 7 Girls) 4:30pm
Boys Site
/ Girls Site
Mon, 9/23
@ Atkinson
/ HOME-‐Atkinson
Mon, 9/30
HOME-‐Castro / @Castro
Tues, 10/8
/ @Isaac
Thur , 10/10 4:30pm
@ Madison #1 / HOME-‐Madison#1
Mon, 10/14
HOME-‐Osborn / @ Osborn (@Clarendon)
VALLEY ATHLETIC CONFERENCE – 5A PLAY-‐OFFS Week of Oct 21st. 1st Round of VAC Playoffs: East Division Champion plays the Central Division Runner-‐up; East Division Runner-‐up plays the Central Division Champion. Host Site -‐ Division Champion School. Week of Oct. 28th SEMI FINALS @ Isaac M.S. and FINALS @ Isaac M.S. (TBA)
JV Site Time
Varsity Site Time
Tues 9/17
HOME-‐ Isaac 5pm
HOME-‐ Isaac 5pm
Tues 9/24
HOME-‐ Madison Park 4:30pm
HOME-‐ Atkinson 5pm
HOME-‐Pueblo 5pm
@Castro 5pm
@ Isaac 5pm
@ Isaac 5pm
Thur 10/10 HOME-‐Madison #1 4:30pm
HOME-‐ Madison #1 (follow JV)5:15p
Tues 10/8
10/14 @ Osborn 5pm
@Osborn (follows JV) 5:15p
Tues 10/15 @ Madison Park 4:30pm VALLEY ATHLETIC CONFERENCE -‐ PLAY-‐OFFS Week of Oct 21st. 1st Round of VAC Playoffs: East Division Champion plays the Central Division Runner-‐up; East Division Runner-‐up plays the Central Division Champion. Host Site -‐ Division Champion School. SEMIS & FINALS / ALL 4A, 5A & JV @ SIERRA LINDA H.S., 3434 S. 67th Ave., Phoenix, AZ
Fri 10/25
Atkinson Middle School, 4315 N. Maryvale Parkway, Phoenix, AZ 85031 Isaac Middle School, 3402 W. McDowell, Phoenix, AZ 85009 Clarendon Elementary School, 1225 West Clarendon, Phoenix, AZ 85013 Madison #1 Middle School, 5525 N. 16th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85016 Raul Castro Middle School, 2730 N. 79th Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85035
Please consider being an Art Masterpiece Guide! Each 5th & 6th grade class will have six presentations from late January to early May for the Art Masterpiece program. An art background is not necessary as training is provided for all volunteers. The Phoenix Art Museum will host their annual District Orientation/Training on Saturday, September 28th. This opportunity is especially helpful for newer art guides, but I’ve been to the training a number of times and learn something new each time. More details to follow!
All materials are provided to the volunteer. At a later date, we will schedule an AM orientation to answer any questions you may have after we find guides for all the 5th & 6th grades. If you are interested in being an AM guide, please contact Nancy Stouffer. I hope you'll want to be part of this great program! Nancy Stouffer Art Masterpiece Committee Chair | 602-‐770-‐8724 cell
ViGives Meadows
Oct 6 - 12 Voting ends Sept 21. Meadows earns $1 for every vote!
Every 25 votes earns a $25 Gi" Card !
Just mention Meadows to get 15% donated !
SPRING SOCIAL On September 25th, there will be a committee meeting for our Spring Social at the home of Kim Ludwig. All are welcome! The meeting will begin at 5 pm and snacks will be provided. We're excited about this year's theme and can't wait to share it with everyone!
Please RSVP to Kim:
CAMP FRIENDLY PINES Support Meadows 5th Graders Tradition
We sold 65 tickets to the Diamondbacks game to raise money to support Camp Friendly Pines. The next Fundraiser for Camp Friendly Pines is the Gold Canyon Candles which will start October 8 through October 22. We will be shooting for a delivery day of November 12th. ~Staci Csizmadia
p.s. Let it Roll Bowling
Turn in your trimmed (unexpired) Box Tops to your homeroom teachers by October 23! Winning teacher gets a restaurant gift card and the class gets snack shack tickets Thank you Angie Gulick
fundraiser coming soon! Sign up to receive important announcements. Stay connected!
Madison Meadows Homework Club has been established to provide a consistent opportunity to complete daily homework with staff available to encourage and assist. Mr. Lee Meyer, 7th Grade Social Studies teacher is the coordinator. SCHEDULE: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday ( No homework club on TCT or early release days.)
3:40 Dismissal 3:45-4:45 Homework Club in Media Center 4:50 Bus departs from the front of the school
GUIDELINES & EXPECTATIONS 1. Attendance will be taken each day. 2. Students are expected to be on time and prepared to work. 3. Students will read quietly once his/her work is completed. 4. Planners should have specific assignments listed for each subject area. 5. Student will not leave the media center during Homework Club. 6. Students may not leave homework club early unless parent/guardian provides written consent or picks them up from front office. PAYMENT $20 weekly payment is expected on the Monday of the week of attendance. If payment is not received by Tuesday of the week of attendance, the student may not attend Homework Club until payment is received. Please pay your Homework Club fee online by going to: Click “Tax Credit” on the top right hand side. Scroll down and click where it says “Donate Online” School: Madison Meadows: Activity: General – general. Forward the tax credit confirmation email to (Include student’s name and specify Homework Club.) Parents and students please sign and return form to the school office.
I would like my student, who is in grade ______ to be enrolled in the Meadows’ Homework Club. My child’s homeroom teacher is ____________________. I understand that Homework Club will meet Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 3:45 to 4:45. The charge is $20.00 per week and if my student is a bus rider, transportaHon will be provided. _____My student will need bus transportaHon. His/her regular stop is ____________________________ _____My student will not need transportaHon. Please indicate mode of transportaHon._____________________ Between 3:45 and 4:45 I can be reached at: _________________________ Student Signature _______________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________________________
IB Corner of the World hQps://
Hello, Meadows’ families, Our Learner Profile trait for September is “Inquirers.” One of my favorite quotes about inquiry is:
“Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.” by William Arthur Ward. Please speak with your child about how they are inquirers not only in school, but at home, too. • Mr. Murphy’s Technology students will be creating video messages to be shown each Monday focusing on the IB trait of the month. We are all looking forward to viewing Meadows’ students’ creative presentations and the fun music accompanying their work. • Please be sure to view our Madison Meadows IB MYP website:
•Teachers are continuing to implement the Learner Profile into their classrooms as they assist students in making connections with their learning and the various traits of the Learner Profile. Mr. Berry has created a list of books that match each of the Learner Profile traits. This information is posted on the Meadows’ library website under Destiny. Teachers now have easy access to these books as they plan to integrate the Learner Profile into their classroom lessons. • This month, teachers have been focusing on international-mindedness and how to apply this concept into all content areas. Sincerely, Judy Stropky IB Coordinator
"I think, therefore IB".
Upcoming Events September
Sept 18 TCT 2:10 p.m. Release Sept 20 Zoyo Friday Sept 20 Staff Volleyball game at MTA Sept 20-22 Costco “Battle of the Schools” Sept 23-27 Hearing and Vision Sept 25 Spring Social Meeting 5:00p.m. Sept 25 TCT 2:10 p.m. Release Sept 27 Zoyo Friday Sept 28 Art Masterpiece Training
Oct 1 5th/6th Grade DJ Party Oct 2 PTM Meeting Oct 3 7th/8th Grade Mega Event Oct 9 TCT 2:10 p.m. Release Oct 6-12 The VigGives Week 15% Donation Oct 11 Picture Day Make-ups (All Grades) Oct 15 Med-O-Gram published Oct 16 Half Day 12:05 p.m. Oct 17-18 NO SCHOOL Oct 23 Box Tops due
The Meadows Snack Shack is open after school and during RAMMS sporting events on campus (some nights & Saturdays). Groups on campus can “sponsor” the snack shack for the month and proceeds for that month will help your group! Parents (with student helpers) are needed to staff the snack shack. Student helpers gain community service time. Fun and easy!
Check out the online schedule and submit your time on line. Contact Snack Shack Coordinator Theresa at to learn more! fundraising/snack-shack/
Stay cool with a discounted ZOYO Frozen Treat - $3. Every Friday after school at the Snack Shack. Meadows receives sales!
20% of all
Parents, Teachers, Staff and Students, Do you have a Meadows community story to share? Contact us with suggestions for articles, announcements, photos, or community updates. contact
Thank you to all the parents and students who volunteer. Ethan and Avery pictured here with mom. Making a difference in a big way!
Lisa Jaramillo Newsletter Editor Volunteer 602-770-4923