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School Performance On Quality
For the English subject, “Late Exit” where teachers prepared exercises to build and strengthen Vocabulary in every student. They need to have better vocabulary skills for better reading comprehension in any subject.
For Math, we have “Math-Saya” where students enjoy the different Math concepts thru games and drills. They earn points, they increase their grades.
For the 2%, or the 44 students who don’t have grades, they are still in the process in complying and completing performance tasks, remediation activities that would facilitate better outputs and better grades.
We have also the program “PARES” Parents’ Active Response in Engaging Students attention to Studies- by all class advisers to coordinate to all the parents who need to extend time and attention to motivate their children to perform better and respond well to all the worksheets provided so that they can easily catch up with the missed lessons.
It is understood that lessons in the later part of the school year are expected to be more difficult than the first two grading periods, so with the coordination with the parents and intervention programs provided by the core subject areas, no student shall be left behind.
For the rest of the subjects: Filipino, TLE, Araling Panlipunan, MAPEH, ESP subjects have number of students who have grades 90 to 100% is slightly higher reaching 40 to 41%.
Only 8% of those with 75% to 79% grades; and 1% of students who failed in the second grading period.
The previous intervention program had done well during the pandemic time. Since it was lockdown of all schools, we relied heavily to parents in teaching and motivating students to read and answer their modules. We have various intervention programs that tap parents to communicate regularly with their class advisers to help or assist students who are lagging in the comprehension of the discussion. There are programs of each of the subject area that would help parents take the lessons in simplest way possible; and for the students to have the handson in carrying out the lessons and the different performance tasks.
Intervention program to connect with the parents is also implemented.