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School Performance On Equity
Filipino has project Fili-funtastik, which aims to increase vocabulary skills while speaking the language in and out of the classroom. Points shall be given to those who stick by the rules.
TLE has project SALES- Students Active Learning & Earning Scheme in School-Here, students do not only enjoy learning the art of cooking, but they also earn. They also come to understand and learn the best practices of cooking and saving.
Araling Panlipunan- Museo ng Kasaysayan, Bulletin Eksibit ng A. P, Program ana nagtataguyod ng Karapatan.With this multiple programs, students will not have a hard time memorizing important dates, events and places. Students are even assigned as “tour guides” as classmates make a tour in their “Museo”.
MAPEH has KanDuYaw- Kanta, Dula at Sayaw. These MAPEH skills may not come easy to some of the students who still need to work out their shyness and lack of skill. Under this project, with the help of other classmates coaching/ peer tutoring, the shy ones will enjoy the activities and hopefully improve their grades, gain their self-confidence, and widen their circle of friends.
This school year, being the very first year when the schools are open to the public, there are a lot of things that need to be done gradually. To adapt and adjust to the coming back of the students to the school, the school and teachers need to tailor-suit the above-mentioned set of programs and projects to address students’ another adjustment to the school environment and competencies after 2 years of lockdown. We are still in the middle of the school year. With the strengthened implementation of all the intervention program and projects by every subject area, it is expected that students shall be able to catch up and improve their performance from 3rd grading period until the end of the year.
It is therefore very clear to us all that if we leave the students on their own without our intervention, students will most likely not improve, would not be motivated to study harder or worst, students drop from school. Our various intervention is our very own response to the advocacy of Department of Education’s call for “No student should be left behind policy”. With the school and home working together, every child shall face tomorrow with confidence and competence.