Law of Attraction

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How the Law of Attraction (Really) Works By Jason & Skye Mangrum I’ve had an unusual number of new friends recently ask me about the Law of Attraction, which has gotten a lot of play in the media, but few still understand it. The basic understanding is “so, if I imagine I have a certain amount of money, and I think positive thoughts about it, and cancel out the negative ones, I will manifest it?” Ah, no. Sadly, that seems to be how most people understand the Law of Attraction. But the multi-verse inside our Mind is much more complex. Things just don’t materialize from the woven fabric of thoughts. Life is about taking action on those thoughts which we want to materialize. Intention drives action, and intention is derived from those thoughts which you wish to manifest into physical reality. In the example for money, imagining the certain amount of money means virtually nothing to the subconscious. It has no real value. The value is in the sensations and emotions that spring forth from having and doing the things that money can bring you. What things can you do with say, $10,000 that would make you feel more alive?

Everyone’s answer is different. Yet we’re all after the same excitement and passion. Those are sensations. And we live to feel them. That electric sense of “this is what I was born to do” is what drives us to aspire to a sense of greatness within ourselves. If you’re feeling excitement, you are magnetizing yourself to those feelings. This means more things will “show up” in your life that match the frequency of those emotions. The same goes with negativity, anger and hatred. Life is meant to be lived. Experienced. The events that take place in your life are determined by the thoughts you hold in your Mind and the emotions attached to those thoughts, which creates an expectation. The state of expectation is a magnetic force that re-arranges the universe to clear a path and open a channel for manifestation. To put it plainly, when you think and feel about a thing, the universe will present you with new opportunities to actively manifest that thing you want. It doesn’t just magically appear from the ether. But the opportunities do. Say you want $10,000 so you think and feel about all the things that you can do with that ten grand. At the moment there’s no possible way to get that amount of money, but you just want to feel what having that amount might feel like to you… Those pictures and scenarios your Mind brings you to are magnetic, and the more you think and feel about them, the more you will become aware of new channels opening in your life that can potentially get you a step closer to your desired manifestation.

So here, you become like a psychic detective, actively searching for clues the universe presents to you that might get you closer to what you want to manifest. And those who seek, shall find. Once you become actively aware of searching for these clues to these new channels of information, new connections, new experiences, you will manifest the opportunity to live them. They can come from the strangest sources, but they always come, so be on the lookout. Your Reticular Activating System which filters any information your brain doesn’t consider “important” at the time, will begin to work in your favor, filtering out all the junk that keeps you distracted, and only bringing to your awareness those events, those rare circumstances which come together and give you a glimpse into your future… the desired future of your dreams. Be proactive in your personal game of Life and having a crystal clear picture of what you want to attract in Mind, hold in your heart those thoughts and feelings which would be present if you actually possessed the experience. In that moment, how would that feel? There is no wrong answer. Only one sensation, and then another. They overlap each other, each containing their own package of thought forms and emotions; possible successes and potential failures. Love and fear. Both are driving forces of desire. The problem with manifesting for most people, is that they are clear with what they want mentally, but not clear emotionally… in other words, they know what they want consciously, but they don’t know how to deal with the emotions of not having it.

There can be a lot of mental conditioning from early childhood that can conflict with, and even override a desire we wish to consciously experience. We can have emotional connections to a memory that is related to a current desire, and the emotional response that is experienced may be in direct opposition to what we’re trying to manifest. There are tools and techniques such as taught in our book Uberman that are consciousness technologies designed to alleviate these deeper emotional and psychological issues, in order to make way for a new state of acceptance of a new, more beneficial possibility. Once you are clear, the opportunities manifest abundantly. But they only show you the way. It’s up to you to take the step that is presented regardless of your beliefs or limitations – leap forward with all your might in the direction of where you want to go and you’ll surely get there… one step at a time. Everyone wants it now. Here’s the secret: you have it now. The conscious mind projects reality one frame at a time in a linear “first, middle, end” sort of way… but beyond the conscious tunnel-vision of perception, time doesn’t exist. The past exists only in our memory (collective or individual) – the future merely exists as possibilities inside our imagination… the only thing we truly can experience is the now. So bring that potential future-self into the present moment. Have it now, and experience how that feels internally. This ritual opens a gateway between the “you” in the present moment, and that “you” of the future and entangles them together. You begin to entertain thoughts and sensations you haven’t had before. The future-self that is experiencing the manifestation of the desire you

are having now, becomes you in the present moment. A channel is opened, and life changes begin to occur outwardly. This is a two-part technique called Out-Picturing and Right Action. These can be far more powerful than wishful thinking and then waiting for something to show up in front of you on a silver platter. Establish a connection between your current reality and the parallel dimension or possibility you wish to experience… open the channel, clear the path and then investigate every moment of your life to become aware of those opportunities which magically present themselves, as if by coincidence, to bring your desire to you. Then take action on those ideas which inspire you, feel gratitude for the present moment, follow your sense of passion and reality becomes your playground.

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