Marketing Action Plan 2019

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MARKETING ACTION PLAN 2019 Start, grow and scale a "side-hustle" business in 24 hours

Marketing Action Plan 2019

Marketing Action Plan 2019 Start, grow and scale a “side hustle” business in 24 hours (Even if you’re brand new and don’t yet have a website) © JM 2019 All Rights Reserved.

Dear friend, Christmas is just around the corner, and I wanted to do something truly meaningful for my tribe. So I’ve created an action plan for starting, growing and scaling a "side-hustle" business in 2019. And if you don’t yet have a business… I’ll show you how to get one up and running by the time you’ve finished reading this document. 1

Marketing Action Plan 2019

Trust The Plan I’ve got 17 years in the business and more than $60M for clients under my belt, so if you’re trying to start, grow or scale your business -- I’m the guy you want to talk to. I’m also a high-ticket business consultant, and what I’ve listed in this document is similar to what I would give to a client who paid $7,500-$15,000+ for an insider’s advantage to crushing it.

How many have you forgotten about? They just sit there in dark corners of the interwebs, gathering digital dust. Let’s not let that happen to this information, agreed? Only ACTION manifests physical results.

How To Get A Side-Hustle in 24 Hours It doesn’t matter where you’re at in your business -- or if you have one at all -- the action steps listed within this document will increase your productivity, conversions and profitability, while cutting your expenses by as much as 7090% in some cases. It’s an Action Plan… because knowledge doesn’t create results. Sure, it’s great to have knowledge… but if it isn’t put into action then it is wasted. And 99.9% of what we learn to increase our income is just wasted and quickly forgotten. Think about it. How many programs, software and/or courses have you bought that you never went all the way through or actually used?

Alright, the best way to get started is to just get a sidehustle up and running quickly. We don’t need to put too much thought into this, and it’s going to be cheap to get started. Of course this assumes you don’t yet have a side-hustle or online business running yet. If you do, that’s perfectly cool because we’re just getting everyone on a level playing field to start. No matter where you’re at in your business, keep reading... 2

Marketing Action Plan 2019

Sell Anything You Want, But Sell This First And You'll Make A Lot More $$$ The fastest possible way to get a side-hustle up and running profitably, is through affiliate marketing. This is not MLM. Just to clear that up. This is not a business opportunity, either. Affiliate marketing is when other companies pay you a commission on sales you generate for them. You’re helping them out by doing this, so they don’t charge you to sell their product. Of course you can sell practically anything you want, but if you want to actually make money from your affiliate marketing, then stick to what’s already making sales for other affiliates. For this purpose, we’re going to focus on selling digital products through online marketplaces such as ClickBank, JVzoo and WarriorPlus. There’s zero inventory, and you can literally get started with everything you need to make money within 24 hours or less. (No hype) The internet is huge. It’s global. And every hour of the day there are THOUSANDS of potential buyers online, in hundreds of top selling niche markets. I’ve sold hundreds of thousands of products over the years, and the products I’ve easily made the most money from are…

* “Make Money Online” Digital ClickBank Products (i.e Super Affiliate System) * “Self Development” Digital ClickBank Products (i.e. Manifestation Magic) * “Internet Marketing” Digital JVzoo & W+ Products/Software (i.e. Sqribble) ClickBank pays you every week, and JVZoo & W+ can pay you instantly via PayPal. Better yet, it’s 100% free to sign up to any of those networks to be an affiliate, and you can start selling other vendors’ digital products almost instantly. With ClickBank, most products are freely available for you to promote and you’ll get your affiliate link with 1click in most cases. Some products on JVzoo and W+ do require the vendor to approve you for instant commissions manually, especially if you’re brand new...


Marketing Action Plan 2019

Get Started Now - Leverage A Winning Affiliate Offer That’s why it’s a good idea to start out selling ClickBank products, since they’re an easy sell (with the right traffic) and then start adding JVzoo & W+ affiliate offers as you get approved for them. Every affiliate network has it’s unique benefits and shortcomings. You just have to learn to roll with the punches and adapt to whatever environment you’re in.

But this is by far the quickest way to get started… One glaring downside to ClickBank is way above average refund rates.

Start With A High Ticket Offer There’s no point in selling something that doesn’t get sales. So we’re only going to focus on what’s already selling well for OTHER affiliates, just like you. Makes sense, doesn’t it? Staying in line with the plan, we’re going to start with a high-ticket, high converting offer from ClickBank. As of this writing, there’s a new offer which has been making boatloads of sales, already has high converting, pre-written emails ready to copy & paste, and gets very low refunds for the “BizOp” niche.

Some ClickBank products can steal as high as 20-40% refund rates -- these are NOT recommended because even if they convert, the quality of these products are low and they’ll hurt your reputation with the customers who did take action to buy from you. The offer we’ll focus on first is called the Super Affiliate System. The reason we’re directing our energy towards this offer first, is because it pays a whopping $457.43 per sale. And it’s a free webinar that converts 14-16% of qualified participants into sales. That’s huge. The S.A.S. was developed by John Crestani & The Internet Jetset Group, and shows aspiring entrepreneurs how to leverage paid traffic to create an affiliate marketing based business.


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It’s one of the highest converting autowebinars I’ve ever promoted, and one of the easiest ways for literally anyone to get started making BIG commissions, by sending traffic to a free webinar! So instead of dropping you off into the wilderness of the ClickBank Marketplace and letting you choose whatever product you want to promote (or sorting by Gravity to find the offers that already have affiliates making sales for them)... we’re going to start with what works best. Here Are Your First 3 Action Steps: 1. Sign Up for a Free ClickBank Affiliate Account (Or Login) 2. Go to “Find Products” Search Bar and Type “Crestani” 3. Find the “SAS” Affiliate Offer and Click the PROMOTE button

4. Once you’ve done this, you’ll get a popup window that looks similar to the image below. Put your ClickBank ID in the space (as shown) and click GENERATE HOPLINKS...

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5. You’ll have a secure, encrypted link generated for you like the one below. Click the “Copy HopLink” button to grab your affiliate link.

6. Now open a Notepad editor and paste the link in there for safe keeping. Save it. 7. Feel free to test out your new affiliate link in a new browser window. It will take you to a landing page with a free introduction video and a “Sign Up For The Free Training” button. Once you click that button, you’ll get a registration form to sign up for the free training. 8. I *highly* recommend that you register for this free training yourself so you’ll know the whole process that your prospects will be going through in order to get to the high ticket sale. John gives a brilliant performance and even demonstrates turning a tiny $180 investment into more than $800 in sales within about 2 hours. You will be proud to tell others about the event. 9. At the end of the training, John offers a limited opportunity to work with him and his team personally, by joining the Super Affiliate System. This is an incredible value, and your customers will be chomping at the bit to get more of what they learned in the free training. The webinar converts 14-16% of those who attend the webinar to sales -- it completely sells itself. So now that you’ve got an affiliate link to one of the highest-converting, best quality free training webinars in the entire history of ClickBank, it’s time to get started making sales. Yes, you can send traffic directly to your affiliate link and you will probably make sales. But I can guarantee you that you’ll make 100-500% more sales (and 5x your income) by taking the following extra action steps… 10. Use a pre-made landing QUIZ page. (See example) This has extra benefits. #1 you’ll be able to start (or keep) building a list of subscribers to sell to over, and over again… and #2, you’ll only be getting the most HIGHLY targeted visitors to actually register for the free training, meaning they’ll be more likely to convert to those high-ticket sales we’re after. To do this... (and remember this is optional) can simply clone my existing survey quiz page in 1-click. For this promotion, we’re using ClickFunnels to quickly build a professional site. As long as you’ve already got an account, you can click the link below and automatically have the entire survey page created for you, in one click. See below…

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Get Your Clone Of A High Converting Landing Page Click Here To Share This Pre-Made Affiliate Survey Funnel Page To Your Account In psychology we learn that the human mind simply cannot accept incomplete information.

The Easiest $457 You'll Ever Make That link above will equip you with a high-converting landing page that will begin pouring new subscribers into your list, who can easily turn into $457/sale commissions. You might notice that the survey page doesn’t ask for an email address or an optin. This is on purpose. And the reason is because I’m getting an unheard of 93.2% optin conversion by utilizing a “reverse squeeze” strategy… Where most entrepreneurs are happy with seeing the industry standard optin rates of around 30-40%... I enjoy laser-targeted subscribers by putting the squeeze (the actual optin webform) as the REDIRECT for right after they’ve taken the survey. And it’s simpler than you would ever imagine…

That’s why I think this extremely simple optin webform works so well. Because they have just taken an action (i.e. answered a few survey questions) and now they’re presented with an opportunity to complete the information they wanted, just by giving their email to continue. After they drop in their email address and click the “Click Here To Continue” button, they’re redirected to the direct affiliate link we created and saved to our Notepad editor. Easy! The survey page “Presells” them by asking 3 specific questions that are designed to answer the questions already being asked in their heads… thus confirming them, establishing rapport and getting them fired up to take another action, to keep the momentum going.


Marketing Action Plan 2019

Secret Behind The 93.2% Optin Rate

Your amount, frequency and consistency of ACTION. You’re starting off the cuff, by offering something for free. Genuinely free. Anyone can register at anytime, and what they learn at the digital (recorded) event WILL be valuable to them.

Yes, That’s Really It! And Look How Well It Converts:

That’s a record-breaking 93.2% of visitors who complete the survey optin for more info! By the time they arrive at the actual registration page (i.e. your affiliate link) they’ll be pre-sold on the idea of seeing what this is all about. And if it’s a 100% free online training, they’ll sign up. And some of them will join the Super Affiliate System membership to learn more. And when they do, you’ll start seeing huge sales start building up in your ClickBank affiliate account! Remember, you don’t have to SELL anything. You’re not sharing with family or friends. This is NOT “MLM” or anything close, and you’re not building anyone’s downline. Your success or failure is 100% dependent upon only ONE thing…

So if you’ve ever wanted to learn something that’ll actually help you make money - before you’ve paid for anything - now you’ve got one. Feel free to share it, but preferably use your affiliate link and/or premade Survey page for best results. :) The next thing you’re going to need is a way to start building a mailing list. Aside from this, you’ll also reap the added benefit of being able to automatically follow-up with anyone who subscribes to the “To Continue” webform, and you’ll be able to make even more S.A.S. commissions. For this purpose, I’m going to recommend two top sources…


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And the reason I’m recommending them both, is because I am using them both. And I honestly think you should be too. (The reason will become clear in just a moment)... #1 Aweber - I’ve been a loyal client of Aweber since 2001. I’ve put hundreds of thousands of leads through them, and have created an untold number of mailing lists and autoresponder sequences. I’ve literally sent MILLIONS of sales-generating emails through their servers. They also let you create quick webforms “on the fly” and will even host them for you. (Like they did with my “To Continue” webform. It took a few seconds to create and gets 93.2% optin rates.) #2 XMails - This is relatively new to the market, but has been used to pull off more than sixteen SIX figure product launches. (That’s $100k x 16) It’s every email marketer’s dream come true. It really is. I’m hosting 89,843 optin subscribers through them with no problems. You can segment your whole list into multiple smaller lists using tags, which can easily 3-4x your opens, clicks and sales from your list, and a lot more. This is the best mailing software I’ve ever tested. I prefer using XMails to send broadcasts to the whole list (or segmented parts according to opens/clicks/unopens and interests) and then let Aweber handle sending only the most responsive leads the automated followup messages. This 1-2 punch method has helped me hit 1st place in affiliate competitions for the most sales, and for the highest sales volume. I’ve even hit several leaderboards without really trying, just by using this powerful segmentation method… BROADCAST > 6-12Hrs Later Re-Send To Un-Opens w/ Different Subject + Send 2nd Followup Broadcast ONLY To Openers Of First Message (who didn’t take action) For the unopeners, just send the same email message with a different subject line. But for those who opened the email the first time but didn’t take action, you’ll need to test out a different subject and body of the message. Generally, mailing to openers (and not just unopeners) results in an immediate 20-40% additional increase in response. And sadly, most people don’t even mail to the un-openers. Just doing this 1 thing can make the difference between making 0-2 sales from an email, and making several sales. It can literally make or break your promotion. I can’t recommend it highly enough. And speaking of which, if you really want to take your email marketing seriously and get the highest open and click rates you’ve ever seen, you should use Michel Sirois’ segmentation method from his course, Easy Profits Makers.

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Imagine A 70.5% Higher Open Rate & 152% More Clicks His methods result in up to 70.5% higher open rates, 152% higher click-throughs and can make up to 75% of ALL your revenue from email marketing. That isn’t hype, either. These are solid test results. Aside from that, Michel is one of the only guys I know of who include 1-on-1 live coaching as a free bonus incentive. That means you will get personal attention and can chat with a coach live virtually anytime you want. It's a pretty bold incentive to get his course. What you’re going to do next (after you’ve finished copy & pasting the email follow-up messages from the link above into your Aweber list) is create your “reverse-squeeze” optin form. To do this, you go to the list you created in Aweber and choose “Sign Up Forms.”

Getting Back To Business Here, I’ve made it even simpler for you to get started. Here are 11 pre-written emails you can copy & paste into a new Aweber list to have your own automated follow-up system.

Then click on “Create A Sign Up Form” and choose “Sign Up Form.” Using the simple editor, make your sign up form look just like this one: usp=sharing Just replace the links in the emails with your *direct* affiliate link you generated from ClickBank and saved in your Notepad editor. (You don’t want to use the same link you’re using for the Presell Survey landing page, because they’ve already been through that funnel and the emails they’re getting from you now should take them directly to the registration page to sign up.) Once you’ve done that, you’re almost done already!


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Just A Little Copy & Paste Magic

Finally, choose the last option to “Have AWeber Host My Form” and copy To get the red “Click Here To Continue” button, you can use & paste the URL you’re this image URL: given in the box into your Notepad editor for https://hostedimages-cdn.awebersafe keeping. This is your optin URL. Once that’s done, click the “Go To Step 2” button. Name the Form Name: ToContinue (or anything you want) Under “Thank You Page” choose “Custom Page” and for the URL use your direct affiliate link for S.A.S. that you saved earlier in the Notepad editor. Do the same for the “Already Subscribed Page.” (custom page > your affiliate link URL) Then Click the “Go To Step 3” button.

Now you’re going to customize your cloned Presell Survey page in ClickFunnels. Login to ClickFunnels and if you’ve cloned the site already with the 1click link given earlier in this document, then you’ll see a funnel that says “JC Survey.” Click on it. (See below)

Next, mouse over the “Pop Up” button and click “SHOW POPUP.”


Marketing Action Plan 2019

Now, click on the white box that says “Do You Agree To Use The Training Ethically?” and a side-window should pop open to the right of the screen with a green “EDIT SURVEY OPTIONS” button. Click it, as shown below…

Once clicked, go to “Outcomes” and click on “Default Outcome Action”...

Next, change the “CUSTOM REDIRECT” URL (as shown) to the exact Aweber optin URL you just saved in your Notepad editor. Then exit the slider and get back to the main page editor in ClickFunnels. Then click “Save” and you’re done with this step!

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Phase II: The Self-Test And Initial Roll Out Congratulations, your Presell Survey Quiz page, “To Continue” optin form, and 11 prewritten autoresponder messages are complete!

It’s time to test it out and start sending traffic…

Putting It All Together In the first phase we leveraged an already highconverting, high ticket affiliate offer that pays $457/sale in commissions through ClickBank. We also modeled or “cloned” a professional, high quality landing Survey Quiz page and integrated our “reverse squeeze” Aweber optin funnel as the redirect URL of the quiz. Additionally, we leveraged the 11 pre-written swipe email messages by adding them to our Aweber list autoresponder followup-up system. Right now, you should have two main links… #1 Your Presell Survey Page URL (from ClickFunnels) #2 Your Direct Affiliate Link (for Aweber follow-up messages) To get your Presell Survey Page URL, exit the ClickFunnels editor, and it should take you back to their main control panel (See Below)...

Your URL will of course be different than mine, but you should see it right at the top. You’ll want to copy & paste that landing page Quiz URL into your Notepad if you haven’t already. The funnel goes as follows:

Visitor Arrives At Quiz Page > They Answer 3 Questions > They Enter Their Email Address To Continue On Next Page > They Are Redirected To Your Affiliate Link + They Begin Receiving Automated Email Followups Which Also Direct To Your Affiliate Link Now go ahead and test out your funnel. Go to the “Survey/Quiz” landing page URL and go through each of the steps. If done correctly, you should have a real money making machine!


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Now it’s time to actually start getting eyeballs to your Survey/Quiz landing page. Alright, this is where a lot of people get tripped up, and end up going broke. And it’s *really* easy to do, if you do this part wrong. Luckily, so far I’ve given you every shortcut to get you far ahead of the learning curve, by giving you direct access to a proven affiliate funnel that converts to high ticket sales! The traffic part is DEAD SIMPLE. How do you get traffic to your Quiz landing page? We’re going to hit it from two fronts... 1. We’re going to buy it to get a quick jumpstart. 2. We’re going to distribute and syndicate free content to get more. If you’re at all serious about your success, you’re going to spend money on traffic.

Now keep in mind you don’t have to invest your life savings. The golden rule is that you want to invest at least 50% of whatever you make back into buying more traffic. Eventually, you’ll be so profitable that your advertising will begin to pay for itself. Remember the guy I told you about who’s smashing industry records with 70.5% higher open rates and 152% more click-throughs? His name is Michel Sirois, and he’s also a traffic supplier. This guy gets higher open rates, click-through rates and sales than just about anyone in his field, so the smart thing to do would be to leverage the responsiveness of his own LIST. And for a limited time, customers of Easy Profits Makers have a golden opportunity to do just that - by ordering their traffic directly from him. (As of this writing, there’s a special offer he’s running for only $0.35 cents per click - which is CRAZY cheap. I can’t promise it will stay that low, but today it’s still available at that price in the Members Area.) Alternatively, you can get extremely high quality traffic from these sources... Page 14

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Top 3 Traffic Sources For High Ticket Offers  BigListBoss  TrafficForMe  Udimi (Solo Ads) I’m still going to say that your best bet for this offer is to buy traffic directly from Michel, because of his stellar reputation with not only his clients, but with his subscribers and buyers lists too! (And don’t forget, as long as you’re a customer of his Easy Profits Makers course, you can get his premium traffic for as crazy low as $0.35 cents per click!) So what you’ll do is…  Buy the amount of clicks you want.  Submit the URL to your landing / Quiz page.  Watch the traffic and leads come flooding in!

The more *quality* targeted traffic you send to your Affiliate Presell Survey/Quiz page, the more money you will start making in affiliate commissions. Then take 50% of your earnings from these promotions, and buy more traffic. With $457/sale commissions, your potential profit margins are GIGANTIC. Just imagine, one sale and you’ve put almost $500 back into your pocket. Two sales per day is nearly $1,000/day = $365k/year

Not bad for a side-hustle you started in 24 hours, right? I’m not saying you’ll do that amount - or any for that matter - but others certainly are. And there’s no damn good reason why you won’t be doing the same as long as you’re following directions. This is the fastest possible route to making money online that I’ve learned in 17 years.


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After all, you’ve got the right tools… you’ve got the secret methods for segmentation… you’ve got a presell page, you’ve got a “reverse squeeze” optin form that gets 93.2% optin conversions, and you’ve even got the top traffic sources that can build you a six figure income or higher! What’s left? MOMENTUM. Let’s keep it going. Like I said before, you don’t have to buy 100% of the traffic to your landing page.

But it is highly recommended to buy a good chunk upfront to get things going quickly. In addition (or if you can’t afford to buy traffic yet) you can always get it for free. This does take more effort, and it generally takes longer to build enough income to make it worth your time… but if you’re using these free methods to build your empire organically, while you’re buying traffic on the side to grow exponentially, then you will succeed wildly. So what we’re going to do is explore the 3 MOST effective methods I’ve ever tested for getting hoards of FREE, targeted traffic…

Phase III: Free Traffic For Momentum My first and most favorite method of getting free traffic is by going VIRAL. There are a million-and-one ways to do this, but I’ve found the easiest and fastest way is to use a software program called UpViral to create extremely viral digital product giveaways that encourage all subscribers to share your page with their social followers in order to obtain points, to unlock more free gifts. It works like gangbusters! Instead of trying to spell this out I’d rather just show you by giving you a few live examples of viral promotions I’ve engineered that get approximately 3-5 new FREE visitors for every 1 visitor to my website. Then, I post to all MY social pages (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Linkedin, etc) announcing the free gift giveaway. And let the viral mechanism take over from there. Here are 3 such examples of effective UpViral pages I’ve created... Page 16

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3 Effective Case-Study Examples  (Super Affiliate System)  (Sqribble)  (Affiliate Bots)

Feel free to go through each of them and see how they work.

Free Traffic Tsunami - Groups In addition to posting your viral giveaway to your own social profiles to get the ball rolling, you can also leverage the massive free traffic from GROUPS on both Facebook and Linkedin. Just type in a keyword relating to your offer into the Facebook/Linkedin search bar and request to join these public groups. It’s free. It’s easy. And you can post to each group once per day! Don’t request to join more than 20 groups in a day. And I wouldn’t recommend posting to more than 20 at a time, either. FB especially loves to give entrepreneurs a hard time, just ‘cuz. Your next free traffic pit-stop should be PINTEREST. You wouldn’t believe how much free traffic is just sitting there, waiting to buy cool new stuff. It isn’t just for ecom, or for selling physical goods such as food, clothing or hand-made items. There’s also TONS of buyer traffic looking for new ways to make money online and/or increase their effectiveness in their own business. If you want a MAJOR head-start in the right direction, you’re going to want to join public group boards related to business, promoting, affiliate marketing, investing and making money online.

It isn’t an easy task to join these boards. You have to locate the board owners personally, and get in contact with them, then practically beg them to let you become a contributor to the boards, and you must promise not to spam the boards with useless junk. If you mind all your “P’s” and “Q’s” you might hear back from them within a few days to a few weeks, or longer. And there’s honestly no guarantee you’ll ever hear from them at all.

But don’t fret, because I have a solution. I’m a member of several of these extremely hightraffic promotion boards on Pinterest.

Now the bad news...


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As my way of saying thank you for being a valued subscriber, customer and/or client, if you would send me an honest testimonial to ( including your full name and email address, I will reply back to you with a private invitation to join these boards! Many of them are receiving 100-500k visitors every single month. Some even more! You can place just about anything in front of them and start seeing traffic within minutes. Your very best use of this traffic method would be to offer a FREE viral gift giveaway, i.e. UpViral. If you wanted to get extra fancy, you could create the content for your free gift in a couple minutes using Sqribble. It creates the most amazing free lead magnets you’ve ever seen, and does it faster than you can blink. What’s even better is that you can take the free gift giveaway reports you create using Sqribble, and convert to them PDFs… then syndicate them to all the sites below for FREE bursts of traffic to anything you want, any time you wish! Submit Original Content To These Websites For Unlimited Free Traffic (Shared directly from my Google Docs - A Living “Cheat Sheet”) Well, I sincerely hope you’ve obtained real value from this Action Plan. If you put it into action there is nothing that can hold you back from achieving success. I appreciate your honest feedback. This is also a “living document” and will be updated with the latest and most profitable new strategies, tactics and methods for making money online in the easiest, and quickest way possible. Season’s greetings and have a Merry Christmas… and the best year ever in 2019!

Happy Holidays, Jason Mangrum, Bestselling Author, Personal Development Mentor And 7-Figure Copywriter To The Stars PS. As you might have noticed, some of these methods do require additional products and services to get the maximum benefit. If you purchase my recommendations, I will receive an affiliate commission. You most likely knew this anyway, but I’d rather be up front about it and let you know.

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Final Thoughts & Your Feedback I created the Marketing Action Plan 2019 because EVERY resource and tool I have recommended in this document are those that I have tested and am currently using myself to obtain the results that I have obtained. It only makes sense that you should use what is already proven to work. If you enjoyed this absolutely 100% free gift (an early Christmas present) and you’d like to explore working with me personally, you can contact me at to request consultation sessions or copywriting. My rates are high. I don’t pull any punches about that. I’ve helped top level entrepreneurs make six and seven figures within days and weeks with my strategies, and my rates generally go from $7,500-$15,000+ for private 1-on-1 consulting and/or copywriting. If you don’t have that kind of scratch, then follow every word that I’ve painstakingly written into this Action Plan. You could still get similar results to some of my high level clients. Above all, don’t close this document and forget about it. That would be a travesty. If *my* close personal friends came to me and said, “hey man, please tell me exactly what to do to get started making some money online, like you do” -- then I would hand them this document. Action is the only thing that manifests results. This is coming from a well-known authority on manifesting, mind you. It doesn’t matter how much mental magic you do, or how well-aligned your intentions are to the “Law of Attraction” -- if you take no action, you get NO results. All those things can certainly help weight the probabilities of your success, but without taking massive, immediate action to get what you want, you’ll most likely never get it. So go through this document again, and if you haven’t yet - take action on every step. Enjoy!


THANK YOU We Welcome Your Feedback feel free to get in touch with us for any feedback or questions:

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