The Top Six Ways to Reduce Stress

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The Top Six Ways to Reduce Stress Jason Walker, PhD

Introduction Stress has become a mental health condition that has become a part of our lives. No one is immune to it and age does not matter. Even kids feel the effects of stress. There are certain situations and careers that create stress as well as maintain a certain level of it. Stress has become so ingrained in our lives that there are numerous books, supplements, teas, music ‌ etc. to help us reduce and manage it. Yet, with all of these things, stress still remains and at high levels. With that said, there are a number of ways that have proven to reduce it as well as to help individuals to keep their stress levels low. Let's take a look at the top six ways to help you become more relaxed.

1. Volunteer Studies have shown that helping other people lowers stress levels. When you volunteer, you are taking your mind off your problems. You will come away from the experience with positive feelings since you have helped someone in a less fortunate position as well as your community. You will also become more resilient and happier.

2. Get More Sleep We all want more sleep, but getting it can be difficult. Stress causes a lack of sleep, whether it is from not being able to turn off our minds to go to sleep or having a bad dream that interrupts it. To fall asleep, there are natural supplements as well as meditation techniques. If you are having a great deal of trouble trying to fall asleep, you should consult your doctor.

3. Get Moving Exercise has shown to release endorphins. These endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain to reduce pain. They actually cause a feeling of happiness after a workout. You’ll also feel a sense of accomplishment, especially if you switch to a new workout routine. A by-product of exercise is feeling healthier, which will motivate you to make other lifestyle changes (e.g. eating clean).

4. Meditation Although I mentioned this above, it bears repeating. Meditation is a great way to calm your body and clear your mind. It will be difficult at first, but once you have created a routine, you will experience its benefits. Some include a lower blood pressure, better decision making and more self-awareness.

5. Talk it Out Talking to someone you trust is another way to lower your stress. It doesn’t have to be a therapist; it can be a friend or loved one. The other person can give you a new perspective on your problem(s). He (or she) may offer a solution you overlooked.

6. Change your Diet Eating healthier has many benefits in addition to weight loss and healthy-looking skin. When you eat healthy foods, you will feel better which helps to lower your stress levels. However, there are other diet-related things you can do to lower your stress, such as avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine. They are stimulants that will counteract your efforts to calm your body and mind. If you cannot avoid one or all of them, you should try to limit them. Just like exercise, changing your diet (and sticking to it) is an accomplishment.


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