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Matt Jasper

Farmington, NH, United States

Max Jasper is more interesting than Matt Jasper, so Matt Jasper has posted his son Max Jasper's Possible Truth magazine here. Matt Jasper was born in Manhattan in 1966. A frequent contributor to Rollerderby and Grand Street in the 90s, he went on to have many children and start a poorly-posed-taxidermy-and-bad-yard-sale-art-themed restaurant called the Friendly Toast. He collects schizophrenic autobiographies and makes lists of poet enemies in Farmington, New Hampshire. He is currently working on a book-length poem entitled Obolus.


Possible Truth #4

March 8, 2010


October 5, 2009

Possible Truth issue #1

September 15, 2009

Possible Truth #2

September 13, 2009

Possible Truth Magazine

September 12, 2009