Practice of Truth

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© 2013 Jasper Life Publications Inc.


The Building Up of the Body of Christ Title of this volume: The Practice of Truth Translated with permission of Editora Árvore da Vida Published by Editora Árvore da Vida in Portuguese, Spanish, Korean, French, Italian and German. All rights reserved by Jasper Life Publications Inc. 725 Viscount Road London, ON, Canada N6J 4G9 Phone: (519) 472-0350 ISSN 1920-8510

Bible Quotations All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Other versions of scripture are indicated as follows: ASV American Standard Version lit. Literal translation

ENJOY! Individually 1. Meet with the Lord early in the morning. 2. As soon as you rise, before doing anything else, take a breath of life, deeply calling on the name of the Lord, “Oh Lord Jesus”. When doing this, drop all your cares, fears, sadness and sin, and receive the Lord Jesus as life, joy, peace and encouragement. Call “Lord Jesus” several times throughout the day. 3. Read the verses given each day in order to have a complete idea of the subject to be covered. Remember that the Bible explains the Bible; because of this, you will find quotations from many other books of the Bible aside from the one which we are presenting in this Daily Food. 4. Prayerfully read the verse suggested each day. To do this, each word ought to be repeated, emphasized and proclaimed without haste, as if one were chewing. Do not read the verse too fast, but spend time on each word. In this exercise, do not worry about understanding the verse, but “eat” it, taking it by faith as spiritual food. 5. Underline and highlight the phrases and words in the explanatory text that most impress you. Pay special attention to the Key Point. This point will function as a key to unlock the spiritual significance of the text. “Digest” it during the day, repeating it to yourself. In this manner, the text that you read in the morning will be your spiritual food all day long. 6. Share what you gain with those you are related to at home, at school, at work, etc. They need the life that you receive through the word.



ENJOY! In Small Groups 1. Daily Food is an excellent tool for small groups meeting to study the Bible. These small groups may be informal and be characterized by mutual care among the members. 2. A small group meeting can be formed of household members, relatives and neighbors, friends who live nearby, classmates, or work colleagues. 3. Try to meet regularly with members of your small group meeting in order to read Daily Food together. 4. When together, read the suggested passages for each day and prayerfully read the verse of the day. 5. Try to apply the Key Point to your daily life and its difficulties, and to your personal and professional life. Make the word of God applicable to your living. In this way everyone can actively participate and be mutually edified. 6. Take the opportunity to pray together for individual needs or problems. 7. Whenever possible, bring guests to your small group meeting. Then more people can be supplied by God’s word.

May you all receive life abundantly!

The editors

PS: Don’t forget to look at the Complementary Reading suggested at the end of each week. It is very helpful.

CONTENTS Week 1 – Message 17 The Experience of Peter (Matt. 3:11; 1 Pet. 1:6-7)

Practicing the Word Builds Up........................................................... 7 Kept Alive by God’s Sovereignty and Mercy to Be Useful to Him.... 9 Saved to Walk According to God’s Will.......................................... 11 Encouraged by Peter’s Experiences.................................................. 13 An Efficient Way to Deny the Soul-life........................................... 15 Purified by the Fire of the Spirit....................................................... 17 Proved by the Fire of the Spirit to Govern the Coming World........ 19

Week 2 – Message 18 Agape (2 Pet. 1:3-8)

Our Hope......................................................................................... 21 Awakened to God’s Will.................................................................. 24 Not Only Knowing the Truths, but Practicing Them...................... 26

Where the Spirit is, the Sanctifying Fire is Also.............................. 29 The Development of the Divine Revelation in the New Testament.................................................................... 32 Going through Fire Today to Receive Praise, Glory, and Honor..... 34 The Final Result of God’s Work in Us: the Agape Love.................. 36

Week 3 – Message 19 Transparent Gold (1) – (Gen. 2:10-12a; 1 Pet. 1:7; Rev. 21:18, 21)

An Important Principle to Be Learned by God’s Servants.............. 39 The Dangers of Having Disciples..................................................... 42 Silas, a True Spiritual Companion.................................................... 44 The Living Hope Which Proceeds from Regeneration.................... 46 Denying Ourselves, Loving the Brothers and Hoping in the Kingdom of the Heavens................................... 48 The Exercise of Denying the Self..................................................... 50 Transformed into Transparent Gold by the Fire of the Spirit.......... 52

Week 4 – Message 20 Transparent Gold (2) – (2 Pet. 1:3-8)

Peter’s Experience on Dealing with the Soul Life............................ 54 He Who Endures To The End Will Be Saved.................................. 56 The Fire of the Spirit As the Definitive Solution for the Natural Life......................................................................... 58 Opportunities for the Divine Life to Grow in Us............................. 60 The Soul Life: an Obstacle to Our Transformation......................... 63 Our Meeting, Family, and Social Living, As Well As the Spiritual Warfare...................................................................... 66 A Spontaneous Way to Deny the Soul-life...................................... 68



Week 5 – Message 21 The Truth in Paul’s Ministry (2 Tim. 2:2) The Transforming Power of God’s Life............................................. 70 Equipped with Revelation to Be Useful to the Lord........................ 73 A Proper Environment to Hear the Spirit’s Speaking..................... 76 Following the Spirit Causes Us to Do the Will of God.................... 79 Knowing the Truth and Practicing It............................................... 81 The Practice of Truth in Peter’s Experience.................................... 84 God’s Full Salvation......................................................................... 86 Week 6 – Message 22 The Truth in John’s Latter Ministry (2 John 4; 3 John 3-4) The Word of God is the Truth.......................................................... 89 The Truths Revealed to Paul............................................................ 91 The Spirit Continues His Revelation............................................... 94 The Revelation of the Spirit of Truth in John’s Ministry................. 96 Seeking the Spirit and God’s Word.................................................. 98 The Truths Presented by Peter According to His Own Experience................................................................ 100 Two Tools for the Furtherance of the Gospel of the Kingdom....... 103 Week 7 – Message 23 The Practice of Truth (2 John 4; 3 John 3-4)............................................ The Truths Revealed to Us Must Become Our Reality................. 105 The Dispensing of the Triune God................................................. 107 God’s Economy in Paul’s Writings.................................................. 109 Paul’s Epistolary Ministry............................................................... 111 The Four Books Written in Prison................................................. 113 John Goes to Ephesus in His Maturity........................................... 115 Ephesus Becomes the Center of the Work..................................... 117 Week 8 – Message 24 – The Perfecting of the Saints for the Building Up (Eph. 4:11-12; 3 John 12) A Warning for Those Who Desire to Reign with Christ............... 119 Being Prepared to Exercise the Divine Authority.......................... 121

The Lord is the Righteous Rewarder............................................. 124 Exercising the Spirit to Gain the Kingdom.................................... 127 Exercising the Spirit to Walk in a Way Worthy of Our Calling..... 129 Walking in Spirit to Flow out God’s Love...................................... 131 Being Perfected for the Ministry of the Word................................ 133



Scripture reading:

2 Cor. 12:1-4; Gal. 1:11-12; 1 Tim. 1:3-4; 2 Pet. 1:20; 3 John 4 Read with prayer:

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth (3 John 4). If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them (John 13:17).

The general subject of this series of the Daily Food is The Building up of the Body of Christ. If this building up is to take place, it is essential that we practice God’s Word. That was the burden of the apostle John in his maturity, when he led the saints in the church in Ephesus to practice the revelations left for them by the apostle Paul. Despite the rich and wonderful content of Paul’s epistle to the Ephesians, the brethren in that city did not receive it properly, merely limiting themselves to analyzing and discussing its content (1 Tim. 1:3-4). Fortunately, John was burdened to go to Ephesus after his exile on the island of Patmos. He did so after writing the book of Revelation in which the Lord warns the church in Ephesus to repent by means of recovering its first love and to return to the practice of the first works (Rev. 2:5). This warning implies that the Ephesians had trouble practicing the words they had received. John likely helped them put aside their debates and discussions to walk in grace, in truth, in love, in light, and in spirit. The word addressed to the Ephesians was not according to man, but rather a direct revelation from the Spirit (Gal. 1:11-12; 2 Pet. 1:20). Despite the fact Paul was not among the

The Experience of Peter



The Practice of Truth


twelve chosen by the Lord Jesus during His earthly ministry, he received a very special revelation from God. Paul says that while in Arabia, he was caught up to the third heaven and heard words from God which could not be uttered (2 Cor. 12:1-4). As Moses was given the revelation of God’s will for His people in the Old Testament, Paul received the revelation of the New Testament from the Spirit. Those words were later on transmitted through Paul’s epistles as he approached the end of his race (2 Tim. 4:7). At that time, however, the Ephesians had not yet been awakened to the practice of the revelations they had received. As we look at events past, we should be wise and redeem the time, taking every opportunity to practice the Lord’s Word. That is the main burden of John’s latter ministry (John 13:17; 1 John 3:18; 3 John 3-4). Let us follow the Lord by practicing His Word. Key point: The revelation of the Spirit is for the practice of the Word. My key point: Question: Why can we say that the epistle to the Ephesians did not come from man, and is not according to man?



Scripture reading:

Acts 21:17-40; 1 Cor. 2:1, 4; Gal. 1:11-12 Read with prayer:

But rise and stand on your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to make you a minister and a witness both of the things which you have seen and of the things which I will yet reveal to you (Acts 26:16). KEPT ALIVE BY GOD’S SOVEREIGNTY

The apostle Paul was given the revelation of God’s New Testament economy by the Spirit when he was caught up to the third heaven (2 Cor. 12:1-4). Clear that he should no longer return to the Old Testament ordinances, Paul transmitted that revelation through the words ministered and letters written to the churches (1 Cor. 2:1, 4; Gal. 1:1112). Nevertheless, during his third missionary journey, Paul was likely influenced by the Judaizers and atmosphere of the church in Jerusalem. Paul had already made two missionary journeys and was accompanied by Silas during the second one. During his third journey, however, Silas was no longer with him; perhaps because he felt something was not right. Prior to his third journey, Paul had asked the churches in Macedonia to collect offerings which he would take to Jerusalem. Despite their deep poverty, the saints in Macedonia offered abundantly, beseeching the apostle for the grace of participating in assisting the saints (2 Cor. 8). Now, in Jerusalem there were tens of thousands of Jews who had believed in the Lord and were zealous for the law.

The Experience of Peter



The Practice of Truth


There, James awaited Paul. Once in Jerusalem, pressured by the circumstances and the atmosphere of the Old Testament, Paul took a Nazirite vow and even paid the expenses of four others also taking the vow. In His sovereignty, however, God did not allow the completion of this vow, and before the purification ritual was completed, Paul was arrested (Acts 21:17-40). God displayed once again His sovereignty and prevented Paul from being killed in Jerusalem. During his imprisonment, Paul was interrogated by Roman officials, but appealing to Caesar, he was later on sent to Rome. During that trip, Paul’s life was once again spared by the Lord. Despite being a prisoner, God’s power was extraordinarily displayed in Paul. On the island of Malta, Paul worked many signs and miracles. After that, Paul was kept under house arrest in Rome, during which time he wrote the epistles which complete the New Testament revelation given to him by the Spirit (Acts 28:30-31). If Paul had completed the Nazirite vow in Jerusalem, his ministry would have been lost, and perhaps all the revelation given to him would not have made it to his epistles. The Lord, however, did not allow that to happen because He still wanted to use Paul (Acts 26:16). We thank God for His sovereignty and mercy because even when we make mistakes, He gives us an opportunity to repent and be useful in His hands. Key point: It is God’s sovereignty and mercy which keeps us alive. My key point: Question: Why was Paul prevented from completing the Nazirite vow in Jerusalem?



Scripture reading:

Eph. 1:4-5, 7, 13; 4:1, 7, 15, 17; 5:2, 8, 15, 18 Read with prayer:

See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil (Eph. 5:15-16).

Under house arrest, Paul preached the gospel to many people, and it was during that time that he met Onesimus, a former slave of a brother named Philemon from the church in Colossae. The record left by Paul implies that Onesimus might have wronged his master, later running away from him. Although Onesimus’ situation was quite negative when he met Paul, he believed in the Lord, was shepherded by the apostle, and became a beloved and useful servant (Philemon 10-18). Here we can see that when we preach the gospel to people and shepherd the saints, God’s life can grow in them and turn useless slaves into precious coworkers. What a wonderful result that will be! In Rome, Paul wrote his main epistles: Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians, and Philemon. The book of Galatians, written before his imprisonment, can also be added to the above group in that it too speaks of God’s New Testament economy. Galatians presents an overview of the revelation Paul received from God. Now the book of Ephesians shows God’s eternal plan through the standpoint of the work of the Triune God—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. Chapter 1 conveys that the Triune God has dispensed every sort of spiritual blessing to us: God the Father chose us

The Experience of Peter



The Practice of Truth


before the foundation of the world to be holy and without blemish, predestinating us unto sonship; the Son, in turn, brought us full redemption of our sins; now the Holy Spirit is sealing and approving us whenever we walk according to the will of God (Eph. 1:4-5, 7, 13). Chapter 2 of Ephesians reveals that we were dead in our sins and trespasses and heading toward our former destiny— the lake of fire. We were like a useless piece of wood heading into the fire to become charcoal. Still, God changed our destiny the day He began His work in us. Hallelujah! Chapter 3 goes on to show us the unsearchable love of God. We were without God and without hope in this world; our destiny was perdition. Yet, the Lord’s love reached and saved us, and we were introduced into the church where we can receive the dispensing of the Triune God. Beginning with chapter 4 of Ephesians, the apostle Paul shows us the manner in which we must walk, that is, the way to practice such great and rich revelations. According to this revelation, we must walk in grace, in truth, in love, in light, and in spirit (Eph. 4:1, 7, 15, 17; 5:2, 8, 15, and 18). It was based on this precious epistle that John was able to help the Ephesians practice the Word. Key point: The Lord saved us and is working in us. My key point: Question: What do the first four chapters of Ephesians reveal to us?



Scripture reading:

Matt. 16:21-23; 17:4-5; 26:33-35, 75; Gal. 5:16, 25 Read with prayer:

Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise (Heb. 10:35-36).

According to the Lord Jesus’ words (John 21:21-23), the ministry of John in his maturity is the last ministry in the New Testament. One of the characteristics of the apostle John was that he would observe and learn from the experiences of others, using that knowledge to carry out his own ministry. During the time he and the other disciples followed the Lord Jesus, John was able to learn many lessons while observing, for instance, the many situations Peter would go through. Although Peter was personally the one going through various situations both of victory and defeat, John would take those lessons upon himself. We too can learn spiritual lessons from Peter’s many experiences as we get deeper into what the Word reveals in that respect. The Bible speaks of Peter’s ego, his soul-life, often manifested in his opinions (Matt. 16:21-23; 17:4-5; 26:3335, 75). Whenever that happened, the Lord would show him the need of denying the self and rejecting the old nature. Having experiences of both victory and defeat, we can easily identify with Peter, as we too manifest our soullife in many circumstances. Still, just as Peter was shown mercy, the also Lord helps and enlightens us, leading us to repentance.

The Experience of Peter



The Practice of Truth


We used to think that the most efficient way to deny our soul-life was to go through outward sufferings such as trials and tribulations. For instance, many times when Christians fall ill, they seek the Lord more intensely, pray to Him, and repent for living an independent life and for taking for granted the opportunities to seek Him. After the healing, however, what often takes place is that some forget the Lord and fall back to their soul-life and opinions. If another trial comes along, they ardently seek the Lord once again, but when the trial is no longer there, they backslide to their old nature. This example shows us that the main cause of our suffering is the manifestation of the self, our old nature. Hence, the outward sufferings we go through are not enough to make us people who are submissive to God’s will. On the other hand, when we follow the Spirit and submit to Him, we are transformed and the Lord’s will can be done through us (Gal. 5:16, 25). During the time of his exile, John learned to live in spirit (Rev. 1:9-10) and be governed by Him. He was transformed and God was able to use him to carry out the ministry of Spirit and life. May the Lord have mercy on us that we may be led to deny our soul-life and do His will. Key point: Denying the soul-life to do the will of God. My key point: Question: Why can we identify with Peter’s experiences?



Scripture reading:

Matt. 3:11; 1 Pet. 1:6-7, 9; 4:12-13; 5:12-13; 2 Pet. 3:9 Read with prayer:

Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you (1 Pet. 4:12).

When we follow the feeling of the Spirit, the Lord causes us to experience His well-pleasing and perfect will. This is what Paul experienced during his second apostolic journey accompanied by Silas. Led by a vision given by the Spirit, they went to Macedonia and Achaia, preaching the gospel and raising up churches. Many families called on the Lord’s name, were saved, and became coworkers in the work. On their way back, Paul decided to stop and greet the church in Jerusalem. After that, Silas was no longer with him, but was seen later on cooperating with Peter’s ministry in Babylon. We can infer that, based on Peter’s first epistle where we see Silas (Silvanus) and John Mark cooperating with Peter’s ministry in his maturity (5:12-13). At the beginning of his Christian race, Peter was not a very spiritual person, which can be attested by the frequent manifestations of his soullife recorded in the gospels. Later in his life, Peter learned the importance of denying the self, of being purified by the fire of the Holy Spirit. In line with the present revelation, we see that Peter put into practice what John the Baptist had spoken in Matthew 3:11. That passage tells us that the Lord came to baptize us with the Holy Spirit and with fire, not the fire of eternal

The Experience of Peter



The Practice of Truth


condemnation, but the fire of the Spirit which is meant to prove us and eliminate the impurities of our soul (1 Pet. 4:1213). Peter learned that casting his soul-life into the fire of the Spirit by means of repenting was the most effective way to achieve the salvation of our soul (1 Pet. 1:6-7, 9; 2 Pet. 3:9). In practice, this means that whenever our soul-life is manifested, we have the opportunity to eliminate it through repenting. Hence, we can be purified of the self and filled by the Spirit as the divine life is added to us little by little. Key point: Purified by the fire of the Spirit. My key point: Question: What is the result of following the feeling of the Spirit?



Scripture reading:

Rom. 12:1-2, 11; 1 Pet. 1:6-7 Read with prayer:

That the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ (1 Pet. 1:7).

The Experience of Peter


According to Peter’s epistle, the fire of the Spirit is meant for purification. Although we know that sin prevents us from experiencing God’s will, according to the revelation we have received, the soul-life is even more obstructive in that sense. Without the fire of the Spirit, it is very difficult to eliminate the opinions and problems which originate in our self. When we are fervent in spirit, however, we allow our soul-life to be “burned” away and are able to experience the good, well-pleasing, and perfect will of God (Rom. 12:1-2, 11). Based on his own experience, Peter showed us that the purification process we go through by being baptized by the fire of the Spirit is similar to the way gold is purified. When this mineral is mined or found in streams, it is found in the form of a nugget. That solid lump is then washed with water to get rid of any sand and other minerals sitting on its surface. After that step, it is purified by yet another element—fire. That nugget is placed into a container and exposed to high temperatures; once the golden metal liquefies, the impurities dislodge and float up to the surface where they can be removed by the goldsmith.


The Practice of Truth


In like manner, the Lord sought us out in the world and separated us for Himself. He purified us of our sins and made us His own. We were baptized with the Spirit and became one with Him. Now, He is baptizing us with fire so that, little by little, the impurities in our soul may be eliminated, and that genuineness or value of our faith may grow increasingly more precious than perishable gold (1 Pet. 1:6-7). Hallelujah! Let us submit to the baptism with the Holy Spirit and with fire that we may be purified and experience the good, wellpleasing, and perfect will of God! Key point: The value of proven faith is more precious than perishable gold. My key point: Question: How does the Lord purify us from the impurities of our soul?



Scripture reading:

Prov. 9:9; Rom. 10:12-13; 12:11; Heb. 2:5 Read with prayer:

Then I called upon the name of the Lord: O Lord, I implore You, deliver my soul! (Psa. 116:4). PROVED BY THE FIRE OF THE SPIRIT

The Experience of Peter


In his maturity, the apostle John was able to convey the lessons he learned by observing Peter’s experiences and the revelations left by the apostle Paul. While Peter was dealing with his own soul-life, his experiences were profitable not only for himself, but to John who followed him as well. Hence, we can say that Peter’s experiences became John’s as well; today, those same experiences can also be ours. This revelation shows us that it is not necessary for us to personally experience every kind of situation of victory or of defeat in order to learn from them and be helped by the Lord (Prov. 9:9). When our brethren are proved by the Lord, we do not have to wait until the same thing happens to us, but go before Him and submit to His speaking. Peter’s experiences show us that outward sufferings (illnesses, accidents, unemployment, etc.) are not enough to eliminate our soul-life; however, the fire of the Spirit is fully able to burn it away no matter how strong or troublesome it is. The practice of this revelation is of great importance to us all today. We can apply the fire of the Spirit in our daily living by calling on the Lord’s name at every moment, acknowledging that we depend


The Practice of Truth


on Him, and by repenting as the impurities in our hearts are exposed. If we only turn to the Lord when there are trials, we will likely and easily forget about Him once the trials are no more. We must cultivate the habit of calling on the Lord’s name in our daily living; by turning our hearts to Him, we experience the fire of the Spirit which efficiently burns away the impurities of our soul (Rom. 10:12-13). The Lord is always available to work in us and prepare us to reign in the coming world. Let us be fervent in spirit (12:11) to limit the manifestations of our soul-life and to subdue them by the Spirit whenever they occur. This will make us ready to reign with Christ in the coming world (Heb. 2:5). Key point: Using every situation to go before the Lord and submit to His speaking. My key point: Question: How can we be helped by the revelation given to the apostle Peter in his maturity? Complementary reading: “Like God in Life and Nature” – chap. 2 – Dong Yu Lan. “Unveiling the Mysteries of the Kingdom” – chap. 2 – Dong Yu Lan.

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