Teaching The Disciples

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Title of this volume: Teaching the Disciples 1st edition - October, 2012 Translated with permission of Editora Árvore da Vida Published by Editora Árvore da Vida in Portuguese, Spanish, Korean, French, Italian and German. All rights reserved by Jasper Life Publications Inc. 725 Viscount Road London, ON, Canada N6J 4G9 Phone: (519) 472-0350 http://jasperlife.com ISSN 1920-8510 Printed in Canada

Bible Quotations All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Other versions of scripture are indicated as follows: NKJV NU‑Text New King James Version variations according to the twenty-seventh edition of the Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament and the United Bible Societies’ fourth edition ASV American Standard Version lit. Literal translation

ENJOY! Individually 1. Meet with the Lord early in the morning. 2. As soon as you rise, before doing anything else, take a breath of life, deeply calling on the name of the Lord, “Oh Lord Jesus”. When doing this, drop all your cares, fears, sadness and sin, and receive the Lord Jesus as life, joy, peace and encouragement. Call “Lord Jesus” several times throughout the day. 3. Read the verses given each day in order to have a complete idea of the subject to be covered. Remember that the Bible explains the Bible; because of this, you will find quotations from many other books of the Bible aside from the one which we are presenting in this Daily Food. 4. Prayerfully read the verse suggested each day. To do this, each word ought to be repeated, emphasized and proclaimed without haste, as if one were chewing. Do not read the verse too fast, but spend time on each word. In this exercise, do not worry about understanding the verse, but “eat” it, taking it by faith as spiritual food. 5. Underline and highlight the phrases and words in the explanatory text that most impress you. Pay special attention to the Key Point. This point will function as a key to unlock the spiritual significance of the text. “Digest” it during the day, repeating it to yourself. In this manner, the text that you read in the morning will be your spiritual food all day long. 6. Share what you gain with those you are related to at home, at school, at work, etc. They need the life that you receive through the word.



Enjoy! In Small Groups 1. Daily Food is an excellent tool for small groups meeting to study the Bible. These small groups may be informal and be characterized by mutual care among the members. 2. A small group meeting can be formed of household members, relatives and neighbors, friends who live nearby, classmates, or work colleagues. 3. Try to meet regularly with members of your small group meeting in order to read Daily Food together. 4. When together, read the suggested passages for each day and prayerfully read the verse of the day. 5. Try to apply the Key Point to your daily life and its difficulties, and to your personal and professional life. Make the word of God applicable to your living. In this way everyone can actively participate and be mutually edified. 6. Take the opportunity to pray together for individual needs or problems. 7. Whenever possible, bring guests to your small group meeting. Then more people can be supplied by God’s word.

May you all receive life abundantly!

The editors

PS: Don’t forget to look at the Additional Reading suggested at the end of each week. It is very helpful.

CONTENTS Week 1 – Message 1 The New Testament Ministry (Rev. 5:1-5) God’s Purpose in Creating Man......................................................... 7 Life and Work to Govern the Coming World.................................. 10 The Scroll Opened by the Lion of the Tribe of Judah..................... 12 The New Testament Economy and Repentance.............................. 15 The New Testament Ministry Issues out of the Life-Giving Spirit.. 18 No More Veil, Incense, Sacrifices, or Blood..................................... 21 Ministers According to the Ministry of the Lord Jesus.................... 24 Week 2 – Message 2 John the Baptist (Matt. 3:1-3) Repentance unto Growth and Maturity.......................................... 26 The Church is a Spiritual Building.................................................. 29 Jesus Fulfilled All Righteousness...................................................... 31 Opening up the Way for the Lord’s Coming.................................... 33 Believing That the Lord is the Christ.............................................. 35 Examples That Serve as Warnings to Us......................................... 37 Never Producing Groups for Ourselves in the Church.................... 39 Week 3 – Message 3 Jesus Christ is Anointed (Matt. 3:16-17)

The Need for Baptism...................................................................... 41 The Consequences of Adam’s and Moses’ Mistakes........................ 43 Jesus Can Sympathize with Our Weaknesses................................... 45 Jesus Fulfilled All God’s Righteousness............................................ 47 The Former World, the Present World, and the World to Come.... 50 The Fire of the Spirit is for Our Entrance into the Kingdom.......... 52 Anointed to Do the Will of God...................................................... 54

Week 4 – Message 4 Jesus Receives the Ministry (Matt. 8:1-3)

The Human Experience of the Lord Jesus....................................... 56 God Does Not Give Up on Man...................................................... 58 God’s New Beginning with Man ..................................................... 61 All Things Work for God’s Purpose................................................. 64 Delivered From Egypt by the Blood of the Passover Lamb.............. 67 The Baptism in the Sea and the Wandering Through the Wilderness.............................................................................. 69 The Blood of Jesus, the Son of God, Cleanses Us from Every Sin... 72



Week 5 – Message 5 Teaching the Disciples (1) (Matt. 5:1-2)

God Clothed Himself in Human Nature......................................... 74 Perfected Through Repentance....................................................... 76 The Reality of the Church Life........................................................ 78 The Manifestation of the Millennial Kingdom................................ 81 The Pattern for the Living of Those Who Will Reign with Christ (1).............................................................................. 83 The Pattern for the Living of Those Who Will Reign with Christ (2).............................................................................. 86 The Mending Ministry of the Apostle John..................................... 88

Week 6 – Message 6 Teaching the Disciples (2) (Matt. 5:13-16)

Always Having a Pleasant Word...................................................... 90 Being Light to Glorify God............................................................... 92 Observing the Commandments of the Law in Our Living.............. 94 Loving God and Our Neighbor........................................................ 96 Loving the Lord More Than Our Own Sustenance........................ 98 Blessed are Those Who Deny Themselves.................................... 100 The Advance in the Revelation of God’s Will............................... 102

Week 7 – Message 7 The Practice (Matt. 7:13-14) The Two Ways................................................................................ 104 Two Trees and Two Foundations.................................................... 106 Salvation Comes from Calling on the Lord’s Name...................... 109 Identified by Calling....................................................................... 111 Being Willing to Suffer for the Lord’s Sake.................................... 113 The Ministry of the Apostle Paul................................................... 115 Purifying Our Heart Through the Fellowship in the Spirit............ 117 Week 8 – Message 8 Sending the Twelve Disciples (Matt. 10:1-4) The Man Who is Prepared to Reign.............................................. 119 God is Seeking Coworkers.............................................................. 121 Authority to Forgive Sins and Heal the Sick................................. 123 Following the Lord and Loving Him Above All Else..................... 125 The Living Teachings of the Lord Jesus......................................... 127 Begotten by Christ As Sons of God............................................... 129 Being Useful to the Lord in His Kingdom...................................... 131



Scripture reading:

Gen. 1:26-28; 2:7; 3:6-7; Isa. 14:12-15; Ezek. 28:12-17; John 16:11; Rom. 5:12; Eph. 5:12; Rev. 12:4a Read with prayer:

Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion...” (Gen. 1:26a).

We praise the Lord for yet another installment in the Daily Food series: The Ministry Which We Follow and Practice. This week’s subject is The New Testament Ministry. According to the Lord’s direction, we have to practice living in spirit by calling on His name. Hence, He has granted us many revelations such as the words in Hebrews 2:5-8 which tell us that God has not placed the coming world in subjection to angels, but to men. God created man according to His own image and likeness from the dust of the ground that he may subdue the earth and have dominion over the fish, the birds, and every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth. When the Lord breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, man became a living soul (Gen. 1:26-28; 2:7 ASV). This living soul is the personality, the person of man. Nevertheless, attempting to prevent the fulfillment of God’s purpose, Satan interfered and, before the divine life could enter into man through the tree of life, he deceived Eve by persuading her to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Gen. 3:1-7; 2 Cor. 11:3). Once deceived, Adam and Eve sinned and through them sin has reached all men. Since this sinful nature now abides in man, all men spontaneously sin (Rom. 5:12).

The New Testament Ministry



Teaching the Disciples


How could this fallen and flawed man govern the coming world? It is precisely because of this sinful condition that man needs redemption. By being crucified and shedding His precious blood, the Lord dealt with the problem of our sins. Now that the problem of sin has been dealt with, everyone who believes in the Lord Jesus is able to receive the divine life. Being born anew is the first requirement for those who desire to reign in the coming world (cf. John 1:12-13; 3:3, 5). Secondly, such ones must also mature and be perfected in the work of the ministry, that is, they must all have experiences serving the Lord. The ultimate goal of this entire process is to make one ready for God’s kingdom. The coming world was not put in subjection to angels, but to men. The former world, however, had been placed under the government of the archangel known as the morning star, or Lucifer (Isa. 14:12; Ezek. 28:12-17). Despite having been created by God in a perfect way, pride and ambition emerged in his being and ushered in self-exaltation (Isa. 14:13-14). Although he had a high position as the highest archangel, Lucifer was still not satisfied; he wanted to rise higher and be like the Most High. God could not tolerate such defiance and cast him to the earth along with one third of the angels who followed him (Rev. 12:4a). According to Ephesians 6:12, these angels are known as the principalities and powers; the rulers of the darkness of this age and spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. It is these rulers who exercise dominion over the nations today. In addition to the angels, the pre-adamic creatures that had inhabited the earth also followed Lucifer in his rebellion. For this reason, God judged them with water and they became unclean spirits or demons. We know for a fact that the nearly two hundred nations on the earth today are under the control of the ruler of this

world (John 16:11). Hence, there are so many disagreements, conflicts, and wars among various peoples. This is the result of the dominion of these principalities and powers, which are under the control of the ruler of this world, Satan, who is the devil and God’s adversary, the one who usurped His authority. God’s purpose is to recover His dominion over the earth usurped by His enemy through His regenerated man by mean of the divine life. Hence, He has provided us with a full salvation and a marvelous place where we can grow in His life, the living out of the church. Once we are mature and transformed, not only will we be able to fully express God, but also exercise dominion on His behalf, that is, to bring His kingdom to the earth (Matt. 6:10). Praise the Lord! Key point: Reigning by the divine life. My key point:

The New Testament Ministry

Question: How can men, created from the dust of the ground, reign over the coming world?


Teaching the Disciples




Scripture reading:

Psa. 8:3-9; Heb. 2:5-8 Read with prayer:

For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ (Rom. 5:17). LIFE AND WORK TO GOVERN THE COMING WORLD

God does not want the coming world to be under the control of the ruler of this world. Hence, He has already determined that it will not be put in subjection to angels, but to men who have been regenerated and fully transformed (Heb. 2:5-8). Praise the Lord! God still has much work to do in us. Once we are born anew and regenerated, His life needs to grow within us. In order for this to take place, He must eliminate our soul-life, that is, our self, which is fallen and rebellious. The ability to govern over the coming world is fully reliant on the divine life and not in our own proud and independent nature (Rom. 5:17b). In addition, in order to equip us for governing the coming world, the Lord may allow us at times to go through various trials which aid our maturing. With the intention of preparing us, the Lord has placed us in a special place: the church life. The church life is neither a building nor an organization. The church is essentially a living. God has placed the regenerated man in the church life that he may learn to deny himself, lose his soul-life, and renounce the self, so that the divine life may grow in him. God desires His children to become mature and coheirs with Christ, thus

Key point: The kingdom—our Father’s “business.” My key point: Question: In order to reign in the coming world, what must take place in us in both aspects of life and work?

The New Testament Ministry

governing with Him over the coming world (Rom. 8:17). Nonetheless, this is no easy task; God needs to equip His regenerated men in the aspects of life and work. In order to better understand the aspect of life, we will use the example of a businessman and his son. The son of a businessman must firstly grow and mature before he can take over his father’s businesses. Likewise, reigning in the coming world follows the same principle. The kingdom is a “business” that belongs to our heavenly Father (Luke 2:49; 12:32). At its manifestation in the coming world, the kingdom will be governed by mature men in the divine life, those who have learned to deny the soul-life. In the aspect of life, which concerns who we are, the growth of the divine life is essential in preparing us to govern the coming world. Regarding the work, which is the aspect that pertains to our service before the Lord, we must also be perfected. In order for the son of a king to be a good ruler, for instance, he must be instructed in all government related matters, as well as to have experiences in the various situations he will later encounter. Governing the coming world will not be different. We must be perfected for the work of the ministry, which not only is important for today, but especially for the coming kingdom. Praise the Lord!


Teaching the Disciples




Scripture reading:

Heb. 9:13-14; 1 Pet. 1:19; Rev. 5:1-6 Read with prayer:

But one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll and to loose its seven seals” (Rev. 5:5). THE SCROLL OPENED BY THE LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH

The ministry is the charge and commission God gives to someone or a group of people to carry out His work. In the Old Testament, God entrusted the ministry to several people. The priestly ministry, for instance, had been given to the sons of Levi. In order to become the high priest, one had to be anointed just as Aaron was anointed by Moses. Being anointed meant receiving a commission. Hence, we can say that the high priesthood is a ministry. Although we may not be able to find the term ministry in the Old Testament, the sons of Aaron who were anointed were all part of the Old Testament ministry. The New Testament ministry began with the Lord Jesus. He made a new covenant with us through His own blood (Matt. 26:29). In Revelation 5, the beginning of the New Testament ministry is represented by the opening of the scroll written inside and on the back which had been sealed with seven seals (v. 1). When John heard the question: “Who is worthy to open the scroll and to loose its seals?” (v. 2), he was grieved and wept much because no one was worthy to open the scroll (vv. 3-4). Then, one of the elders said to him, “Do not weep. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the

The New Testament Ministry

Root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll and to loose its seven seals” (v. 5). When John turned around to see the Lion, he saw a Lamb (v. 6a). Both symbolize the Lord Jesus. On the one hand, the Lord Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29); on the other, referring to His kingship, He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah. In addition, on the one hand, He is the Root of David, or David’s origin; on the other, He is his descendent (Matt. 1:1). Since David was a man, there was sin in him; he possessed a sinful nature which is the source of all sins. As David’s descendant, the Lord was also a man, yet a man without sin (Rom. 8:3; Heb. 4:15b). In order to save us and take our place on the cross, the Lord had to come as a man and possess a human body. With the body He inherited from Mary, the Lord was crucified, taking our old man with Himself to the cross (Rom. 6:6). There, His blood purified us from all our sins (cf. Heb. 1:3; 9:13-14). Hallelujah! In addition to being the Lamb without blemish who redeemed us (1 Pet. 1:19), Christ is also revealed as the One who sat down on the right side of God’s majesty on high, thus being qualified to reign. This is the aspect of the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the tribe of kingship. As believers in Christ, we are in a process of transformation today that we may be kings. In order to become kings, however, we first need to be worked upon and transformed. Before one can be a king, typified here by the lion, a redeemed person still deals with a number of setbacks associated with his soul-life and natural being, having a nature similar to that of the donkey in Genesis 49:9-11. Donkeys are usually quite stubborn in character; this nature must be dealt with so that the kingship, that is, the lion life, can be manifested one day. One day, our fallen “donkey” nature will be replaced by the “lion” nature, so that we can


Teaching the Disciples


reign together with Christ (Rev. 20:4b). This is the result of His ministry. Key point: Today, we are in a transformation process to become kings. My key point: Question: How can we become kings with Christ if our human nature is as stubborn as a donkey’s?



Scripture reading:

Matt. 3:1-3; John 1:6-9, 19-23 Read with prayer:

As it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet, saying: “The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘prepare the way of the Lord; make His paths straight. Every valley shall be filled and every mountain and hill brought low; the crooked places shall be made straight and the rough ways smooth; and all flesh shall see the salvation of God” (Luke 3:4-6a).

In addition to being the Lion of the tribe of Judah and the root of David who overcame to open the scroll and its seven seals in Revelation 5, being born of Mary, the Lord is also a man and a descendant of David according to the flesh (Matt. 1:1; Rom. 1:3). In order to come as a man, the Lord was born of Mary. Through experiencing human living and being tempted as we are in all things, yet without sin, He became the high priest who can sympathize with our weaknesses (Heb. 4:15). Jesus was born in Bethlehem in a stable and placed in a manger (Luke 2:6-7). Later on, when King Herod attempted to take His life, Joseph was warned in a dream by God to flee into Egypt, where they stayed until Herod’s death (Matt. 2:13-15). Once they returned from Egypt, they settled in Nazareth, a despised city in Galilee (vv. 22-23). The Lord went through various kinds of suffering in His human living. He knows human nature and what it means to be a man. For this reason, today He is able to sympathize and have mercy on us. He knows that we often sin not because we want

The New Testament Ministry



Teaching the Disciples


to, but because of our fallen nature. He is long-suffering, awaiting our repentance. Whenever we repent, we gain a little bit more of the divine life. Before the Lord began His earthly ministry, a preparation work was taking place. As we saw in yesterday’s reading, we must keep in mind that the ministry is linked to the anointing, the commission. In the Old Testament, the anointing was the outpouring of the oil upon the person to be commissioned. In the New Testament, the anointing is the outpouring of the Spirit upon one whom the ministry or commission has been given. We can see the Lord Jesus’ anointing to initiate His ministry when the Spirit descended upon Him as a dove after being baptized by John the Baptist. John was the forerunner who prepared the way for the Lord. He was in the wilderness, preaching repentance and baptizing people in water (Matt. 3:1-2, 5-6). The purpose of the baptism unto repentance was to deal with the soul-life, thus terminating the past. It was a preparation for the One who would come to baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire. John the Baptist was given the commission of being the Lord Jesus’ forerunner in the New Testament ministry; it was his charge and commission. As the son of a priest, John could have followed the way of the Old Testament priesthood and priestly ministry. Nevertheless, he did not do so; instead, he was chosen by God to prepare the way of the Lord, a path which would usher in the New Testament ministry. In his ministry as a forerunner, John the Baptist preached repentance because the kingdom of the heavens was near (Matt. 3:1-2). At that time, the Jewish people awaited the arrival of an earthly kingdom which would liberate them from the tyranny of the Roman Empire. John, however, did not refer to an earthly kingdom, but to the kingdom of the heavens. We can apply this to ourselves as well as to any

other believers we contact and care for: “God desires to entrust the government of the coming world to you. Are you ready? Are you prepared to govern the coming world? If our living today is under the control of our natural life, we will not be able to govern in the future.” Therefore, like John the Baptist, we must carry out the preparation work for the manifestation of the kingdom today, and preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of the heavens is near!” Key point: The time to get ready is today! My key point:

The New Testament Ministry

Question: What is the relationship between repentance and reigning with Christ in the coming world?


Teaching the Disciples




Scripture reading:

Exo. 30:22-25; Matt. 27:51; Luke 23:45; Heb. 10:19-22 Read with prayer:

In the same manner He also took the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood…” (1 Cor. 11:25). Who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life (2 Cor. 3:6). THE NEW TESTAMENT MINISTRY ISSUES OUT OF THE LIFE-GIVING SPIRIT

The New Testament ministry began with the Lord Jesus, still in the flesh, and continued on after His death and resurrection. Dying and resurrecting was the means through which the Lord became the life-giving Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45b). Now as the Spirit, whoever touches the Lord receives life. The life-giving Spirit refers to the fact that the process of incarnation, death, and resurrection that the Lord went through was added to the Holy Spirit. The gospel of John calls Him the Spirit of truth or reality (John 14:17; 15:26; 16:13). The life-giving Spirit includes the Triune God with His life and work. In certain portions, the Bible simply refers to it as “the Spirit.” In order to better understand the life-giving Spirit, or simply “the Spirit”, after the Lord’s incarnation, death, and resurrection, we will use the Old Testament compound oil as an example. This compound oil was used to anoint the tabernacle, its furniture and utensils, as well as Aaron, his sons, and their garments. According to Exodus 30:22-25, the anointing oil was composed of five elements; it included

The New Testament Ministry

olive oil plus four spices: myrrh, sweet-smelling cinnamon, sweet-smelling cane, and cassia. In the Bible, the number four refers to the creature, especially to man, and the number one refers to God. Among the four spices, we have liquid myrrh, a bitter substance used to embalm the dead and slow down their decomposition. The word myrrh comes from the root word bitter. When He was crucified, the Lord took the cup of bitterness for us (Matt. 26:39, 42). Myrrh, therefore, refers to the Lord’s death. The second spice is the sweet-smelling cinnamon, a plant which gives off a sweet fragrance. This spice typifies the efficacy of the Lord’s death. The third spice was the sweetsmelling cane, a reed or stem that grows in swamps, that is, in dead or stagnant waters. Hence, the sweet-smelling cane typifies resurrection. Lastly, we have the cassia, an herb used to repel insects and serpents; this last one refers to the efficacy of the Lord’s resurrection. Going over each one, we have myrrh (His death), the sweet-smelling cane (His resurrection), the sweet-smelling cinnamon (the efficacy of His death), and the cassia (the efficacy of His resurrection). Since the number four refers to creatures, it also refers to the Lord as the Firstborn of creation (Col. 1:15). Let us now go over the measure of each spice. First, we have five hundred shekels of myrrh. Then, we have two hundred and fifty shekels of sweet-smelling cinnamon, which is half the measure of the first spice. After that, we have two hundred and fifty shekels of sweet-smelling cane, and lastly, another five hundred shekels of cassia. If we use the five hundred shekel measure as a base unit, we will have three units: five hundred shekels of the first spice (myrrh), five hundred shekels from the addition of the two middle spices (sweet-smelling cinnamon and sweet-smelling cane) of two hundred and fifty shekels each, and another five


Teaching the Disciples


hundred shekels of the last spice (cassia). The number three refers to the Triune God: the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. The first unit typifies the Father, the second typifies the Son, and the third one typifies the Spirit. The second unit, nonetheless, which refers to the Son, is made up of two halves, indicating that He was broken for our sins on the cross. At the time of the Lord’s death, the veil which separated the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies was torn in two from top to bottom (Matt. 27:51; Luke 23:45), indicating there was no longer a separation between God and man. Now we can boldly come to the Lord on His throne of grace (Heb. 10:19-22). Hallelujah! What a blessing it is to enjoy, through the Spirit, everything that the Triune God is and has accomplished! Key point: The ministry of the Spirit. My key point: Question: What is the relationship between the holy anointing oil and the New Testament ministry?



Scripture reading:

Exo. 26:33; 40:21; Heb. 9:6-7 Read with prayer:

Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need (Heb. 4:16).

As we have learned from yesterday’s reading, when the Lord yielded up His spirit on the cross, the veil which separated the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies was torn in two from top to bottom (Matt. 27:51; Luke 23:45). In front of the veil was the Holy Place, where the priests served, and beyond it was the Holy of Holies, where the ark of the Covenant, or the ark of the Testimony, rested (Exo. 26:33). Upon the ark was a lid called the propitiatory cover, on which there were two cherubim (25:17-21). The priests served in the Holy Place by caring for the golden incense altar, the golden lampstand, and the showbread table (40:4-5, 22-27). But only the high priest was allowed into the Holy of Holies once every year to make expiation for himself and the people of Israel (Heb. 9:6-7). Leviticus 16:2 reads, “And the Lord said to Moses: ‘Tell Aaron your brother not to come at just any time into the Holy Place inside the veil, before the mercy seat which is on the ark, lest he die; for I will appear in the cloud above the mercy seat.’” Moreover, as he entered into the Holy of Holies, the high priest was to carry with him the blood of the offering and sprinkle it on the propitiatory cover, thus making expiation for himself and the people. He also needed a censer, so a cloud of incense would cover the

The New Testament Ministry



Teaching the Disciples


propitiatory cover: “And he shall put the incense on the fire before the Lord, that the cloud of incense may cover the mercy seat that is on the Testimony, lest he die. He shall take some of the blood of the bull and sprinkle it with his finger on the mercy seat on the east side; and before the mercy seat he shall sprinkle some of the blood with his finger seven times” (Lev. 16:13-14). Without these two items, the high priest could not survive entering the Holy of Holies. Here we can see how difficult it was to directly access God in the Old Testament. When the Lord Jesus died on the cross, something marvelous took place in the temple. In Matthew 27:51, we read that the “veil was torn in two from top to bottom.” In Luke 23:45, we see that “the veil of the temple was rent in the midst” (ASV). The veil which separated the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies hung upon four pillars, thus creating three entrances. The number three typifies the Triune God; hence, the three entrances indicate the Father, the Son, and the Spirit respectively. Since the veil was torn down the middle, it means that the Son, typified here by the middle entrance, was torn for us on the cross. As in the composition of the anointing oil, where the middle unit was divided in two, the veil was also torn down the middle between the pillars which separated the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies, granting us free access to God. Hallelujah! When He was crucified, the Son was torn for our sake. Hence, He opened up a new and living way through which we can boldly enter into the Holy of Holies to obtain mercy and find grace for timely help (Heb. 4:16). We praise the Lord for the veil is no more, and neither is the need for incense, sacrifices, or the blood of animals!

Key point: We have free access to God! My key point:

The New Testament Ministry

Question: How did the Lord open up a new and living way to God?


Teaching the Disciples




Scripture reading:

Matt. 3:16-17; 2 Cor. 3:6 Read with prayer:

But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him (1 Cor. 6:17). MINISTERS ACCORDING TO THE MINISTRY OF THE LORD JESUS

Today, we have free access to the Father though the Lord’s redeeming work of the cross which opened up a new and living way for us (2 Pet. 1:4; Heb. 4:16). As we have seen this week, the holy anointing oil was composed of four spices added in three measures to one hin of olive oil. The number one refers to the only God, the number three represents the Triune God, and the number four indicates a creature. Hence, God and man have been joined and blended together. Now, after the Lord’s incarnation, death, and resurrection, the divine and human natures have been mingled. Moreover, through death and resurrection, the Lord became the life-giving Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45b). This means that the Lord’s redeeming work on our behalf has been added to the Spirit of God, typified here by the pure olive oil. Therefore, the anointing oil includes more than just olive oil; it also includes other elements that have been added. Now, with all these added elements, it becomes even richer. This is the anointing oil, the Spirit who dwells in us (John 7:39-40; 1 Cor. 6:17). Praise the Lord! In order to initiate His ministry, the Lord Jesus had to be anointed; this took place when He was baptized by John and the Spirit descended upon Him as a dove as He rose from the water (Matt. 3:16). Once anointed, that is,

commissioned, the Lord was the first to exercise the New Testament ministry. Hence, the first New Testament minister was the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. He is the one who both initiated and carries out the New Testament ministry. It was our Lord who, after dying as a Lamb and resurrecting as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, opened up the scroll and its seven seals in Revelation 5. Once the scroll was opened up, the New Testament could begin. Only the Lord is worthy to open the scroll, and without this wonderful Person, there would be no other ministers. All of us who have been born again and received the Lord have this ministry; today, we must carry it out through the life-giving Spirit until the Lord’s return. Key point: Anointed and commissioned unto the ministry. My key point: Question: What is the meaning of the Spirit descending upon the Lord after He was baptized?

The New Testament Ministry

Complementary Reading: “Spiritual Progress” - chap. 4 - Dong Yu Lan. “Spirit and Fire” - chap. 2 - Dong Yu Lan.


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