Lookbook three

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LOMODEMIC It is the 19th of February, the session is over and everyone has gone back home, trying to adapt to normal life again — well, not normal of course as “normal” is like so mainstream and so 2002 and we all know 2014 is all about the 90s. When it comes down to it, the editorial team — as cool and fit as they may be — is going through the same adaption process as everyone else. Laying in bed, you see the face of that girl or boy you really liked, while listening to the radio you hear that song you heard on one of your underground room parties and at that party this weekend you will probably bust a move you learned from playing Just Dance. While spending our days drinking cappuccino’s and stocking up on hummus at the supermarket, we realise that no amount of hummus will ever fill the void. Nevertheless, hummus is still delicious, so let’s talk about that now. Hummus is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as a thick paste or spread made from ground chickpeas and sesame seeds, olive oil, lemon, and garlic, made originally in the Middle East. But no definition will ever capture the deliciousness of this product. That is why we advice you to go to your local supermarket now and buy hummus, it goes great with falafel. Lobi,


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he Head-Organisers can be compared to puppet masters. They make sure the show goes on and define the entire experience of a session. Even if it is hard for them to enjoy the product of their own work, they will always be in a good mood and make all the participants feel like home.




What have you learned from the experience of head-organising the session? Megan (M): Well, I think we learned most about fundraising while organising this session. Finding funds took a lot of time and effort, but turned out really good in the end. We definitely gained some skills in doing this, right? Jara (J): Yes, definitely the fundraising. If you could be a boy for one day, what would you do? Both start laughing J: Haha, I`m not going to say that… M: Go to hairdresser Schorum in Rotterdam, because it`s so cool. What`s it called? Oh, a barbershop! And then… I don`t think that is appropriate haha. Would you head-organise a session again? M & J: No. J: I think it is better if a session is head-organised by someone else every year. It`s important to have a different view on organising so a session is never is the same as the year before. If I would head-organise a session again it would be a forum. M: Yes, exactly. We would both be looking for a new challenge. What is the proudest moment of your life? M: hmm… It think one of my proudest moments will be tomorrow during Closing Ceremony. J: I`m not sure, I think my proudest moment is yet to come.

like to be living in Amsterdam, preferably with a cat. Burger King or McDonalds? M: McDonalds J. No, haha.

Where do you see yourselves in ten years? M: Oh god… I don`t know what I want to do with my life yet, I`m still figuring that out. J: Working for a semi-governmental firm and living in Amsterdam. Start my career as a very important woman. M: I definitely do not want to be married and I would also

What is a message you would like to give to the delegates? J: Like we said in our anime speech: “Our journey has ended here, yours has just begun.” This does not only apply to EYP, but to life in general. The delegates are around 16 or 17 years old, this is their coming of age. You




are becoming the person that you are and everything you do will make you the person you are developing into. Be eager to go on that journey; go on that ship and become the captain.

Describe each other in one word. J: Hmm… Fierce! Absolutely fierce! M: Tantoe spang (editor’s note: amsterslang for ‘very cool’)! No, I think captain; a captain of life. J: Haha, we`re fierce captains. M: Indeed, fierce captains we are.

What`s your favourite sandwich? M: Definitely a BLT (editor’s note: a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich). J: Meat, anything with meat; or tuna! Or the salmon ones, with cream cheese. ARTICLE BY EZINNE M: Oh, yes salmon!


Photography can only Once photographed, the the p

y represent the present. subject becomes part of past. - Berenice Abbott





ower is sexy. Whether it was Cleopatra that had the great Caesar begging on his knees or Marie Antoinette that drove the men of her time head over heels - without the using of a guillotine, that is women with authority have always been the centre of men’s wildest dreams. When I was a little boy, I learned that those who spoke with a certain authority were to be believed. On the other hand, those who spoke with the same words, but not with the same authority, were not listened to. While I observed these people, either with authority

- like my mother - or without - like my cat - I began seeing myself relative to power. You see, when we detect characteristics in a person, we make a comparison with our own qualities. Qualities that we find valuable or admirable, thus that we would like ourselves to possess, make a person attractive. This attractiveness blows up when the person has a position of power, since the original assumption of the qualities is highlighted by the person’s position. This is because the position of power confirms the admirable characteristics, as the individual somehow

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onica Moisin. President. Lawyer. Fashionista. Ms. Moisin is an accomplished young lady with a degree in law and a talented EYPer. However, it is not just academics, intelligence and likeability. Monica is quite the fashionista. Her style blog ‘365 Days of Mona’ has been the source of much interest. This documents her sophisticated and perhaps slightly unusual outfits. During teambuilding she was spotted sporting a classic but elegant outfit of black jeans and Chelsea boots spiced up with a bright red jacket. One thing she is never without is a top up of brightly coloured lipstick. Her continuous application shows some true commitment. Another memorable outfit discussed by many was her straight-legged tartan trousers with a white silk 60s shirt and a black blazer. The highlight for the Media team was the very high black suede heels. How do you do it, Monica? Yet, the ultimate fashion highlight was the pink hipster tutu worn at the Hipster V-Day Party. Simply epic.


arly deserved the position they are in. It makes us us on our own insecurities or doubts about ourves distracting us from recognising those of the sition of power. s will result in the person reaching an infallible tus in your perception. Your crush has become touchable, flawless, and mythical even.


TE: This article has nothing to do with our lovely President.


t is a familiar part of flying. As you taxi towards the runway, a crackly voice is heard over the intercom. The pilot from the upper deck gives you a brief summary of the flight and weather conditions to inform the passengers, this message is also a reassurance. The voice tells the passengers the plane is in safe hands with the captain, to sit back and enjoy the flight. However, the stage of removing the complete human control is easier said than done, planes will have to be capable of complex decision making. This is currently the pilot’s job who can even look out of the window, whereas machine vision is not capable of doing so. Moreover, there is also a psychological factor to the problem. In the world of commercial aviation there are enough passengers who have a fear of flying, taking the pilot out of the cockpit will in the beginning probably cause a decline in the amount of passengers stepping into the plane. It is in the nature of humans that in these cases they would preferably have another human in control. For instance in the time of the roll-up windows of cars, people did not like the fact that windows became automatic; they wanted to be in control themselves. It was just a matter of time until people got used to it and saw it as normal. If this would be the case in aviation and other professions in today’s environment it will just be a matter of time until the world will be one big machine controlled planet.




hese last few months, I have been counting the days for something extraordinary to take place in my ordinary life. The thought of birthdays, the post-exam weekend and my trip to Berlin fill every dull moment with excitement. It is this type of excitement that is in some cases even more delightful than the activity itself, as the skyhigh expectations are often not easily met. The cause varies from external circumstances such as the weather - take a summer planned birthday picnic that literally falls into water - or internal circumstances like extreme excitement. Quite frequently my friends and I go to random house parties that are great fun, whereas a party that was planned two months prior often turns out less exciting than expected. Still, while keeping these memories in mind, I cannot stop myself from counting the days and enjoy the happy feeling of pure impatient foresight.



he is a diva, a sugar mama and runs the world. He is young forever, has an empire state of mind, 99 problems but she ain’t one of them. Unsurprisingly, these recognisable words only lead up to the famous couple Beyoncé and Jay-Z. Even though Diffoe 2014 has done a great job promoting the hipster triangle, this Hollywood couple has been promoting the triangle since forever as it form represents their record label roc-a-fella. Nevertheless, their triangle must not be mixed up with our hipster variant. Even we cannot patent our Lomodemic triangle, we do encourage all of you to promote it. “Let the triangle enlighten you”




olver” is a Spanish drama film written and directed by Pedro Almodóvar with Penélope Cruz in the leading role. Two sisters learn that the bonds of family do not always end after death. Raimunda (Penélepe Cruz) and her sister Sole (Lola Dueñas) travel from Madrid to the windy village of Alcanfor de las Infantas, Spain, to visit the grave of their mother Irene.


ast year, when my best friend turned eighteen, I bought her a beautiful Casio watch. When she received my gift she was absolutely exhilarated and thankful. This resulted in me being happy and it made me feel good about myself. When realising this, I thought: is buying a present for someone else actually a selfless act? Altruism is officially defined as the principle or practice of unselfish concern for or devotion to the welfare of others. As I already stated, at a first glance you would say that the act of buying a present for my best

The story takes an unusual and mystical twist when Agustina, the neighbor, mentions that Irene has begun reappearing in ghostly form. After a murder and an unexpected family tragedy, Irene appears to Raimunda’s daughter. In the meantime, Sole has to figure out how to respond to the appearance of her longdead mother.

friend was of altruistic nature. However, once I had analysed the situation more closely I decided that altruism is a questionable term. When doing something for someone else’s welfare, you indirectly do this for your own welfare. The welfare of others is important to you. Why? Well, because this results in you benefitting from the situation as well. The benefit that I received from the act of buying a present for my best friend may not be as obvious or actual and therefore seems selfless, but it did result in me feeling happy and content. You can apply

“Volver” is another example of Almodóvar melodramatic film style with complex narratives, use of pop culture elements and cheeky humor. Desire, passion, family and identity are the most prevalent themes that one more time, this great director faces his movies.

this example to any situation. You do something for someone else to indirectly guarantee welfare for yourself; this may not be a thing we define as a benefit at a first glance. It’s mostly connected to obtaining a good conscience. I am not trying to prove that every action has an egoistic nature. However, what I am trying to express is that when you truly analyse “altruistic” acts, they always end up being beneficial for the actor and therefore not altruistic. Apparently what you do for another, you do for yourself. ARTICLE BY EZINNE MOLENKAMP





im Keegstra from here forth T.K. You may not have seen him much during the session. However, this special man has a lot more to him than you would think at first glance. When Matteo first met TK in Tallinn, he thought of TK as a complete ...twat (just as the rest of the Dutch delegation for that matter). Nastassia spend her summer days in Serbia with this special lad, spending most of their time spooning with their fellow chairs in a single bed. TK has always been a rather...unique individual, at least that is what is mom told him. Jasper did not know what to think about this red headed, blogging (www.fashion-and-sneakers.nl) Nike wearing nutter. However, Jasper’s love has grown over these last years. So, what is it that makes this man as special as he is? The ins and outs about the man behind the scenes.

One of the things that defines TK and the man he is today, is the combination of his professionality and his complete immaturity. An example of his immaturity is the hat he is wearing in the picture shown above. And as Matteo states (imagine this being said in a half Belgian, half Amsterdamish, half (tried) Chavs): ‘And if I may add, is so 2009. I probably would have worn this when I was in my irrational teen years, but even then I wouldn’t, because I was like, well-stylish.’ An example of his professionality...well, let’s leave this to a next issue. As we are looking over at TK, whilst writing this article, we see an expression one does not often find on TK’s face: the sad-frustrated face. But then again we are reminded of his bad taste in music, and we smile again. Ironically. TK’s angelic voice is also something that cannot be ignored. Maybe simply, because it is too loud to be


ignored. While approaching the next paragraph, Nastassia is complating whether to even address TK’s sense of humour. Then they collectively decided not to.

se Tony Stark. This relationship may also have developed in this way, due to his amazing flirting skills. Or what he calls flirting, we would rather call it being creepy.

If you wonder what it takes to be TK, just scream ‘MACCIE’ every morning (which is TK’s word for McDonalds). ‘If TK was a bed, he would move in the wind. If he was a bird, he couldn’t play Flappy Bird, but he could play Angry Birds, because that is the dolphin he is,’ Christian Brown(e) orates wearing his light blue denim jacket and his just-a-little-too-skinny jeans. You would never find TK wearing these fashion trousers, as TK will always follow his own free spirit. Or maybe just because he will never fit in those jeans. One thing has to be mentioned in this article, and that is Nastassia’s and TK’s shared love for Game of Thrones, Jon Snow, and of cour-

Last but not least, did you know TK’s last name reversed is Arts Geek (note that TK is working his great sense of humour at the moment). All we can say, we truly, truly love him and even though you may not have seen him around a lot, it would be a great privilige for everyone to be able to even touch his ridiculous hat. Please do note: your editorial team has writen this article together, ironically.


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