Luxembourg Star Issue One

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Tomorrow it will be a hot and humid day with a 2% chance of rain. The warmth will reach its height at 5 p.m. with a staggaring 21 degrees celsius. Clouds will partly cover the sun at noon but will leave again at 3 p.m.

De Lëtzebuerger Stär. SHINE ON, YOU CRAZY STARS

This is the first paper produced by the Media Team of the 1st National Selection Conference of EYP Luxembourg. We hope the reader will find this paper just as memorable and historic as this session. - The Media Team


INVASION J. Meijer Clear evidence of a joint invasion of Luxembourg by the Dutch and Belgians spotted in Schengen this week. Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg - also known as Benelux – were formerly referred to as the Low Countries. However, this relationship ended when Belgium and Luxembourg became independent in 1830 and 1890 respectively. It is reported that the Dutch and Belgians are arriving more and more regularly by train and car to the picturesque town of Schengen. Their strategy seems quite clear; gaining ground in the very south of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and work their way up to the capital by the end of the week. Their motives on the other hand, are not that obvious. The money and fine wines are obviously desired by the Dutch and Belgians, respectively. These superficial incentives are argued - although being very legitimate - rumour has it that the monarchies are planning on building a city that will be internationally recognised as a metropolis as the first step in their world domination.

EYP IS BACK IN LUXEMBOURG A.Hagarová EYP. European Youth Parliament. Three letters, three words. And either too much feelings to express them just as that, or no idea whatsoever. Right now, the only thing this abbreviation might mean for some of you is an uncertain future and yet unfulfilled expectation. Your head is full of ideas and maybe a bit of overwhelmed from the day you have just lived through. EYP as an organisation started in 1987 in France and only four years onwards, an International Session (IS) was held here in Luxembourg. Ever since then, the EYP has grown and developed, digging its way into the hearts of young people. Connec-

ting them thorough all the Europe and above, challenging, demanding, and giving. Now, twenty seven years after the founding and twenty three after the mentioned IS, EYP Luxembourg is raising from ashes just like the mythical phoenix, to shine and grow into its full beauty and potential. This small country - Groussherzogtum Lëtzebuerg, if you’d ask a native, has Europe in its very heart, However, any event of European Youth Parliament has not been organised on its grounds since 1991. What you experience now, therefore, is a proper comeback. Not only is it the first National Selection Conference (NSC) here in Luxembourg, it also happens to be one of the most “international” NSC-s you might ever have a chance to attend. This is surely a very promising kick-off. If you wanted to describe any EYP session in the best way possible, you would probably fail. There is no best way for everyone, a universal one, since the meaning of EYP differs from person to person. But as we are in Luxembourg, let us try to compare EYP to something luxurious – let us try chocolate. Everyone loves chocolate. It is sweet, yet might be sultry. You can eat it just like that or with pretty much anything. It can be both cheap and expensive and if you have a bar of chocolate, you find yourself in a possession of many friends right away. Everyone has his own way with chocolate, yet the point is to enjoy it to its fullest. To take the best out of it. And, no matter what your selfish self says, it is best shared. So enjoy away.

De Lëtzebuerger Stär. SHINE ON, YOU CRAZY STARS



As for first-time journalist, Klara Andersson finds the amount of freedom journalists possess quite surprising, yet very enjoyable. Despite early stage of the session, delegates are surely overwhelmed by new impressions. Glenn Bourkel from Luxembourg was surprised EYP is not only about politics, but also about meeting new people and broadening horizons. And, particularly, that there is no sparkling water.

The 1st National Selection Conference of EYP Luxembourg in Schengen has now officially started. This is not the only primacy though, since many participants – both officials and delegates – experience Last, but not least, Hans Maes, the session’s President. He presided before Schengen, with his first time being a regional session in France. Regretfully, many delegates were their position for the very first time too. afraid to approach him, probably because of his position. Still, he believes that the most Have you ever wondered how amazing, yet challenging it is enjoyable part of being a president is the fact that in this role you get to work with everyone. to be an organiser, especially for the first time? According to Valeria Franco, being an organiser consists of both exciting and stressful parts. She worries something might go wrong, even though everything seems just great so far.

Step above Valeria stands Patrick Azevedo, one of the head organisers. Since a universal manual „ Head organising for dummies“ does not exist yet, and Schengen is the first National Selection Conference of EYP Luxembourg, he had to start from a scratch. On the other hand, this also entails they are not tied by prejudices, therefore they can make the session as they want. For Patrick, putting all the pieces together is a great adventure, during which he manages to sleep surprisingly quite a lot. Newcomers can be found in the chairs team, too. The possibility to have her own committee, a small family-like group, appeals to Anna Lefering, who is really excited to play all her favourite teambuilding games. Furthermore, she is looking forward for resolution typing in her tracksuit.

HANS MAES ELECTED PRESIDENT A.S. Vandommele The president of 1st National Selection Conference of EYP Luxembourg has been elected, defeating challengers Hugo Dürr and Kristyna Stejskalova in a presidential runoff. The session’s president secured more than the 724 likes on the Schengen 2014 Facebook page needed to win. There was said to be a sense of relief in many European countries because of his win. The question that rises now is if the people voted for the right leader. It won’t be an easy task, since the weight of presiding a session cannot be underestimated. A new but thriving national committee will face many challenges and difficulties; hence a well-built and bulletproof plan is crucial. In his victory speech Maes trusted on his vice-presidents to create an atmosphere where they can work together to move this national committee forward. He ended with the strong words: ‘now is not the time for childish quarreling and political pretentiousness, we must put the delegates before politics.’

De Lëtzebuerger Stär. SHINE ON, YOU CRAZY STARS


SCHENGEN’S FAMILY RECORD A. Hagarová - K. Andersson

Jury Head of Jury: Josh Leyden (UK) Jurymember: Ulrich Volker (DE) What is your first association with Luxembourg? (J): Wealth. (U): The EU and Juncker. Describe yourself in one sentence. (J): Friendly. (U): Uh, that’s hard...

Leaders President: Hans Maes (BE) Editor: Yegor Vlasenko (UA) Head Organiser: Patrick Azevedo (LU) What is your first association with Luxembourg? (H): Monetary Union with Belgium before Eurozone. (Y): People of this session. (P): Super pretty awesome Describe yourself in one sentence. (H): Awesome. (Y): Sleepless Ukrainian. (P): Same.



Chairperson: Anna Lefering (DE) & Paulius Dovidavicius (LT) Journalist: Nicolas Hofmann (LU)

Chairperson: Bérengere Gouraud (FR) & Tim Backhaus (FI) Journalist: Jasper Meijer (NL)

What is your first association with Luxembourg? (A): Small. (P): No borders. (N): Home country Describe yourself in one sentence. (A): I’m nice... Maybe? (P): LAD. (N): Hm... Dunno...

What is your first association with Luxembourg? (B): Wealth. (T): Beautiful architecture. (J): Idyllic scenery. Describe yourself in one sentence. (B): I’m dynamic, French - Dutch, I feel European and I love dark blue. (T): Multicultural awesomeness. (J): Well, that’s complicated...

De Lëtzebuerger Stär. SHINE ON, YOU CRAZY STARS






Chairperson: Khalid el Ghoul (NL) & Hugo Dürr (SE) Journalist: Ann-Sophie Vandommele (BE)

Chairperson: Tetiana Korniichuk (UA) & Martin Ellingsen (NO) Journalist: Anna Hagarová (CZ)

Chairperson: Astrid Vikström (SE) & Juan Estamaya (ES) Journalist: Klara Andersson (SE)

Chairperson: Christian Browne (UK) & Kristýna Stejskalová (CZ) Journalist: Zuzana Kůstková (CZ)

What is your first association with Luxembourg? (K): Small country. (H): Premium flights with champagne and red carpets. (S): Small. Describe yourself in one sentence. (K): I’m here for you. (H): Superfluous. (S): The best, the greatest, the worst.

What is your first association with Luxembourg? (T): Insanely beautiful. (M): Size doesn’t matter. Or does it? (A): Jean de Luxembourg. Beautiful city. Describe yourself in one sentence. (T): Awkwardly cute. (M): Expressive, and funny in a way. (A): Life is a joke. Did no one tell you?

What is your first association with Luxembourg? (A): Mathieu Lohr. (J): Wealth. (K): Wine. Describe yourself in one sentence. (A): Laughing and planning. (J): Eclectic and chill. (K): Tall, quiet and surprising.

What is your first association with Luxembourg? (C): Beige. (K): Cute. (Z): The Session. Describe yourself in one sentence. (C): F*cking Legend. (K): Realistic dreamer. (Z): That’s pretty hard.

De Lëtzebuerger Stär. SHINE ON, YOU CRAZY STARS


LUXEMBOURG DISCOVERD K. Andersson BREAKING NEWS - NEW TERRITORY DISCOVERED IN THE HEART OF EUROPE ”One small step for a team...a giant leap for mankind.” These words, surely to become legendary, were uttered yesterday by Dr Armstrong as she, for the first time since her expedition set off, succeeded in contacting the European Commission in Brussels, telling a truly remarkable story. When her research expedition set off from Brussels eleven months ago, they would never have dreamt that they would soon make history as the discoverers of a previously unknown country in the very heart of Europe. During her 20 minutes of contact, Dr Armstrong described the extraordinary beauty of its landscape, the high quality of its wine, and the hospitality of its multilingual citizens. Despite the initial struggles of the expedition, she assured the Commission that the members of her team were all alive and well; in fact, some of them had come to love the new coun-

try so much that they did not want to leave. tered with medieval castles and fortresses. The northern, more Its citizens refer to their country as Lëtzebuerg, mountainous part of the country Luxemburg or Luxembourg, depending on which provides excellent hiking opporof its three official languages (Luxembourgish, tunities, whilst the capital city, German, French) they speak. These linguistic conveniently enough also called ties with its neighbouring countries suggest Luxembourg, offers shopping, muthat Luxembourg had had some contact with at seums, and a plethora of nice resleast the French- and German-speaking world taurants and bars. For the epicure, before it went into hiding. However, the expedi- a highly recommended Luxemtion’s struggles on their way points to the fact bourgish activity is wine tasting. that Luxembourg’s contact with the surrounding world is readily prevented by its location. Today, the question we all ask our”WE HAD TO CLIMB MOUNTAINS selves is how Luxembourg could HIGHER THAN THE CLOUDS, CROSS VI- avoid detection for so long. Perhaps OLENT RIVERS, AND CUT OUR WAY we, the people of the 21st century, THROUGH JUNGLES WHILST WATCHING are wrong to think that we have OUT FOR POISONOUS SNAKES AND TI- already explored and mapped out GERS. ARRIVING IN LUXEMBOURG WAS every corner of the globe. One sugTHE GREATEST RELIEF OF MY LIFE,” gestion is that we should all pay a Dr Armstrong explained. One can only imagine little more attention in order to disthe harsh conditions the expedition had to endure cover the beauty and excitement of throughout their mission, but today they are praised the yet unknown. As we have seen, everywhere for their courage and determination. it may be closer than we expect. Judging by the enthusiasm and curiosity surrounding this remarkable discovery, it seems highly likely that Luxembourg will be next year’s number one tourist attraction, provided safe routes in and out of the country is catered for. So, what does Luxembourg have to offer? According to Dr Armstrong, the country is scat-

I WANT YOU, TO JOIN EYP! Do you agree that the European Union is not yet perfect? Do you have some ideas on how to change that? Then you are the one we are looking for! Join EYP, have your voice heard and make a difference. Brainstorm, discuss and create a kick-ass resolution, which will solve the burning issues of today’s world. The European Union needs you, so speak up!

De Lëtzebuerger Stär. SHINE ON, YOU CRAZY STARS


STEREOTYPES: CONFIRMED A.S. Vandommele This session here in Schengen is a little bit out of the ordinary. Why you ask? Well, no less than 15 different nationalities are represented here. If you ever feel the urge to start talking to someone – and you will – you should at least know what you’re dealing with. If your path crosses with a tall blond guy with blue eyes on a bicycle, he is most likely to be Dutch. Sorry girls, your blond god will never buy you a drink or when lucky, he will ask to split the bill. But you will never be bored on a date with a Dutchie, fun assured! Belgian people are the subject of a huge amount of jokes and stereotypes. They have beer running through their veins, they eat fries at every meal and chocolate is their middle name. On the other hand, Belgians have an amazing sense of humour, at times they are just hilarious. Let’s face it, what’s not to laugh about? Long haired Viking or tall blond lass? His or her nationality must be Swedish. Unlike the Dutch, they do pay for everything. In their home country everything is ridiculously expensive; other European countries are a true

financial paradise for them. The perfect date? Exploring IKEA, backpacking or learning massage therapy. Norwegians are generally healthy, in terms of the food they eat, clean water they drink, fresh air and outdoor living culture. But a fair amount does have a smoking habit and when they drink, they drink a lot. A Norwegian is always truly interested it what you have got to say without an ulterior motive -most of the times. If you’re looking for someone very punctual and always on time, you should definitely go for a German. Despite the shouting, anger and aggressiveness, they are really nice people. However, you will probably have

to live on beer and sausages for the rest of your life. It is no secret that Spanish people are amazing lovers. Where else did ‘Don Juan’ come from? The Spanish are sexy, laid back, chill and relaxed. Perfect? Sadly there is a downside to everything. Inhabitants of the Kingdom of Spain are also very lazy and need their daily siesta to function in the evening, who does that? People that are the complete opposite of that are the Lithuanians. They are said to be poor but

work extremely hard for what to get. Their food is a little bit odd but the vodka is the best you can find. Boys are great at basketball and girls sing like angels. Marrying one of them is also quite amusing; just imagine your surname suddenly ending with -icius or -auskas or -auskis. Interested in a creature of the dark? An emotionally instable boyfriend? Or a suicidal girlfriend? Travel to the land where every distant takes forever and polar bears walk the streets: Finland! Of course not all Fins are depressed, they smile once in a while, so cut them some slack. Always imagined Ireland to be the land of potatoes? You’re wrong, Ukrainians adore these things. They might seem hard on the outside to be hurt, but Ukrainian people are in fact very delicate and tender inside. Most Ukrainians are hospitable and ready to help at all times. French people stink, are lazy, cannot speak English and walk around with a baguette and wine in their hands. True? Maybe, but they have many good qualities as well! French men are exquisite lovers and the females are innate temptresses. How exactly they became known as these supernatural lovers, is up to you to discover. Everyone loves a hot British gentleman treating you like a princess. Our pulses race, knees go weak, and heads reel the minute a Brit starts talking to us. Are we

all blindfolded by their stunning appearance or is there really nothing bad about the British? Why would we want to find out? There was a lot of fuzz about the financial problems of the Greek population; still they are one of the most care-free populations in whole of Europe. Maybe that is why they smoke and gossip so much. Greeks also do not believe in whispering, the louder you are, the more right you are. Interested? Slovenes are somewhat jealous and selfish and they complain a lot. Their country, government and paychecks are never good enough. Nevertheless, they are quite melancholic and romantic. The following could also be useful: people from Slovenia are big on gardening; they grow their own vegetables and fruit. And they are good singers and great at sport, especially extreme sports... Czechs are drunk all the time, they just drink -sorry for my language- shitloads of beer every day. They complain about everything and are trashing everything, but no one is really making an effort trying to change something. Luxembourg is a hard one. What do we know? Luxembourgish people are rich? The fact is that the Luxembourgish nationality does not really exist; everyone has around five different passports in order to travel and live wherever they want. Good look with meeting a true Luxembourger!



BETTER THAN HOUSEWIVES Are you tired of never ending cooking, housework and transportation?

god of resurrection named Heqt. He was believed to take the form of a frog. The plague of Frogs was a way of saying that God could control any form of frog. That is the cause for concern. Some commentators have associated the above mentioned myth that on judgement day the death will be reborn as frogs.

If that is true, our world will be swamped with frogs and that event threatens to destroy and cripple huWell, do not be sorrow, we have a solution for you! man civilization. One can only hope for the best. *SCHENGEN 2014 ORGANISING TEAM* They take care of your transfers, accommodation, balanced diet, entertainment and so much more. So do not hesitate and enjoy their services.

THE TRUTH ABOUT THE FROG PLAGUE A.S. Vandommele Schengen is plagued with frogs and it is getting worse by the day. The frogs seem to pair up and appear to only be able to do three things. They are either trying to cross the street, failing to do that or reproducing. Is what was announced by the great Lord in Exodus seven, the second plague becoming real? Some see in this even a sign that the end of the world might be near. The Egyptians worshiped a

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