Flea Treatment For Dogs

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Flea Treatment For Dogs

Flea is a total nuisance to our dog . In order to combat this fleas , they are many product being produce to cater this need. In this article , we will examine natural ways for flea treatment for dogs . Hope this help our reader .

Sprinkle diatomaceous earth in your yard Diatomaceous earth is a naturally occurring silicon sedimentary rock . This rock had been found by Peter Kasten in germany . This rock have microscopic sea shells that kill fleas by its razor sharp shape. Even though , this shape is very sharp , it is not dangerous to your dog or puppy. It is very important to sprinkle this diatomaceous earth in your yard before letting your dog play there.

diatomaceous earth for flea treatments for dogs

Use Ectopamine spray


Ectopamine spray had natural active ingredients that can kill fleas and even mosquitoes. This spray is very safe to use with other pets and our children. This spray is use by spraying it to our pets from 8 to 10 inches distance . Spray this compound at the tail section first before other places . Repeat spraying if necessary . Do not spray it to the genital area of your dogs.

diatomaceous earth for flea treatments for dogs

Try Boric Acid Boric acid is one of the strong insecticide that can kill fleas easily . The mode of action of this boric acid is by causing sever dehydration to fleas. When first using boric acid , clean the carpet for any dust first . Sprinkle this compound to the carpet . After that , use broom to make sure the compound had been spray thoroughly .


Flea Treatment For Dogs

Stay tuned with us for advantix for dogs tips and reviews . Read more here Flea Treatment For Dogs

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