Editor: Jacqui Barry
e-mail: barrydxb@emirates.net.ae
appy New Year to all, even though it’s already middle of January!
December was a quiet month for the competitions as we had the Omega Dubai Ladies Masters so our courses were closed to members. Immediately after the ODLM we had our ladies Christmas Scramble which was a great success; well done to Glynis, and Barbara for their efforts in securing raffle prizes for the ladies and the mixed Scrambles. Thanks also to Harvey Nichols and Ecco who were very generous sponsors this Christmas. The week after the Scramble we were ‘rained off’. Yes, believe it or not, our 17th December Medal was cancelled due to the torrential rain…it sounds like that sentence doesn’t belong in a Dubai newsletter! However, everything is now back on track and the weather is just perfect so make the most of it. Next on the calendar is the Omega Dubai Desert Classic, which is in a couple of weeks’ time and then we have uninterrupted use of both our courses for the rest of the season. Don’t forget to make a note in your diaries of the 25th Anniversary of Emirates Golf Club the Club 25th Anniversary party party will be on 18th March followed by a 25th Anniversary Golf Day on Friday, 22nd March. More details will follow on this.
Issue: January 2013
Robert & Janet Curtis, Lan Peterson, Andrew Robinson Andy & Glynis Hendry, Barbara & Philip Head Chris & Alex Turlik, John Stadwick, Daniel Hendry
58.9 59.5 59.7
Your first shot of the day is never made to order, Rarely down the middle, usually in the water. Your second slices in the woods – a place no man dare tread, Your gutsy third comes whizzing back, almost taking off your head. You chip your fourth back into play, Your fifth lands on the beach, Your sixth sprays sand but it’s still there, Your seventh just might reach. Oh well, two putts for eight, it happens now and then. Oh no! My ninth just rimmed the cup. Oh drat, I took a ten!
Chris Dyball Eric Koeman
MONTHLY MEDAL 7th January 2013 SILVER “A” DIVISION (HCP. 0 – 14) Winner Carolyn Thompson Runner Up Jayshree Gupta Best Gross Jayshree Gupta SILVER “B” DIVISION (HCP. 15 –23) Winner Maura Duggan Runner Up Fiona Berry BRONZE DIVISION (HCP. 24 –42) Winner Fiona Munro
NET 70 NET 72 GROSS 80
Congratulations to Lucy Villacorta (ladies’ locker room) and Guus Driessen’s who got married in Sri Lanka on 8th January 2013.
NET 70 NET 73 NET 73
14th January 2013 Overall Winner Kiyono Taniuchi SILVER DIVISION (0-14) Winner Rosemary Turlik BRONZE DIVISION (15-23) Winner Sandra Chia
….to two new members, Gillian Black and Sulafa Hamdan
OVERHEARD IN THE SPIKE BAR I was trying to be good and not having roast spuds and then had profiteroles and cheesecake 36 PTS My ex-wife didn’t know I drank until I turned up sober one day
34 PTS 33 PTS
BAD MONTH FOR Emirates Club Captain Moshe Kohli receiving the trophy from Dubai Creek Golf and Yacht club Captain Ara Nakhnikian
Emirates Golf Club triumph in the Clash of the Titans In this very popular bi annual event where members and professionals of Emirates Golf Club take on the team from the Dubai Creek Golf and Yacht Club it was Emirates who came out on top with a 393 to 378 points victory on the Majlis course.
Many ladies made the effort of dressing up in Christmas colours and costumes, and I would like to especially thank them! Scrambles are always such fun events and this year it was particularly pleasing that the team of Brenda Cornwall, Angela Connor, Fiona Berry and Agneta Ekstrand took the honours. Both past Lady Captains, Brenda and Angela will be moving on to spend more time with family in the UK, and we will all miss their presence. All our best wishes go to them. Particular mention must go to Harvey Nichols and Ecco, who have been great supporters of our Ladies’ section over the last few months, yet again providing outstanding prizes for both the scramble and raffle, very much appreciated and long may our partnership continue. Our Ladies’ lunch was well attended and had a surprise visit from Bob Connor in the disguise of Father Christmas; thank you so much for your time and always ‘special’ humour. With some of our very own ladies entertaining us with Christmas carols, Trevor Varri gave up his time yet again to host the Quizmas Quiz. With an extra 4,400 AED made on the day from our own small raffle, a successful day was had by all! Special thanks to everyone who donated to our raffle prizes and the Junior Staff fund. The main prize draw was held after the Mixed Christmas scramble on the 21st, with over a total of 42,000 AED collected . A truly amazing effort! December’s medal was cancelled due to bad weather and will be held on January 21st on the Faldo so don’t forget to sign up!! We then have a break for the Omega Dubai Desert Classic, resuming our tournaments on February 11th with our monthly medal on the Majlis. Those Curtisy Cup and Order of Merit points are beginning to add up for some!
…to past members, Fran and Darren Cole, Sheila and John Osborne, Stephanie and Brian Wilson, Gerry and Therese Feerick, Cameron Bellman.
appy New Year!!!! Wishing everyone the best of health, wealth and happiness for 2013. The festive season for the Ladies’ section proved to be an extremely busy time as always. Following on from the Ladies Masters, we had our Christmas scramble and Ladies’ lunch, which always make a well-received start to the festive season.
…one of the ladies who has not ad the best of starts to 2013 (and we are only two weeks into the year!) So far, a small table fell on her leg, scraping skin off her shin, and then she gave herself a bruised eye taking down the Christmas decorations, followed by pulling a muscle in her calf while exercising…oops!
Inter Club Series On 29th January 2013, we will be travelling to Yas Links for Round 3 of the Inter Club where we will be hoping to improve on our current position : EGC 550 points, Arabian Ranches 535, Yas Links 482 and Saadiyat with 264. Remember to check in the locker room for all information and sign up sheets about these events. We are very grateful to the ladies who have taken the time and trouble this year to represent the Club - thanks to Glynis, Maura, Ivy, Mieke, Amy, Carolyn, Ruth, Ingrid, Mags, Lisa, Ashley, Sandy, Nina Watson, Jayshree, Chris Purchase and Barbara. Apologies if I have forgotten anyone!
BEGINNERS’ GROUP by Barbara Head, Lady Vice-Captain
uesday 11th December was the Christmas Scramble for the Beginners’ Group. Unfortunately some ladies were unable to play due to holidays and other seasonal school events but this just made it easier for those of us who were there to win a prize! I know that many of the ladies travelled over Christmas and New Year to the UK and Japan so hope that they all had a lovely time and managed to get some golf practice in! Perhaps Santa even brought them some golf goodies! We have already had our first foray out onto the Faldo on Tuesday 8th January and welcomed two new members to the group Rashmey Seth and Susanne Mortensen. The next few weeks will comprise 9 hole sessions , a couple of clinics and outings on the Par 3. If anyone would ever like to come along and play with the ladies to guide them along, just speak to me.
Our first medal of 2013 was on 7th with Carolyn Thompson and Maura Duggan winning their divisions with net 70’s and Jayshree Gupta continuing her winning form with gross 80. Congratulations to everyone who fought their way around the Majlis. Our Interclub challenge continues at Yas Links on the 29th January so good luck to everyone taking part. Barbara and I really do appreciate everyone who has taken the time to represent Emirates in this year’s Interclub matches, thank you. The Lady Captain’s Charity Tournament will be held on March 11th and I would like to give everyone the opportunity of suggesting a local charity that would benefit from this fund. If you have any nominations for this please contact me on 052 8543937 or glynis.hendry1@yahoo.com I look forward to receiving your ideas. Likewise, if you know of any companies or individuals who would be willing to sponsor the day or make a donation, please let me know. We will as always be holding a raffle and will be collecting prizes in the near future. It just leaves me to congratulate our Junior Club Champions this year, who are Innan Budhiraja and Alison Muirhead, I’m sure we’ll be hearing those names a lot more in future years. Well done! Until next time, Glynis Hendry Lady Captain
GOOD MONTH FOR …a group of 11 employees of Creek Club Captain Ara Nakhnikian who won the one million Dubai Duty Free draw last month!
… Alison Muirhead and Inaan Budhiraja who both signed for a gross 78 over the Majlis course to become the Girls Club Champion and Boys Club champion respectively. Congratulations.
…Marian Pavey who had a Holein-One on the Majlis 7th on New Year’s Day. Congratulations!