5 Great Reasons Why It Makes Sense to Have Dental Implant Undoubtedly, a tooth loss can make a huge negative impact in your daily life – the way you eat, the things you eat, and even your aesthetics as well. There are stories where a tooth loss has made a significant impact on the self-esteem of the individuals. However, to your fortunate, the advancement in the dental world, technology has come to your rescue for your lost tooth. Yes, you heard me right. You can get back your tooth in your mouth with dental implant treatment. Dental implants are actually substitute or replacement tooth roots, which are positioned in areas with a dearth of natural teeth. In this implant, a small titanium screw is fitted into your jawbone to ensure a secure and lifetime tooth restoration. A custom designed ceramic crown, called Esthetic Ceramic (CEREC) crown in the technical terminology, is then affixed to your implant by your dental specialist. The implanted tooth looks alike the natural tooth, so you won’t compromise on physical appearance. In addition, there are many other benefits of undergoing dental implant surgery. Wondering what are they? Read on folks.
Healthy Teeth and Gums = Healthy Mouth